======================== Using the Python package ======================== After installing GROMACS, sourcing the "GMXRC" (see GROMACS docs), and installing the gmxapi Python package (see :doc:`install`), import the package in a Python script or interactive interpreter. This documentation assumes a convenient alias of ``gmx`` to refer to the ``gmxapi`` Python package. :: import gmxapi as gmx For full documentation of the Python-level interface and API, use the ``pydoc`` command line tool or the :py:func:`help` interactive Python function, or refer to the :ref:`procedural interface ` documentation. Python does not wrap any command-line tool, so once installation is complete, there shouldn't be any additional configuration necessary, and any errors that occur should be caught at the Python level. Any Python *exception* raised by gmxapi should be descended from (and catchable as) :class:`gmxapi.exceptions.Error`. As an exception to the preceding paragraph, we have a tool specifically for wrapping arbitrary (unintegrated) command line tools: See :class:`gmxapi.commandline_operation`. Running simulations =================== Plugins ------- The work graph -------------- Parallelism ----------- Synchronous and asynchronous work ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Accelerated computation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Simulation input ================ Preparing simulation input -------------------------- With work graph operations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With file utilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Manipulating simulation parameters ---------------------------------- With key word arguments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With work graph operations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Accessing trajectory data ========================= From files ---------- From in-memory objects ---------------------- From gmxapi operation results -----------------------------