#include <string>
#include "gromacs/utility/gmxassert.h"
Defines the GPU region timer implementation/wrapper classes. The implementations live in gpuregiontimer.cuh for CUDA and gpuregiontimer_ocl.h for OpenCL.
- Author
- Aleksei Iupinov a.yup.nosp@m.inov.nosp@m.@gmai.nosp@m.l.co.nosp@m.m
struct | GpuTraits< GpuFramework > |
| GPU build-path traits such as types. More...
class | GpuRegionTimerImpl< framework > |
| This is a GPU region timing implementation interface. It should provide methods for measuring the last timespan. Copying/assignment is disabled since the underlying timing events are owned by this. More...
class | GpuRegionTimerWrapper< framework > |
| This is a GPU region timing wrapper class. It allows for host-side tracking of the accumulated execution timespans in GPU code (measuring kernel or transfers duration). It also partially tracks the correctness of the timer state transitions, as far as current implementation allows (see TODO in getLastRangeTime() for a disabled check). Internally it uses GpuRegionTimerImpl for measuring regions. More...
Enumeration of possible GPU build-paths.
- Todo:
- Move somewhere general?