Development-time tools

Several tools have their own individual pages and are listed below.

Change management

GROMACS change management is supported by the following tools. (For change submission guidelines, refer to Contribute to GROMACS.)


GROMACS uses git as the version control system. Instructions for setting up git for GROMACS, as well as tips and tricks for its use, can be found in GROMACS change management.

Other basic tutorial material for git can be found on the web.

All code changes go through a code review system at
All changes pushed to Gerrit are automatically compiled and otherwise checked on various platforms using a continuous integration system at Understanding Jenkins builds documents how Jenkins interacts with the build system, providing information on how to replicate the builds Jenkins does (e.g., to diagnose issues). releng repository provides more information on the technical implementation of the builds.
Bugs and issues, as well as some random features and discussions, are tracked at

Build system

Main tool used in the build system.
When GMX_ENABLE_CCACHE is set, the ccache caching compiler wrapper must be found on the PATH, together with a supported compiler, so that a caching compiler wrapper will be used with CMake. Not all compilers are supported. Refer to the GMX_ENABLE_CCACHE option in CMakeLists.txt and to cmake/gmxManageCcache.cmake for details. Please submit updates if you find that the current configuration is too conservative.

packaging for distribution (CPack)

unit testing (CTest)
GROMACS uses a unit testing framework based on Google C++ Testing Framework (gtest) and CTest. All unit tests are automatically run on Jenkins for each commit. Details can be found on a separate page on Unit testing.

regression tests

clang-tidy is used for static code analysis. clang-tidy is easy to install. It is contained in the llvm binary package. Only version 7.0.* with libstdc++<7 or libc++ is supported. Others might miss tests or give false positives. It is run automatically on Jenkins for each commit. Many checks have fixes which can automatically be applied. To run it, the build has to be configured with cmake -DGMX_CLANG_TIDY=ON -DGMX_OPENMP=no -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=on. Any CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE which enables asserts (e.g. ASAN) works. Such a configured build will run both the compiler as well as clang-tidy when building. The name of the clang-tidy executable is set with
-DCLANG_TIDY=..., and the full path to it can be set with -DCLANG_TIDY_EXE=....
To apply the automatic fixes to the issue identified clang-tidy should be run sepereately (running clang-tidy with -fix as part of the build can corrupt header files). To fix a specific file run clang-tidy -fix -header-filter '.*' {file}, to fix all files in parallel -fix -header-filter '.*' '(?<!/selection/parser\.cpp|selection/scanner\.cpp)$', and to fix all modified files -fix -header-filter '.*' $(git diff HEAD --name-only). The script is in the share/clang/ subfolder of the llvm distribution. clang-tidy has to be able to find the compile_commands.json file. Eithe run from the build folder or add a symlink to the source folder.

clang static analyzer


Code formatting and style

The tools and scripts listed below are used to automatically check/apply formatting that follows GROMACS style guidelines described on a separate page: Style guidelines.

uncrustify is used for automatic indentation and other formatting of the source code to follow Guidelines for code formatting. All code must remain invariant under uncrustify with the config at admin/uncrustify.cfg. A patched version of uncrustify is used. See Automatic source code formatting for details.
This Python script adds and formats copyright headers in source files. (see below) uses the script to check/update copyright years on changed files automatically.
This bash script runs uncrustify and for all files that have local changes and checks that they conform to the prescribed style. Optionally, the script can also apply changes to make the files conform. This script is automatically run by Jenkins to ensure that all commits adhere to Guidelines for code formatting. If the uncrustify job does not succeed, it means that this script has something to complain. See Automatic source code formatting for details.
This sample git pre-commit hook can be used if one wants to apply automatically before every commit to check for formatting issues. See Automatic source code formatting for details.
This Python script sorts and reformats #include directives according to the guidelines at Guidelines for #include directives. Details are documented on a separate page (with the whole suite of Python scripts used for source code checks): Include order sorting.
include directive checker
In its present form, the above include sorter script cannot be conveniently applied in To check for issues, it is instead integrated into a check-source build target. When this target is built, it also checks for include formatting issues. Internally, it uses the sorter script. This check is run in Jenkins as part of the Documentation job. Details for the checking mechanism are on a separate page (common for several checkers): Source tree checker scripts.
This bash script runs uncrustify/ sorter on all relevant files in the source tree (or in a particular directory). The script can also produce the list of files where these scripts are applied, for use with other scripts. See Automatic source code formatting for details.
git attributes
git attributes (specified in .gitattributes files) are used to annotate which files are subject to automatic formatting checks (and for automatic reformatting by the above scripts). See man gitattributes for an overview of the mechanism. We use the filter attribute to specify the type of automatic checking/formatting to apply. Custom attributes are used for specifying some build system dependencies for easier processing in CMake.
