docs | Build system and source code for various documentation items |
doxygen | Doxygen build system and general documentation content |
directories.cpp | Doxygen documentation file for directories in the source tree |
misc.cpp | Doxygen documentation file for group declarations etc |
share | Directory that contains installed data files |
template | Template code for writing analysis programs |
template.cpp | Template code for writing analysis programs |
src | Main source code directory |
gromacs | Source code for building the libgromacs library |
analysisdata | Parallelizable Handling of Output Data (analysisdata) |
modules | |
average.cpp | Implements gmx::AnalysisDataAverageModule |
average.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataAverageModule |
displacement.cpp | Implements gmx::AnalysisDataDisplacementModule |
displacement.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataDisplacementModule |
frameaverager.cpp | Implements gmx::AnalysisDataFrameAverager |
frameaverager.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataFrameAverager |
histogram.cpp | Implements classes in histogram.h |
histogram.h | Declares analysis data modules for calculating histograms |
lifetime.cpp | Implements gmx::AnalysisDataLifetimeModule |
lifetime.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataLifetimeModule |
plot.cpp | Implements classes in plot.h |
plot.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataPlotModule for plotting data (into a file) |
tests | Unit tests for Parallelizable Handling of Output Data (analysisdata) |
analysisdata.cpp | Tests for analysis data functionality |
arraydata.cpp | Tests for gmx::AnalysisArrayData functionality |
average.cpp | Tests for functionality of analysis data averaging modules |
datatest.cpp | Implements classes in datatest.h |
datatest.h | Helper classes for testing classes that derive from AbstractAnalysisData |
histogram.cpp | Tests for functionality of analysis data histogram modules |
lifetime.cpp | Tests for functionality of analysis data lifetime module |
mock_datamodule.cpp | Implements classes in mock_datamodule.h |
mock_datamodule.h | Declares mock implementation of gmx::IAnalysisDataModule |
abstractdata.cpp | Implements gmx::AbstractAnalysisData |
abstractdata.h | Declares gmx::AbstractAnalysisData |
analysisdata.cpp | Implements classes in analysisdata.h |
analysisdata.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisData and gmx::AnalysisDataHandle |
arraydata.cpp | Implements classes in arraydata.h |
arraydata.h | Declares gmx::AbstractAnalysisArrayData and gmx::AnalysisArrayData |
dataframe.cpp | Implements classes in dataframe.h |
dataframe.h | Declares classes for accessing data frame information |
datamodule.cpp | Implements classes from datamodule.h |
datamodule.h | Declares gmx::IAnalysisDataModule and related convenience classes |
datamodulemanager.cpp | Implements gmx::AnalysisDataModuleManager |
datamodulemanager.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataModuleManager |
dataproxy.cpp | Implements gmx::AnalysisDataProxy |
dataproxy.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataProxy |
datastorage.cpp | Implements classes in datastorage.h and paralleloptions.h |
datastorage.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataStorage |
framelocaldata.h | Defines gmx::AnalysisDataFrameLocalData and supporting types |
paralleloptions.h | Declares gmx::AnalysisDataParallelOptions |
commandline | Command Line Program Management (commandline) |
tests | Unit tests for Command Line Program Management (commandline) |
cmdlinehelpmodule.cpp | Tests gmx::CommandLineHelpModule through gmx::CommandLineModuleManager |
cmdlinehelpwriter.cpp | Tests gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter |
cmdlinemodulemanager.cpp | Tests gmx::CommandLineModuleManager |
cmdlinemodulemanagertest.cpp | Implements classes from cmdlinemodulemanagertest.h |
cmdlinemodulemanagertest.h | Test fixture and helper classes for tests using gmx::CommandLineModuleManager |
cmdlineparser.cpp | Tests gmx::CommandLineParser |
cmdlineprogramcontext.cpp | Tests for gmx::CommandLineProgramContext |
pargs.cpp | Tests parse_common_args() |
cmdlinehelpcontext.cpp | Implements gmx::CommandLineHelpContext |
cmdlinehelpcontext.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineHelpContext |
cmdlinehelpmodule.cpp | Implements gmx::CommandLineHelpModule |
cmdlinehelpmodule.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineHelpModule |
cmdlinehelpwriter.cpp | Implements gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter |
cmdlinehelpwriter.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter |
cmdlineinit.cpp | Implements functions from cmdlineinit.h |
cmdlineinit.h | Declares functions for initializing the GROMACS library for command line use |
cmdlinemodule.cpp | Implements classes from cmdlinemodule.h |
cmdlinemodule.h | Declares gmx::ICommandLineModule and supporting classes |
cmdlinemodulemanager-impl.h | Declares implementation types for gmx::CommandLineModuleManager |
cmdlinemodulemanager.cpp | Implements gmx::CommandLineModuleManager |
cmdlinemodulemanager.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineModuleManager |
cmdlineoptionsmodule.cpp | Implements supporting routines for gmx::ICommandLineOptionsModule |
cmdlineoptionsmodule.h | Declares gmx::ICommandLineOptionsModule and supporting routines |
cmdlineparser.cpp | Implements gmx::CommandLineParser |
cmdlineparser.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineParser |
cmdlineprogramcontext.cpp | Implements gmx::CommandLineProgramContext |
cmdlineprogramcontext.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineProgramContext |
filenm.h | Declares t_filenm for old-style command-line parsing of file name options |
pargs.h | Declares t_pargs , parse_common_args() and related methods |
shellcompletions.cpp | Implements gmx::ShellCompletionWriter |
shellcompletions.h | Declares gmx::ShellCompletionWriter |
viewit.h | Provides function to open output files automatically (with some X11 programs) |
correlationfunctions | |
tests | |
autocorr.cpp | Implements test of autocorrelation function routines |
correlationdataset.cpp | Implements helper class for autocorrelation tests |
correlationdataset.h | Declares helper class for autocorrelation tests |
expfit.cpp | Implements test of exponential fitting routines |
autocorr.cpp | Implements function to compute many autocorrelation functions |
autocorr.h | Declares routine for computing autocorrelation functions |
crosscorr.cpp | Implements routine for computing a cross correlation between two data sets |
crosscorr.h | Declares routine for computing a cross correlation between two data sets |
expfit.cpp | Implements routine for fitting a data set to a curve |
expfit.h | Declares routine for fitting a data set to a curve |
gmx_lmcurve.cpp | Defines a driver routine for lmfit, and a callback for it to use |
gmx_lmcurve.h | Declares a driver routine for lmfit |
integrate.h | Declares routines for integrating a data set |
manyautocorrelation.cpp | Implements function to compute many autocorrelation functions |
manyautocorrelation.h | Declares routine for computing many correlation functions using OpenMP |
polynomials.cpp | Implements help function to compute Legendre polynomials |
polynomials.h | Declares routine for computing a Legendre polynomial |
domdec | |
domdec.h | This file declares functions for mdrun to call to manage the details of its domain decomposition |
domdec_box.cpp | This file defines functions used by the domdec module for (bounding) box and pbc information generation |
domdec_constraints.cpp | This file implements functions for domdec to use while managing inter-atomic constraints |
domdec_constraints.h | This file declares functions for domdec to use while managing inter-atomic constraints |
domdec_internal.h | Declares implementation functions and types for the domain decomposition module |
domdec_network.cpp | This file defines functions for (mostly) the domdec module to use MPI functionality |
domdec_network.h | This file declares functions for (mostly) the domdec module to use MPI functionality |
domdec_setup.cpp | This file defines functions used by the domdec module in its initial setup phase |
domdec_specatomcomm.cpp | This file implements functions for domdec to use while managing inter-atomic constraints |
domdec_specatomcomm.h | This file declares functions for domdec to use while managing communication of atoms required for special purposes |
domdec_struct.h | Declares structures related to domain decomposition |
domdec_topology.cpp | This file defines functions used by the domdec module while managing the construction, use and error checking for topologies local to a DD rank |
domdec_vsite.cpp | This file implements functions for domdec to use while managing inter-atomic constraints |
domdec_vsite.h | This file declares functions for domdec to use while managing virtual sites |
ga2la.h | Defines structures and functions for mapping from global to local atom indices. The functions are performance critical and should be inlined |
hash.h | This file declares functions for a simple hash map used by domain decomposition |
essentialdynamics | |
edsam.h | Declares functions to calculate both essential dynamics constraints as well as flooding potentials and forces |
ewald | |
ewald.cpp | This file contains function definitions necessary for computing energies and forces for the plain-Ewald long-ranged part, and the correction for overall system charge for all Ewald-family methods |
ewald.h | This file contains function declarations necessary for computing energies and forces for the plain-Ewald long-ranged part, and the correction for overall system charge for all Ewald-family methods |
long-range-correction.h | This file contains function declarations necessary for computing energies and forces for the PME long-ranged part (Coulomb and LJ) |
pme-internal.h | This file contains function declarations necessary for computing energies and forces for the PME long-ranged part (Coulomb and LJ) |
pme-load-balancing.cpp | This file contains function definitions necessary for managing automatic load balance of PME calculations (Coulomb and LJ) |
pme-load-balancing.h | This file contains function declarations necessary for managing automatic load balance of PME calculations (Coulomb and LJ) |
pme-pp.cpp | This file contains function definitions necessary for managing the offload of long-ranged PME work to separate MPI rank, for computing energies and forces (Coulomb and LJ) |
pme.cpp | This file contains function definitions necessary for computing energies and forces for the PME long-ranged part (Coulomb and LJ) |
pme.h | This file contains function declarations necessary for computing energies and forces for the PME long-ranged part (Coulomb and LJ) |
fft | |
tests | |
fft.cpp | Tests utilities for fft calculations |
fft.h | Fast Fourier Transforms |
fileio | |
tests | |
confio.cpp | Tests for reading/writing different structure file formats |
readinp.cpp | Tests utilities for routines that parse fields e.g. from grompp input |
tngio.cpp | Tests for file I/O routines |
gmxfio-impl.h | Internal definitions shared by gmxfio*.c files |
gmxana | |
legacytests | |
gmx_traj_tests.cpp | Tests for gmx traj |
gmx_wham.cpp | Implementation of the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (WHAM) |
gmxpreprocess | |
tests | |
genconf.cpp | Tests for genconf |
insert-molecules.cpp | Tests for insertion of molecules |
solvate.cpp | Tests for solvation |
gpu_utils | |
gpu_utils.cpp | Stub functions for non-GPU builds |
gpu_utils.h | Declare functions for detection and initialization for GPU devices |
gpu_utils_ocl.cpp | Define functions for detection and initialization for OpenCL devices |
ocl_caching.cpp | Define infrastructure for OpenCL JIT compilation for Gromacs |
ocl_caching.h | Declare infrastructure for managing caching of OpenCL JIT-ted binaries |
ocl_compiler.cpp | Define infrastructure for OpenCL JIT compilation for Gromacs |
ocl_compiler.h | Declare infrastructure for OpenCL JIT compilation |
oclutils.cpp | Define utility routines for OpenCL |
oclutils.h | Declare utility routines for OpenCL |
pmalloc_cuda.h | Declare functions for host-side memory handling when using CUDA devices |
hardware | |
tests | |
cpuinfo.cpp | Tests for gmx::CpuInfo |
hardwaretopology.cpp | Tests for gmx::HardwareTopology |
cpuinfo.cpp | Implements gmx::CpuInfo |
cpuinfo.h | Declares gmx::CpuInfo |
hardwaretopology.cpp | Implements gmx::HardwareTopology |
hardwaretopology.h | Declares gmx::HardwareTopology |
imd | |
imd.cpp | Implements functions of imd.h |
imd.h | This file contains datatypes and function declarations necessary for mdrun to interface with VMD via the interactive molecular dynamics protocol |
imdsocket.cpp | Implements functions of imdsocket.h |
imdsocket.h | Implements the parts of the vmdsock.h interface needed for IMD communication |
linearalgebra | |
gmx_arpack.h | Selected routines from ARPACK |
gmx_blas.h | Header definitions for the standard BLAS library |
gmx_lapack.h | Header definitions for the standard LAPACK library |
listed-forces | |
bonded.cpp | This file defines low-level functions necessary for computing energies and forces for listed interactions |
bonded.h | This file contains declarations necessary for low-level functions for computing energies and forces for bonded interactions |
disre.h | Declares functions for handling distance restraints |
listed-forces.cpp | This file defines high-level functions for mdrun to compute energies and forces for listed interactions |
listed-forces.h | This file contains declarations of high-level functions used by mdrun to compute energies and forces for listed interactions |
listed-internal.cpp | This file defines functions needed internally by the module |
listed-internal.h | This file contains declarations for functions needed internally by the module |
manage-threading.cpp | This file defines functions for managing threading of listed interactions |
manage-threading.h | Declares functions for managing threading of listed forces |
orires.h | Declares functions for handling orientation restraints |
pairs.cpp | This file defines functions for "pair" interactions (i.e. listed non-bonded interactions, e.g. 1-4 interactions) |
pairs.h | This file declares functions for "pair" interactions (i.e. listed non-bonded interactions, e.g. 1-4 interactions) |
position-restraints.cpp | This file defines low-level functions necessary for computing energies and forces for position restraints |
position-restraints.h | This file contains declarations necessary for low-level functions for computing energies and forces for position restraints |
restcbt.cpp | This file contains function definitions necessary for computations of forces due to restricted angle, restricted dihedral and combined bending-torsion potentials |
restcbt.h | This file contains function declarations necessary for computations of forces due to restricted angle, restricted dihedral and combined bending-torsion potentials |
math | |
tests | |
functions.cpp | Tests for simple math functions |
invertmatrix.cpp | Tests matrix inversion routines |
vectypes.cpp | Tests various corners of gmx::RVec implementation |
calculate-ewald-splitting-coefficient.h | Declares functions for computing Ewald splitting coefficients |
functions.cpp | Implements simple math functions |
functions.h | Declares simple math functions |
invertmatrix.cpp | Routines to invert 3x3 matrices |
invertmatrix.h | Declares routines to invert 3x3 matrices |
mdlib | |
nbnxn_cuda | |
nbnxn_cuda_types.h | Data types used internally in the nbnxn_cuda module |
nbnxn_ocl | |
nbnxn_ocl.cpp | Define OpenCL implementation of nbnxn_gpu.h |
nbnxn_ocl_data_mgmt.cpp | Define OpenCL implementation of nbnxn_gpu_data_mgmt.h |
nbnxn_ocl_internal.h | Internal API of the OpenCL non-bonded module |
nbnxn_ocl_jit_support.cpp | Defines functions that support JIT compilation (e.g. for OpenCL) |
nbnxn_ocl_types.h | Data types used internally in the nbnxn_ocl module |
tests | |
simulationsignal.cpp | Tests for the mdrun signalling functionality |
groupcoord.h | Assemble atomic positions of a (small) subset of atoms and distribute to all nodes |
minimize.cpp | This file defines integrators for energy minimization |
nbnxn_gpu.h | Declare interface for GPU execution for NBNXN module |
nbnxn_gpu_data_mgmt.h | Declare interface for GPU data transfer for NBNXN module |
nbnxn_gpu_jit_support.h | Declares functions that support JIT compilation (e.g. for OpenCL) |
simulationsignal.cpp | This file defines functions for inter- and intra-simulation signalling by mdrun |
simulationsignal.h | This file declares functions for inter-rank signalling by mdrun |
tpi.cpp | This file defines the integrator for test particle insertion |
mdrunutility | |
handlerestart.cpp | This file declares functions for mdrun to call to manage the details of doing a restart (ie. reading checkpoints, appending output files) |
handlerestart.h | This file declares functions for mdrun to call to manage the details of doing a restart (ie. reading checkpoints, appending output files) |
threadaffinity.h | Declares functions for managing mdrun thread affinity |
mdtypes | |
md_enums.h | Declares enumerated types used throughout the code |
pull-params.h | This file contains datatypes for the mdp options used by the pull code |
onlinehelp | Help Formatting for Online Help (onlinehelp) |
tests | Unit tests for Help Formatting for Online Help (onlinehelp) |
helpformat.cpp | Tests for help string formatting functions and classes |
helpmanager.cpp | Tests for help topic management and help topic formatting |
helpwritercontext.cpp | Tests for help text formatting |
mock_helptopic.cpp | Implements classes in mock_helptopic.h |
mock_helptopic.h | Declares mock implementation of gmx::IHelpTopic |
helpformat.cpp | Implements functions in helpformat.h |
helpformat.h | Declares common string formatting routines for online help |
helpmanager.cpp | Implements gmx::HelpManager |
helpmanager.h | Declares gmx::HelpManager |
helptopic.cpp | Implements classes and functions from helptopic.h |
helptopic.h | Declares helper classes for implementing gmx::IHelpTopic |
helpwritercontext.cpp | Implements gmx::HelpWriterContext |
helpwritercontext.h | Declares gmx::HelpWriterContext |
ihelptopic.h | Declares gmx::IHelpTopic |
rstparser.cpp | Implements classes from rstparser.h |
rstparser.h | Declares classes for (partial) parsing of reStructuredText |
options | Extensible Handling of Options (options) |
tests | Unit tests for Extensible Handling of Options (options) |
abstractoptionstorage.cpp | Tests proper handling of option storage |
filenameoption.cpp | Tests basic file name option implementation |
filenameoptionmanager.cpp | Tests file name option implementation dependent on gmx::FileNameOptionManager |
option.cpp | Tests creation of basic option types |
optionsassigner.cpp | Tests option assignment |
timeunitmanager.cpp | Tests handling of time units with gmx::TimeUnitManager and gmx::TimeUnitBehavior |
abstractoption.cpp | Implements classes in abstractoption.h and abstractoptionstorage.h |
abstractoption.h | Defines gmx::AbstractOption, gmx::OptionTemplate and gmx::OptionInfo |
abstractoptionstorage.h | Declares gmx::AbstractOptionStorage |
basicoptions.cpp | Implements classes in basicoptions.h and basicoptionstorage.h |
basicoptions.h | Declares option objects for basic option types |
basicoptionstorage.h | Declares storage classes for basic option types |
behaviorcollection.cpp | Implements gmx::OptionsBehaviorCollection |
behaviorcollection.h | Declares gmx::OptionsBehaviorCollection |
filenameoption.cpp | Implements classes in filenameoption.h and filenameoptionstorage.h |
filenameoption.h | Declares gmx::FileNameOption and gmx::FileNameOptionInfo |
filenameoptionmanager.cpp | Implements gmx::FileNameOptionManager |
filenameoptionmanager.h | Declares gmx::FileNameOptionManager |
filenameoptionstorage.h | Declares gmx::FileNameOptionStorage |
ioptionsbehavior.h | Declares gmx::IOptionsBehavior |
ioptionscontainer.h | Declares gmx::IOptionsContainer |
optionfiletype.h | Defines an enumeration type for specifying file types for options |
optionflags.h | Defines flags used in option implementation |
optionmanagercontainer.h | Declares gmx::OptionManagerContainer |
options-impl.h | Declares private implementation class for gmx::Options |
options.cpp | Implements gmx::Options |
options.h | Declares gmx::Options |
optionsassigner.cpp | Implements gmx::OptionsAssigner |
optionsassigner.h | Declares gmx::OptionsAssigner |
optionstoragetemplate.h | Defines gmx::OptionStorageTemplate template |
optionsvisitor.cpp | Implements classes in optionsvisitor.h |
optionsvisitor.h | Declares gmx::OptionsVisitor interface and supporting classes |
timeunitmanager.cpp | Implements gmx::TimeUnitManager |
timeunitmanager.h | Declares gmx::TimeUnitManager |
pbcutil | |
boxutilities.cpp | Implements routines in boxutilities.h |
pbc-simd.cpp | This file defines a low-level function for SIMD PBC calculation |
pbc-simd.h | This file contains a definition, declaration and inline function for SIMD accelerated PBC calculations |
pbc.cpp | Implements routines in pbc.h |
pulling | |
tests | |
pull.cpp | Implements test of some pulling routines |
pull.h | This file contains datatypes and function declarations necessary for mdrun to interface with the pull code |
pull_internal.h | This file contains datatypes and function declarations for internal use in the pull code |
pull_rotation.h | Declares functions to enforce rotational motion upon a group of particles |
random | |
tests | |
exponentialdistribution.cpp | Tests for GROMACS exponential distribution |
gammadistribution.cpp | Tests for GROMACS gamma distribution |
normaldistribution.cpp | Tests for GROMACS normal distribution |
seed.cpp | Tests for random seed functions |
tabulatednormaldistribution.cpp | Tests for GROMACS tabulated normal distribution |
threefry.cpp | Tests for the ThreeFry random engine |
uniformintdistribution.cpp | Tests for GROMACS uniform integer distribution |
uniformrealdistribution.cpp | Tests for GROMACS uniform real distribution |
exponentialdistribution.h | The exponential distribution |
gammadistribution.h | The gamma distribution |
normaldistribution.h | The normal distribution |
seed.h | Random seed and domain utilities |
tabulatednormaldistribution.h | Tabulated normal distribution |
threefry.h | Implementation of the 2x64 ThreeFry random engine |
uniformintdistribution.h | The uniform integer distribution |
uniformrealdistribution.h | The uniform real distribution |
selection | Parsing and Evaluation of Analysis Selections (selection) |
tests | Unit tests for Parsing and Evaluation of Analysis Selections (selection) |
indexutil.cpp | Tests the index group handling in the selection engine |
nbsearch.cpp | Tests selection neighborhood searching |
poscalc.cpp | Tests the position mapping engine |
selectioncollection.cpp | Tests selection parsing and compilation |
selectionoption.cpp | Tests handling of selection options |
toputils.cpp | Implements test helper routines from toputils.h |
toputils.h | Helper routines for constructing topologies for tests |
centerofmass.cpp | Implements functions in centerofmass.h |
centerofmass.h | API for calculation of centers of mass/geometry |
compiler.cpp | Selection compilation and optimization |
compiler.h | Declares gmx::SelectionCompiler |
evaluate.cpp | Implements functions in evaluate.h |
evaluate.h | Evaluation functions for sel_evalfunc() |
indexutil.cpp | Implements functions in indexutil.h |
indexutil.h | API for handling index files and index groups |
keywords.h | Definitions of generic keyword evaluation structures |
mempool.cpp | Implements functions in mempool.h |
mempool.h | Declarations for memory pooling functions |
nbsearch.cpp | Implements neighborhood searching for analysis (from nbsearch.h) |
nbsearch.h | API for neighborhood searching for analysis |
params.cpp | Implements functions in selparam.h |
parser_internal.h | Helper functions for the selection parser |
parsetree.cpp | Implements functions in parsetree.h |
parsetree.h | Handling of intermediate selection parser data |
poscalc.cpp | Implements gmx::PositionCalculationCollection and functions in poscalc.h |
poscalc.h | API for structured and optimized calculation of positions |
position.cpp | Implements functions in position.h |
position.h | API for handling positions |
scanner.h | Parser/scanner interaction functions |
scanner_internal.cpp | Helper functions for the selection tokenizer |
scanner_internal.h | Internal header file used by the selection tokenizer |
selection.cpp | Implements classes in selection.h |
selection.h | Declares gmx::Selection and supporting classes |
selectioncollection-impl.h | Declares private implementation class for gmx::SelectionCollection |
selectioncollection.cpp | Implements gmx::SelectionCollection |
selectioncollection.h | Declares gmx::SelectionCollection |
selectionenums.h | Declares common types used in selections |
selectionfileoption.h | Declares gmx::SelectionFileOption and gmx::SelectionFileOptionInfo |
selectionfileoptionstorage.h | Declares gmx::SelectionFileOptionStorage |
selectionoption.cpp | Implements classes in selectionoption.h and selectionoptionstorage.h |
selectionoption.h | Declares gmx::SelectionOption and gmx::SelectionOptionInfo |
selectionoptionbehavior.cpp | Implements gmx::SelectionOptionBehavior |
selectionoptionbehavior.h | Declares gmx::SelectionOptionBehavior |
selectionoptionmanager.cpp | Implements gmx::SelectionOptionManager |
selectionoptionmanager.h | Declares gmx::SelectionOptionManager |
selectionoptionstorage.h | Declares gmx::SelectionOptionStorage |
selelem.cpp | Implements functions in selelem.h |
selelem.h | Declares gmx::SelectionTreeElement and related things |
selhelp.cpp | Implements functions in selhelp.h |
selhelp.h | Functions for initializing online help for selections |
selmethod.cpp | Implements functions in selmethod.h |
selmethod.h | API for handling selection methods |
selparam.h | API for handling parameters used in selections |
selvalue.cpp | Implements functions in selvalue.h |
selvalue.h | Declares gmx_ana_selvalue_t |
sm_compare.cpp | Implements internal selection method for comparison expressions |
sm_distance.cpp | Implements distance-based selection methods |
sm_insolidangle.cpp | Implements the insolidangle selection method |
sm_keywords.cpp | Implements internal selection methods for numeric and string keyword evaluation |
sm_merge.cpp | Implements the merge and plus selection modifiers |
sm_permute.cpp | Implements the permute selection modifier |
sm_position.cpp | Implements position evaluation selection methods |
sm_same.cpp | Implements the same selection method |
sm_simple.cpp | Implements simple keyword selection methods |
symrec.cpp | Implements classes in symrec.h |
symrec.h | Handling of selection parser symbol table |
simd | SIMD intrinsics interface (simd) |
impl_reference | |
impl_reference.h | Reference SIMD implementation, including SIMD documentation |
impl_reference_definitions.h | Reference SIMD implementation, including SIMD documentation |
impl_reference_general.h | Reference SIMD implementation, general utility functions |
impl_reference_simd4_double.h | Reference implementation, SIMD4 single precision |
impl_reference_simd4_float.h | Reference implementation, SIMD4 single precision |
impl_reference_simd_double.h | Reference implementation, SIMD double precision |
impl_reference_simd_float.h | Reference implementation, SIMD single precision |
impl_reference_util_double.h | Reference impl., higher-level double prec. SIMD utility functions |
impl_reference_util_float.h | Reference impl., higher-level single prec. SIMD utility functions |
scalar | |
scalar.h | Scalar float functions corresponding to GROMACS SIMD functions |
scalar_math.h | Scalar math functions mimicking GROMACS SIMD math functions |
scalar_util.h | Scalar utility functions mimicking GROMACS SIMD utility functions |
tests | Unit tests for SIMD intrinsics interface (simd) |
base.h | Declares common base class for testing SIMD and SIMD4 |
bootstrap_loadstore.cpp | Separate test of SIMD load/store, before we use them in the SIMD test classes |
simd.h | Declares fixture for testing of normal SIMD (not SIMD4) functionality |
simd4.h | Declares fixture for testing of SIMD4 functionality |
simd.h | Definitions, capabilities, and wrappers for SIMD module |
simd_math.h | Math functions for SIMD datatypes |
support.cpp | Implements SIMD architecture support query routines |
support.h | Functions to query compiled and supported SIMD architectures |
vector_operations.h | SIMD operations corresponding to Gromacs rvec datatypes |
statistics | |
statistics.h | Declares simple statistics toolbox |
swap | |
swapcoords.cpp | Implements functions in swapcoords.h |
swapcoords.h | The "Computational Electrophysiology" protocol for ion/water position swapping |
timing | |
cyclecounter.h | High-resolution timestamp or CPU clock cycle counters |
gpu_timing.h | Declares data types for GPU timing |
topology | |
atomsbuilder.cpp | Implements classes from atomsbuilder.h |
atomsbuilder.h | Utility classes for manipulating t_atoms structures |
trajectoryanalysis | Framework for Trajectory Analysis (trajectoryanalysis) |
modules | |
angle.cpp | Implements gmx::analysismodules::Angle |
angle.h | Declares trajectory analysis module for angle calculations |
distance.cpp | Implements gmx::analysismodules::Distance |
distance.h | Declares trajectory analysis module for distance calculations |
freevolume.cpp | Implements gmx::analysismodules::Freevolume |
freevolume.h | Declares trajectory analysis module for free volume calculations |
pairdist.cpp | Implements gmx::analysismodules::PairDistance |
pairdist.h | Declares trajectory analysis module for pairwise distance calculations |
rdf.cpp | Implements gmx::analysismodules::Rdf |
rdf.h | Declares trajectory analysis module for RDF calculations |
sasa.cpp | Implements gmx::analysismodules::Sasa |
sasa.h | Declares trajectory analysis module for surface area calculations |
select.cpp | Implements gmx::analysismodules::Select |
select.h | Declares trajectory analysis module for basic selection information |
tests | Unit tests for Framework for Trajectory Analysis (trajectoryanalysis) |
angle.cpp | Tests for functionality of the "angle" trajectory analysis module |
cmdlinerunner.cpp | Tests for general functionality in gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisCommandLineRunner |
distance.cpp | Tests for functionality of the "distance" trajectory analysis module |
freevolume.cpp | Tests for functionality of the "angle" trajectory analysis module |
moduletest.cpp | Implements classes in moduletest.h |
moduletest.h | Declares test fixture for TrajectoryAnalysisModule subclasses |
pairdist.cpp | Tests for functionality of the "pairdist" trajectory analysis module |
rdf.cpp | Tests for functionality of the "rdf" trajectory analysis module |
sasa.cpp | Tests for functionality of the "sasa" trajectory analysis module |
select.cpp | Tests for functionality of the "select" trajectory analysis module |
surfacearea.cpp | Tests for the surface area calculation used by the sasa analysis module |
test_selection.cpp | Testing/debugging tool for the selection engine |
analysismodule.cpp | Implements classes in analysismodule.h |
analysismodule.h | Declares gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisModule and gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisModuleData |
analysissettings-impl.h | Declares private implementation class for gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisSettings |
analysissettings.cpp | Implements classes in analysissettings.h |
analysissettings.h | Declares gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisSettings and gmx::TopologyInformation |
cmdlinerunner.cpp | Implements gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisCommandLineRunner |
cmdlinerunner.h | Declares gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisCommandLineRunner |
modules.cpp | Implements registerTrajectoryAnalysisModules() |
modules.h | Generic interface for accessing trajectory analysis modules |
runnercommon.cpp | Implements gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon |
runnercommon.h | Declares gmx::TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon |
utility | Low-Level Utilities (utility) |
tests | Unit tests for Low-Level Utilities (utility) |
alignedallocator.cpp | Tests for gmx::AlignedAllocator |
arrayref.cpp | Tests for gmx::ArrayRef and gmx::ConstArrayRef |
basedefinitions.cpp | Tests for base definitions (only alignment attributes for now) |
bitmask.h | Tests for bitmask functionality |
path.cpp | Tests for (some) functions in path.h |
stringutil.cpp | Tests for string utility functions and classes |
textwriter.cpp | Tests for gmx::TextWriter |
alignedallocator.cpp | Implements AlignedAllocator |
alignedallocator.h | Declares gmx::AlignedAllocator that is used to make standard library containers compatible with SIMD contents that require aligned load/store |
arrayref.h | Declares gmx::ArrayRef and gmx::ConstArrayRef |
arraysize.h | Provides asize() macro for calculating the static size of an array |
basedefinitions.h | Basic types and macros used throughout GROMACS |
basenetwork.h | Utility functions for basic MPI and network functionality |
baseversion-gen.h | Declares variables that hold generated version information |
baseversion.h | Declares functions to get basic version information |
binaryinformation.cpp | Implements functionality for printing information about the currently running binary |
binaryinformation.h | Helper functionality for information about the currently running binary |
bitmask.h | Declares gmx_bitmask_t and associated functions |
classhelpers.h | Declares common utility classes and macros |
coolstuff.cpp | Functionality for printing cool strings |
coolstuff.h | Functionality for printing cool strings |
cstringutil.h | Generic C string handling functions |
current_function.h | Declares GMX_CURRENT_FUNCTION for getting the current function name |
datafilefinder.cpp | Implements gmx::DataFileFinder |
datafilefinder.h | Declares gmx::DataFileFinder and related classes |
dir_separator.h | Provides OS-specific directory-name separator |
directoryenumerator.cpp | Implements gmx::DirectoryEnumerator |
directoryenumerator.h | Declares gmx::DirectoryEnumerator |
errorcodes.cpp | Implements functions in errorcodes.h |
errorcodes.h | Declares error codes and related functions for fatal error handling |
errorformat.cpp | Implements functions declared in errorformat.h |
errorformat.h | Declares an internal helper function for formatting standard error messages |
exceptions.cpp | Implements classes and functions in exceptions.h |
exceptions.h | Declares common exception classes and macros for fatal error handling |
fatalerror.h | Declares fatal error handling and debugging routines for C code |
fileredirector.cpp | Implements classes and functions from fileredirector.h |
fileredirector.h | Declares gmx::IFileOutputRedirector |
filestream.cpp | Implements classes from filestream.h |
filestream.h | Declares implementations for textstream.h interfaces for file input/output |
flags.h | Declares gmx::FlagsTemplate |
futil.h | Low-level wrappers for OS-specific file handling with some GROMACS customizations |
gmxassert.cpp | Implements assertion handlers |
gmxassert.h | Defines assert macros customized for Gromacs |
gmxmpi.h | Wraps <mpi.h> usage in Gromacs |
gmxomp.cpp | Implements functions from gmxomp.h |
gmxomp.h | Declares OpenMP wrappers to avoid conditional compilation |
gmxregex.cpp | Implements regular expression wrappers |
gmxregex.h | Declares simple wrapper for regular expression functionality |
init.cpp | Implements functions from init.h |
init.h | Declares functions for initializing the GROMACS library |
int64_to_int.h | Low-level utility for converting 64 bit int to int (the size of which is hardware dependent), printing a warning if an overflow will occur |
messagestringcollector.cpp | Implements gmx::MessageStringCollector |
messagestringcollector.h | Declares gmx::MessageStringCollector |
mutex.h | Declares C++11-style basic threading primitives (gmx::Mutex, gmx::lock_guard) |
nodelete.h | Declares no_delete deleter for std::shared_ptr |
path.cpp | Implements functions in path.h |
path.h | Declares functions for OS-independent path handling |
pleasecite.h | Declares please_cite() for printing out literature references |
programcontext.cpp | Implements gmx::IProgramContext and related methods |
programcontext.h | Declares gmx::IProgramContext and related methods |
qsort_threadsafe.h | Portable implementation of threadsafe quicksort |
real.h | Declares real and related constants |
scoped_cptr.h | Declares gmx::scoped_cptr and gmx::scoped_guard_sfree |
smalloc.h | C memory allocation routines for GROMACS |
snprintf.h | Provide snprintf symbol on all OS (for internal Gromacs use) |
strdb.h | Declares C functions for reading files with a list of strings |
stringstream.cpp | Implements classes from stringstream.h |
stringstream.h | Declares implementations for textstream.h interfaces for input/output to in-memory strings |
stringutil.cpp | Implements functions and classes in stringutil.h |
stringutil.h | Declares common string utility and formatting routines |
sysinfo.cpp | Implements functions from sysinfo.h |
sysinfo.h | Declares functions for obtaining information about the operating environment and the current process |
textreader.cpp | Implements gmx::TextReader |
textreader.h | Declares gmx::TextReader |
textstream.h | Declares interfaces for simple input/output streams |
textwriter.cpp | Implements gmx::TextWriter |
textwriter.h | Declares gmx::TextWriter |
txtdump.h | Declares helper functions for dumping basic data structures as text |
analysisdata.h | Public API convenience header for analysis data handling |
commandline.h | Public API convenience header for managing command line programs |
onlinehelp-doc.h | Dummy header for Help Formatting for Online Help (onlinehelp) documentation |
options.h | Public API convenience header for handling of options |
random.h | Public API convenience header for random engines and distributions |
selection.h | Public API convenience header for selection handling |
trajectoryanalysis.h | Public API convenience header for trajectory analysis framework |
utility.h | Public API convenience header for low-level utilities |
programs | Source code for building executables, see Wrapper binary implementation |
mdrun | Source code specific to mdrun |
tests | |
compressed_x_output.cpp | Tests for the mdrun -x functionality |
domain_decomposition.cpp | Tests special cases in domain decomposition |
energyreader.cpp | Implementions of related classes for tests that want to inspect energies produced by mdrun |
energyreader.h | Interfaces of related classes for tests that want to inspect energies produced by mdrun |
grompp.cpp | Tests for basic grompp functionality |
interactiveMD.cpp | Tests utilities for interactive molecular dynamics (IMD) setups |
mdruncomparisonfixture.cpp | Implements classes in mdruncomparisonfixture.h |
moduletest.cpp | Implements classes in moduletest.h |
moduletest.h | Declares test fixtures for general mdrun functionality |
multisim.cpp | Tests for the mdrun multi-simulation functionality |
multisimtest.cpp | Tests for the mdrun multi-simulation functionality |
multisimtest.h | Declares test fixture for the mdrun multi-simulation functionality |
replicaexchange.cpp | Tests for the mdrun replica-exchange functionality |
rerun.cpp | Tests for the mdrun -rerun functionality |
swapcoords.cpp | Tests utilities for "Computational Electrophysiology" setups |
tabulated_bonded_interactions.cpp | Tests for tabulated bonded interactions |
termination.cpp | Tests for the mdrun termination functionality |
terminationhelper.cpp | Defines functionality used to test mdrun termination functionality under different conditions |
terminationhelper.h | Declares functionality used to test mdrun termination functionality under different conditions |
trajectory_writing.cpp | Tests for the .mdp nst*out functionality |
trajectoryreader.cpp | Implementions of related classes for tests that want to inspect trajectories produced by mdrun |
trajectoryreader.h | Declares interface of a class for tests that want to inspect trajectories produced by mdrun |
md.h | Declares the integrators for molecular dynamics simulations |
mdrun.cpp | This file implements mdrun |
runner.cpp | Implements the MD runner routine calling all integrators |
runner.h | Declares the routine running the inetgrators |
view | Source code specific to gmx view , including all X11-dependent code |
testutils | Testing Utilities (testutils) |
tests | Unit tests for Testing Utilities (testutils) |
interactivetest.cpp | Self-tests for interactive test helpers |
refdata_tests.cpp | Tests utilities for test reference data |
testasserts_tests.cpp | Tests GROMACS-specific test assertions |
xvgtest_tests.cpp | Tests utilities for testing xvg files |
cmdlinetest.cpp | Implements classes from cmdlinetest.h |
cmdlinetest.h | Declares utilities testing command-line programs |
conftest.cpp | Implements routine to check the content of conf files |
conftest.h | Declares function to add the content of a conf file to a checker |
integrationtests.cpp | Implements classes in integrationtests.h |
integrationtests.h | Declares test fixture for integration tests |
interactivetest.cpp | Implements classes from interactivetest.h |
interactivetest.h | Provides helper classes for testing interactive prompts |
mpi-printer.h | Declares gmx::test::initMPIOutput() |
refdata-checkers.h | Declares internal helper classes for the reference data framework to check reference data values of different types |
refdata-impl.h | Declares internal data structures for the reference data framework |
refdata-xml.cpp | Implements reference data XML persistence |
refdata-xml.h | Declares functions for reference data XML persistence |
refdata.cpp | Implements classes and functions from refdata.h |
refdata.h | Functionality for writing tests that can produce their own reference data |
stringtest.cpp | Implements gmx::test::StringTestBase |
stringtest.h | Declares gmx::test::StringTestBase |
testasserts.cpp | Implements floating-point comparison routines from testasserts.h |
testasserts.h | Extra assertions for unit tests |
testexceptions.h | Exception classes for errors in tests |
testfilemanager.cpp | Implements gmx::test::TestFileManager |
testfilemanager.h | Declares gmx::test::TestFileManager |
testfileredirector.cpp | Implements classes from testfileredirector.h |
testfileredirector.h | Declares generic mock implementations for interfaces in fileredirector.h |
testinit.cpp | Implements functions in testinit.h |
testinit.h | Functions for initialing GROMACS unit test executables |
testoptions.cpp | Implements functions in testoptions.h |
testoptions.h | Functions for accessing test command-line options |
testutils-doc.h | Dummy header for Testing Utilities (testutils) documentation |
textblockmatchers.cpp | Implements classes from textblockmatchers.h |
textblockmatchers.h | Declares utility classes for testing multi-line strings against reference data |
unittest_main.cpp | Main() for unit tests that use Testing Utilities (testutils) |
xvgtest.cpp | Implements routine to check the content of xvg files |
xvgtest.h | Declares function to add the content of an xvg file to a checker |
gmxpre.h | Prerequisite header file for GROMACS build |