Gromacs  2016.6
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Generic GROMACS namespace.

Functionality for testing whether calls to mdrun produce the same energy and force quantities when they should do so.

Declares registerLegacyModules().

Declares the integrator for test particle insertion.

Declares the integrators for energy minimization and NMA.

Convenience macro to help us avoid ifdefs each time we use sysconf.

David van der Spoel
Berk Hess
Teemu Murtola


 Internal GROMACS namespace.
 Testing utilities namespace.


class  AbstractAnalysisData
 Abstract base class for all objects that provide data. More...
class  AnalysisData
 Parallelizable data container for raw data. More...
class  AnalysisDataHandle
 Handle for inserting data into AnalysisData. More...
class  AbstractAnalysisArrayData
 Abstract base class for data objects that present in-memory data. More...
class  AnalysisArrayData
 Simple in-memory data array. More...
class  AnalysisDataValue
 Value type for representing a single value in analysis data objects. More...
class  AnalysisDataFrameHeader
 Value type for storing frame-level information for analysis data. More...
class  AnalysisDataPointSetRef
 Value type wrapper for non-mutable access to a set of data column values. More...
class  AnalysisDataFrameRef
 Value type wrapper for non-mutable access to a data frame. More...
class  IAnalysisDataModule
 Interface for a module that gets notified whenever data is added. More...
class  AnalysisDataModuleSerial
 Convenience base class for serial analysis data modules. More...
class  AnalysisDataModuleParallel
 Convenience base class for parallel analysis data modules. More...
class  AnalysisDataModuleManager
 Encapsulates handling of data modules attached to AbstractAnalysisData. More...
class  AnalysisDataProxy
 Internal implementation class used to implement column modules. More...
class  AnalysisDataStorageFrame
 Allows assigning values for a data frame in AnalysisDataStorage. More...
class  AnalysisDataStorage
 Helper class that implements storage of data. More...
class  AnalysisDataFrameLocalDataSetHandle
 Handle to a single data set within frame-local data array. More...
class  AnalysisDataFrameLocalDataHandle
 Handle to a single frame data within frame-local data array. More...
class  AnalysisDataFrameLocalData
 Container for an array of frame-local values that supports parallel data processing. More...
class  AnalysisDataAverageModule
 Data module for independently averaging each column in input data. More...
class  AnalysisDataFrameAverageModule
 Data module for averaging of columns for each frame. More...
class  AnalysisDataDisplacementModule
 Data module for calculating displacements. More...
class  AnalysisDataFrameAverager
 Helper class for modules that average values over frames. More...
class  AnalysisHistogramSettingsInitializer
 Provides "named parameter" idiom for constructing histograms. More...
class  AnalysisHistogramSettings
 Contains parameters that specify histogram bin locations. More...
class  AbstractAverageHistogram
 Base class for representing histograms averaged over frames. More...
class  AnalysisDataSimpleHistogramModule
 Data module for per-frame histograms. More...
class  AnalysisDataWeightedHistogramModule
 Data module for per-frame weighted histograms. More...
class  AnalysisDataBinAverageModule
 Data module for bin averages. More...
class  AnalysisDataLifetimeModule
 Data module for computing lifetime histograms for columns in input data. More...
class  AnalysisDataPlotSettings
 Common settings for data plots. More...
class  AbstractPlotModule
 Abstract data module for writing data into a file. More...
class  AnalysisDataPlotModule
 Plotting module for straightforward plotting of data. More...
class  AnalysisDataVectorPlotModule
 Plotting module specifically for data consisting of vectors. More...
class  AnalysisDataParallelOptions
 Parallelization options for analysis data objects. More...
class  CommandLineHelpContext
 Context information for writing out command-line help. More...
class  GlobalCommandLineHelpContext
 Helper for passing CommandLineHelpContext into parse_common_args(). More...
class  CommandLineHelpModule
 Command-line module for producing help. More...
class  ConstArrayRef
 STL-like container for non-mutable interface to a C array (or part of a std::vector). More...
class  CommandLineHelpWriter
 Writes help information for Options. More...
class  CommandLineModuleSettings
 Settings to pass information between a module and the general runner. More...
class  ICommandLineModule
 Module that can be run from command line using CommandLineModuleManager. More...
class  CommandLineModuleGroupData
 Internal data for a CommandLineModuleManager module group. More...
class  CommandLineCommonOptionsHolder
 Encapsulates some handling of common options to the wrapper binary. More...
class  CommandLineModuleManager
 Implements a wrapper command-line interface for multiple modules. More...
class  CommandLineModuleGroup
 Handle to add content to a group added with CommandLineModuleManager::addModuleGroup(). More...
class  ICommandLineOptionsModuleSettings
 Settings to pass information between a CommandLineOptionsModule and generic code that runs it. More...
class  ICommandLineOptionsModule
 Module that can be run from a command line and uses gmx::Options for argument processing. More...
class  CommandLineParser
 Implements command-line parsing for Options objects. More...
class  IExecutableEnvironment
 Allows customization of the way various directories are found by CommandLineProgramContext. More...
class  CommandLineProgramContext
 Program context implementation for command line programs. More...
class  CpuInfo
 Detect CPU capabilities and basic logical processor info. More...
class  HardwareTopology
 Information about sockets, cores, threads, numa, caches. More...
struct  StaticLog2
 Evaluate log2(n) for integer n statically at compile time. More...
struct  StaticLog2< 1 >
 Specialization of StaticLog2<n> for n==1. More...
struct  StaticLog2< 0 >
 Specialization of StaticLog2<n> for n==0. More...
class  BasicVector
 C++ class for 3D vectors. More...
class  ArrayRef
 STL-like container for an interface to a C array (or part of a std::vector). More...
class  SimulationSignal
 POD-style object used by mdrun ranks to set and receive signals within and between simulations. More...
class  SimulationSignaller
 Object used by mdrun ranks to signal to each other at this step. More...
class  TextTableFormatter
 Formats rows of a table for text output. More...
class  HelpManager
 Helper for providing interactive online help. More...
class  AbstractSimpleHelpTopic
 Abstract base class for help topics that have simple text and no subtopics. More...
class  AbstractCompositeHelpTopic
 Abstract base class for help topics that have simple text and subtopics. More...
class  SimpleHelpTopic
 Template for simple implementation of AbstractSimpleHelpTopic. More...
class  CompositeHelpTopic
 Template for simple implementation of AbstractCompositeHelpTopic. More...
class  HelpLinks
 Hyperlink data for writing out help. More...
class  HelpWriterContext
 Context information for writing out help. More...
class  IHelpTopic
 Provides a single online help topic. More...
class  RstParagraphIterator
 Iterator over reStructuredText paragraphs. More...
class  OptionStorageTemplate
 Templated base class for constructing option value storage classes. More...
class  AbstractOption
 Abstract base class for specifying option properties. More...
class  OptionTemplate
 Templated base class for constructing concrete option settings classes. More...
class  OptionInfo
 Gives information and allows modifications to an option after creation. More...
class  AbstractOptionStorage
 Abstract base class for converting, validating, and storing option values. More...
class  BooleanOption
 Specifies an option that provides boolean values. More...
class  IntegerOption
 Specifies an option that provides integer values. More...
class  Int64Option
 Specifies an option that provides 64-bit integer values. More...
class  DoubleOption
 Specifies an option that provides floating-point (double) values. More...
class  FloatOption
 Specifies an option that provides floating-point (float) values. More...
class  StringOption
 Specifies an option that provides string values. More...
class  EnumOption
 Specifies an option that accepts enumerated string values and writes the selected index into an enum variable. More...
class  BooleanOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing boolean option information. More...
class  IntegerOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing integer option information. More...
class  Int64OptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing 64-bit integer option information. More...
class  DoubleOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing floating-point option information. More...
class  FloatOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing floating-point option information. More...
class  StringOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing string option information. More...
class  EnumOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing enum option information. More...
class  BooleanOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores boolean values. More...
class  IntegerOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores integer values. More...
class  Int64OptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores integer values. More...
class  DoubleOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores floating-point (double) values. More...
class  FloatOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores floating-point (float) values. More...
class  StringOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores string values. More...
class  EnumOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores enum values. More...
class  OptionsBehaviorCollection
 Container for IOptionsBehavior objects. More...
class  FileNameOption
 Specifies an option that provides file names. More...
class  FileNameOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing file name option information. More...
class  FileNameOptionManager
 Handles interaction of file name options with global options. More...
class  FileNameOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores file names. More...
class  IOptionsBehavior
 Interface to provide extension points for options parsing. More...
class  IOptionsContainer
 Interface for adding input options. More...
class  OptionManagerContainer
 Container to keep managers added with Options::addManager() and pass them to options. More...
class  IOptionManager
 Base class for option managers. More...
class  Options
 Collection of options. More...
class  OptionsAssigner
 Decorator class for assigning values to Options. More...
class  OptionsVisitor
 Pure interface for visiting options in a Options object. More...
class  OptionsTypeVisitor
 Abstract base class for visiting options of a particular type. More...
class  OptionsIterator
 Decorator class for visiting options in a Options object. More...
class  OptionsModifyingVisitor
 Pure interface for visiting options in a Options object, allowing modifications. More...
class  OptionsModifyingTypeVisitor
 Abstract base class for visiting options of a particular type, allowing modifications. More...
class  OptionsModifyingIterator
 Decorator class for visiting options in a Options object, allowing changes. More...
class  TimeUnitManager
 Provides common functionality for time unit conversions. More...
class  TimeUnitBehavior
 Options behavior to add a time unit option. More...
class  ExponentialDistribution
 Exponential distribution. More...
class  GammaDistribution
 Gamma distribution. More...
class  NormalDistribution
 Normal distribution. More...
class  TabulatedNormalDistribution
 Tabulated normal random distribution. More...
class  ThreeFry2x64General
 General implementation class for ThreeFry counter-based random engines. More...
class  ThreeFry2x64
 ThreeFry2x64 random engine with 20 iteractions. More...
class  ThreeFry2x64Fast
 ThreeFry2x64 random engine with 13 iteractions. More...
class  UniformIntDistribution
 Uniform integer distribution. More...
class  UniformRealDistribution
 Uniform real distribution. More...
class  SelectionCompiler
 Implements selection compilation. More...
class  AnalysisNeighborhoodPositions
 Input positions for neighborhood searching. More...
class  AnalysisNeighborhood
 Neighborhood searching for analysis tools. More...
class  AnalysisNeighborhoodPair
 Value type to represent a pair of positions found in neighborhood searching. More...
class  AnalysisNeighborhoodSearch
 Initialized neighborhood search with a fixed set of reference positions. More...
class  AnalysisNeighborhoodPairSearch
 Initialized neighborhood pair search with a fixed set of positions. More...
class  SelectionParserValue
 Describes a parsed value, possibly resulting from expression evaluation. More...
class  SelectionParserParameter
 Describes a parsed method parameter. More...
class  PositionCalculationCollection
 Collection of gmx_ana_poscalc_t structures for the same topology. More...
class  Selection
 Provides access to a single selection. More...
class  SelectionPosition
 Provides access to information about a single selected position. More...
class  SelectionEvaluator
 Implements selection evaluation. More...
class  SelectionCollection
 Collection of selections. More...
class  SelectionFileOption
 Specifies a special option that provides selections from a file. More...
class  SelectionFileOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing and modifying selection file option information. More...
class  SelectionFileOptionStorage
 Implementation for a special option for reading selections from files. More...
class  SelectionOption
 Specifies an option that provides selection(s). More...
class  SelectionOptionInfo
 Wrapper class for accessing and modifying selection option information. More...
class  ITopologyProvider
 Provides topology information to SelectionOptionBehavior. More...
class  SelectionOptionBehavior
 Options behavior to allow using SelectionOptions. More...
class  SelectionOptionManager
 Handles interaction of selection options with other options and user input. More...
class  SelectionOptionStorage
 Converts, validates, and stores selection values. More...
struct  SelectionLocation
 Stores the location of a selection element in the selection text. More...
class  SelectionTreeElement
 Represents an element of a selection expression. More...
class  SelectionParserSymbol
 Single symbol for the selection parser. More...
class  SelectionParserSymbolIterator
 Input iterator for iterating symbols of a given type. More...
class  SelectionParserSymbolTable
 Symbol table for the selection parser. More...
class  Simd4Double
 SIMD4 double type. More...
class  Simd4DBool
 SIMD4 variable type to use for logical comparisons on doubles. More...
class  Simd4Float
 SIMD4 float type. More...
class  Simd4FBool
 SIMD4 variable type to use for logical comparisons on floats. More...
class  SimdDouble
 Double SIMD variable. Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_DOUBLE is 1. More...
class  SimdDInt32
 Integer SIMD variable type to use for conversions to/from double. More...
class  SimdDBool
 Boolean type for double SIMD data. More...
class  SimdDIBool
 Boolean type for integer datatypes corresponding to double SIMD. More...
class  SimdFloat
 Float SIMD variable. Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_FLOAT is 1. More...
class  SimdFInt32
 Integer SIMD variable type to use for conversions to/from float. More...
class  SimdFBool
 Boolean type for float SIMD data. More...
class  SimdFIBool
 Boolean type for integer datatypes corresponding to float SIMD. More...
class  SimdLoadFProxyInternal
 Proxy object to enable load() for SIMD and float types. More...
class  SimdLoadUFProxyInternal
 Proxy object to enable loadU() for SIMD and float types. More...
class  SimdLoadDProxyInternal
 Proxy object to enable load() for SIMD and double types. More...
class  SimdLoadUDProxyInternal
 Proxy object to enable loadU() for SIMD and double types. More...
class  SimdLoadIProxyInternal
 Proxy object load() for SimdFInt32, SImdDInt32, and int32. More...
class  SimdLoadUIProxyInternal
 Proxy object - loadU() for SimdFInt32, SImdDInt32, and int32. More...
class  SimdSetZeroProxyInternal
 Proxy object to enable setZero() for SIMD and real types. More...
class  TrajectoryAnalysisModuleData
 Base class for thread-local data storage during trajectory analysis. More...
class  TrajectoryAnalysisModule
 Base class for trajectory analysis modules. More...
class  TrajectoryAnalysisSettings
 Trajectory analysis module configuration object. More...
class  TopologyInformation
 Topology information passed to a trajectory analysis module. More...
class  TrajectoryAnalysisCommandLineRunner
 Runner for command-line trajectory analysis tools. More...
class  SurfaceAreaCalculator
 Computes surface areas for a group of atoms/spheres. More...
class  TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon
 Implements common trajectory analysis runner functionality. More...
class  AlignedAllocator
 Aligned memory allocator. More...
struct  EmptyArrayRef
 Tag type to initialize empty array references. More...
class  BinaryInformationSettings
 Settings for printBinaryInformation(). More...
class  PrivateImplPointer
 Helper class to manage a pointer to a private implementation class. More...
class  DataFileOptions
 Search parameters for DataFileFinder. More...
struct  DataFileInfo
 Information about a data file found by DataFileFinder::enumerateFiles(). More...
class  DataFileFinder
 Searches data files from a set of paths. More...
class  DirectoryEnumerator
 Lists files in a directory. More...
class  ExceptionInfo
 Stores additional context information for exceptions. More...
struct  ThrowLocation
 Stores the location from which an exception was thrown. More...
class  ExceptionInitializer
 Provides information for Gromacs exception constructors. More...
class  GromacsException
 Base class for all exception objects in Gromacs. More...
class  FileIOError
 Exception class for file I/O errors. More...
class  UserInputError
 Exception class for user input errors. More...
class  InvalidInputError
 Exception class for situations where user input cannot be parsed/understood. More...
class  InconsistentInputError
 Exception class for situations where user input is inconsistent. More...
class  SimulationInstabilityError
 Exception class for simulation instabilities. More...
class  InternalError
 Exception class for internal errors. More...
class  APIError
 Exception class for incorrect use of an API. More...
class  NotImplementedError
 Exception class for use of an unimplemented feature. More...
class  IFileInputRedirector
 Allows overriding file existence checks from code that supports it. More...
class  IFileOutputRedirector
 Allows capturing stdout and file output from code that supports it. More...
class  StandardInputStream
 Text input stream implementation for reading from stdin. More...
class  TextInputFile
 Text input stream implementation for reading from a file. More...
class  TextOutputFile
 Text output stream implementation for writing to a file. More...
class  FlagsTemplate
 Template class for typesafe handling of combination of flags. More...
class  Regex
 Represents a regular expression. More...
class  MessageStringCollector
 Helper class for collecting message strings, optionally with context. More...
class  MessageStringContext
 Convenience class for creating a message context. More...
struct  no_delete
 Deleter for std::shared_ptr that does nothing. More...
struct  InstallationPrefixInfo
 Provides information about installation prefix (see IProgramContext::installationPrefix()). More...
class  IProgramContext
 Provides context information about the program that is calling the library. More...
class  scoped_cptr
 Stripped-down version of scoped_ptr that uses sfree() or custom deleter. More...
class  StringOutputStream
 Text output stream implementation for writing to an in-memory string. More...
class  StringInputStream
 Helper class to convert static string data to a stream. More...
class  StringFormatter
 Function object that wraps a call to formatString() that expects a single conversion argument, for use with algorithms. More...
class  IdentityFormatter
 Function object to implement the same interface as StringFormatter to use with strings that should not be formatted further. More...
class  TextLineWrapperSettings
 Stores settings for line wrapping. More...
class  TextLineWrapper
 Wraps lines to a predefined length. More...
class  TextReader
 Reads text from a TextInputStream. More...
class  TextInputStream
 Interface for reading text. More...
class  TextOutputStream
 Interface for writing text. More...
class  TextWriter
 Writes text into a TextOutputStream. More...


typedef std::shared_ptr
< IAnalysisDataModule
 Smart pointer for managing a generic analysis data module.
typedef ConstArrayRef
< AnalysisDataValue
 Shorthand for reference to an array of data values.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataAverageModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataAverageModule object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataFrameAverageModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataFrameAverageModule object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataDisplacementModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataDisplacementModule object.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< AbstractAverageHistogram
 Smart pointer to manage an AbstractAverageHistogram object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataSimpleHistogramModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataSimpleHistogramModule object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataWeightedHistogramModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataWeightedHistogramModule object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataBinAverageModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataBinAverageModule object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataLifetimeModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataLifetimeModule object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataPlotModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataPlotModule object.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< AnalysisDataVectorPlotModule
 Smart pointer to manage an AnalysisDataVectorPlotModule object.
typedef std::map< std::string,
 Container type for mapping module names to module objects.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< CommandLineModuleGroupData
 Smart pointer type for managing a CommandLineModuleGroup.
typedef std::vector
< CommandLineModuleGroupDataPointer
 Container type for keeping a list of module groups.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< ICommandLineModule
 Smart pointer type for managing a ICommandLineModule.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< ICommandLineOptionsModule
 Smart pointer to manage an ICommandLineOptionsModule.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< IExecutableEnvironment
 Shorthand for a smart pointer to IExecutableEnvironment.
typedef BasicVector< realRVec
 Shorthand for C++ rvec-equivalent type.
typedef double integrator_t (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
 Integrator algorithm implementation. More...
typedef std::array
< SimulationSignal, eglsNR > 
 Convenience typedef for the group of signals used.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< AbstractCompositeHelpTopic
 Smart pointer type to manage a AbstractCompositeHelpTopic object.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< IHelpTopic
 Smart pointer type to manage a IHelpTopic object.
typedef EnumOption< int > EnumIntOption
 Shorthand for an enumerated option that stores into an int variable.
typedef FloatOption RealOption
 Typedef for either DoubleOption or FloatOption, depending on precision. More...
typedef FloatOptionInfo RealOptionInfo
 Typedef for either DoubleOptionInfo or FloatOptionInfo, depending on precision. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr
< IOptionsBehavior
 Smart pointer for behaviors stored in OptionsBehaviorCollection.
typedef FlagsTemplate< OptionFlagOptionFlags
 Holds a combination of OptionFlag values.
typedef std::random_device RandomDevice
 Random device. More...
typedef ThreeFry2x64Fast DefaultRandomEngine
 Default fast and accurate random engine in Gromacs. More...
typedef std::list
< SelectionParserValue
 Container for a list of SelectionParserValue objects.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< SelectionParserValueList
 Smart pointer type for managing a SelectionParserValueList.
typedef std::list
< SelectionParserParameter
 Container for a list of SelectionParserParameter objects.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< SelectionParserParameterList
 Smart pointer type for managing a SelectionParserParameterList.
typedef std::vector< SelectionSelectionList
 Container of selections used in public selection interfaces.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< internal::SelectionData
 Smart pointer for managing an internal selection data object.
typedef std::vector
< SelectionDataPointer
 Container for storing a list of selections internally.
typedef FlagsTemplate
< SelectionFlag
 Holds a collection of SelectionFlag values.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< SelectionTreeElement
 Smart pointer type for selection tree element pointers.
typedef void(* sel_evalfunc )(struct gmx_sel_evaluate_t *data, const SelectionTreeElementPointer &sel, gmx_ana_index_t *g)
 Function pointer for evaluating a gmx::SelectionTreeElement.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryAnalysisModuleData
 Smart pointer to manage a TrajectoryAnalysisModuleData object.
typedef std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryAnalysisModule
 Smart pointer to manage a TrajectoryAnalysisModule.
typedef ExceptionInfo< struct
ExceptionInfoErrno_, int > 
 Stores errno value that triggered the exception.
typedef ExceptionInfo< struct
ExceptionInfoApiFunc_, const
char * > 
 Stores the function name that returned the errno in ExceptionInfoErrno.
typedef ExceptionInfo< struct
 Stores the location where the exception was thrown.
typedef tMPI::mutex Mutex
 C++11-compatible basic mutex.
typedef scoped_cptr< void > scoped_guard_sfree
 Simple guard which calls sfree. See scoped_cptr for details.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TextInputStream
 Shorthand for a smart pointer to a TextInputStream.
typedef std::shared_ptr
< TextOutputStream
 Shorthand for a smart pointer to a TextOutputStream.


enum  ShellCompletionFormat { eShellCompletionFormat_Bash }
 Output format for ShellCompletionWriter. More...
enum  HelpOutputFormat { eHelpOutputFormat_Console, eHelpOutputFormat_Rst, eHelpOutputFormat_Other, eHelpOutputFormat_NR }
 Output format for help writing. More...
enum  OptionFileType {
  eftUnknown, eftTopology, eftTrajectory, eftEnergy,
  eftPDB, eftIndex, eftPlot, eftGenericData,
 Purpose of file(s) provided through an option.
enum  OptionFlag {
  efOption_Set = 1<<0, efOption_HasDefaultValue = 1<<1, efOption_ExplicitDefaultValue = 1<<2, efOption_ClearOnNextSet = 1<<3,
  efOption_Required = 1<<4, efOption_MultipleTimes = 1<<5, efOption_Hidden = 1<<6, efOption_Vector = 1<<8,
  efOption_DefaultValueIfSetExists = 1<<11, efOption_NoDefaultValue = 1<<9, efOption_DontCheckMinimumCount = 1<<10
 Flags for options. More...
enum  TimeUnit {
  TimeUnit_fs, TimeUnit_ps, TimeUnit_ns, TimeUnit_us,
  TimeUnit_ms, TimeUnit_s, TimeUnit_Default = TimeUnit_ps
 Time values for TimeUnitManager. More...
enum  RandomDomain {
  RandomDomain::Other = 0x00000000, RandomDomain::MaxwellVelocities = 0x00001000, RandomDomain::TestParticleInsertion = 0x00002000, RandomDomain::UpdateCoordinates = 0x00003000,
  RandomDomain::UpdateConstraints = 0x00004000, RandomDomain::Thermostat = 0x00005000, RandomDomain::Barostat = 0x00006000, RandomDomain::ReplicaExchange = 0x00007000,
  RandomDomain::ExpandedEnsemble = 0x00008000
 Enumerated values for fixed part of random seed (domain) More...
enum  SelectionStringMatchType { eStringMatchType_Auto, eStringMatchType_Exact, eStringMatchType_Wildcard, eStringMatchType_RegularExpression }
 String matching mode for string keyword expressions. More...
enum  SelectionFlag {
  efSelection_OnlyStatic = 1<<0, efSelection_OnlyAtoms = 1<<1, efSelection_OnlySorted = 1<<2, efSelection_DynamicMask = 1<<3,
  efSelection_DisallowEmpty = 1<<4, efSelection_EvaluateVelocities = 1<<5, efSelection_EvaluateForces = 1<<6
 Flags for options. More...
enum  SimdType {
  SimdType::None, SimdType::Reference, SimdType::Generic, SimdType::X86_Sse2,
  SimdType::X86_Sse4_1, SimdType::X86_Avx128Fma, SimdType::X86_Avx, SimdType::X86_Avx2,
  SimdType::X86_Avx512, SimdType::X86_Avx512Knl, SimdType::X86_Mic, SimdType::Arm_Neon,
  SimdType::Arm_NeonAsimd, SimdType::Ibm_Qpx, SimdType::Ibm_Vmx, SimdType::Ibm_Vsx,
 Enumerated options for SIMD architectures. More...
enum  ErrorCode {
  eeOK, eeOutOfMemory, eeFileNotFound, eeFileIO,
  eeInvalidInput, eeInconsistentInput, eeInstability, eeNotImplemented,
  eeInvalidValue, eeInvalidCall, eeInternalError, eeAPIError,
  eeRange, eeCommunication, eeUnknownError
 Possible error return codes from Gromacs functions. More...


AnalysisHistogramSettingsInitializer histogramFromRange (real min, real max)
 Initializes a histogram using a range and a bin width. More...
AnalysisHistogramSettingsInitializer histogramFromBins (real start, int nbins, real binwidth)
 Initializes a histogram using bin width and the number of bins. More...
CommandLineProgramContextinitForCommandLine (int *argc, char ***argv)
 Initializes the GROMACS library for command-line use. More...
void finalizeForCommandLine ()
 Deinitializes the GROMACS library after initForCommandLine(). More...
int processExceptionAtExitForCommandLine (const std::exception &ex)
 Handles an exception and deinitializes after initForCommandLine. More...
int runCommandLineModule (int argc, char *argv[], ICommandLineModule *module)
 Implements a main() method that runs a single module. More...
int runCommandLineModule (int argc, char *argv[], const char *name, const char *description, std::function< std::unique_ptr< ICommandLineOptionsModule >()> factory)
 Implements a main() method that runs a single module. More...
void writeCommandLineHelpCMain (const CommandLineHelpContext &context, const char *name, int(*mainFunction)(int argc, char *argv[]))
 Helper to implement ICommandLineModule::writeHelp() with a C-like main() function that calls parse_common_args(). More...
bool cpuIsX86Nehalem (const CpuInfo &cpuInfo)
 Return true if the CPU is an Intel x86 Nehalem. More...
unsigned int log2I (std::uint32_t x)
 Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 32 bit unsigned argument. More...
unsigned int log2I (std::uint64_t x)
 Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 64 bit unsigned argument. More...
unsigned int log2I (std::int32_t x)
 Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 32 bit signed argument. More...
unsigned int log2I (std::int64_t x)
 Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 64 bit signed argument. More...
std::int64_t greatestCommonDivisor (std::int64_t p, std::int64_t q)
 Find greatest common divisor of two numbers. More...
double erfinv (double x)
 Inverse error function, double precision. More...
float erfinv (float x)
 Inverse error function, single precision. More...
static float invsqrt (float x)
 Calculate 1.0/sqrt(x) in single precision. More...
static double invsqrt (double x)
 Calculate 1.0/sqrt(x) in double precision, but single range. More...
static double invsqrt (int x)
 Calculate 1.0/sqrt(x) for integer x in double precision. More...
static float invcbrt (float x)
 Calculate inverse cube root of x in single precision. More...
static double invcbrt (double x)
 Calculate inverse sixth root of x in double precision. More...
static double invcbrt (int x)
 Calculate inverse sixth root of integer x in double precision. More...
static float sixthroot (float x)
 Calculate sixth root of x in single precision. More...
static double sixthroot (double x)
 Calculate sixth root of x in double precision. More...
static double sixthroot (int x)
 Calculate sixth root of integer x, return double. More...
static float invsixthroot (float x)
 Calculate inverse sixth root of x in single precision. More...
static double invsixthroot (double x)
 Calculate inverse sixth root of x in double precision. More...
static double invsixthroot (int x)
 Calculate inverse sixth root of integer x in double precision. More...
template<typename T >
square (T x)
 calculate x^2 More...
template<typename T >
power3 (T x)
 calculate x^3 More...
template<typename T >
power4 (T x)
 calculate x^4 More...
template<typename T >
power5 (T x)
 calculate x^5 More...
template<typename T >
power6 (T x)
 calculate x^6 More...
template<typename T >
power12 (T x)
 calculate x^12 More...
static real series_sinhx (real x)
 Maclaurin series for sinh(x)/x. More...
void invertBoxMatrix (const matrix src, matrix dest)
 Invert a simulation-box matrix in src, return in dest. More...
void invertMatrix (const matrix src, matrix dest)
 Invert a general 3x3 matrix in src, return in dest. More...
template<typename ValueType >
static BasicVector< ValueType >
::RawArray * 
as_vec_array (BasicVector< ValueType > *x)
 Casts a gmx::BasicVector array into an equivalent raw C array.
template<typename ValueType >
static const BasicVector
< ValueType >::RawArray * 
as_vec_array (const BasicVector< ValueType > *x)
 Casts a gmx::BasicVector array into an equivalent raw C array.
static rvec * as_rvec_array (RVec *x)
 Casts a gmx::RVec array into an rvec array.
static const rvec * as_rvec_array (const RVec *x)
 Casts a gmx::RVec array into an rvec array.
double do_cg (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
 Do conjugate gradients minimization. More...
double do_lbfgs (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
 Do L-BFGS conjugate gradients minimization. More...
double do_steep (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
 Do steepest descents minimization. More...
double do_nm (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
 Do normal modes analysis. More...
double do_tpi (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
 Do test particle insertion. More...
gmx_uint64_t makeRandomSeed ()
 Return 64 random bits from the random device, suitable as seed. More...
template<class RealType = real, unsigned int Bits, class Rng >
RealType generateCanonical (Rng &g)
 Generate a floating-point value with specified number of random bits. More...
HelpTopicPointer createSelectionHelpTopic ()
 */ More...
static void simdPrefetch (void *m)
 Prefetch memory at address m. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadTranspose (const double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdDouble *v0, SimdDouble *v1, SimdDouble *v2, SimdDouble *v3)
 Load 4 consecutive double from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets, and transpose into 4 SIMD double variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadTranspose (const double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdDouble *v0, SimdDouble *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive double from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets, and transpose into 2 SIMD double variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadUTranspose (const double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdDouble *v0, SimdDouble *v1, SimdDouble *v2)
 Load 3 consecutive doubles from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets, and transpose into 3 SIMD double variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall transposeScatterStoreU (double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdDouble v0, SimdDouble v1, SimdDouble v2)
 Transpose and store 3 SIMD doubles to 3 consecutive addresses at GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall transposeScatterIncrU (double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdDouble v0, SimdDouble v1, SimdDouble v2)
 Transpose and add 3 SIMD doubles to 3 consecutive addresses at GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall transposeScatterDecrU (double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdDouble v0, SimdDouble v1, SimdDouble v2)
 Transpose and subtract 3 SIMD doubles to 3 consecutive addresses at GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets. More...
static void gmx_simdcall expandScalarsToTriplets (SimdDouble scalar, SimdDouble *triplets0, SimdDouble *triplets1, SimdDouble *triplets2)
 Expand each element of double SIMD variable into three identical consecutive elements in three SIMD outputs. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const double *base, SimdDInt32 offset, SimdDouble *v0, SimdDouble *v1, SimdDouble *v2, SimdDouble *v3)
 Load 4 consecutive doubles from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets specified by a SIMD integer, transpose into 4 SIMD double variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadUBySimdIntTranspose (const double *base, SimdDInt32 offset, SimdDouble *v0, SimdDouble *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive doubles from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets (unaligned) specified by SIMD integer, transpose into 2 SIMD doubles. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const double *base, SimdDInt32 offset, SimdDouble *v0, SimdDouble *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive doubles from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH offsets specified by a SIMD integer, transpose into 2 SIMD double variables. More...
static double gmx_simdcall reduceIncr4ReturnSum (double *m, SimdDouble v0, SimdDouble v1, SimdDouble v2, SimdDouble v3)
 Reduce each of four SIMD doubles, add those values to four consecutive doubles in memory, return sum. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadTranspose (const float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdFloat *v0, SimdFloat *v1, SimdFloat *v2, SimdFloat *v3)
 Load 4 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets, and transpose into 4 SIMD float variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadTranspose (const float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdFloat *v0, SimdFloat *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets, and transpose into 2 SIMD float variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadUTranspose (const float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdFloat *v0, SimdFloat *v1, SimdFloat *v2)
 Load 3 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets, and transpose into 3 SIMD float variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall transposeScatterStoreU (float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdFloat v0, SimdFloat v1, SimdFloat v2)
 Transpose and store 3 SIMD floats to 3 consecutive addresses at GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall transposeScatterIncrU (float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdFloat v0, SimdFloat v1, SimdFloat v2)
 Transpose and add 3 SIMD floats to 3 consecutive addresses at GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall transposeScatterDecrU (float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdFloat v0, SimdFloat v1, SimdFloat v2)
 Transpose and subtract 3 SIMD floats to 3 consecutive addresses at GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets. More...
static void gmx_simdcall expandScalarsToTriplets (SimdFloat scalar, SimdFloat *triplets0, SimdFloat *triplets1, SimdFloat *triplets2)
 Expand each element of float SIMD variable into three identical consecutive elements in three SIMD outputs. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const float *base, SimdFInt32 offset, SimdFloat *v0, SimdFloat *v1, SimdFloat *v2, SimdFloat *v3)
 Load 4 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets specified by a SIMD integer, transpose into 4 SIMD float variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadUBySimdIntTranspose (const float *base, SimdFInt32 offset, SimdFloat *v0, SimdFloat *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets (unaligned) specified by SIMD integer, transpose into 2 SIMD floats. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const float *base, SimdFInt32 offset, SimdFloat *v0, SimdFloat *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH offsets specified by a SIMD integer, transpose into 2 SIMD float variables. More...
static float gmx_simdcall reduceIncr4ReturnSum (float *m, SimdFloat v0, SimdFloat v1, SimdFloat v2, SimdFloat v3)
 Reduce each of four SIMD floats, add those values to four consecutive floats in memory, return sum. More...
static void store (float *m, float a)
 Store contents of float variable to aligned memory m. More...
static void storeU (float *m, float a)
 Store contents of float variable to unaligned memory m. More...
static float fma (float a, float b, float c)
 Float Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b + c. More...
static float fms (float a, float b, float c)
 Float Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b - c. More...
static float fnma (float a, float b, float c)
 Float Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b + c. More...
static float fnms (float a, float b, float c)
 Float Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b - c. More...
static float maskAdd (float a, float b, float m)
 Add two float variables, masked version. More...
static float maskzMul (float a, float b, float m)
 Multiply two float variables, masked version. More...
static float maskzFma (float a, float b, float c, float m)
 Float fused multiply-add, masked version. More...
static float abs (float a)
 Float Floating-point abs(). More...
static float max (float a, float b)
 Set each float element to the largest from two variables. More...
static float min (float a, float b)
 Set each float element to the smallest from two variables. More...
static float round (float a)
 Float round to nearest integer value (in floating-point format). More...
static float trunc (float a)
 Truncate float, i.e. round towards zero - common hardware instruction. More...
static float reduce (float a)
 Return sum of all elements in float variable (i.e., the variable itself). More...
static float andNot (float a, float b)
 Bitwise andnot for two scalar float variables. More...
static bool testBits (float a)
 Return true if any bits are set in the float variable. More...
static bool anyTrue (bool a)
 Returns if the boolean is true. More...
static float selectByMask (float a, bool mask)
 Select from single precision variable where boolean is true. More...
static float selectByNotMask (float a, bool mask)
 Select from single precision variable where boolean is false. More...
static float blend (float a, float b, float sel)
 Blend float selection. More...
static std::int32_t cvtR2I (float a)
 Round single precision floating point to integer. More...
static std::int32_t cvttR2I (float a)
 Truncate single precision floating point to integer. More...
static std::int32_t cvtI2R (std::int32_t a)
 Return integer. More...
static void store (double *m, double a)
 Store contents of double variable to aligned memory m. More...
static void storeU (double *m, double a)
 Store contents of double variable to unaligned memory m. More...
static double fma (double a, double b, double c)
 double Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b + c. More...
static double fms (double a, double b, double c)
 double Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b - c. More...
static double fnma (double a, double b, double c)
 double Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is - a*b + c. More...
static double fnms (double a, double b, double c)
 double Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b - c. More...
static double maskAdd (double a, double b, double m)
 Add two double variables, masked version. More...
static double maskzMul (double a, double b, double m)
 Multiply two double variables, masked version. More...
static double maskzFma (double a, double b, double c, double m)
 double fused multiply-add, masked version. More...
static double abs (double a)
 double doubleing-point abs(). More...
static double max (double a, double b)
 Set each double element to the largest from two variables. More...
static double min (double a, double b)
 Set each double element to the smallest from two variables. More...
static double round (double a)
 double round to nearest integer value (in doubleing-point format). More...
static double trunc (double a)
 Truncate double, i.e. round towards zero - common hardware instruction. More...
static double reduce (double a)
 Return sum of all elements in double variable (i.e., the variable itself). More...
static double andNot (double a, double b)
 Bitwise andnot for two scalar double variables. More...
static bool testBits (double a)
 Return true if any bits are set in the double variable. More...
static double selectByMask (double a, bool mask)
 Select from double precision variable where boolean is true. More...
static double selectByNotMask (double a, bool mask)
 Select from double precision variable where boolean is false. More...
static double blend (double a, double b, double sel)
 Blend double selection. More...
static std::int32_t cvtR2I (double a)
 Round single precision doubleing point to integer. More...
static std::int32_t cvttR2I (double a)
 Truncate single precision doubleing point to integer. More...
static double cvtF2D (float a)
 Convert float to double (mimicks SIMD conversion) More...
static float cvtD2F (double a)
 Convert double to float (mimicks SIMD conversion) More...
static void store (std::int32_t *m, std::int32_t a)
 Store contents of integer variable to aligned memory m. More...
static void storeU (std::int32_t *m, std::int32_t a)
 Store contents of integer variable to unaligned memory m. More...
static std::int32_t andNot (std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b)
 Bitwise andnot for two scalar integer variables. More...
static bool testBits (std::int32_t a)
 Return true if any bits are set in the integer variable. More...
static std::int32_t selectByMask (std::int32_t a, bool mask)
 Select from integer variable where boolean is true. More...
static std::int32_t selectByNotMask (std::int32_t a, bool mask)
 Select from integer variable where boolean is false. More...
static std::int32_t blend (std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b, float sel)
 Blend integer selection. More...
static bool cvtB2IB (bool a)
 Just return a boolean (mimicks SIMD real-to-int bool conversions) More...
static bool cvtIB2B (bool a)
 Just return a boolean (mimicks SIMD int-to-real bool conversions) More...
static float copysign (float x, float y)
 Composes single value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y. More...
static void invsqrtPair (float x0, float x1, float *out0, float *out1)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two floats. More...
static float inv (float x)
 Calculate 1/x for float. More...
static float maskzInvsqrt (float x, bool m)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for masked entry of float. More...
static float maskzInv (float x, bool m)
 Calculate 1/x for masked entry of float. More...
static float log (float x)
 Float log(x). This is the natural logarithm. More...
static float exp2 (float x)
 Float 2^x. More...
static float exp (float x)
 Float exp(x). More...
static float erf (float x)
 Float erf(x). More...
static float erfc (float x)
 Float erfc(x). More...
static void sincos (float x, float *sinval, float *cosval)
 Float sin & cos. More...
static float sin (float x)
 Float sin. More...
static float cos (float x)
 Float cos. More...
static float tan (float x)
 Float tan. More...
static float asin (float x)
 float asin. More...
static float acos (float x)
 Float acos. More...
static float atan (float x)
 Float atan. More...
static float atan2 (float y, float x)
 Float atan2(y,x). More...
static float pmeForceCorrection (float z2)
 Calculate the force correction due to PME analytically in float. More...
static float pmePotentialCorrection (float z2)
 Calculate the potential correction due to PME analytically in float. More...
static double copysign (double x, double y)
 Composes double value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y. More...
static void invsqrtPair (double x0, double x1, double *out0, double *out1)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two doubles. More...
static double inv (double x)
 Calculate 1/x for double. More...
static double maskzInvsqrt (double x, bool m)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for masked entry of double. More...
static double maskzInv (double x, bool m)
 Calculate 1/x for masked entry of double. More...
static double log (double x)
 Double log(x). This is the natural logarithm. More...
static double exp2 (double x)
 Double 2^x. More...
static double exp (double x)
 Double exp(x). More...
static double erf (double x)
 Double erf(x). More...
static double erfc (double x)
 Double erfc(x). More...
static void sincos (double x, double *sinval, double *cosval)
 Double sin & cos. More...
static double sin (double x)
 Double sin. More...
static double cos (double x)
 Double cos. More...
static double tan (double x)
 Double tan. More...
static double asin (double x)
 Double asin. More...
static double acos (double x)
 Double acos. More...
static double atan (double x)
 Double atan. More...
static double atan2 (double y, double x)
 Double atan2(y,x). More...
static double pmeForceCorrection (double z2)
 Calculate the force correction due to PME analytically in double. More...
static double pmePotentialCorrection (double z2)
 Calculate the potential correction due to PME analytically in double. More...
static double invsqrtSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for double, but with single accuracy. More...
static void invsqrtPairSingleAccuracy (double x0, double x1, double *out0, double *out1)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two doubles, but with single accuracy. More...
static double invSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Calculate 1/x for double, but with single accuracy. More...
static double maskzInvsqrtSingleAccuracy (double x, bool m)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for masked entry of double, but with single accuracy. More...
static double maskzInvSingleAccuracy (double x, bool m)
 Calculate 1/x for masked entry of double, but with single accuracy. More...
static double sqrtSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Calculate sqrt(x) for double, but with single accuracy. More...
static double logSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double log(x), but with single accuracy. This is the natural logarithm. More...
static double exp2SingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double 2^x, but with single accuracy. More...
static double expSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double exp(x), but with single accuracy. More...
static double erfSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double erf(x), but with single accuracy. More...
static double erfcSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double erfc(x), but with single accuracy. More...
static void sincosSingleAccuracy (double x, double *sinval, double *cosval)
 Double sin & cos, but with single accuracy. More...
static double sinSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double sin, but with single accuracy. More...
static double cosSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double cos, but with single accuracy. More...
static double tanSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double tan, but with single accuracy. More...
static double asinSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double asin, but with single accuracy. More...
static double acosSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double acos, but with single accuracy. More...
static double atanSingleAccuracy (double x)
 Double atan, but with single accuracy. More...
static double atan2SingleAccuracy (double y, double x)
 Double atan2(y,x), but with single accuracy. More...
static double pmeForceCorrectionSingleAccuracy (double z2)
 Force correction due to PME in double, but with single accuracy. More...
static double pmePotentialCorrectionSingleAccuracy (double z2)
 Potential correction due to PME in double, but with single accuracy. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadTranspose (const float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], float *v0, float *v1, float *v2, float *v3)
 Load 4 consecutive floats from base/offset into four variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadTranspose (const float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], float *v0, float *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive floats from base/offset into four variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadUTranspose (const float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], float *v0, float *v1, float *v2)
 Load 3 consecutive floats from base/offsets, store into three vars. More...
template<int align>
static void transposeScatterStoreU (float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], float v0, float v1, float v2)
 Store 3 floats to 3 to base/offset. More...
template<int align>
static void transposeScatterIncrU (float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], float v0, float v1, float v2)
 Add 3 floats to base/offset. More...
template<int align>
static void transposeScatterDecrU (float *base, const std::int32_t offset[], float v0, float v1, float v2)
 Subtract 3 floats from base/offset. More...
static void expandScalarsToTriplets (float scalar, float *triplets0, float *triplets1, float *triplets2)
 Copy single float to three variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const float *base, std::int32_t offset, float *v0, float *v1, float *v2, float *v3)
 Load 4 floats from base/offsets and store into variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadUBySimdIntTranspose (const float *base, std::int32_t offset, float *v0, float *v1)
 Load 2 floats from base/offsets and store into variables (unaligned). More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const float *base, std::int32_t offset, float *v0, float *v1)
 Load 2 floats from base/offsets and store into variables (aligned). More...
static float reduceIncr4ReturnSum (float *m, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3)
 Add each float to four consecutive memory locations, return sum. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadTranspose (const double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], double *v0, double *v1, double *v2, double *v3)
 Load 4 consecutive doubles from base/offset into four variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadTranspose (const double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], double *v0, double *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive doubles from base/offset into four variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadUTranspose (const double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], double *v0, double *v1, double *v2)
 Load 3 consecutive doubles from base/offsets, store into three vars. More...
template<int align>
static void transposeScatterStoreU (double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], double v0, double v1, double v2)
 Store 3 doubles to 3 to base/offset. More...
template<int align>
static void transposeScatterIncrU (double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], double v0, double v1, double v2)
 Add 3 doubles to base/offset. More...
template<int align>
static void transposeScatterDecrU (double *base, const std::int32_t offset[], double v0, double v1, double v2)
 Subtract 3 doubles from base/offset. More...
static void expandScalarsToTriplets (double scalar, double *triplets0, double *triplets1, double *triplets2)
 Copy single double to three variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const double *base, std::int32_t offset, double *v0, double *v1, double *v2, double *v3)
 Load 4 doubles from base/offsets and store into variables. More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadUBySimdIntTranspose (const double *base, std::int32_t offset, double *v0, double *v1)
 Load 2 doubles from base/offsets and store into variables (unaligned). More...
template<int align>
static void gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose (const double *base, std::int32_t offset, double *v0, double *v1)
 Load 2 doubles from base/offsets and store into variables (aligned). More...
static float reduceIncr4ReturnSum (double *m, double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3)
 Add each double to four consecutive memory locations, return sum. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall invsqrtSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD float, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat maskzInvsqrtSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x, SimdFBool m)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for masked SIMD floats, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static void gmx_simdcall invsqrtPairSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x0, SimdFloat x1, SimdFloat *out0, SimdFloat *out1)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two SIMD floats, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall invSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 Calculate 1/x for SIMD float, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat maskzInvSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x, SimdFBool m)
 Calculate 1/x for masked SIMD floats, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall sqrtSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 Calculate sqrt(x) for SIMD float, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall logSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float log(x), only targeting single accuracy. This is the natural logarithm. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall exp2SingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float 2^x, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall expSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float e^x, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall erfSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float erf(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall erfcSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float erfc(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static void gmx_simdcall sinCosSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x, SimdFloat *sinval, SimdFloat *cosval)
 SIMD float sin & cos, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall sinSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float sin(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall cosSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float cos(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall tanSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float tan(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall asinSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float asin(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall acosSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float acos(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall atanSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float atan(x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall atan2SingleAccuracy (SimdFloat y, SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float atan2(y,x), only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall pmeForceCorrectionSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat z2)
 SIMD Analytic PME force correction, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall pmePotentialCorrectionSingleAccuracy (SimdFloat z2)
 SIMD Analytic PME potential correction, only targeting single accuracy. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall invsqrtSingleAccuracy (Simd4Float x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD4 float, only targeting single accuracy. More...
const std::string & simdString (SimdType s)
 Return a string with the name of a SIMD type. More...
SimdType simdSuggested (const CpuInfo &c)
 Return the SIMD type that would fit this hardware best.
SimdType simdCompiled ()
 Return the SIMD type the library was compiled with.
bool simdCheck (SimdType s, FILE *log, bool warnToStdErr)
 Check if binary was compiled with the provided SIMD type. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall iprod (SimdFloat ax, SimdFloat ay, SimdFloat az, SimdFloat bx, SimdFloat by, SimdFloat bz)
 SIMD float inner product of multiple float vectors. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall norm2 (SimdFloat ax, SimdFloat ay, SimdFloat az)
 SIMD float norm squared of multiple vectors. More...
static void gmx_simdcall cprod (SimdFloat ax, SimdFloat ay, SimdFloat az, SimdFloat bx, SimdFloat by, SimdFloat bz, SimdFloat *cx, SimdFloat *cy, SimdFloat *cz)
 SIMD float cross-product of multiple vectors. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall iprod (SimdDouble ax, SimdDouble ay, SimdDouble az, SimdDouble bx, SimdDouble by, SimdDouble bz)
 SIMD double inner product of multiple double vectors. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall norm2 (SimdDouble ax, SimdDouble ay, SimdDouble az)
 SIMD double norm squared of multiple vectors. More...
static void gmx_simdcall cprod (SimdDouble ax, SimdDouble ay, SimdDouble az, SimdDouble bx, SimdDouble by, SimdDouble bz, SimdDouble *cx, SimdDouble *cy, SimdDouble *cz)
 SIMD double cross-product of multiple vectors. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall norm2 (Simd4Float ax, Simd4Float ay, Simd4Float az)
 SIMD4 float norm squared of multiple vectors. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall norm2 (Simd4Double ax, Simd4Double ay, Simd4Double az)
 SIMD4 double norm squared of multiple vectors. More...
void registerTrajectoryAnalysisModules (CommandLineModuleManager *manager)
 Registers all trajectory analysis command-line modules. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (ArrayRef< T > &a, ArrayRef< T > &b)
 Simple swap method for ArrayRef objects. More...
template<typename T >
void swap (ConstArrayRef< T > &a, ConstArrayRef< T > &b)
 Simple swap method for ConstArrayRef objects. More...
void printBinaryInformation (FILE *fp, const IProgramContext &programContext)
 Print basic information about the executable. More...
void printBinaryInformation (FILE *fp, const IProgramContext &programContext, const BinaryInformationSettings &settings)
 Print basic information about the executable with custom settings. More...
std::string bromacs ()
 Return a cool definition for the acronym GROMACS.
std::string getCoolQuote ()
 Return a string with a cool quote.
const char * getErrorCodeString (int errorcode)
 Returns a short string description of an error code. More...
void printFatalErrorMessage (FILE *fp, const std::exception &ex)
 Formats a standard fatal error message for reporting an exception. More...
std::string formatExceptionMessageToString (const std::exception &ex)
 Formats an error message for reporting an exception. More...
void formatExceptionMessageToFile (FILE *fp, const std::exception &ex)
 Formats an error message for reporting an exception. More...
void formatExceptionMessageToWriter (TextWriter *writer, const std::exception &ex)
 Formats an error message for reporting an exception. More...
int processExceptionAtExit (const std::exception &ex)
 Handles an exception that is causing the program to terminate. More...
void processExceptionAsFatalError (const std::exception &ex)
 Helper function for terminating the program on an exception. More...
template<class Exception , class Tag , class T >
< std::is_base_of
< GromacsException, Exception >
::value, const Exception & >
operator<< (const Exception &ex, const ExceptionInfo< Tag, T > &item)
 Associates extra information with an exception. More...
IFileInputRedirectordefaultFileInputRedirector ()
 Returns default implementation for IFileInputRedirector. More...
IFileOutputRedirectordefaultFileOutputRedirector ()
 Returns default implementation for IFileOutputRedirector. More...
const DataFileFindergetLibraryFileFinder ()
 Gets a finder for locating data files from share/top/. More...
void setLibraryFileFinder (const DataFileFinder *finder)
 Sets a finder for location data files from share/top/. More...
bool regexMatch (const char *str, const Regex &regex)
 Matches a string with a regular expression. More...
bool regexMatch (const std::string &str, const Regex &regex)
 Matches a string with a regular expression. More...
void init (int *argc, char ***argv)
 Initializes the GROMACS library. More...
void finalize ()
 Deinitializes the GROMACS library. More...
const IProgramContextgetProgramContext ()
 Returns the global IProgramContext instance. More...
void setProgramContext (const IProgramContext *context)
 Sets the global IProgramContext instance. More...
template<class T >
void sfree_wrapper (T *p)
 sfree wrapper to be used as scoped_cptr deleter
std::size_t countWords (const char *s)
 Returns number of space-separated words in zero-terminated char ptr. More...
std::size_t countWords (const std::string &str)
 Returns the number of space-separated words in a string object. More...
bool endsWith (const char *str, const char *suffix)
 Tests whether a string ends with another string. More...
std::string stripSuffixIfPresent (const std::string &str, const char *suffix)
 Removes a suffix from a string. More...
std::string stripString (const std::string &str)
 Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string. More...
std::string formatString (const char *fmt,...)
 Formats a string (snprintf() wrapper). More...
std::vector< std::string > splitString (const std::string &str)
 Splits a string to whitespace separated tokens. More...
std::string replaceAll (const std::string &input, const char *from, const char *to)
 Replace all occurrences of a string with another string. More...
std::string replaceAll (const std::string &input, const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
 Replace all occurrences of a string with another string. More...
std::string replaceAllWords (const std::string &input, const char *from, const char *to)
 Replace whole words with others. More...
std::string replaceAllWords (const std::string &input, const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
 Replace whole words with others. More...
static bool isNullOrEmpty (const char *str)
 Tests whether a string is null or empty. More...
static bool startsWith (const std::string &str, const std::string &prefix)
 Tests whether a string starts with another string. More...
static bool startsWith (const char *str, const char *prefix)
 Tests whether a string starts with another string. More...
static bool endsWith (const std::string &str, const char *suffix)
 Tests whether a string ends with another string. More...
static bool contains (const std::string &str, const char *substr)
 Tests whether a string contains another as a substring. More...
static bool contains (const std::string &str, const std::string &substr)
 Tests whether a string contains another as a substring. More...
static bool endsWith (const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
 Tests whether a string ends with another string. More...
template<typename InputIterator , typename FormatterType >
std::string formatAndJoin (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const char *separator, const FormatterType &formatter)
 Formats all the range as strings, and then joins them with a separator in between. More...
template<typename ContainerType , typename FormatterType >
std::string formatAndJoin (const ContainerType &container, const char *separator, const FormatterType &formatter)
 Formats all elements of the container as strings, and then joins them with a separator in between. More...
template<typename InputIterator >
std::string joinStrings (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const char *separator)
 Joins strings from a range with a separator in between. More...
template<typename ContainerType >
std::string joinStrings (const ContainerType &container, const char *separator)
 Joins strings from a container with a separator in between. More...
template<size_t count>
std::string joinStrings (const char *const (&array)[count], const char *separator)
 Joins strings from an array with a separator in between. More...
static const char * boolToString (bool value)
 Converts a boolean to a "true"/"false" string. More...
static integrator_tmy_integrator (unsigned int ei)
 Return the correct integrator function.
int mdrunner (gmx_hw_opt_t *hw_opt, FILE *fplog, struct t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, ivec ddxyz, int dd_rank_order, int npme, real rdd, real rconstr, const char *dddlb_opt, real dlb_scale, const char *ddcsx, const char *ddcsy, const char *ddcsz, const char *nbpu_opt, int nstlist_cmdline, gmx_int64_t nsteps_cmdline, int nstepout, int resetstep, int nmultisim, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, real pforce, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags)
 Driver routine, that calls the different methods. More...
Constant width-4 double precision SIMD types and instructions
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall load4 (const double *m)
 Load 4 double values from aligned memory into SIMD4 variable. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store4 (double *m, Simd4Double a)
 Store the contents of SIMD4 double to aligned memory m. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall load4U (const double *m)
 Load SIMD4 double from unaligned memory. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store4U (double *m, Simd4Double a)
 Store SIMD4 double to unaligned memory. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall simd4SetZeroD ()
 Set all SIMD4 double elements to 0. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall operator& (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Bitwise and for two SIMD4 double variables. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall andNot (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Bitwise andnot for two SIMD4 double variables. c=(~a) & b. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall operator| (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Bitwise or for two SIMD4 doubles. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall operator^ (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Bitwise xor for two SIMD4 double variables. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall operator+ (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Add two double SIMD4 variables. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall operator- (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Subtract two SIMD4 variables. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall operator- (Simd4Double a)
 SIMD4 floating-point negate. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall operator* (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Multiply two SIMD4 variables. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall fma (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b, Simd4Double c)
 SIMD4 Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b+c. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall fms (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b, Simd4Double c)
 SIMD4 Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b-c. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall fnma (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b, Simd4Double c)
 SIMD4 Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b+c. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall fnms (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b, Simd4Double c)
 SIMD4 Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b-c. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall rsqrt (Simd4Double x)
 SIMD4 1.0/sqrt(x) lookup. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall abs (Simd4Double a)
 SIMD4 Floating-point abs(). More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall max (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Set each SIMD4 element to the largest from two variables. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall min (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Set each SIMD4 element to the largest from two variables. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall round (Simd4Double a)
 SIMD4 Round to nearest integer value (in floating-point format). More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall trunc (Simd4Double a)
 Truncate SIMD4, i.e. round towards zero - common hardware instruction. More...
static double gmx_simdcall dotProduct (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 Return dot product of two double precision SIMD4 variables. More...
static void gmx_simdcall transpose (Simd4Double *v0, Simd4Double *v1, Simd4Double *v2, Simd4Double *v3)
 SIMD4 double transpose. More...
static Simd4DBool gmx_simdcall operator== (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 a==b for SIMD4 double More...
static Simd4DBool gmx_simdcall operator!= (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 a!=b for SIMD4 double More...
static Simd4DBool gmx_simdcall operator< (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 a<b for SIMD4 double More...
static Simd4DBool gmx_simdcall operator<= (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b)
 a<=b for SIMD4 double. More...
static Simd4DBool gmx_simdcall operator&& (Simd4DBool a, Simd4DBool b)
 Logical and on single precision SIMD4 booleans. More...
static Simd4DBool gmx_simdcall operator|| (Simd4DBool a, Simd4DBool b)
 Logical or on single precision SIMD4 booleans. More...
static bool gmx_simdcall anyTrue (Simd4DBool a)
 Returns non-zero if any of the boolean in SIMD4 a is True, otherwise 0. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall selectByMask (Simd4Double a, Simd4DBool mask)
 Select from single precision SIMD4 variable where boolean is true. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall selectByNotMask (Simd4Double a, Simd4DBool mask)
 Select from single precision SIMD4 variable where boolean is false. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall blend (Simd4Double a, Simd4Double b, Simd4DBool sel)
 Vector-blend SIMD4 selection. More...
static double gmx_simdcall reduce (Simd4Double a)
 Return sum of all elements in SIMD4 double variable. More...
Constant width-4 single precision SIMD types and instructions
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall load4 (const float *m)
 Load 4 float values from aligned memory into SIMD4 variable. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store4 (float *m, Simd4Float a)
 Store the contents of SIMD4 float to aligned memory m. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall load4U (const float *m)
 Load SIMD4 float from unaligned memory. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store4U (float *m, Simd4Float a)
 Store SIMD4 float to unaligned memory. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall simd4SetZeroF ()
 Set all SIMD4 float elements to 0. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall operator& (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Bitwise and for two SIMD4 float variables. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall andNot (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Bitwise andnot for two SIMD4 float variables. c=(~a) & b. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall operator| (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Bitwise or for two SIMD4 floats. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall operator^ (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Bitwise xor for two SIMD4 float variables. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall operator+ (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Add two float SIMD4 variables. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall operator- (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Subtract two SIMD4 variables. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall operator- (Simd4Float a)
 SIMD4 floating-point negate. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall operator* (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Multiply two SIMD4 variables. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall fma (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b, Simd4Float c)
 SIMD4 Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b+c. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall fms (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b, Simd4Float c)
 SIMD4 Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b-c. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall fnma (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b, Simd4Float c)
 SIMD4 Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b+c. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall fnms (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b, Simd4Float c)
 SIMD4 Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b-c. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall rsqrt (Simd4Float x)
 SIMD4 1.0/sqrt(x) lookup. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall abs (Simd4Float a)
 SIMD4 Floating-point fabs(). More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall max (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Set each SIMD4 element to the largest from two variables. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall min (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Set each SIMD4 element to the largest from two variables. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall round (Simd4Float a)
 SIMD4 Round to nearest integer value (in floating-point format). More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall trunc (Simd4Float a)
 Truncate SIMD4, i.e. round towards zero - common hardware instruction. More...
static float gmx_simdcall dotProduct (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 Return dot product of two single precision SIMD4 variables. More...
static void gmx_simdcall transpose (Simd4Float *v0, Simd4Float *v1, Simd4Float *v2, Simd4Float *v3)
 SIMD4 float transpose. More...
static Simd4FBool gmx_simdcall operator== (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 a==b for SIMD4 float More...
static Simd4FBool gmx_simdcall operator!= (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 a!=b for SIMD4 float More...
static Simd4FBool gmx_simdcall operator< (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 a<b for SIMD4 float More...
static Simd4FBool gmx_simdcall operator<= (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b)
 a<=b for SIMD4 float. More...
static Simd4FBool gmx_simdcall operator&& (Simd4FBool a, Simd4FBool b)
 Logical and on single precision SIMD4 booleans. More...
static Simd4FBool gmx_simdcall operator|| (Simd4FBool a, Simd4FBool b)
 Logical or on single precision SIMD4 booleans. More...
static bool gmx_simdcall anyTrue (Simd4FBool a)
 Returns non-zero if any of the boolean in SIMD4 a is True, otherwise 0. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall selectByMask (Simd4Float a, Simd4FBool mask)
 Select from single precision SIMD4 variable where boolean is true. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall selectByNotMask (Simd4Float a, Simd4FBool mask)
 Select from single precision SIMD4 variable where boolean is false. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall blend (Simd4Float a, Simd4Float b, Simd4FBool sel)
 Vector-blend SIMD4 selection. More...
static float gmx_simdcall reduce (Simd4Float a)
 Return sum of all elements in SIMD4 float variable. More...
SIMD implementation load/store operations for double precision floating point
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall simdLoad (const double *m)
 Load GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH numbers from aligned memory. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store (double *m, SimdDouble a)
 Store the contents of SIMD double variable to aligned memory m. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall simdLoadU (const double *m)
 Load SIMD double from unaligned memory. More...
static void gmx_simdcall storeU (double *m, SimdDouble a)
 Store SIMD double to unaligned memory. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall setZeroD ()
 Set all SIMD double variable elements to 0.0. More...
SIMD implementation load/store operations for integers (corresponding to double)
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall simdLoadDI (const std::int32_t *m)
 Load aligned SIMD integer data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdDouble. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store (std::int32_t *m, SimdDInt32 a)
 Store aligned SIMD integer data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdDouble. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall simdLoadUDI (const std::int32_t *m)
 Load unaligned integer SIMD data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdDouble. More...
static void gmx_simdcall storeU (std::int32_t *m, SimdDInt32 a)
 Store unaligned SIMD integer data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdDouble. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall setZeroDI ()
 Set all SIMD (double) integer variable elements to 0. More...
template<int index>
static std::int32_t gmx_simdcall extract (SimdDInt32 a)
 Extract element with index i from gmx::SimdDInt32. More...
SIMD implementation double precision floating-point bitwise logical operations
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator& (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Bitwise and for two SIMD double variables. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall andNot (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Bitwise andnot for SIMD double. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator| (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Bitwise or for SIMD double. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator^ (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Bitwise xor for SIMD double. More...
SIMD implementation double precision floating-point arithmetics
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator+ (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Add two double SIMD variables. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator- (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Subtract two double SIMD variables. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator- (SimdDouble a)
 SIMD double precision negate. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator* (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Multiply two double SIMD variables. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall fma (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDouble c)
 SIMD double Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b+c. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall fms (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDouble c)
 SIMD double Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b-c. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall fnma (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDouble c)
 SIMD double Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b+c. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall fnms (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDouble c)
 SIMD double Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b-c. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall rsqrt (SimdDouble x)
 double SIMD 1.0/sqrt(x) lookup. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall rcp (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double 1.0/x lookup. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall maskAdd (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDBool m)
 Add two double SIMD variables, masked version. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall maskzMul (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDBool m)
 Multiply two double SIMD variables, masked version. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall maskzFma (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDouble c, SimdDBool m)
 SIMD double fused multiply-add, masked version. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall maskzRsqrt (SimdDouble x, SimdDBool m)
 SIMD double 1.0/sqrt(x) lookup, masked version. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall maskzRcp (SimdDouble x, SimdDBool m)
 SIMD double 1.0/x lookup, masked version. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall abs (SimdDouble a)
 SIMD double floating-point fabs(). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall max (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Set each SIMD double element to the largest from two variables. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall min (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 Set each SIMD double element to the smallest from two variables. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall round (SimdDouble a)
 SIMD double round to nearest integer value (in floating-point format). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall trunc (SimdDouble a)
 Truncate SIMD double, i.e. round towards zero - common hardware instruction. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall frexp (SimdDouble value, SimdDInt32 *exponent)
 Extract (integer) exponent and fraction from double precision SIMD. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall ldexp (SimdDouble value, SimdDInt32 exponent)
 Multiply a SIMD double value by the number 2 raised to an exp power. More...
static double gmx_simdcall reduce (SimdDouble a)
 Return sum of all elements in SIMD double variable. More...
SIMD implementation double precision floating-point comparison, boolean, selection.
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall operator== (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 SIMD a==b for double SIMD. More...
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall operator!= (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 SIMD a!=b for double SIMD. More...
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall operator< (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 SIMD a<b for double SIMD. More...
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall operator<= (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b)
 SIMD a<=b for double SIMD. More...
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall testBits (SimdDouble a)
 Return true if any bits are set in the single precision SIMD. More...
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall operator&& (SimdDBool a, SimdDBool b)
 Logical and on double precision SIMD booleans. More...
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall operator|| (SimdDBool a, SimdDBool b)
 Logical or on double precision SIMD booleans. More...
static bool gmx_simdcall anyTrue (SimdDBool a)
 Returns non-zero if any of the boolean in SIMD a is True, otherwise 0. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall selectByMask (SimdDouble a, SimdDBool mask)
 Select from double precision SIMD variable where boolean is true. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall selectByNotMask (SimdDouble a, SimdDBool mask)
 Select from double precision SIMD variable where boolean is false. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall blend (SimdDouble a, SimdDouble b, SimdDBool sel)
 Vector-blend SIMD double selection. More...
SIMD implementation integer (corresponding to double) bitwise logical operations
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator<< (SimdDInt32 a, int n)
 SIMD integer shift left logical, based on immediate value. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator>> (SimdDInt32 a, int n)
 SIMD integer shift right logical, based on immediate value. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator& (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise and. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall andNot (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise not/complement. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator| (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise or. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator^ (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise xor. More...
SIMD implementation integer (corresponding to double) arithmetics
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator+ (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Add SIMD integers. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator- (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Subtract SIMD integers. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall operator* (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Multiply SIMD integers. More...
SIMD implementation integer (corresponding to double) comparisons, boolean selection
static SimdDIBool gmx_simdcall operator== (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Equality comparison of two integers corresponding to double values. More...
static SimdDIBool gmx_simdcall operator< (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b)
 Less-than comparison of two SIMD integers corresponding to double values. More...
static SimdDIBool gmx_simdcall testBits (SimdDInt32 a)
 Check if any bit is set in each element. More...
static SimdDIBool gmx_simdcall operator&& (SimdDIBool a, SimdDIBool b)
 Logical AND on SimdDIBool. More...
static SimdDIBool gmx_simdcall operator|| (SimdDIBool a, SimdDIBool b)
 Logical OR on SimdDIBool. More...
static bool gmx_simdcall anyTrue (SimdDIBool a)
 Returns true if any of the boolean in x is True, otherwise 0. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall selectByMask (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDIBool mask)
 Select from gmx::SimdDInt32 variable where boolean is true. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall selectByNotMask (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDIBool mask)
 Select from gmx::SimdDInt32 variable where boolean is false. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall blend (SimdDInt32 a, SimdDInt32 b, SimdDIBool sel)
 Vector-blend SIMD integer selection. More...
SIMD implementation conversion operations
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall cvtR2I (SimdDouble a)
 Round double precision floating point to integer. More...
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall cvttR2I (SimdDouble a)
 Truncate double precision floating point to integer. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall cvtI2R (SimdDInt32 a)
 Convert integer to double precision floating point. More...
static SimdDIBool gmx_simdcall cvtB2IB (SimdDBool a)
 Convert from double precision boolean to corresponding integer boolean. More...
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall cvtIB2B (SimdDIBool a)
 Convert from integer boolean to corresponding double precision boolean. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall cvtF2D (SimdFloat f)
 Convert SIMD float to double. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall cvtD2F (SimdDouble d)
 Convert SIMD double to float. More...
static void gmx_simdcall cvtF2DD (SimdFloat f, SimdDouble *d0, SimdDouble *d1)
 Convert SIMD float to double. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall cvtDD2F (SimdDouble d0, SimdDouble d1)
 Convert SIMD double to float. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall cvtR2I (SimdFloat a)
 Round single precision floating point to integer. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall cvttR2I (SimdFloat a)
 Truncate single precision floating point to integer. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall cvtI2R (SimdFInt32 a)
 Convert integer to single precision floating point. More...
static SimdFIBool gmx_simdcall cvtB2IB (SimdFBool a)
 Convert from single precision boolean to corresponding integer boolean. More...
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall cvtIB2B (SimdFIBool a)
 Convert from integer boolean to corresponding single precision boolean. More...
SIMD implementation load/store operations for single precision floating point
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall simdLoad (const float *m)
 Load GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH float numbers from aligned memory. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store (float *m, SimdFloat a)
 Store the contents of SIMD float variable to aligned memory m. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall simdLoadU (const float *m)
 Load SIMD float from unaligned memory. More...
static void gmx_simdcall storeU (float *m, SimdFloat a)
 Store SIMD float to unaligned memory. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall setZeroF ()
 Set all SIMD float variable elements to 0.0. More...
SIMD implementation load/store operations for integers (corresponding to float)
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall simdLoadFI (const std::int32_t *m)
 Load aligned SIMD integer data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdFloat. More...
static void gmx_simdcall store (std::int32_t *m, SimdFInt32 a)
 Store aligned SIMD integer data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdFloat. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall simdLoadUFI (const std::int32_t *m)
 Load unaligned integer SIMD data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdFloat. More...
static void gmx_simdcall storeU (std::int32_t *m, SimdFInt32 a)
 Store unaligned SIMD integer data, width corresponds to gmx::SimdFloat. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall setZeroFI ()
 Set all SIMD (float) integer variable elements to 0. More...
template<int index>
static std::int32_t gmx_simdcall extract (SimdFInt32 a)
 Extract element with index i from gmx::SimdFInt32. More...
SIMD implementation single precision floating-point bitwise logical operations
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator& (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Bitwise and for two SIMD float variables. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall andNot (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Bitwise andnot for SIMD float. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator| (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Bitwise or for SIMD float. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator^ (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Bitwise xor for SIMD float. More...
SIMD implementation single precision floating-point arithmetics
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator+ (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Add two float SIMD variables. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator- (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Subtract two float SIMD variables. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator- (SimdFloat a)
 SIMD single precision negate. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator* (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Multiply two float SIMD variables. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall fma (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFloat c)
 SIMD float Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b+c. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall fms (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFloat c)
 SIMD float Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b-c. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall fnma (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFloat c)
 SIMD float Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b+c. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall fnms (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFloat c)
 SIMD float Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b-c. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall rsqrt (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float 1.0/sqrt(x) lookup. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall rcp (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float 1.0/x lookup. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall maskAdd (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFBool m)
 Add two float SIMD variables, masked version. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall maskzMul (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFBool m)
 Multiply two float SIMD variables, masked version. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall maskzFma (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFloat c, SimdFBool m)
 SIMD float fused multiply-add, masked version. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall maskzRsqrt (SimdFloat x, SimdFBool m)
 SIMD float 1.0/sqrt(x) lookup, masked version. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall maskzRcp (SimdFloat x, SimdFBool m)
 SIMD float 1.0/x lookup, masked version. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall abs (SimdFloat a)
 SIMD float Floating-point abs(). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall max (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Set each SIMD float element to the largest from two variables. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall min (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 Set each SIMD float element to the smallest from two variables. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall round (SimdFloat a)
 SIMD float round to nearest integer value (in floating-point format). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall trunc (SimdFloat a)
 Truncate SIMD float, i.e. round towards zero - common hardware instruction. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall frexp (SimdFloat value, SimdFInt32 *exponent)
 Extract (integer) exponent and fraction from single precision SIMD. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall ldexp (SimdFloat value, SimdFInt32 exponent)
 Multiply a SIMD float value by the number 2 raised to an exp power. More...
static float gmx_simdcall reduce (SimdFloat a)
 Return sum of all elements in SIMD float variable. More...
SIMD implementation single precision floating-point comparisons, boolean, selection.
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall operator== (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 SIMD a==b for single SIMD. More...
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall operator!= (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 SIMD a!=b for single SIMD. More...
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall operator< (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 SIMD a<b for single SIMD. More...
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall operator<= (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b)
 SIMD a<=b for single SIMD. More...
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall testBits (SimdFloat a)
 Return true if any bits are set in the single precision SIMD. More...
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall operator&& (SimdFBool a, SimdFBool b)
 Logical and on single precision SIMD booleans. More...
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall operator|| (SimdFBool a, SimdFBool b)
 Logical or on single precision SIMD booleans. More...
static bool gmx_simdcall anyTrue (SimdFBool a)
 Returns non-zero if any of the boolean in SIMD a is True, otherwise 0. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall selectByMask (SimdFloat a, SimdFBool mask)
 Select from single precision SIMD variable where boolean is true. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall selectByNotMask (SimdFloat a, SimdFBool mask)
 Select from single precision SIMD variable where boolean is false. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall blend (SimdFloat a, SimdFloat b, SimdFBool sel)
 Vector-blend SIMD float selection. More...
SIMD implementation integer (corresponding to float) bitwise logical operations
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator<< (SimdFInt32 a, int n)
 SIMD integer shift left logical, based on immediate value. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator>> (SimdFInt32 a, int n)
 SIMD integer shift right logical, based on immediate value. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator& (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise and. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall andNot (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise not/complement. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator| (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise or. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator^ (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Integer SIMD bitwise xor. More...
SIMD implementation integer (corresponding to float) arithmetics
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator+ (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Add SIMD integers. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator- (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Subtract SIMD integers. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall operator* (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Multiply SIMD integers. More...
SIMD implementation integer (corresponding to float) comparisons, boolean, selection
static SimdFIBool gmx_simdcall operator== (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Equality comparison of two integers corresponding to float values. More...
static SimdFIBool gmx_simdcall operator< (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b)
 Less-than comparison of two SIMD integers corresponding to float values. More...
static SimdFIBool gmx_simdcall testBits (SimdFInt32 a)
 Check if any bit is set in each element. More...
static SimdFIBool gmx_simdcall operator&& (SimdFIBool a, SimdFIBool b)
 Logical AND on SimdFIBool. More...
static SimdFIBool gmx_simdcall operator|| (SimdFIBool a, SimdFIBool b)
 Logical OR on SimdFIBool. More...
static bool gmx_simdcall anyTrue (SimdFIBool a)
 Returns true if any of the boolean in x is True, otherwise 0. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall selectByMask (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFIBool mask)
 Select from gmx::SimdFInt32 variable where boolean is true. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall selectByNotMask (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFIBool mask)
 Select from gmx::SimdFInt32 variable where boolean is false. More...
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall blend (SimdFInt32 a, SimdFInt32 b, SimdFIBool sel)
 Vector-blend SIMD integer selection. More...
Higher-level SIMD utilities accessing partial (half-width) SIMD doubles.

See the single-precision versions for documentation. Since double precision is typically half the width of single, this double version is likely only useful with 512-bit and larger implementations.

static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall loadDualHsimd (const double *m0, const double *m1)
 Load low & high parts of SIMD double from different locations. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall loadDuplicateHsimd (const double *m)
 Load half-SIMD-width double data, spread to both halves. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall load1DualHsimd (const double *m)
 Load two doubles, spread 1st in low half, 2nd in high half. More...
static void gmx_simdcall storeDualHsimd (double *m0, double *m1, SimdDouble a)
 Store low & high parts of SIMD double to different locations. More...
static void gmx_simdcall incrDualHsimd (double *m0, double *m1, SimdDouble a)
 Add each half of SIMD variable to separate memory adresses. More...
static void gmx_simdcall decrHsimd (double *m, SimdDouble a)
 Add the two halves of a SIMD double, subtract the sum from half-SIMD-width consecutive doubles in memory. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadTransposeHsimd (const double *base0, const double *base1, std::int32_t offset[], SimdDouble *v0, SimdDouble *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive doubles from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH/2 offsets, transpose into SIMD double (low half from base0, high from base1). More...
static double gmx_simdcall reduceIncr4ReturnSumHsimd (double *m, SimdDouble v0, SimdDouble v1)
 Reduce the 4 half-SIMD-with doubles in 2 SIMD variables (sum halves), increment four consecutive doubles in memory, return sum. More...
Higher-level SIMD utilities accessing partial (half-width) SIMD floats.

These functions are optional. The are only useful for SIMD implementation where the width is 8 or larger, and where it would be inefficient to process 4*8, 8*8, or more, interactions in parallel.

Currently, only Intel provides very wide SIMD implementations, but these also come with excellent support for loading, storing, accessing and shuffling parts of the register in so-called 'lanes' of 4 bytes each. We can use this to load separate parts into the low/high halves of the register in the inner loop of the nonbonded kernel, which e.g. makes it possible to process 4*4 nonbonded interactions as a pattern of 2*8. We can also use implementations with width 16 or greater.

To make this more generic, when GMX_SIMD_HAVE_HSIMD_UTIL_REAL is 1, the SIMD implementation provides seven special routines that:

  • Load the low/high parts of a SIMD variable from different pointers
  • Load half the SIMD width from one pointer, and duplicate in low/high parts
  • Load two reals, put 1st one in all low elements, and 2nd in all high ones.
  • Store the low/high parts of a SIMD variable to different pointers
  • Subtract both SIMD halves from a single half-SIMD-width memory location.
  • Load aligned pairs (LJ parameters) from two base pointers, with a common offset list, and put these in the low/high SIMD halves.
  • Reduce each half of two SIMD registers (i.e., 4 parts in total), increment four adjacent memory positions, and return the total sum.

Remember: this is ONLY used when the native SIMD width is large. You will just waste time if you implement it for normal 16-byte SIMD architectures.

This is part of the new C++ SIMD interface, so these functions are only available when using C++. Since some Gromacs code reliying on the SIMD module is still C (not C++), we have kept the C-style naming for now - this will change once we are entirely C++.

static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall loadDualHsimd (const float *m0, const float *m1)
 Load low & high parts of SIMD float from different locations. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall loadDuplicateHsimd (const float *m)
 Load half-SIMD-width float data, spread to both halves. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall load1DualHsimd (const float *m)
 Load two floats, spread 1st in low half, 2nd in high half. More...
static void gmx_simdcall storeDualHsimd (float *m0, float *m1, SimdFloat a)
 Store low & high parts of SIMD float to different locations. More...
static void gmx_simdcall incrDualHsimd (float *m0, float *m1, SimdFloat a)
 Add each half of SIMD variable to separate memory adresses. More...
static void gmx_simdcall decrHsimd (float *m, SimdFloat a)
 Add the two halves of a SIMD float, subtract the sum from half-SIMD-width consecutive floats in memory. More...
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gatherLoadTransposeHsimd (const float *base0, const float *base1, const std::int32_t offset[], SimdFloat *v0, SimdFloat *v1)
 Load 2 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH/2 offsets, transpose into SIMD float (low half from base0, high from base1). More...
static float gmx_simdcall reduceIncr4ReturnSumHsimd (float *m, SimdFloat v0, SimdFloat v1)
 Reduce the 4 half-SIMD-with floats in 2 SIMD variables (sum halves), increment four consecutive floats in memory, return sum. More...
High-level SIMD proxy objects to disambiguate load/set operations
static const
load (const float *m)
 Load function that returns proxy object for SimdFloat and float. More...
static const
loadU (const float *m)
 LoadU function that returns proxy object for SimdFloat and float. More...
static const
load (const double *m)
 Load function that returns proxy object for SimdDouble and double. More...
static const
loadU (const double *m)
 Load function that returns proxy object for SimdDouble and double. More...
static const
load (const std::int32_t *m)
 Integer load function (proxy object) for SimdFInt32, SImdDInt32, and int32. More...
static const
loadU (const std::int32_t *m)
 Integer loadU function (proxy object) for SimdFInt32, SImdDInt32, and int32. More...
static const
setZero ()
 Proxy object to set any SIMD or scalar variable to zero. More...
Single precision SIMD math functions
In most cases you should use the real-precision functions instead.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall copysign (SimdFloat x, SimdFloat y)
 Composes floating point value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall rsqrtIter (SimdFloat lu, SimdFloat x)
 Perform one Newton-Raphson iteration to improve 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD float. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall invsqrt (SimdFloat x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD float. More...
static void gmx_simdcall invsqrtPair (SimdFloat x0, SimdFloat x1, SimdFloat *out0, SimdFloat *out1)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two SIMD floats. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall rcpIter (SimdFloat lu, SimdFloat x)
 Perform one Newton-Raphson iteration to improve 1/x for SIMD float. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall inv (SimdFloat x)
 Calculate 1/x for SIMD float. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall operator/ (SimdFloat nom, SimdFloat denom)
 Division for SIMD floats. More...
static SimdFloat maskzInvsqrt (SimdFloat x, SimdFBool m)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for masked entries of SIMD float. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall maskzInv (SimdFloat x, SimdFBool m)
 Calculate 1/x for SIMD float, masked version. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall sqrt (SimdFloat x)
 Calculate sqrt(x) correctly for SIMD floats, including argument 0.0. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall log (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float log(x). This is the natural logarithm. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall exp2 (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float 2^x. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall exp (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float exp(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall erf (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float erf(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall erfc (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float erfc(x). More...
static void gmx_simdcall sincos (SimdFloat x, SimdFloat *sinval, SimdFloat *cosval)
 SIMD float sin & cos. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall sin (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float sin(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall cos (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float cos(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall tan (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float tan(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall asin (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float asin(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall acos (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float acos(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall atan (SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float asin(x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall atan2 (SimdFloat y, SimdFloat x)
 SIMD float atan2(y,x). More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall pmeForceCorrection (SimdFloat z2)
 Calculate the force correction due to PME analytically in SIMD float. More...
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall pmePotentialCorrection (SimdFloat z2)
 Calculate the potential correction due to PME analytically in SIMD float. More...
Double precision SIMD math functions
In most cases you should use the real-precision functions instead.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall copysign (SimdDouble x, SimdDouble y)
 Composes floating point value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall rsqrtIter (SimdDouble lu, SimdDouble x)
 Perform one Newton-Raphson iteration to improve 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD double. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall invsqrt (SimdDouble x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD double. More...
static void gmx_simdcall invsqrtPair (SimdDouble x0, SimdDouble x1, SimdDouble *out0, SimdDouble *out1)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two SIMD doubles. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall rcpIter (SimdDouble lu, SimdDouble x)
 Perform one Newton-Raphson iteration to improve 1/x for SIMD double. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall inv (SimdDouble x)
 Calculate 1/x for SIMD double. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall operator/ (SimdDouble nom, SimdDouble denom)
 Division for SIMD doubles. More...
static SimdDouble maskzInvsqrt (SimdDouble x, SimdDBool m)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for masked entries of SIMD double. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall maskzInv (SimdDouble x, SimdDBool m)
 Calculate 1/x for SIMD double, masked version. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall sqrt (SimdDouble x)
 Calculate sqrt(x) correctly for SIMD doubles, including argument 0.0. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall log (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double log(x). This is the natural logarithm. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall exp2 (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double 2^x. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall exp (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double exp(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall erf (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double erf(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall erfc (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double erfc(x). More...
static void gmx_simdcall sincos (SimdDouble x, SimdDouble *sinval, SimdDouble *cosval)
 SIMD double sin & cos. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall sin (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double sin(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall cos (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double cos(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall tan (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double tan(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall asin (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double asin(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall acos (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double acos(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall atan (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double asin(x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall atan2 (SimdDouble y, SimdDouble x)
 SIMD double atan2(y,x). More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall pmeForceCorrection (SimdDouble z2)
 Calculate the force correction due to PME analytically in SIMD double. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall pmePotentialCorrection (SimdDouble z2)
 Calculate the potential correction due to PME analytically in SIMD double. More...
SIMD math functions for double prec. data, single prec. accuracy
In some cases we do not need full double accuracy of individual SIMD math functions, although the data is stored in double precision SIMD registers. This might be the case for special algorithms, or if the architecture does not support single precision. Since the full double precision evaluation of math functions typically require much more expensive polynomial approximations these functions implement the algorithms used in the single precision SIMD math functions, but they operate on double precision SIMD variables.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall invsqrtSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD double, but in single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble maskzInvsqrtSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x, SimdDBool m)
 1/sqrt(x) for masked-in entries of SIMD double, but in single accuracy. More...
static void gmx_simdcall invsqrtPairSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x0, SimdDouble x1, SimdDouble *out0, SimdDouble *out1)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two SIMD doubles, but single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall invSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 Calculate 1/x for SIMD double, but in single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall maskzInvSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x, SimdDBool m)
 1/x for masked entries of SIMD double, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall sqrtSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 Calculate sqrt(x) (correct for 0.0) for SIMD double, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall logSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD log(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall exp2SingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD 2^x. Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall expSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD exp(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall erfSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD erf(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall erfcSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD erfc(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static void gmx_simdcall sinCosSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x, SimdDouble *sinval, SimdDouble *cosval)
 SIMD sin & cos. Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall sinSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD sin(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall cosSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD cos(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall tanSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD tan(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall asinSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD asin(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall acosSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD acos(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall atanSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble x)
 SIMD asin(x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall atan2SingleAccuracy (SimdDouble y, SimdDouble x)
 SIMD atan2(y,x). Double precision SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall pmeForceCorrectionSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble z2)
 Analytical PME force correction, double SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall pmePotentialCorrectionSingleAccuracy (SimdDouble z2)
 Analytical PME potential correction, double SIMD data, single accuracy. More...
SIMD4 math functions
Only a subset of the math functions are implemented for SIMD4.
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall rsqrtIter (Simd4Float lu, Simd4Float x)
 Perform one Newton-Raphson iteration to improve 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD4 float. More...
static Simd4Float gmx_simdcall invsqrt (Simd4Float x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD4 float. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall rsqrtIter (Simd4Double lu, Simd4Double x)
 Perform one Newton-Raphson iteration to improve 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD4 double. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall invsqrt (Simd4Double x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD4 double. More...
static Simd4Double gmx_simdcall invsqrtSingleAccuracy (Simd4Double x)
 Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for SIMD4 double, but in single accuracy. More...


integrator_t do_steep
 Steepest descents energy minimization.
integrator_t do_cg
 Conjugate gradient energy minimization.
integrator_t do_lbfgs
 Conjugate gradient energy minimization using the L-BFGS algorithm.
integrator_t do_nm
 Normal mode analysis.
integrator_t do_tpi
 Test particle insertion.
static const int c_simdBestPairAlignmentDouble = 2
 Best alignment to use for aligned pairs of double data. More...
static const int c_simdBestPairAlignmentFloat = 2
 Best alignment to use for aligned pairs of float data. More...
integrator_t do_md
 MD simulations. More...

SIMD data types

The actual storage of these types is implementation dependent. The documentation is generated from the reference implementation, but for normal usage this will likely not be what you are using.

typedef SimdFloat SimdReal
 Real precision floating-point SIMD datatype. More...
typedef SimdFBool SimdBool
 Boolean SIMD type for usage with SimdReal. More...
typedef SimdFInt32 SimdInt32
 32-bit integer SIMD type. More...
typedef SimdFIBool SimdIBool
 Boolean SIMD type for usage with SimdInt32. More...
typedef Simd4Float Simd4Real
 Real precision floating-point SIMD4 datatype. More...
typedef Simd4FBool Simd4Bool
 Boolean SIMD4 type for usage with SimdReal. More...
const int c_simdBestPairAlignment = c_simdBestPairAlignmentFloat

Typedef Documentation

Default fast and accurate random engine in Gromacs.

This engine will return 2*2^64 random results using the default gmx::RandomDomain::Other stream, and can be initialized with a single seed argument without having to remember empty template angle brackets.

typedef double gmx::integrator_t(FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)

Integrator algorithm implementation.

[in]fplogLog file for output
[in]crCommunication record
[in]nfileNumber of files
[in]fnmFilename structure array
[in]oenvOutput information
[in]bVerboseVerbose output or not
[in]nstglobalcommHow often global communication is done
[in]vsiteVirtual site information
[in]constrConstraint information
[in]stepoutHow often we writen to the console
[in]inputrecInput record with mdp options
[in]top_globalMolecular topology for the whole system
[in]fcdForce and constraint data
[in]state_globalThe state (x, v, f, box etc.) of the whole system
[in]mdatomsStructure containing atom information
[in]nrnbAccounting for floating point operations
[in]wcycleWall cycle timing information
[in]edEssential dynamics sampling information
[in]frForce record with cut-off information and more
[in]repl_ex_nstHow often we do replica exchange (in steps)
[in]repl_ex_nexHow many replicas we have
[in]repl_ex_seedThe seed for Monte Carlo swaps
[in]membedMembrane embedding data structure
[in]cpt_periodHow often to checkpoint the simulation
[in]max_hoursMaximume length of the simulation (wall time)
[in]imdportInteractive MD port (socket)
[in]FlagsFlags to control mdrun
[in]walltime_accountingMore timing information
typedef std::random_device gmx::RandomDevice

Random device.

For now this is identical to the standard library, but since we use the GROMACS random module for all other random engines and distributions it is convenient to have this too in the same module.

Boolean SIMD4 type for usage with SimdReal.

This type is only available if GMX_SIMD4_HAVE_REAL is 1.

If GMX_DOUBLE is 1, this will be set to Simd4DBool internally, otherwise Simd4FBool. This is necessary since some SIMD implementations use bitpatterns for marking truth, so single- vs. double precision booleans are not necessarily exchangable. As long as you just use this type you will not have to worry about precision.

This variable cannot be placed inside other structures or classes, since some compilers (including at least clang-3.7) appear to lose the alignment. This is likely particularly severe when allocating such memory on the heap, but it occurs for stack structures too.

Real precision floating-point SIMD4 datatype.

This type is only available if GMX_SIMD4_HAVE_REAL is 1.

Simd4Double if GMX_DOUBLE is 1, otherwise Simd4Float.

This variable cannot be placed inside other structures or classes, since some compilers (including at least clang-3.7) appear to lose the alignment. This is likely particularly severe when allocating such memory on the heap, but it occurs for stack structures too.

Boolean SIMD type for usage with SimdReal.

This type is only available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_REAL is 1.

If GMX_DOUBLE is 1, this will be set to SimdDBool internally, otherwise SimdFBool. This is necessary since some SIMD implementations use bitpatterns for marking truth, so single- vs. double precision booleans are not necessarily exchangable. As long as you just use this type you will not have to worry about precision.

See SimdIBool for an explanation of real vs. integer booleans.

This variable cannot be placed inside other structures or classes, since some compilers (including at least clang-3.7) appear to lose the alignment. This is likely particularly severe when allocating such memory on the heap, but it occurs for stack structures too.

Boolean SIMD type for usage with SimdInt32.

This type is only available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_INT32_ARITHMETICS is 1.

If GMX_DOUBLE is 1, this will be set to SimdDIBool internally, otherwise SimdFIBool. This is necessary since some SIMD implementations use bitpatterns for marking truth, so single- vs. double precision booleans are not necessarily exchangable, and while a double-precision boolean might be represented with a 64-bit mask, the corresponding integer might only use a 32-bit mask.

We provide conversion routines for these cases, so the only thing you need to keep in mind is to use SimdBool when working with SimdReal while you pick SimdIBool when working with SimdInt32 .

To convert between them, use cvtB2IB and cvtIB2B.

This variable cannot be placed inside other structures or classes, since some compilers (including at least clang-3.7) appear to lose the alignment. This is likely particularly severe when allocating such memory on the heap, but it occurs for stack structures too.

32-bit integer SIMD type.

If GMX_DOUBLE is 1, this will be set to SimdDInt32 internally, otherwise SimdFInt32. This might seem a strange implementation detail, but it is because some SIMD implementations use different types/widths of integers registers when converting from double vs. single precision floating point. As long as you just use this type you will not have to worry about precision.

This variable cannot be placed inside other structures or classes, since some compilers (including at least clang-3.7) appear to lose the alignment. This is likely particularly severe when allocating such memory on the heap, but it occurs for stack structures too.

Real precision floating-point SIMD datatype.

This type is only available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_REAL is 1.

SimdDouble if GMX_DOUBLE is 1, otherwise SimdFloat.

This variable cannot be placed inside other structures or classes, since some compilers (including at least clang-3.7) appear to lose the alignment. This is likely particularly severe when allocating such memory on the heap, but it occurs for stack structures too.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Output format for help writing.


Plain text directly on the console.


reStructuredText for online manual and man pages.


Used for extensions in other modules.


Used for the number of output formats.

Flags for options.

These flags are not part of the public interface, even though they are in an installed header. They are needed in a few template class implementations.

The flags related to default values are confusing, consider reorganizing them.

Option has been set.


The current value of the option is a programmatic default value.


An explicit default value has been provided for the option.


Next assignment to the option clears old values.

This flag is set when a new option source starts, such that values from the new source will overwrite old ones.


Option is required to be set.


Option can be specified multiple times.


Option is hidden from standard help.


Option value is a vector, but a single value is also accepted.

See Also

Option has a defaultValueIfSet() specified.


Option does not support default values.


Storage object does its custom checking for minimum value count.

If this flag is set, the class derived from OptionStorageTemplate should implement processSetValues(), processAll(), and possible other functions it provides such that it always fails if not enough values are provided. This is useful to override the default check, which is done in OptionStorageTemplate::processSet().

enum gmx::RandomDomain

Enumerated values for fixed part of random seed (domain)

Random numbers are used in many places in GROMACS, and to avoid identical streams the random seeds should be different. Instead of keeping track of several different user-provided seeds, it is better to use the fact that generators like ThreeFry take two 64-bit keys, and combine a general user-provided 64-bit random seed with a second constant value from this list to make each stream guaranteed unique.

There is no reason to go overboard with adding options; we only need to guarantee different streams for cases that might be present simultaneously in a single simulation. As an example, two different integrators (or thermostats) can reuse the same domain.
When you do add options, leave some space between the values so you can group new options with old ones without changing old values.

Generic - stream uniqueness is not important.


Veolcity assignment from Maxwell distribution.


Test particle insertion.


Particle integrators.


Second integrator step for constraints.


Stochastic temperature coupling.


Stochastic pressure coupling.


Replica exchange metropolis moves.


Expanded ensemble lambda moves.

Flags for options.

These flags are not part of the public interface, even though they are in an installed header. They are needed in the implementation of SelectionOption.


Whether POS_MASKONLY should be used for output position evaluation.


If set, unconditionally empty selections result in compilation errors.


Whether velocities of output positions should be evaluated.


Whether forces on output positions should be evaluated.

enum gmx::SimdType

Enumerated options for SIMD architectures.


Disable all SIMD support.


Gromacs reference software SIMD.


Placeholder for future support for gcc generic SIMD.






128-bit Avx with FMA (Amd)


256-bit Avx








Knight's corner.


32-bit ARM NEON


64-bit ARM AArch64 Advanced SIMD


IBM QPX SIMD (BlueGene/Q and later)


IBM VMX SIMD (Altivec on Power6 and later)


IBM VSX SIMD (Power7 and later)


Fujitsu K-computer.

Function Documentation

static float gmx::abs ( float  a)

Float Floating-point abs().

aany floating point values
abs(a) for each element.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::abs ( double  a)

double doubleing-point abs().

aany doubleing point values
abs(a) for each element.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::abs ( SimdFloat  a)

SIMD float Floating-point abs().

aany floating point values
abs(a) for each element.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::abs ( SimdDouble  a)

SIMD double floating-point fabs().

aany floating point values
fabs(a) for each element.
static float gmx::acos ( float  x)

Float acos.

xThe argument to evaluate acos for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::acos ( double  x)

Double acos.

xThe argument to evaluate acos for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::acosSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double acos, but with single accuracy.

xThe argument to evaluate acos for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::andNot ( float  a,
float  b 

Bitwise andnot for two scalar float variables.

(~data1) & data2
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::andNot ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b 

Bitwise andnot for SIMD float.

Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_LOGICAL is 1.

(~data1) & data2
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::andNot ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b 

Bitwise andnot for SIMD double.

Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_LOGICAL is 1.

(~data1) & data2
static double gmx::andNot ( double  a,
double  b 

Bitwise andnot for two scalar double variables.

(~data1) & data2
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static std::int32_t gmx::andNot ( std::int32_t  a,
std::int32_t  b 

Bitwise andnot for two scalar integer variables.

(~data1) & data2
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::andNot ( SimdFInt32  a,
SimdFInt32  b 

Integer SIMD bitwise not/complement.

Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_FINT32_LOGICAL is 1.

You can not use this operation directly to select based on a boolean SIMD variable, since booleans are separate from integer SIMD. If that is what you need, have a look at gmx::selectByMask instead.
ainteger SIMD
binteger SIMD
(~a) & b
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::andNot ( SimdDInt32  a,
SimdDInt32  b 

Integer SIMD bitwise not/complement.

Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_DINT32_LOGICAL is 1.

You can not use this operation directly to select based on a boolean SIMD variable, since booleans are separate from integer SIMD. If that is what you need, have a look at gmx::selectByMask instead.
ainteger SIMD
binteger SIMD
(~a) & b
static bool gmx::anyTrue ( bool  a)

Returns if the boolean is true.

aLogical variable.
true if a is true, otherwise false.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static bool gmx_simdcall gmx::anyTrue ( SimdFBool  a)

Returns non-zero if any of the boolean in SIMD a is True, otherwise 0.

aLogical variable.
true if any element in a is true, otherwise false.

The actual return value for truth will depend on the architecture, so any non-zero value is considered truth.

static bool gmx_simdcall gmx::anyTrue ( SimdDBool  a)

Returns non-zero if any of the boolean in SIMD a is True, otherwise 0.

aLogical variable.
true if any element in a is true, otherwise false.

The actual return value for truth will depend on the architecture, so any non-zero value is considered truth.

static bool gmx_simdcall gmx::anyTrue ( SimdFIBool  a)

Returns true if any of the boolean in x is True, otherwise 0.


The actual return value for "any true" will depend on the architecture. Any non-zero value should be considered truth.

aSIMD boolean
True if any of the elements in a is true, otherwise 0.
static bool gmx_simdcall gmx::anyTrue ( SimdDIBool  a)

Returns true if any of the boolean in x is True, otherwise 0.


The actual return value for "any true" will depend on the architecture. Any non-zero value should be considered truth.

aSIMD boolean
True if any of the elements in a is true, otherwise 0.
static float gmx::asin ( float  x)

float asin.

xThe argument to evaluate asin for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::asin ( double  x)

Double asin.

xThe argument to evaluate asin for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::asinSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double asin, but with single accuracy.

xThe argument to evaluate asin for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::atan ( float  x)

Float atan.

xThe argument to evaluate atan for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::atan ( double  x)

Double atan.

xThe argument to evaluate atan for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::atan2 ( float  y,
float  x 

Float atan2(y,x).

yY component of vector, any quartile
xX component of vector, any quartile
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::atan2 ( double  y,
double  x 

Double atan2(y,x).

yY component of vector, any quartile
xX component of vector, any quartile
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::atan2SingleAccuracy ( double  y,
double  x 

Double atan2(y,x), but with single accuracy.

yY component of vector, any quartile
xX component of vector, any quartile
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::atanSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double atan, but with single accuracy.

xThe argument to evaluate atan for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::blend ( float  a,
float  b,
float  sel 

Blend float selection.

aFirst source
bSecond source
selBoolean selector
Select b if sel is true, a otherwise.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::blend ( double  a,
double  b,
double  sel 

Blend double selection.

aFirst source
bSecond source
selBoolean selector
Select b if sel is true, a otherwise.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static std::int32_t gmx::blend ( std::int32_t  a,
std::int32_t  b,
float  sel 

Blend integer selection.

aFirst source
bSecond source
selBoolean selector
Select b if sel is true, a otherwise.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::blend ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b,
SimdFBool  sel 

Vector-blend SIMD float selection.

aFirst source
bSecond source
selBoolean selector
For each element, select b if sel is true, a otherwise.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::blend ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b,
SimdDBool  sel 

Vector-blend SIMD double selection.

aFirst source
bSecond source
selBoolean selector
For each element, select b if sel is true, a otherwise.
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::blend ( SimdFInt32  a,
SimdFInt32  b,
SimdFIBool  sel 

Vector-blend SIMD integer selection.


aFirst source
bSecond source
selBoolean selector
For each element, select b if sel is true, a otherwise.
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::blend ( SimdDInt32  a,
SimdDInt32  b,
SimdDIBool  sel 

Vector-blend SIMD integer selection.


aFirst source
bSecond source
selBoolean selector
For each element, select b if sel is true, a otherwise.
static float gmx::copysign ( float  x,
float  y 

Composes single value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y.

xValue to set sign for
yValue used to set sign
Magnitude of x, sign of y
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::copysign ( double  x,
double  y 

Composes double value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y.

xValue to set sign for
yValue used to set sign
Magnitude of x, sign of y
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::cos ( float  x)

Float cos.

xThe argument to evaluate cos for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::cos ( double  x)

Double cos.

xThe argument to evaluate cos for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::cosSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double cos, but with single accuracy.

xThe argument to evaluate cos for
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
bool gmx::cpuIsX86Nehalem ( const CpuInfo &  cpuInfo)

Return true if the CPU is an Intel x86 Nehalem.

cpuInfoObject with cpu information
True if running on Nehalem CPU
static bool gmx::cvtB2IB ( bool  a)

Just return a boolean (mimicks SIMD real-to-int bool conversions)

same boolean
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFIBool gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtB2IB ( SimdFBool  a)

Convert from single precision boolean to corresponding integer boolean.

aSIMD floating-point boolean
SIMD integer boolean
static SimdDIBool gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtB2IB ( SimdDBool  a)

Convert from double precision boolean to corresponding integer boolean.

aSIMD floating-point boolean
SIMD integer boolean
static float gmx::cvtD2F ( double  a)

Convert double to float (mimicks SIMD conversion)

a, as float
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtD2F ( SimdDouble  d)

Convert SIMD double to float.

This version is available if GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH is identical to GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH.

Float/double conversions are complex since the SIMD width could either be different (e.g. on x86) or identical (e.g. IBM QPX). This means you will need to check for the width in the code, and have different code paths.

dDouble-precision SIMD variable
Single-precision SIMD variable of the same width
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtDD2F ( SimdDouble  d0,
SimdDouble  d1 

Convert SIMD double to float.

This version is available if GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH is twice as large as GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH.

Float/double conversions are complex since the SIMD width could either be different (e.g. on x86) or identical (e.g. IBM QPX). This means you will need to check for the width in the code, and have different code paths.

d0Double-precision SIMD variable, first half of values to put in f.
d1Double-precision SIMD variable, second half of values to put in f.
Single-precision SIMD variable with all values.
static double gmx::cvtF2D ( float  a)

Convert float to double (mimicks SIMD conversion)

a, as double double
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtF2D ( SimdFloat  f)

Convert SIMD float to double.

This version is available if GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH is identical to GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH.

Float/double conversions are complex since the SIMD width could either be different (e.g. on x86) or identical (e.g. IBM QPX). This means you will need to check for the width in the code, and have different code paths.

fSingle-precision SIMD variable
Double-precision SIMD variable of the same width
static void gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtF2DD ( SimdFloat  f,
SimdDouble *  d0,
SimdDouble *  d1 

Convert SIMD float to double.

This version is available if GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH is twice as large as GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH.

Float/double conversions are complex since the SIMD width could either be different (e.g. on x86) or identical (e.g. IBM QPX). This means you will need to check for the width in the code, and have different code paths.

fSingle-precision SIMD variable
[out]d0Double-precision SIMD variable, first half of values from f.
[out]d1Double-precision SIMD variable, second half of values from f.
static std::int32_t gmx::cvtI2R ( std::int32_t  a)

Return integer.

This function mimicks the SIMD integer-to-real conversion routines. By simply returning an integer, we let the compiler sort out whether the conversion should be to float or double rather than using proxy objects.

same value (a)
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtI2R ( SimdFInt32  a)

Convert integer to single precision floating point.

aSIMD integer
SIMD floating-point
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtI2R ( SimdDInt32  a)

Convert integer to double precision floating point.

aSIMD integer
SIMD floating-point
static bool gmx::cvtIB2B ( bool  a)

Just return a boolean (mimicks SIMD int-to-real bool conversions)

same boolean
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFBool gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtIB2B ( SimdFIBool  a)

Convert from integer boolean to corresponding single precision boolean.

aSIMD integer boolean
SIMD floating-point boolean
static SimdDBool gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtIB2B ( SimdDIBool  a)

Convert from integer boolean to corresponding double precision boolean.

aSIMD integer boolean
SIMD floating-point boolean
static std::int32_t gmx::cvtR2I ( float  a)

Round single precision floating point to integer.

Integer format, a rounded to nearest integer.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static std::int32_t gmx::cvtR2I ( double  a)

Round single precision doubleing point to integer.

Integer format, a rounded to nearest integer.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtR2I ( SimdFloat  a)

Round single precision floating point to integer.

aSIMD floating-point
SIMD integer, rounded to nearest integer.
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::cvtR2I ( SimdDouble  a)

Round double precision floating point to integer.

aSIMD floating-point
SIMD integer, rounded to nearest integer.
static std::int32_t gmx::cvttR2I ( float  a)

Truncate single precision floating point to integer.

Integer format, a truncated to integer.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static std::int32_t gmx::cvttR2I ( double  a)

Truncate single precision doubleing point to integer.

Integer format, a truncated to integer.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::cvttR2I ( SimdFloat  a)

Truncate single precision floating point to integer.

aSIMD floating-point
SIMD integer, truncated to nearest integer.
static SimdDInt32 gmx_simdcall gmx::cvttR2I ( SimdDouble  a)

Truncate double precision floating point to integer.

aSIMD floating-point
SIMD integer, truncated to nearest integer.
static void gmx_simdcall gmx::decrHsimd ( double *  m,
SimdDouble  a 

Add the two halves of a SIMD double, subtract the sum from half-SIMD-width consecutive doubles in memory.

mhalf-width aligned memory, from which sum of the halves will be subtracted.
aSIMD variable. Upper & lower halves will first be added.

If the SIMD width is 8 and contains [a b c d e f g h], the memory will be modified to [m[0]-(a+e) m[1]-(b+f) m[2]-(c+g) m[3]-(d+h)].

The memory must be aligned to half SIMD width.


static void gmx_simdcall gmx::decrHsimd ( float *  m,
SimdFloat  a 

Add the two halves of a SIMD float, subtract the sum from half-SIMD-width consecutive floats in memory.

mhalf-width aligned memory, from which sum of the halves will be subtracted.
aSIMD variable. Upper & lower halves will first be added.

If the SIMD width is 8 and contains [a b c d e f g h], the memory will be modified to [m[0]-(a+e) m[1]-(b+f) m[2]-(c+g) m[3]-(d+h)].

The memory must be aligned to half SIMD width.


double gmx::do_cg ( FILE *  fplog,
t_commrec *  cr,
int  nfile,
const t_filenm  fnm[],
const gmx_output_env_t *  oenv,
gmx_bool  bVerbose,
int  nstglobalcomm,
gmx_vsite_t *  vsite,
gmx_constr_t  constr,
int  stepout,
t_inputrec *  inputrec,
gmx_mtop_t *  top_global,
t_fcdata *  fcd,
t_state *  state_global,
t_mdatoms mdatoms,
t_nrnb *  nrnb,
gmx_wallcycle_t  wcycle,
gmx_edsam_t  ed,
t_forcerec *  fr,
int  repl_ex_nst,
int  repl_ex_nex,
int  repl_ex_seed,
gmx_membed_t *  membed,
real  cpt_period,
real  max_hours,
int  imdport,
unsigned long  Flags,
gmx_walltime_accounting_t  walltime_accounting 

Do conjugate gradients minimization.

Integrator algorithm implementation. (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr,

[in]fplogLog file for output
[in]crCommunication record
[in]nfileNumber of files
[in]fnmFilename structure array
[in]oenvOutput information
[in]bVerboseVerbose output or not
[in]nstglobalcommHow often global communication is done
[in]vsiteVirtual site information
[in]constrConstraint information
[in]stepoutHow often we writen to the console
[in]inputrecInput record with mdp options
[in]top_globalMolecular topology for the whole system
[in]fcdForce and constraint data
[in]state_globalThe state (x, v, f, box etc.) of the whole system
[in]mdatomsStructure containing atom information
[in]nrnbAccounting for floating point operations
[in]wcycleWall cycle timing information
[in]edEssential dynamics sampling information
[in]frForce record with cut-off information and more
[in]repl_ex_nstHow often we do replica exchange (in steps)
[in]repl_ex_nexHow many replicas we have
[in]repl_ex_seedThe seed for Monte Carlo swaps
[in]membedMembrane embedding data structure
[in]cpt_periodHow often to checkpoint the simulation
[in]max_hoursMaximume length of the simulation (wall time)
[in]imdportInteractive MD port (socket)
[in]FlagsFlags to control mdrun
[in]walltime_accountingMore timing information (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, gmx_membed_t gmx_unused *membed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
double gmx::do_lbfgs ( FILE *  fplog,
t_commrec *  cr,
int  nfile,
const t_filenm  fnm[],
const gmx_output_env_t *  oenv,
gmx_bool  bVerbose,
int  nstglobalcomm,
gmx_vsite_t *  vsite,
gmx_constr_t  constr,
int  stepout,
t_inputrec *  inputrec,
gmx_mtop_t *  top_global,
t_fcdata *  fcd,
t_state *  state_global,
t_mdatoms mdatoms,
t_nrnb *  nrnb,
gmx_wallcycle_t  wcycle,
gmx_edsam_t  ed,
t_forcerec *  fr,
int  repl_ex_nst,
int  repl_ex_nex,
int  repl_ex_seed,
gmx_membed_t *  membed,
real  cpt_period,
real  max_hours,
int  imdport,
unsigned long  Flags,
gmx_walltime_accounting_t  walltime_accounting 

Do L-BFGS conjugate gradients minimization.

Integrator algorithm implementation. (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr,

[in]fplogLog file for output
[in]crCommunication record
[in]nfileNumber of files
[in]fnmFilename structure array
[in]oenvOutput information
[in]bVerboseVerbose output or not
[in]nstglobalcommHow often global communication is done
[in]vsiteVirtual site information
[in]constrConstraint information
[in]stepoutHow often we writen to the console
[in]inputrecInput record with mdp options
[in]top_globalMolecular topology for the whole system
[in]fcdForce and constraint data
[in]state_globalThe state (x, v, f, box etc.) of the whole system
[in]mdatomsStructure containing atom information
[in]nrnbAccounting for floating point operations
[in]wcycleWall cycle timing information
[in]edEssential dynamics sampling information
[in]frForce record with cut-off information and more
[in]repl_ex_nstHow often we do replica exchange (in steps)
[in]repl_ex_nexHow many replicas we have
[in]repl_ex_seedThe seed for Monte Carlo swaps
[in]membedMembrane embedding data structure
[in]cpt_periodHow often to checkpoint the simulation
[in]max_hoursMaximume length of the simulation (wall time)
[in]imdportInteractive MD port (socket)
[in]FlagsFlags to control mdrun
[in]walltime_accountingMore timing information (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
double gmx::do_nm ( FILE *  fplog,
t_commrec *  cr,
int  nfile,
const t_filenm  fnm[],
const gmx_output_env_t *  oenv,
gmx_bool  bVerbose,
int  nstglobalcomm,
gmx_vsite_t *  vsite,
gmx_constr_t  constr,
int  stepout,
t_inputrec *  inputrec,
gmx_mtop_t *  top_global,
t_fcdata *  fcd,
t_state *  state_global,
t_mdatoms mdatoms,
t_nrnb *  nrnb,
gmx_wallcycle_t  wcycle,
gmx_edsam_t  ed,
t_forcerec *  fr,
int  repl_ex_nst,
int  repl_ex_nex,
int  repl_ex_seed,
gmx_membed_t *  membed,
real  cpt_period,
real  max_hours,
int  imdport,
unsigned long  Flags,
gmx_walltime_accounting_t  walltime_accounting 

Do normal modes analysis.

Integrator algorithm implementation. (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr,

[in]fplogLog file for output
[in]crCommunication record
[in]nfileNumber of files
[in]fnmFilename structure array
[in]oenvOutput information
[in]bVerboseVerbose output or not
[in]nstglobalcommHow often global communication is done
[in]vsiteVirtual site information
[in]constrConstraint information
[in]stepoutHow often we writen to the console
[in]inputrecInput record with mdp options
[in]top_globalMolecular topology for the whole system
[in]fcdForce and constraint data
[in]state_globalThe state (x, v, f, box etc.) of the whole system
[in]mdatomsStructure containing atom information
[in]nrnbAccounting for floating point operations
[in]wcycleWall cycle timing information
[in]edEssential dynamics sampling information
[in]frForce record with cut-off information and more
[in]repl_ex_nstHow often we do replica exchange (in steps)
[in]repl_ex_nexHow many replicas we have
[in]repl_ex_seedThe seed for Monte Carlo swaps
[in]membedMembrane embedding data structure
[in]cpt_periodHow often to checkpoint the simulation
[in]max_hoursMaximume length of the simulation (wall time)
[in]imdportInteractive MD port (socket)
[in]FlagsFlags to control mdrun
[in]walltime_accountingMore timing information (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
double gmx::do_steep ( FILE *  fplog,
t_commrec *  cr,
int  nfile,
const t_filenm  fnm[],
const gmx_output_env_t *  oenv,
gmx_bool  bVerbose,
int  nstglobalcomm,
gmx_vsite_t *  vsite,
gmx_constr_t  constr,
int  stepout,
t_inputrec *  inputrec,
gmx_mtop_t *  top_global,
t_fcdata *  fcd,
t_state *  state_global,
t_mdatoms mdatoms,
t_nrnb *  nrnb,
gmx_wallcycle_t  wcycle,
gmx_edsam_t  ed,
t_forcerec *  fr,
int  repl_ex_nst,
int  repl_ex_nex,
int  repl_ex_seed,
gmx_membed_t *  membed,
real  cpt_period,
real  max_hours,
int  imdport,
unsigned long  Flags,
gmx_walltime_accounting_t  walltime_accounting 

Do steepest descents minimization.

Integrator algorithm implementation. (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr,

[in]fplogLog file for output
[in]crCommunication record
[in]nfileNumber of files
[in]fnmFilename structure array
[in]oenvOutput information
[in]bVerboseVerbose output or not
[in]nstglobalcommHow often global communication is done
[in]vsiteVirtual site information
[in]constrConstraint information
[in]stepoutHow often we writen to the console
[in]inputrecInput record with mdp options
[in]top_globalMolecular topology for the whole system
[in]fcdForce and constraint data
[in]state_globalThe state (x, v, f, box etc.) of the whole system
[in]mdatomsStructure containing atom information
[in]nrnbAccounting for floating point operations
[in]wcycleWall cycle timing information
[in]edEssential dynamics sampling information
[in]frForce record with cut-off information and more
[in]repl_ex_nstHow often we do replica exchange (in steps)
[in]repl_ex_nexHow many replicas we have
[in]repl_ex_seedThe seed for Monte Carlo swaps
[in]membedMembrane embedding data structure
[in]cpt_periodHow often to checkpoint the simulation
[in]max_hoursMaximume length of the simulation (wall time)
[in]imdportInteractive MD port (socket)
[in]FlagsFlags to control mdrun
[in]walltime_accountingMore timing information (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
double gmx::do_tpi ( FILE *  fplog,
t_commrec *  cr,
int  nfile,
const t_filenm  fnm[],
const gmx_output_env_t *  oenv,
gmx_bool  bVerbose,
int  nstglobalcomm,
gmx_vsite_t *  vsite,
gmx_constr_t  constr,
int  stepout,
t_inputrec *  inputrec,
gmx_mtop_t *  top_global,
t_fcdata *  fcd,
t_state *  state_global,
t_mdatoms mdatoms,
t_nrnb *  nrnb,
gmx_wallcycle_t  wcycle,
gmx_edsam_t  ed,
t_forcerec *  fr,
int  repl_ex_nst,
int  repl_ex_nex,
int  repl_ex_seed,
gmx_membed_t *  membed,
real  cpt_period,
real  max_hours,
int  imdport,
unsigned long  Flags,
gmx_walltime_accounting_t  walltime_accounting 

Do test particle insertion.

Integrator algorithm implementation. (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr,

[in]fplogLog file for output
[in]crCommunication record
[in]nfileNumber of files
[in]fnmFilename structure array
[in]oenvOutput information
[in]bVerboseVerbose output or not
[in]nstglobalcommHow often global communication is done
[in]vsiteVirtual site information
[in]constrConstraint information
[in]stepoutHow often we writen to the console
[in]inputrecInput record with mdp options
[in]top_globalMolecular topology for the whole system
[in]fcdForce and constraint data
[in]state_globalThe state (x, v, f, box etc.) of the whole system
[in]mdatomsStructure containing atom information
[in]nrnbAccounting for floating point operations
[in]wcycleWall cycle timing information
[in]edEssential dynamics sampling information
[in]frForce record with cut-off information and more
[in]repl_ex_nstHow often we do replica exchange (in steps)
[in]repl_ex_nexHow many replicas we have
[in]repl_ex_seedThe seed for Monte Carlo swaps
[in]membedMembrane embedding data structure
[in]cpt_periodHow often to checkpoint the simulation
[in]max_hoursMaximume length of the simulation (wall time)
[in]imdportInteractive MD port (socket)
[in]FlagsFlags to control mdrun
[in]walltime_accountingMore timing information (FILE *fplog, t_commrec *cr, int nfile, const t_filenm fnm[], const gmx_output_env_t *oenv, gmx_bool bVerbose, int nstglobalcomm, gmx_vsite_t *vsite, gmx_constr_t constr, int stepout, t_inputrec *inputrec, gmx_mtop_t *top_global, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state_global, t_mdatoms *mdatoms, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_forcerec *fr, int repl_ex_nst, int repl_ex_nex, int repl_ex_seed, real cpt_period, real max_hours, int imdport, unsigned long Flags, gmx_walltime_accounting_t walltime_accounting)
static float gmx::erf ( float  x)

Float erf(x).

This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::erf ( double  x)

Double erf(x).

This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::erfc ( float  x)

Float erfc(x).

This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::erfc ( double  x)

Double erfc(x).

This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::erfcSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double erfc(x), but with single accuracy.

This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
double gmx::erfinv ( double  x)

Inverse error function, double precision.

xArgument, should be in the range -1.0 < x < 1.0
The inverse of the error function if the argument is inside the range, +/- infinity if it is exactly 1.0 or -1.0, and NaN otherwise.
float gmx::erfinv ( float  x)

Inverse error function, single precision.

xArgument, should be in the range -1.0 < x < 1.0
The inverse of the error function if the argument is inside the range, +/- infinity if it is exactly 1.0 or -1.0, and NaN otherwise.
static double gmx::erfSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double erf(x), but with single accuracy.

This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::exp ( float  x)

Float exp(x).

exp(x). Undefined if input argument caused overflow.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::exp ( double  x)

Double exp(x).

exp(x). Undefined if input argument caused overflow.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::exp2 ( float  x)

Float 2^x.

2^x. Undefined if input argument caused overflow.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::exp2 ( double  x)

Double 2^x.

2^x. Undefined if input argument caused overflow.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::exp2SingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double 2^x, but with single accuracy.

2^x. Undefined if input argument caused overflow.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static void gmx::expandScalarsToTriplets ( float  scalar,
float *  triplets0,
float *  triplets1,
float *  triplets2 

Copy single float to three variables.

scalarFloating-point input.
[out]triplets0Copy 1.
[out]triplets1Copy 2.
[out]triplets2Copy 3.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static void gmx::expandScalarsToTriplets ( double  scalar,
double *  triplets0,
double *  triplets1,
double *  triplets2 

Copy single double to three variables.

scalarFloating-point input.
[out]triplets0Copy 1.
[out]triplets1Copy 2.
[out]triplets2Copy 3.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::expSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double exp(x), but with single accuracy.

exp(x). Undefined if input argument caused overflow.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int index>
static std::int32_t gmx_simdcall gmx::extract ( SimdFInt32  a)

Extract element with index i from gmx::SimdFInt32.

Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_FINT32_EXTRACT is 1.

Template Parameters
indexCompile-time constant, position to extract (first position is 0)
aSIMD variable from which to extract value.
Single integer from position index in SIMD variable.
template<int index>
static std::int32_t gmx_simdcall gmx::extract ( SimdDInt32  a)

Extract element with index i from gmx::SimdDInt32.

Available if GMX_SIMD_HAVE_DINT32_EXTRACT is 1.

Template Parameters
indexCompile-time constant, position to extract (first position is 0)
aSIMD variable from which to extract value.
Single integer from position index in SIMD variable.
static float gmx::fma ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c 

Float Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b + c.

a*b + c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::fma ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 

double Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b + c.

a*b + c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::fma ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b,
SimdFloat  c 

SIMD float Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b+c.

static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::fma ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b,
SimdDouble  c 

SIMD double Fused-multiply-add. Result is a*b+c.

static float gmx::fms ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c 

Float Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b - c.

a*b - c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::fms ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 

double Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b - c.

a*b - c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::fms ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b,
SimdFloat  c 

SIMD float Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b-c.

static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::fms ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b,
SimdDouble  c 

SIMD double Fused-multiply-subtract. Result is a*b-c.

static float gmx::fnma ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c 

Float Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b + c.

-a*b + c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::fnma ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 

double Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is - a*b + c.

-a*b + c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::fnma ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b,
SimdFloat  c 

SIMD float Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b+c.

static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::fnma ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b,
SimdDouble  c 

SIMD double Fused-negated-multiply-add. Result is -a*b+c.

static float gmx::fnms ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c 

Float Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b - c.

-a*b - c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::fnms ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c 

double Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b - c.

-a*b - c
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::fnms ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b,
SimdFloat  c 

SIMD float Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b-c.

static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::fnms ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b,
SimdDouble  c 

SIMD double Fused-negated-multiply-subtract. Result is -a*b-c.

static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::frexp ( SimdFloat  value,
SimdFInt32 *  exponent 

Extract (integer) exponent and fraction from single precision SIMD.

valueFloating-point value to extract from
[out]exponentReturned exponent of value, integer SIMD format.
Fraction of value, floating-point SIMD format.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::frexp ( SimdDouble  value,
SimdDInt32 *  exponent 

Extract (integer) exponent and fraction from double precision SIMD.

valueFloating-point value to extract from
[out]exponentReturned exponent of value, integer SIMD format.
Fraction of value, floating-point SIMD format.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose ( const float *  base,
std::int32_t  offset,
float *  v0,
float *  v1,
float *  v2,
float *  v3 

Load 4 floats from base/offsets and store into variables.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
baseAligned pointer to the start of the memory.
offsetInteger type with offset to the start of each triplet.
[out]v0First float, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v1Second float, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
[out]v2Third float, base[align*offset[0] + 2].
[out]v3Fourth float, base[align*offset[0] + 3].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose ( const float *  base,
std::int32_t  offset,
float *  v0,
float *  v1 

Load 2 floats from base/offsets and store into variables (aligned).

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
baseAligned pointer to the start of the memory.
offsetInteger type with offset to the start of each triplet.
[out]v0First float, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v1Second float, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose ( const double *  base,
std::int32_t  offset,
double *  v0,
double *  v1,
double *  v2,
double *  v3 

Load 4 doubles from base/offsets and store into variables.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
baseAligned pointer to the start of the memory.
offsetInteger type with offset to the start of each triplet.
[out]v0First double, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v1Second double, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
[out]v2Third double, base[align*offset[0] + 2].
[out]v3Fourth double, base[align*offset[0] + 3].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadBySimdIntTranspose ( const double *  base,
std::int32_t  offset,
double *  v0,
double *  v1 

Load 2 doubles from base/offsets and store into variables (aligned).

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
baseAligned pointer to the start of the memory.
offsetInteger type with offset to the start of each triplet.
[out]v0First double, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v1Second double, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadTranspose ( const float *  base,
const std::int32_t  offset[],
float *  v0,
float *  v1,
float *  v2,
float *  v3 

Load 4 consecutive floats from base/offset into four variables.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read.
basePointer to the start of the memory area
offsetIndex to data.
[out]v01st float, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v12nd float, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
[out]v23rd float, base[align*offset[0] + 2].
[out]v34th float, base[align*offset[0] + 3].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadTranspose ( const float *  base,
const std::int32_t  offset[],
float *  v0,
float *  v1 

Load 2 consecutive floats from base/offset into four variables.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read.
basePointer to the start of the memory area
offsetIndex to data.
[out]v01st float, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v12nd float, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadTranspose ( const double *  base,
const std::int32_t  offset[],
double *  v0,
double *  v1,
double *  v2,
double *  v3 

Load 4 consecutive doubles from base/offset into four variables.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read.
basePointer to the start of the memory area
offsetIndex to data.
[out]v01st double, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v12nd double, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
[out]v23rd double, base[align*offset[0] + 2].
[out]v34th double, base[align*offset[0] + 3].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadTranspose ( const double *  base,
const std::int32_t  offset[],
double *  v0,
double *  v1 

Load 2 consecutive doubles from base/offset into four variables.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read.
basePointer to the start of the memory area
offsetIndex to data.
[out]v01st double, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v12nd double, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gmx::gatherLoadTransposeHsimd ( const double *  base0,
const double *  base1,
std::int32_t  offset[],
SimdDouble *  v0,
SimdDouble *  v1 

Load 2 consecutive doubles from each of GMX_SIMD_DOUBLE_WIDTH/2 offsets, transpose into SIMD double (low half from base0, high from base1).

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the storage, i.e. the distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points. When this is identical to the number of output components the data is packed without padding. This must be a multiple of the alignment to keep all data aligned.
base0Pointer to base of first aligned memory
base1Pointer to base of second aligned memory
offsetOffset to the start of each pair
[out]v01st element in each pair, base0 in low and base1 in high half.
[out]v12nd element in each pair, base0 in low and base1 in high half.

The offset array should be of half the SIMD width length, so it corresponds to the half-SIMD-register operations. This also means it must be aligned to half the integer SIMD width (i.e., GMX_SIMD_DINT32_WIDTH/2).

The floating-point memory locations must be aligned, but only to the smaller of two elements and the floating-point SIMD width.

This routine is primarily designed to load nonbonded parameters in the kernels. It is the equivalent of the full-width routine gatherLoadTranspose(), but just as the other hsimd routines it will pick half-SIMD-width data from base0 and put in the lower half, while the upper half comes from base1.

For an example, assume the SIMD width is 8, align is 2, that base0 is [A0 A1 B0 B1 C0 C1 D0 D1 ...], and base1 [E0 E1 F0 F1 G0 G1 H0 H1...].

Then we will get v0 as [A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 H0] and v1 as [A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1].


template<int align>
static void gmx_simdcall gmx::gatherLoadTransposeHsimd ( const float *  base0,
const float *  base1,
const std::int32_t  offset[],
SimdFloat *  v0,
SimdFloat *  v1 

Load 2 consecutive floats from each of GMX_SIMD_FLOAT_WIDTH/2 offsets, transpose into SIMD float (low half from base0, high from base1).

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the storage, i.e. the distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points. When this is identical to the number of output components the data is packed without padding. This must be a multiple of the alignment to keep all data aligned.
base0Pointer to base of first aligned memory
base1Pointer to base of second aligned memory
offsetOffset to the start of each pair
[out]v01st element in each pair, base0 in low and base1 in high half.
[out]v12nd element in each pair, base0 in low and base1 in high half.

The offset array should be of half the SIMD width length, so it corresponds to the half-SIMD-register operations. This also means it must be aligned to half the integer SIMD width (i.e., GMX_SIMD_FINT32_WIDTH/2).

The floating-point memory locations must be aligned, but only to the smaller of two elements and the floating-point SIMD width.

This routine is primarily designed to load nonbonded parameters in the kernels. It is the equivalent of the full-width routine gatherLoadTranspose(), but just as the other hsimd routines it will pick half-SIMD-width data from base0 and put in the lower half, while the upper half comes from base1.

For an example, assume the SIMD width is 8, align is 2, that base0 is [A0 A1 B0 B1 C0 C1 D0 D1 ...], and base1 [E0 E1 F0 F1 G0 G1 H0 H1...].

Then we will get v0 as [A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 G0 H0] and v1 as [A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1].


template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadUBySimdIntTranspose ( const float *  base,
std::int32_t  offset,
float *  v0,
float *  v1 

Load 2 floats from base/offsets and store into variables (unaligned).

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
baseAligned pointer to the start of the memory.
offsetInteger type with offset to the start of each triplet.
[out]v0First float, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v1Second float, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadUBySimdIntTranspose ( const double *  base,
std::int32_t  offset,
double *  v0,
double *  v1 

Load 2 doubles from base/offsets and store into variables (unaligned).

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
baseAligned pointer to the start of the memory.
offsetInteger type with offset to the start of each triplet.
[out]v0First double, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v1Second double, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadUTranspose ( const float *  base,
const std::int32_t  offset[],
float *  v0,
float *  v1,
float *  v2 

Load 3 consecutive floats from base/offsets, store into three vars.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
basePointer to the start of the memory area
offsetOffset to the start of data.
[out]v01st value, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v12nd value, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
[out]v23rd value, base[align*offset[0] + 2].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<int align>
static void gmx::gatherLoadUTranspose ( const double *  base,
const std::int32_t  offset[],
double *  v0,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Load 3 consecutive doubles from base/offsets, store into three vars.

Template Parameters
alignAlignment of the memory from which we read, i.e. distance (measured in elements, not bytes) between index points.
basePointer to the start of the memory area
offsetOffset to the start of data.
[out]v01st double, base[align*offset[0]].
[out]v12nd double, base[align*offset[0] + 1].
[out]v23rd double, base[align*offset[0] + 2].
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
template<class RealType = real, unsigned int Bits, class Rng >
RealType gmx::generateCanonical ( Rng &  g)

Generate a floating-point value with specified number of random bits.

Template Parameters
RealTypeFloating-point type to generate
BitsNumber of random bits to generate
RngRandom number generator class
gRandom number generator to use

This implementation avoids the bug in libc++ and stdlibc++ (which is due to the C++ standard being unclear) where 1.0 can be returned occasionally.

std::int64_t gmx::greatestCommonDivisor ( std::int64_t  p,
std::int64_t  q 

Find greatest common divisor of two numbers.

pFirst number, positive
qSecond number, positive
Greatest common divisor of p and q
static void gmx_simdcall gmx::incrDualHsimd ( double *  m0,
double *  m1,
SimdDouble  a 

Add each half of SIMD variable to separate memory adresses.

m0Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
m1Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
aSIMD variable. Lower half will be added to m0, upper half to m1.

The memory must be aligned to half SIMD width.

The updated m0 value is written before m1 is read from memory, so the result will be correct even if the memory regions overlap.


static void gmx_simdcall gmx::incrDualHsimd ( float *  m0,
float *  m1,
SimdFloat  a 

Add each half of SIMD variable to separate memory adresses.

m0Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
m1Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
aSIMD variable. Lower half will be added to m0, upper half to m1.

The memory must be aligned to half SIMD width.

The updated m0 value is written before m1 is read from memory, so the result will be correct even if the memory regions overlap.


static float gmx::inv ( float  x)

Calculate 1/x for float.

xArgument that must be nonzero. This routine does not check arguments.
1/x. Result is undefined if your argument was invalid.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::inv ( double  x)

Calculate 1/x for double.

xArgument that must be nonzero. This routine does not check arguments.
1/x. Result is undefined if your argument was invalid.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::invcbrt ( float  x)

Calculate inverse cube root of x in single precision.


This routine is typically faster than using std::pow().

static double gmx::invcbrt ( double  x)

Calculate inverse sixth root of x in double precision.


This routine is typically faster than using std::pow().

static double gmx::invcbrt ( int  x)

Calculate inverse sixth root of integer x in double precision.


This routine is typically faster than using std::pow().

void gmx::invertBoxMatrix ( const matrix  src,
matrix  dest 

Invert a simulation-box matrix in src, return in dest.

This routine assumes that src is a simulation-box matrix, i.e. has zeroes in the upper-right triangle. A fatal error occurs if the product of the leading diagonal is too small. The inversion can be done "in place", i.e src and dest can be the same matrix.

void gmx::invertMatrix ( const matrix  src,
matrix  dest 

Invert a general 3x3 matrix in src, return in dest.

A fatal error occurs if the determinant is too small. src and dest cannot be the same matrix.

static double gmx::invSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Calculate 1/x for double, but with single accuracy.

xArgument that must be nonzero. This routine does not check arguments.
1/x. Result is undefined if your argument was invalid.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static float gmx::invsixthroot ( float  x)

Calculate inverse sixth root of x in single precision.

xArgument, must be greater than zero.

This routine is typically faster than using std::pow().

static double gmx::invsixthroot ( double  x)

Calculate inverse sixth root of x in double precision.

xArgument, must be greater than zero.

This routine is typically faster than using std::pow().

static double gmx::invsixthroot ( int  x)

Calculate inverse sixth root of integer x in double precision.

xArgument, must be greater than zero.

This routine is typically faster than using std::pow().

static float gmx::invsqrt ( float  x)

Calculate 1.0/sqrt(x) in single precision.

xPositive value to calculate inverse square root for

For now this is implemented with std::sqrt(x) since gcc seems to do a decent job optimizing it. However, we might decide to use instrinsics or compiler-specific functions in the future.

static double gmx::invsqrt ( double  x)

Calculate 1.0/sqrt(x) in double precision, but single range.

xPositive value to calculate inverse square root for, must be in the input domain valid for single precision.

For now this is implemented with std::sqrt(x). However, we might decide to use instrinsics or compiler-specific functions in the future, and then we want to have the freedom to do the first step in single precision.

static double gmx::invsqrt ( int  x)

Calculate 1.0/sqrt(x) for integer x in double precision.

xPositive value to calculate inverse square root for.
static void gmx::invsqrtPair ( float  x0,
float  x1,
float *  out0,
float *  out1 

Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two floats.

x0First argument, x0 must be positive - no argument checking.
x1Second argument, x1 must be positive - no argument checking.
[out]out0Result 1/sqrt(x0)
[out]out1Result 1/sqrt(x1)
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static void gmx::invsqrtPair ( double  x0,
double  x1,
double *  out0,
double *  out1 

Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two doubles.

x0First argument, x0 must be positive - no argument checking.
x1Second argument, x1 must be positive - no argument checking.
[out]out0Result 1/sqrt(x0)
[out]out1Result 1/sqrt(x1)
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static void gmx::invsqrtPairSingleAccuracy ( double  x0,
double  x1,
double *  out0,
double *  out1 

Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for two doubles, but with single accuracy.

x0First argument, x0 must be positive - no argument checking.
x1Second argument, x1 must be positive - no argument checking.
[out]out0Result 1/sqrt(x0)
[out]out1Result 1/sqrt(x1)
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::invsqrtSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Calculate 1/sqrt(x) for double, but with single accuracy.

xArgument that must be >0. This routine does not check arguments.
1/sqrt(x). Result is undefined if your argument was invalid.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::ldexp ( SimdFloat  value,
SimdFInt32  exponent 

Multiply a SIMD float value by the number 2 raised to an exp power.

valueFloating-point number to multiply with new exponent
exponentInteger that will not overflow as 2^exponent.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::ldexp ( SimdDouble  value,
SimdDInt32  exponent 

Multiply a SIMD double value by the number 2 raised to an exp power.

valueFloating-point number to multiply with new exponent
exponentInteger that will not overflow as 2^exponent.
static const SimdLoadFProxyInternal gmx_simdcall gmx::load ( const float *  m)

Load function that returns proxy object for SimdFloat and float.

mPointer to load memory
Proxy object that will call the actual load for either SimdFloat or float when you assign it and the conversion method is called.
static const SimdLoadDProxyInternal gmx_simdcall gmx::load ( const double *  m)

Load function that returns proxy object for SimdDouble and double.

mPointer to load memory
Proxy object that will call the actual load for either SimdDouble or double when you assign it and the conversion method is called.
static const SimdLoadIProxyInternal gmx_simdcall gmx::load ( const std::int32_t *  m)

Integer load function (proxy object) for SimdFInt32, SImdDInt32, and int32.

mPointer to load memory
Proxy object that will call the actual load for either SimdFInt32 or SimdDInt32 when you assign it and the conversion method is called.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::load1DualHsimd ( const double *  m)

Load two doubles, spread 1st in low half, 2nd in high half.

mPointer to two adjacent double values.
SIMD variable where all elements in the low half have been set to m[0], and all elements in high half to m[1].
This routine always loads two values and sets the halves separately. If you want to set all elements to the same value, simply use the standard (non-half-SIMD) operations.


static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::load1DualHsimd ( const float *  m)

Load two floats, spread 1st in low half, 2nd in high half.

mPointer to two adjacent float values.
SIMD variable where all elements in the low half have been set to m[0], and all elements in high half to m[1].
This routine always loads two values and sets the halves separately. If you want to set all elements to the same value, simply use the standard (non-half-SIMD) operations.


static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::loadDualHsimd ( const double *  m0,
const double *  m1 

Load low & high parts of SIMD double from different locations.

m0Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
m1Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
SIMD variable with low part loaded from m0, high from m1.


static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::loadDualHsimd ( const float *  m0,
const float *  m1 

Load low & high parts of SIMD float from different locations.

m0Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
m1Pointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
SIMD variable with low part loaded from m0, high from m1.


static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::loadDuplicateHsimd ( const double *  m)

Load half-SIMD-width double data, spread to both halves.

mPointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
SIMD variable with both halves loaded from m..


static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::loadDuplicateHsimd ( const float *  m)

Load half-SIMD-width float data, spread to both halves.

mPointer to memory aligned to half SIMD width.
SIMD variable with both halves loaded from m..


static const SimdLoadUFProxyInternal gmx_simdcall gmx::loadU ( const float *  m)

LoadU function that returns proxy object for SimdFloat and float.

mPointer to loadU memory
Proxy object that will call the actual loadU for either SimdFloat or float when you assign it and the conversion method is called.
static const SimdLoadUDProxyInternal gmx_simdcall gmx::loadU ( const double *  m)

Load function that returns proxy object for SimdDouble and double.

mPointer to load memory
Proxy object that will call the actual load for either SimdDouble or double when you assign it and the conversion method is called.
static const SimdLoadUIProxyInternal gmx_simdcall gmx::loadU ( const std::int32_t *  m)

Integer loadU function (proxy object) for SimdFInt32, SImdDInt32, and int32.

mPointer to load memory
Proxy object that will call the actual load for either SimdFInt32 or SimdDInt32 when you assign it and the conversion method is called.
static float gmx::log ( float  x)

Float log(x). This is the natural logarithm.

xArgument, should be >0.
The natural logarithm of x. Undefined if argument is invalid.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::log ( double  x)

Double log(x). This is the natural logarithm.

xArgument, should be >0.
The natural logarithm of x. Undefined if argument is invalid.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
unsigned int gmx::log2I ( std::uint32_t  x)

Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 32 bit unsigned argument.

x32-bit unsigned argument
This version of the overloaded function uses unsigned arguments to be able to handle arguments using all 32 bits.
unsigned int gmx::log2I ( std::uint64_t  x)

Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 64 bit unsigned argument.

x64-bit unsigned argument
This version of the overloaded function uses unsigned arguments to be able to handle arguments using all 64 bits.
unsigned int gmx::log2I ( std::int32_t  x)

Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 32 bit signed argument.

x32-bit signed argument
This version of the overloaded function will assert that x is not negative.
unsigned int gmx::log2I ( std::int64_t  x)

Compute floor of logarithm to base 2, 64 bit signed argument.

x64-bit signed argument
This version of the overloaded function will assert that x is not negative.
static double gmx::logSingleAccuracy ( double  x)

Double log(x), but with single accuracy. This is the natural logarithm.

xArgument, should be >0.
The natural logarithm of x. Undefined if argument is invalid.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
gmx_uint64_t gmx::makeRandomSeed ( )

Return 64 random bits from the random device, suitable as seed.

If the internal random device output is smaller than 64 bits, this routine will use multiple calls internally until we have 64 bits of random data.

64-bit unsigned integer with random bits.
static float gmx::maskAdd ( float  a,
float  b,
float  m 

Add two float variables, masked version.

a+b where mask is true, a otherwise.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::maskAdd ( double  a,
double  b,
double  m 

Add two double variables, masked version.

a+b where mask is true, a otherwise.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::maskAdd ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b,
SimdFBool  m 

Add two float SIMD variables, masked version.

a+b where mask is true, a otherwise.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::maskAdd ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b,
SimdDBool  m 

Add two double SIMD variables, masked version.

a+b where mask is true, 0.0 otherwise.
static float gmx::maskzFma ( float  a,
float  b,
float  c,
float  m 

Float fused multiply-add, masked version.

a*b+c where mask is true, 0.0 otherwise.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static double gmx::maskzFma ( double  a,
double  b,
double  c,
double  m 

double fused multiply-add, masked version.

a*b+c where mask is true, 0.0 otherwise.
This function might be superficially meaningless, but it helps us to write templated SIMD/non-SIMD code. For clarity it should not be used outside such code.
static SimdFloat gmx_simdcall gmx::maskzFma ( SimdFloat  a,
SimdFloat  b,
SimdFloat  c,
SimdFBool  m 

SIMD float fused multiply-add, masked version.

a*b+c where mask is true, 0.0 otherwise.
static SimdDouble gmx_simdcall gmx::maskzFma ( SimdDouble  a,
SimdDouble  b,
SimdDouble  c,
SimdDBool  m 

SIMD double fused multiply-add, masked version.

a*b+c where mask is true, 0.0 otherwise.
static float gmx::maskzInv ( float  x,
bool  m 

Calculate 1/x for masked entry of float.

This routine only evaluates 1/x if mask is true. Illegal values for a masked-out float will not lead to floating-point exceptions.

xArgument that must be nonzero if masked-in.