Jenkins configuration ===================== This page explains common Jenkins configuration used in |Gromacs| builds. You may want to first read :doc:`releng` to understand how the actual builds are done. Job configuration for freestyle projects ---------------------------------------- Configuration for Jenkins projects that use the releng scripts are described here. The description in this section applies directly to freestyle (non-pipeline) builds. Pipeline builds also apply the same principles, but similarities and differences are described in the next section. SCM checkout configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Jenkins SCM configuration should be used to check out the repository from where the build is triggered as a subdirectory of the workspace, with the same name as the repository (this creates the layout described in :doc:`releng`). Using the triggering repository is necessary for the Git Plugin to show reasonable change lists for the builds etc., although the build in reality always starts from the :file:`releng` repository. * The build script always needs to check out the :file:`releng` repository if it did not trigger the build, and start the build from there. * The releng script will check out remaining repositories if necessary. Build parameters and environment variables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Various ``*_REFSPEC`` environment variables (see :ref:`releng-input-env-vars`) need to be set in one way or another. The suggested approach is to use build parameters as below: To create a build that allows both intuitive parameterized builds with given refspecs and Gerrit Trigger builds, the following configuration is recommended: * Use ``GROMACS_REFSPEC``, ``RELENG_REFSPEC``, and ``REGRESSIONTESTS_REFSPEC`` (if needed) as build parameters, with ``refs/heads/master`` (or another branch ref) as the default. With pipeline builds, it is possible to also set ``GROMACS_REFSPEC`` and ``REGRESSIONTESTS_REFSPEC`` to ``auto`` as the default. * Use "Prepare environment for the run" and the following Groovy script:: if (!binding.variables.containsKey('GERRIT_PROJECT')) { return [CHECKOUT_PROJECT: 'gromacs', CHECKOUT_REFSPEC: GROMACS_REFSPEC] } else { return [CHECKOUT_PROJECT: GERRIT_PROJECT, CHECKOUT_REFSPEC: GERRIT_REFSPEC] } * Configure all SCM checkout behaviors to use ``CHECKOUT_PROJECT`` and ``CHECKOUT_REFSPEC``. To create a build that works as expected in all corner cases when triggered from a pipeline job, the following configuration is recommended: * Create additional string parameters ``GROMACS_HASH``, ``RELENG_HASH``, and ``REGRESSIONTESTS_HASH`` with empty default values. * Create a string parameter ``CHECKOUT_PROJECT``, with the default value ``gromacs`` (or another repository that you want to see in Changes section for manually triggered builds). * Use the following Groovy script for injecting environment variables:: return [CHECKOUT_REFSPEC: binding.variables."${CHECKOUT_PROJECT.toUpperCase()}_REFSPEC"] If you also need to support directly triggering the build with Gerrit Trigger, you need a slightly more complicated script, but in most cases, it should be the pipeline job that is triggered with Gerrit Trigger. In SCM poll jobs it is possible to simply set the various environment variables to static values using a properties file in "Prepare environment for the run" (``CHECKOUT_PROJECT`` and the various ``*_REFSPEC`` variables). Note that the SCM checkout behavior cannot use ``CHECKOUT_PROJECT`` in the git address, because the injected variables are not available for SCM polling. Build steps ^^^^^^^^^^^ Builds that call run_build() should use the following post-build steps: * The job should check the console output for the string "FAILED" and mark the build unstable if this is found. * The job should use :file:`logs/unsuccessful-reason.log` as the "Unsuccessful Message File" for the Gerrit Trigger plugin. TODO: How to best handle this for matrix builds (or other types of multi-configuration builds) * The job should archive all :file:`.log` files from :file:`logs/`. Note that the build should be configured not to fail if there is nothing to archive if all the logs are conditionally produced. * The job can check various log files under :file:`logs/{category}/` for warnings; the general design is that all logs from a certain category are checked using the same warning parser. The build script in Jenkins will look something like this:: import os import shlex import subprocess import sys # For builds not triggered by Gerrit Trigger, the conditional is not # necessary. if os.environ['CHECKOUT_PROJECT'] != 'releng': if not os.path.isdir('releng'): os.makedirs('releng') os.chdir('releng') subprocess.check_call(['git', 'init']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'fetch', 'ssh://', os.environ['RELENG_REFSPEC']]) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-qf', 'FETCH_HEAD']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clean', '-ffdxq']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'gc']) os.chdir('..') sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('releng')) import releng # For non-matrix builds, opts can be a hard-coded list (or possibly None). opts = shlex.split(os.environ['OPTIONS']) releng.run_build('gromacs', releng.JobType.GERRIT, opts) The script checks out the :file:`releng` repository to a :file:`releng/` subdirectory of the workspace if not already checked out, imports the :file:`releng` package and runs run_build() with arguments identifying which build script to run, and options that affect how the build is done. ``shlex.split()`` is necessary to be able to pass quoted arguments with spaces to options (not currently used). Matrix builds are nowadays triggered through a pipeline build that chooses the build hosts dynamically inside the releng Python scripts. The scripts still support using with a ``host=`` or a ``label=`` option in the options to select the host, and that option is automatically ignored by run_build(). run_build() will first check out the :file:`gromacs` repository to a :file:`gromacs/` subdirectory of the workspace, and then execute a script from :file:`gromacs/admin/builds/`, selected based on the first argument. If necessary, it will also check out the regression tests repository. If the script exits with a non-zero exit code, the build fails. Job configuration for pipeline builds ------------------------------------- For pipeline job configuration, the same principles apply as for freestyle projects, but much more is handled in the pipeline Groovy script instead of in job configuration. * SCM checkout as described above is handled by ``utils.checkoutDefaultProject()``, called from the beginning of each pipeline script. Jenkins only needs to checkout the :file:`releng` repository to load the Groovy script (see the bootstrap script below). * Build parameters for ``GROMACS_REFSPEC``, ``RELENG_REFSPEC``, and ``REGRESSIONTESTS_REFSPEC`` (if needed) should be added as for freestyle projects. There is no need to deal with ``CHECKOUT_PROJECT`` or with environment variables explicitly (the environment injection plugin does not work with pipeline builds, either). All processing of the parameters is done by ``utils.initBuildRevisions()`` at the start of each Groovy script. For ``GROMACS_REFSPEC`` and ``REGRESSIONTESTS_REFSPEC``, it is possible to use ``auto`` as the default value to create jobs that can be triggered for multiple branches from Gerrit or manually by specifying only one refspec. * ``CHECKOUT_PROJECT`` must not be used as a build parameter (would currently confuse the Python scripts launched from Groovy). * ``*_HASH`` parameters can be used as with freestyle projects. If not set, they are computed at the beginning in ``utils.initBuildRevisions()``. * In freestyle jobs, build status handling required scanning the console log and using :file:`unsuccessful-reason.log`. In pipeline builds, this is handled inside ``utils.groovy`` whenever Python scripts are invoked, and uses return status of Python and a :file:`.json` file created by the Python code. Pipeline builds use a bootstrapping script like this:: def script node('pipeline-general') { def checkout_refspec = params.RELENG_REFSPEC if (params.GERRIT_PROJECT == 'releng') { checkout_refspec = params.GERRIT_REFSPEC } sh """\ set -e mkdir -p releng cd releng git init git fetch ssh:// ${checkout_refspec} git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD git clean -ffdxq git gc """.stripIndent() script = load 'releng/workflow/.groovy' } script.doBuild() where expressions in angle brackets depend on the pipeline. For pipeline that are never triggered by Gerrit Trigger from releng, the part referencing ``GERRIT_PROJECT`` and ``GERRIT_REFSPEC`` can be omitted. Jenkins plugins --------------- The following Jenkins plugins are used in |Gromacs| builds: TODO Build agent labels ------------------ The following labels on the Jenkins build agents are currently used to allocate builds to agents: pipeline-master Used to run general steps in pipeline jobs that do not do any lengthy processing (except for source code checkouts). These could in principle run anywhere, but limiting them to a subset of the nodes reduces the number of workspaces used. This reduces disk space use, and each time a new workspace is created, the initial checkout takes quite a bit of time. clang-static-analyzer-X.Y Used to run clang static analysis builds. The build is dynamically allocated using a version-specific label, based on what is specified in the :file:`` build script in the source repository. cppcheck Used to run cppcheck builds for release-2018 and earlier. For now, there is no version specification: all used versions of cppcheck must be installed on each node. doxygen Used to run documentation builds. In addition to Doxygen, also other tools needed by the documentation build (Sphinx, Latex) need to be installed here. Also the source packaging builds use this label, since they need Sphinx. linux Used for regression test packaging builds to get a uniform enough environment. windows Should not be currently used, but has been used to restrict Unix-specific things in pipelines to not run on Windows agents. In other cases, agents are explicitly assigned to a node. Multi-configuration builds are currently assigned to nodes based on information in :file:``, not on labels configured in Jenkins.