#include <memory>
Declares PmeGpuProgram, which wrap arounds PmeGpuProgramImpl to store permanent PME GPU context-derived data, such as (compiled) kernel handles.
- Author
- Aleksei Iupinov a.yup.nosp@m.inov.nosp@m.@gmai.nosp@m.l.co.nosp@m.m
using | PmeGpuProgramStorage = std::unique_ptr< PmeGpuProgram > |
| This is an owning handle for the compiled PME GPU kernels.
using | PmeGpuProgramHandle = const PmeGpuProgram * |
| This is a handle for passing references to PME GPU program data. TODO: it should be a const reference, but for that the PmeGpu types need to be C++.