========== Containers ========== |Gromacs| project infrastructure uses Docker containerization to isolate automated tasks. A number of images are maintained to provide a breadth of testing coverage. Scripts and configuration files for building images are stored in the repository under :file:`admin/containers/` Images are (re)built manually by |Gromacs| project staff and pushed to DockerHub and GitLab. See https://hub.docker.com/u/gromacs and https://gitlab.com/gromacs/gromacs/container_registry GitLab Container Registry ========================= CI Pipelines use a GitLab container registry instead of pulling from Docker Hub. Project members with role ``Developer`` or higher privilege can `push images <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/container_registry/index.html#build-and-push-images-by-using-docker-commands>`__ to the container registry. Steps: 1. Create a `personal access token <https://gitlab.com/-/profile/personal_access_tokens>`__ (`docs <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html>`__) with ``write_registry`` and ``read_registry`` scopes. Save the hash! 2. Authenticate from the command line with ``docker login registry.gitlab.com -u <user name> -p <hash>`` 3. ``docker push registry.gitlab.com/gromacs/gromacs/<imagename>`` Refer to :file:`buildall.sh` in the ``master`` branch for the set of images currently built. Within :doc:`pipeline jobs <gitlab-ci>`, jobs specify a Docker image with the *image* property. For image naming convention, see :py:func:`utility.image_name`. Images from the GitLab registry are easily accessible with the same identifier as above. For portability, CI environment variables may be preferable for parts of the image identifier. Example:: some_job: image: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/ci-<configuration> ... For more granularity, consider equivalent expressions ``${CI_REGISTRY}/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}`` or ``${CI_REGISTRY}/${CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE}/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}`` Ref: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/predefined_variables.html Utilities ========= :file:`utility.py` ------------------ .. automodule:: utility :members: :file:`scripted_gmx_docker_builds.py` ------------------------------------- .. automodule:: scripted_gmx_docker_builds