dlg file format

Main Table of Contents VERSION 5.0.2


The dlg file format is used as input for the gmx view trajectory viewer. These files are not meant to be altered bu the end user.


grid 39 18 {

group "Bond Options" 1 1 16 9 {
  radiobuttons { " Thin Bonds"  " Fat Bonds" " Very Fat Bonds" " Spheres" }
	"bonds" "Ok" " F" "help bonds"

group "Other Options" 18 1 20 13 {
  checkbox " Show Hydrogens"  ""   	"" "FALSE"	"help opts"
  checkbox " Draw plus for atoms" ""    "" "TRUE"       "help opts"
  checkbox " Show Box"		""	"" "TRUE"	"help opts"
  checkbox " Remove PBC"	""	"" "FALSE"	"help opts"
  checkbox " Depth Cueing"	""	"" "TRUE"	"help opts"
  edittext "Skip frames: "	""	"" "0"		"help opts"

simple 1 15 37 2 {
  defbutton "Ok" "Ok" "Ok" "Ok" "help bonds"

