file | atomdata.cpp |
file | atomdata.h |
| Functionality for per-atom data in the nbnxm module.
file | boundingboxes.h |
| Declares constants and helper functions used when handling bounding boxes for clusters of particles.
file | clusterdistancekerneltype.h |
| Declares the ClusterDistanceKernelType enum.
file | exclusionchecker.cpp |
| This file defines functions to reduce and check exclusion counts.
file | exclusionchecker.h |
| This file declares functionality for checking whether all exclusions are present in the pairlist.
file | freeenergydispatch.cpp |
file | freeenergydispatch.h |
| Declares the free-energy kernel dispatch class.
file | gpu_common.h |
| Common functions for the different NBNXN GPU implementations.
file | gpu_common_utils.h |
| Implements common util routines for different NBNXN GPU implementations.
file | gpu_data_mgmt.h |
| Declare interface for GPU data transfer for NBNXN module.
file | gpu_jit_support.h |
| Declares functions that support JIT compilation (e.g. for OpenCL)
file | gpu_types_common.h |
| Implements common internal types for different NBNXN GPU implementations.
file | grid.cpp |
| Implements the Grid class.
file | grid.h |
| Declares the Grid class.
file | gridset.cpp |
| Implements the GridSet class.
file | gridset.h |
| Declares the GridSet class.
file | gridsetdata.h |
| Declares the GridSetData struct which holds grid data that is shared over all grids.
file | kernel_common.cpp |
| Implements utility functions used by all nbnxm CPU kernels.
file | kernel_common.h |
| Declares the nbnxm pair interaction kernel function types and kind counts, also declares utility functions used in nbnxm_kernel.cpp.
file | kerneldispatch.cpp |
file | nbnxm.cpp |
| Implements the Nbnxm class.
file | nbnxm.h |
| This file contains the public interface of the nbnxm module that implements the NxM atom cluster non-bonded algorithm to efficiently compute pair forces.
file | nbnxm_geometry.cpp |
file | nbnxm_geometry.h |
| Declares the geometry-related functionality.
file | nbnxm_gpu.h |
| Declare interface for GPU execution for NBNXN module.
file | nbnxm_gpu_buffer_ops.cpp |
| Common code for GPU buffer operations, namely the coordinate layout conversion.
file | nbnxm_gpu_buffer_ops_internal.h |
| Wrapper for the backend-specific coordinate layout conversion functionality.
file | nbnxm_gpu_data_mgmt.cpp |
| Define common implementation of nbnxm_gpu_data_mgmt.h.
file | nbnxm_gpu_data_mgmt.h |
| Declare common functions for NBNXM GPU data management.
file | nbnxm_setup.cpp |
| Common functions for the different NBNXN GPU implementations.
file | nbnxm_simd.h |
| Defines constants used to know which nbNxM kernel flavours (4xM or 2xMM) can be supported by the SIMD layer in use.
file | pairlist.cpp |
file | pairlist.h |
file | pairlist_simd_2xmm.h |
| Declares inline-friendly code for making 2xNN pairlists.
file | pairlist_simd_4xm.h |
| Declares inline-friendly code for making 4xN pairlists.
file | pairlist_tuning.cpp |
| Implements functions for tuning adjustable parameters for the nbnxn non-bonded search and interaction kernels.
file | pairlist_tuning.h |
| Declares functions for tuning adjustable parameters for the nbnxn non-bonded search and interaction kernels.
file | pairlistparams.cpp |
| Implements the PairlistParams constructor.
file | pairlistparams.h |
| Declares the PairlistType enum and PairlistParams class.
file | pairlistset.cpp |
| Implements functionality for PairlistSet.
file | pairlistset.h |
| Declares the PairlistSet class.
file | pairlistsets.h |
| Declares the PairlistSets class.
file | pairlistwork.cpp |
| Implements constructors for NbnxnPairlistGpuWork.
file | pairlistwork.h |
| Declares working data structures for the CPU and GPU pairlists.
file | pairsearch.cpp |
| Implements the PairSearch class.
file | pairsearch.h |
| Declares the PairSearch class and helper structs.
file | prunekerneldispatch.cpp |
file | simd_coulomb_functions.h |
file | simd_diagonal_masker.h |
file | simd_kernel.h |
| Declares and defines the NBNxM SIMD pair interaction kernel function.
file | simd_kernel_inner.h |
file | simd_lennardjones_functions.h |
file | simd_load_store_functions.h |
| Defines functions to load data to and store data from SIMD registers for the SIMD 4xM and 2xMM kernels.
file | simd_prune_kernel.cpp |
file | simd_prune_kernel.h |
| Declares the NBNxM SIMD pruning only kernel.