Defines routine for collecting all GPU tasks found on ranks of a node.
- Author
- Mark Abraham
std::vector< GpuTask > | gmx::findGpuTasksOnThisRank (bool haveGpusOnThisPhysicalNode, TaskTarget nonbondedTarget, TaskTarget pmeTarget, TaskTarget bondedTarget, TaskTarget updateTarget, bool useGpuForNonbonded, bool useGpuForPme, bool rankHasPpTask, bool rankHasPmeTask) |
| Returns container of all tasks on this rank that are eligible for GPU execution. More...
std::vector< int > | gmx::anonymous_namespace{findallgputasks.cpp}::allgather (const int &input, int numRanks, MPI_Comm communicator) |
| Helper function to prepare to all-gather the vector of non-bonded tasks on this node.
std::vector< int > | gmx::anonymous_namespace{findallgputasks.cpp}::computeDisplacements (ArrayRef< const int > extentOnEachRank, int numRanks) |
| Helper function to compute allgatherv displacements.
std::vector< GpuTask > | gmx::anonymous_namespace{findallgputasks.cpp}::allgatherv (ArrayRef< const GpuTask > input, ArrayRef< const int > extentOnEachRank, ArrayRef< const int > displacementForEachRank, MPI_Comm communicator) |
| Helper function to all-gather the vector of all GPU tasks on ranks of this node.
GpuTasksOnRanks | gmx::findAllGpuTasksOnThisNode (ArrayRef< const GpuTask > gpuTasksOnThisRank, const PhysicalNodeCommunicator &physicalNodeComm) |
| Returns container of all tasks on all ranks of this node that are eligible for GPU execution. More...