Here is a list of all documented file members with links to the documentation:
- p -
- PaddedHostVector
: state.h
- PairlistType
: pairlistparams.h
- parallel_3dfft_execute_gpu_wrapper()
: pme_gpu.cpp
- parse_common_args()
: pargs.h
- parse_values_bool()
: params.cpp
- parse_values_enum()
: params.cpp
- parse_values_range()
: params.cpp
- parse_values_std()
: params.cpp
- parse_values_varnum()
: params.cpp
- parse_values_varnum_expr()
: params.cpp
- pbc_dx()
: pbc.cpp
- pbc_dx_aiuc()
: pbc.cpp
- pbc_dx_d()
: pbc.cpp
- pbcDxAiuc()
: pbc_aiuc.h
- pbcDxAiucSycl()
: pbc_aiuc_sycl.h
- PbcType
: md_enums.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
: pargs.h
- pfree()
: pmalloc.cpp
, pmalloc_sycl.cpp
- place_child()
: params.cpp
- please_cite()
: pleasecite.h
- pleaseCiteGromacs()
: pleasecite.h
- pmalloc()
: pmalloc.cpp
, pmalloc_sycl.cpp
- pme_calc_pidx()
: pme_redistribute.cpp
- pme_calc_pidx_wrapper()
: pme_redistribute.cpp
- pme_dd_sendrecv()
: pme_redistribute.cpp
- pme_get_pinning_policy()
: pme.cpp
, pme.h
- pme_gpu_3dfft()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_active()
: pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_alloc_energy_virial()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_check_restrictions()
: pme.cpp
- pme_gpu_clear_energy_virial()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_clear_grids()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_copy_common_data_from()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_copy_input_forces()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_copy_input_gather_atom_data()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_copy_input_gather_grid()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_copy_output_forces()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_copy_output_spread_atom_data()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_copy_output_spread_grid()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_destroy()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_destroy_3dfft()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_fetch_timing_event()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_free_bspline_values()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_coefficients()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_energy_virial()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_forces()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_fract_shifts()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_grid_indices()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_grids()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_haloexchange()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_free_spline_data()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_gather()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_get_atom_data_block_size()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_get_atoms_per_warp()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_get_block_size()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_get_device_f()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_get_f_ready_synchronizer()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_get_forces_ready_synchronizer()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_get_kernel_params_base_ptr()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_get_kernelparam_forces()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_get_real_grid_sizes()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_get_timings()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.h
- pme_gpu_getEnergyAndVirial()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_getForceOutput()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_getOutput()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_init()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_init_internal()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_launch_complex_transforms()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_launch_gather()
: pme.h
- pme_gpu_launch_spread()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_mixed_mode_supports_input()
: pme.cpp
, pme.h
- pme_gpu_prepare_computation()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_realloc_and_copy_bspline_values()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_realloc_and_copy_fract_shifts()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_realloc_and_copy_input_coefficients()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_realloc_forces()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_realloc_grid_indices()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_realloc_grids()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_realloc_spline_data()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_reduce_outputs()
: pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_reinit()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_reinit_3dfft()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_reinit_atoms()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_reinit_computation()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_reinit_grids()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_reinit_haloexchange()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_reinit_timings()
: pme_gpu_timings.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.h
- pme_gpu_reset_timings()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.h
- pme_gpu_select_best_performing_pme_spreadgather_kernels()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pme_gpu_set_device_x()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_set_kernelparam_coordinates()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_set_testing()
: pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_settings()
: pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_solve()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_spread()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_staging()
: pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_start_timing()
: pme_gpu_timings.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.h
- pme_gpu_stop_timing()
: pme_gpu_timings.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.h
- pme_gpu_stream_query()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_supports_build()
: pme.cpp
, pme.h
- pme_gpu_supports_input()
: pme.cpp
, pme.h
- pme_gpu_sync_spread_grid()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_synchronize()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_task_enabled()
: pme.h
- pme_gpu_timings_enabled()
: pme_gpu_timings.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.h
- pme_gpu_try_finish_task()
: pme_gpu.cpp
, pme.h
- pme_gpu_update_input_box()
: pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_gpu_update_timings()
: pme_gpu_timings.cpp
, pme_gpu_timings.h
- pme_gpu_use_nvshmem()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_wait_and_reduce()
: pme.h
, pme_gpu.cpp
- pme_gpu_wait_finish_task()
: pme_gpu.cpp
, pme_gpu_internal.h
- pme_grid_points()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
: pme_internal.h
- pme_load_balance()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- pme_loadbal_do()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
, pme_load_balancing.h
- pme_loadbal_done()
: pme_load_balancing.h
, pme_load_balancing.cpp
- pme_loadbal_end()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- pme_loadbal_increase_cutoff()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- pme_loadbal_init()
: pme_load_balancing.h
, pme_load_balancing.cpp
- pme_loadbal_is_active()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
, pme_load_balancing.h
: pme_internal.h
- pme_realloc_splinedata()
: pme_redistribute.cpp
- pme_run_mode()
: pme.cpp
, pme.h
- pmeGatherKernel()
: pme_gather_sycl.cpp
- pmeGpuCheckAtomCharge()
: pme_gpu_calculate_splines_sycl.h
- pmeGpuCreateGrid()
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- pmeGpuGridHaloExchange()
: pme_gpu_grid.h
, pme_gpu_grid_sycl.cpp
, pme_gpu_ocl_stubs.cpp
- pmeGpuGridHaloExchangeReverse()
: pme_gpu_grid.h
, pme_gpu_grid_sycl.cpp
, pme_gpu_ocl_stubs.cpp
- PmeGpuKernelParams
: pme_gpu_types_host.h
- PmeGpuProgramStorage
: pme_gpu_program.h
- PmeGpuSpecific
: pme_gpu_types_host.h
- pmeGpuStageAtomData()
: pme_gpu_calculate_splines_sycl.h
- PmeLoadBalancingLimit
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- PmeRunMode
: pme.h
- pmeSplineAndSpreadKernel()
: pme_spread_sycl.cpp
- PmeSplineDataType
: pme_gpu_internal.h
- PmeStage
: gpu_timing.h
- PMETunePeriod
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: poscalc.h
: selvalue.h
: poscalc.h
- positionsFromStatePointer()
: state.h
- posres_wrapper()
: position_restraints.cpp
, position_restraints.h
- posres_wrapper_lambda()
: position_restraints.cpp
, position_restraints.h
- postprocess_item_subexpressions()
: compiler.cpp
: pme_pp_communication.h
- pr_beta()
: minimize.cpp
- pr_double()
: txtdump.h
- pr_doubles()
: txtdump.h
- pr_indent()
: txtdump.h
- pr_int()
: txtdump.h
- pr_int64()
: txtdump.h
- pr_real()
: txtdump.h
- pr_reals()
: txtdump.h
- pr_reals_of_dim()
: txtdump.h
- pr_str()
: txtdump.h
- pr_strings()
: txtdump.h
- pr_symtab()
: symtab.cpp
, symtab.h
- pr_title()
: txtdump.h
- pr_title_n()
: txtdump.h
- pr_title_nxn()
: txtdump.h
- prepare_verlet_scheme()
: runner.cpp
- prepareGpuKernelArgument()
: oclutils.h
- prepareGpuKernelArguments()
: oclutils.h
- preparePrevStepPullCom()
: pull.h
- preparePrevStepPullComNewSimulation()
: pull.h
- prepareRerunState()
: rerun.cpp
- preserveBoxShape()
: state.h
- PressureCoupling
: md_enums.h
- PressureCouplingType
: md_enums.h
- prevStepPullCom()
: pull.h
- print_and_integrate()
: integrate.h
- print_chi2_params()
: expfit.cpp
- print_converged()
: minimize.cpp
- print_date_and_time()
: printtime.h
- print_dd_load_av()
: partition.cpp
- print_ddzone()
: partition.cpp
- print_em_start()
: minimize.cpp
- print_grid()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- print_group_info()
: compiler.cpp
- print_histograms()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- print_hw_opt()
: resourcedivision.cpp
- print_ionlist()
: swapcoords.cpp
- print_ionlist_legend()
: swapcoords.cpp
- print_lambda_vector()
: energyoutput.cpp
- print_loadbal_limited()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- print_orires_log()
: orires.h
- print_pme_loadbal_setting()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- print_pme_loadbal_settings()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- print_replica_exchange_statistics()
: replicaexchange.h
- print_resall()
: resall.h
- print_start()
: printtime.h
- print_time()
: printtime.h
- printLambdaStateToLog()
: state.h
- printNbnxmPressureError()
: pairlist_tuning.cpp
, pairlist_tuning.h
- PrintTo()
: confio.cpp
, constr.cpp
- process_const()
: compiler.cpp
- prof_normalization_and_unit()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- pull_apply_forces()
: pull.h
- pull_calc_coms()
: pull.h
- pull_constraint()
: pull.h
- pull_conversion_factor_internal2userinput()
: pull.h
- pull_conversion_factor_userinput2internal()
: pull.h
- pull_coordinate_units()
: pull.h
- pull_have_constraint()
: pull.h
- pull_have_potential()
: pull.h
- pull_potential()
: pull.h
- pull_print_output()
: output.h
- pullCheckPbcWithinGroup()
: pull.h
- pullCheckPbcWithinGroups()
: pull.h
- PullGroupGeometry
: md_enums.h
- PullingAlgorithm
: md_enums.h
- put_atoms_in_box()
: pbc.cpp
- put_atoms_in_box_omp()
: pbc.cpp
- put_atoms_in_compact_unitcell()
: pbc.cpp
- put_atoms_in_triclinic_unitcell()
: pbc.cpp
- put_symtab()
: symtab.cpp
, symtab.h
- putUpdateGroupAtomsInSamePeriodicImage()
: domdec.h
: device_management_sycl_intel_device_ids.cpp
: device_management_sycl_intel_device_ids.cpp