Implements the Grid class.
- Author
- Berk Hess
static real | Nbnxm::gridAtomDensity (int numAtoms, const rvec lowerCorner, const rvec upperCorner) |
| Returns the atom density (> 0) of a rectangular grid.
static std::array< real, DIM-1 > | Nbnxm::getTargetCellLength (const Grid::Geometry &geometry, const real atomDensity) |
| Get approximate dimensions of each cell. Returns the length along X and Y.
static int | Nbnxm::getMaxNumCells (const Grid::Geometry &geometry, const int numAtoms, const int numColumns) |
static void | Nbnxm::sort_atoms (int dim, gmx_bool Backwards, int gmx_unused dd_zone, bool gmx_unused relevantAtomsAreWithinGridBounds, int *a, int n, gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec > x, real h0, real invh, int n_per_h, gmx::ArrayRef< int > sort) |
| Sorts particle index a on coordinates x along dim. More...
static float | Nbnxm::R2F_D (const float x) |
| Returns x.
static float | Nbnxm::R2F_U (const float x) |
| Returns x.
static void | Nbnxm::calc_bounding_box (int na, int stride, const real *x, BoundingBox *bb) |
| Computes the bounding box for na coordinates in order x,y,z, bb order xyz0.
static void | Nbnxm::calc_bounding_box_x_x4 (int na, const real *x, BoundingBox *bb) |
| Computes the bounding box for na packed coordinates, bb order xyz0.
static void | Nbnxm::calc_bounding_box_x_x8 (int na, const real *x, BoundingBox *bb) |
| Computes the bounding box for na coordinates, bb order xyz0.
static gmx_unused void | Nbnxm::calc_bounding_box_x_x4_halves (int na, const real *x, BoundingBox *bb, BoundingBox *bbj) |
| Computes the bounding box for na packed coordinates, bb order xyz0.
static void | Nbnxm::combine_bounding_box_pairs (const Grid &grid, gmx::ArrayRef< const BoundingBox > bb, gmx::ArrayRef< BoundingBox > bbj) |
| Combines pairs of consecutive bounding boxes.
static void | Nbnxm::print_bbsizes_simple (FILE *fp, const Grid &grid) |
| Prints the average bb size, used for debug output.
static void | Nbnxm::print_bbsizes_supersub (FILE *fp, const Grid &grid) |
| Prints the average bb size, used for debug output.
static void | Nbnxm::sort_cluster_on_flag (int numAtomsInCluster, int atomStart, int atomEnd, gmx::ArrayRef< const int64_t > atomInfo, gmx::ArrayRef< int > order, int *flags) |
| Set non-bonded interaction flags for the current cluster. More...
static void | Nbnxm::setCellAndAtomCount (gmx::ArrayRef< int > cell, int cellIndex, gmx::ArrayRef< int > cxy_na, int atomIndex) |
| Sets the cell index in the cell array for atom atomIndex and increments the atom count for the grid column.
static void | Nbnxm::resizeForNumberOfCells (const int numNbnxnAtoms, const int numAtomsMoved, GridSetData *gridSetData, nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbat) |
| Resizes grid and atom data which depend on the number of cells.
real | Nbnxm::generateAndFill2DGrid (Grid *grid, gmx::ArrayRef< GridWork > gridWork, gmx::HostVector< int > *cells, const rvec lowerCorner, const rvec upperCorner, const gmx::UpdateGroupsCog *updateGroupsCog, gmx::Range< int > atomRange, real *atomDensity, real maxAtomGroupRadius, bool haveFep, gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec > x, int ddZone, const int *move, int numAtomsMoved, bool computeGridDensityRatio) |
| Sets the 2D search grid dimensions puts the atoms on the 2D grid. More...