#include "gmxpre.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include "gromacs/ewald/ewald_utils.h"
#include "gromacs/gpu_utils/hostallocator.h"
#include "gromacs/math/vec.h"
#include "gromacs/mdlib/forcerec.h"
#include "gromacs/mdlib/gmx_omp_nthreads.h"
#include "gromacs/mdtypes/atominfo.h"
#include "gromacs/mdtypes/interaction_const.h"
#include "gromacs/mdtypes/simulation_workload.h"
#include "gromacs/nbnxm/gridset.h"
#include "gromacs/nbnxm/kernel_common.h"
#include "gromacs/nbnxm/nbnxm.h"
#include "gromacs/nbnxm/nbnxm_simd.h"
#include "gromacs/nbnxm/pairlistset.h"
#include "gromacs/nbnxm/pairlistsets.h"
#include "gromacs/nbnxm/pairsearch.h"
#include "gromacs/pbcutil/ishift.h"
#include "gromacs/pbcutil/pbc.h"
#include "gromacs/topology/topology.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/fatalerror.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/listoflists.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/logger.h"
#include "testutils/refdata.h"
#include "testutils/testasserts.h"
#include "testutils/testinit.h"
#include "spc27_coords.h"
Tests for NBNxM pair kernel forces and energies.
These tests covers all compiled flavors of the NBNxM kernels, not only those used by default by mdrun. The forces and energies are compared to reference data for the force+energy kernel. The reference data is only stored once for kernels that are expected to produce the same output (i.e. only different kernel layout or analytical vs tabulated Ewald LR correction). For the force only kernel, the forces are compared to those produced by the force+energy flavor.
The only thing currently not covered is LJ-PME with the Lorentz-Berthelot combination rule, as this is only implemented in the plain-C reference kernel and currently the reference data is generated by the SIMD kernels.
Classes | |
struct | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::KernelOptions |
The options for the kernel. More... | |
struct | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::TestSystem |
Description of the system used for benchmarking. More... | |
struct | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::KernelInputParameters |
Convenience typedef of the test input parameters. More... | |
class | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::NbnxmKernelTest |
Class that sets up and holds a set of N atoms and a full NxM pairlist. More... | |
class | gmx::test::NbnxmKernelTestBody |
Test case whose body checks that the NBNxM kernel produces correct output. More... | |
Macros | |
Functions | |
std::pair< real, real > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::combineLJParams (const real sigma0, const real epsilon0, const real sigma1, const real epsilon1, const LJCombinationRule ljCombinationRule) |
Generate a C6, C12 pair using the combination rule. | |
int | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::combRuleInitFromOptions (const KernelOptions &options) |
Returns the enum value for initializing the combination rule for nbxnm_atomdata_t. | |
std::unique_ptr < nonbonded_verlet_t > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::setupNbnxmForBenchInstance (const KernelOptions &options, const TestSystem &system) |
Sets up and returns a Nbnxm object for the given benchmark options and system. | |
CoulombInteractionType | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::coulombInteractionType (CoulombKernelType coulombKernelType) |
Returns the coulomb interaction type given the Coulomb kernel type. | |
interaction_const_t | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::setupInteractionConst (const KernelOptions &options) |
Return an interaction constants struct with members used in the benchmark set appropriately. | |
std::string | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::nameOfTest (const testing::TestParamInfo< KernelInputParameters > &info) |
Help GoogleTest name our test cases. More... | |
bool | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::isTabulated (const CoulombKernelType coulombKernelType) |
std::string | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::fullNameOfTest (const testing::TestParamInfo< KernelInputParameters > &info, const std::string &testName) |
Help GoogleTest name our test cases. More... | |
std::string | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::makeRefDataFileName () |
void | gmx::test::registerTestsDynamically () |
Declaration of function used to dynamically register GoogleTest tests. More... | |
Variables | |
constexpr int | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::numAtomsInMolecule = 3 |
The number of atoms in a molecule. | |
constexpr int | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::typeO = 0 |
The atom type of the oxygen atom. | |
constexpr int | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::typeHWithLJ = 1 |
The atom type of a hydrogen atom with LJ. | |
constexpr int | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::typeHWithoutLJ = 2 |
The atom type of a hydrogen atom without LJ. | |
constexpr real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::chargeO = -0.8476 |
The charge of the oxygen atom. | |
constexpr real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::chargeH = 0.4238 |
The charge of the hydrogen atom. | |
constexpr real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::sigmaO = 0.316557 |
The LJ sigma parameter of the Oxygen atom. | |
constexpr real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::epsilonO = 0.650194 |
The LJ epsilon parameter of the Oxygen atom. | |
constexpr real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::sigmaH = 0.04 |
The LJ sigma parameter of Hydrogen atoms with LJ. | |
constexpr real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::epsilonH = 0.192464 |
The LJ epsilon parameter Hydrogen atoms with LJ. | |
const int | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::c_numEnergyGroups = 3 |
const EnumerationArray < CoulombKernelType, const char * > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::coulombKernelTypeName |
const std::array< const char *, vdwktNR > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{kernel_test.cpp}::vdwKernelTypeName |
const auto | gmx::test::testKernelTypes |