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gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp} Namespace Reference


void sumPmf (gmx::ArrayRef< PointState > pointState, int numSharedUpdate, const BiasSharing *biasSharing, const int biasIndex)
 Sum PMF over multiple simulations, when requested. More...
double freeEnergyMinimumValue (gmx::ArrayRef< const PointState > pointState)
 Find the minimum free energy value. More...
double biasedLogWeightFromPoint (ArrayRef< const DimParams > dimParams, ArrayRef< const PointState > points, const BiasGrid &grid, int pointIndex, double pointBias, const awh_dvec value, ArrayRef< const double > neighborLambdaEnergies, int gridpointIndex)
 Find and return the log of the probability weight of a point given a coordinate value. More...
std::vector< double > calculateFELambdaMarginalDistribution (const BiasGrid &grid, ArrayRef< const int > neighbors, ArrayRef< const double > probWeightNeighbor)
 Calculates the marginal distribution (marginal probability) for each value along a free energy lambda axis. The marginal distribution of one coordinate dimension value is the sum of the probability distribution of all values (herein all neighbor values) with the same value in the dimension of interest. More...
std::string gridPointValueString (const BiasGrid &grid, int point)
 Puts together a string describing a grid point. More...
void setHistogramUpdateScaleFactors (const BiasParams &params, double newHistogramSize, double oldHistogramSize, double *weightHistScaling, double *logPmfSumScaling)
 Sets the histogram rescaling factors needed to control the histogram size. More...
void mergeSharedUpdateLists (std::vector< int > *updateList, int numPoints, const BiasSharing &biasSharing, const int biasIndex)
 Merge update lists from multiple sharing simulations. More...
void makeLocalUpdateList (const BiasGrid &grid, ArrayRef< const PointState > points, const awh_ivec originUpdatelist, const awh_ivec endUpdatelist, std::vector< int > *updateList)
 Generate an update list of points sampled since the last update. More...
void sumHistograms (gmx::ArrayRef< PointState > pointState, gmx::ArrayRef< double > weightSumCovering, int numSharedUpdate, const BiasSharing *biasSharing, const int biasIndex, const std::vector< int > &localUpdateList)
 Add partial histograms (accumulating between updates) to accumulating histograms. More...
void labelCoveredPoints (const std::vector< bool > &visited, const std::vector< bool > &checkCovering, int numPoints, int period, int coverRadius, gmx::ArrayRef< int > covered)
 Label points along an axis as covered or not. More...

Function Documentation

double gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::biasedLogWeightFromPoint ( ArrayRef< const DimParams >  dimParams,
ArrayRef< const PointState >  points,
const BiasGrid &  grid,
int  pointIndex,
double  pointBias,
const awh_dvec  value,
ArrayRef< const double >  neighborLambdaEnergies,
int  gridpointIndex 

Find and return the log of the probability weight of a point given a coordinate value.

The unnormalized weight is given by w(point|value) = exp(bias(point) - U(value,point)), where U is a harmonic umbrella potential.

[in]dimParamsThe bias dimensions parameters
[in]pointsThe point state.
[in]gridThe grid.
[in]pointIndexPoint to evaluate probability weight for.
[in]pointBiasBias for the point (as a log weight).
[in]valueCoordinate value.
[in]neighborLambdaEnergiesThe energy of the system in neighboring lambdas states. Can be empty when there are no free energy lambda state dimensions.
[in]gridpointIndexThe index of the current grid point.
the log of the biased probability weight.
std::vector<double> gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::calculateFELambdaMarginalDistribution ( const BiasGrid &  grid,
ArrayRef< const int >  neighbors,
ArrayRef< const double >  probWeightNeighbor 

Calculates the marginal distribution (marginal probability) for each value along a free energy lambda axis. The marginal distribution of one coordinate dimension value is the sum of the probability distribution of all values (herein all neighbor values) with the same value in the dimension of interest.

[in]gridThe bias grid.
[in]neighborsThe points to use for the calculation of the marginal distribution.
[in]probWeightNeighborProbability weights of the neighbors.
The calculated marginal distribution in a 1D array with as many elements as there are points along the axis of interest.
double gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::freeEnergyMinimumValue ( gmx::ArrayRef< const PointState >  pointState)

Find the minimum free energy value.

[in]pointStateThe state of the points.
the minimum free energy value.
std::string gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::gridPointValueString ( const BiasGrid &  grid,
int  point 

Puts together a string describing a grid point.

[in]gridThe grid.
[in]pointBiasGrid point index.
a string for the point.
void gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::labelCoveredPoints ( const std::vector< bool > &  visited,
const std::vector< bool > &  checkCovering,
int  numPoints,
int  period,
int  coverRadius,
gmx::ArrayRef< int >  covered 

Label points along an axis as covered or not.

A point is covered if it is surrounded by visited points up to a radius = coverRadius.

[in]visitedVisited? For each point.
[in]checkCoveringCheck for covering? For each point.
[in]numPointsThe number of grid points along this dimension.
[in]periodPeriod in number of points.
[in]coverRadiusCover radius, in points, needed for defining a point as covered.
[in,out]coveredIn this array elements are 1 for covered points and 0 for non-covered points, this routine assumes that covered has at least size numPoints.
void gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::makeLocalUpdateList ( const BiasGrid &  grid,
ArrayRef< const PointState >  points,
const awh_ivec  originUpdatelist,
const awh_ivec  endUpdatelist,
std::vector< int > *  updateList 

Generate an update list of points sampled since the last update.

[in]gridThe AWH bias.
[in]pointsThe point state.
[in]originUpdatelistThe origin of the rectangular region that has been sampled since last update.
[in]endUpdatelistThe end of the rectangular that has been sampled since last update.
[in,out]updateListLocal update list to set (assumed >= npoints long).
void gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::mergeSharedUpdateLists ( std::vector< int > *  updateList,
int  numPoints,
const BiasSharing &  biasSharing,
const int  biasIndex 

Merge update lists from multiple sharing simulations.

[in,out]updateListUpdate list for this simulation (assumed >= npoints long).
[in]numPointsTotal number of points.
[in]biasSharingObject for sharing bias data over multiple simulations
[in]biasIndexIndex of this bias in the total list of biases in this simulation
void gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::setHistogramUpdateScaleFactors ( const BiasParams &  params,
double  newHistogramSize,
double  oldHistogramSize,
double *  weightHistScaling,
double *  logPmfSumScaling 

Sets the histogram rescaling factors needed to control the histogram size.

For sake of robustness, the reference weight histogram can grow at a rate different from the actual sampling rate. Typically this happens for a limited initial time, alternatively growth is scaled down by a constant factor for all times. Since the size of the reference histogram sets the size of the free energy update this should be reflected also in the PMF. Thus the PMF histogram needs to be rescaled too.

This function should only be called by the bias update function or wrapped by a function that knows what scale factors should be applied when, e.g, getSkippedUpdateHistogramScaleFactors().

[in]paramsThe bias parameters.
[in]newHistogramSizeNew reference weight histogram size.
[in]oldHistogramSizePrevious reference weight histogram size (before adding new samples).
[out]weightHistScalingScaling factor for the reference weight histogram.
[out]logPmfSumScalingLog of the scaling factor for the PMF histogram.
void gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::sumHistograms ( gmx::ArrayRef< PointState >  pointState,
gmx::ArrayRef< double >  weightSumCovering,
int  numSharedUpdate,
const BiasSharing *  biasSharing,
const int  biasIndex,
const std::vector< int > &  localUpdateList 

Add partial histograms (accumulating between updates) to accumulating histograms.

[in,out]pointStateThe state of the points in the bias.
[in,out]weightSumCoveringThe weights for checking covering.
[in]numSharedUpdateThe number of biases sharing the histrogram.
[in]biasSharingObject for sharing bias data over multiple simulations
[in]biasIndexIndex of this bias in the total list of biases in this simulation
[in]localUpdateListList of points with data.
void gmx::anonymous_namespace{biasstate.cpp}::sumPmf ( gmx::ArrayRef< PointState >  pointState,
int  numSharedUpdate,
const BiasSharing *  biasSharing,
const int  biasIndex 

Sum PMF over multiple simulations, when requested.

[in,out]pointStateThe state of the points in the bias.
[in]numSharedUpdateThe number of biases sharing the histogram.
[in]biasSharingObject for sharing bias data over multiple simulations
[in]biasIndexIndex of this bias in the total list of biases in this simulation