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gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{fft.cpp} Namespace Reference


using FFTTest3DParameters = std::tuple< int, int, int >


std::string nameOfTest (const testing::TestParamInfo< FFTTest3DParameters > &info)
 Help GoogleTest name our tests. More...
void checkRealGrid (const ivec realGridSize, const ivec realGridSizePadded, ArrayRef< const real > inputRealGrid, ArrayRef< real > outputRealGridValues)
 Check that the real grid after forward and backward 3D transforms matches the input real grid.


const double inputdata [500]
 Input data for FFT tests. More...

Function Documentation

std::string gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{fft.cpp}::nameOfTest ( const testing::TestParamInfo< FFTTest3DParameters > &  info)

Help GoogleTest name our tests.

If changes are needed here, consider making matching changes in makeRefDataFileName().

Variable Documentation

const double gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{fft.cpp}::inputdata[500]

Input data for FFT tests.

TODO If we require compilers that all support C++11 user literals, then this array could be of type real, initialized with e.g. -3.5_r that does not suffer from implicit narrowing with brace initializers, and we would not have to do so much useless copying during the unit tests below.