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pbc.cpp File Reference
#include "gmxpre.h"
#include "gromacs/pbcutil/pbc.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include "gromacs/math/functions.h"
#include "gromacs/math/units.h"
#include "gromacs/math/utilities.h"
#include "gromacs/math/vec.h"
#include "gromacs/math/vecdump.h"
#include "gromacs/pbcutil/ishift.h"
#include "gromacs/pbcutil/mshift.h"
#include "gromacs/topology/topology.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/exceptions.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/fatalerror.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/gmxassert.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/smalloc.h"
+ Include dependency graph for pbc.cpp:


Implements routines in pbc.h.

Utility functions for handling periodic boundary conditions. Mainly used in analysis tools.


enum  {
  epbcdxRECTANGULAR = 1, epbcdxTRICLINIC, epbcdx2D_RECT, epbcdx2D_TRIC,
  epbcdx1D_RECT, epbcdx1D_TRIC, epbcdxSCREW_RECT, epbcdxSCREW_TRIC,
  epbcdxNOPBC, epbcdxUNSUPPORTED


int numPbcDimensions (PbcType pbcType)
 Returns the number of dimensions that use pbc. More...
void dump_pbc (FILE *fp, t_pbc *pbc)
 Dump the contents of the pbc structure to the file. More...
const char * check_box (PbcType pbcType, const matrix box)
 Check the box for consistency. More...
void matrix_convert (matrix box, const rvec vec, const rvec angleInDegrees)
 Creates box matrix from edge lengths and angles. More...
real max_cutoff2 (PbcType pbcType, const matrix box)
 Compute the maximum cutoff for the box. More...
PbcType guessPbcType (const matrix box)
 Guess PBC type. More...
static int correct_box_elem (FILE *fplog, const int64_t step, matrix box, const int v, const int d)
 Check if the box still obeys the restrictions, if not, correct it.
gmx_bool correct_box (FILE *fplog, const int64_t step, matrix box)
 Corrects the box if necessary. More...
static void low_set_pbc (t_pbc *pbc, PbcType pbcType, const ivec dd_pbc, const matrix box)
 Do the real arithmetic for filling the pbc struct.
void set_pbc (t_pbc *pbc, PbcType pbcType, const matrix box)
 Initiate the periodic boundary condition algorithms. More...
t_pbcset_pbc_dd (t_pbc *pbc, PbcType pbcType, const ivec domdecCells, gmx_bool bSingleDir, const matrix box)
 Initiate the periodic boundary condition algorithms. More...
void pbc_dx (const t_pbc *pbc, const rvec x1, const rvec x2, rvec dx)
 Compute distance with PBC. More...
int pbc_dx_aiuc (const t_pbc *pbc, const rvec x1, const rvec x2, rvec dx)
 Compute distance vector for simple PBC types. More...
void pbc_dx_d (const t_pbc *pbc, const dvec x1, const dvec x2, dvec dx)
 Compute distance vector in double precision. More...
void calc_shifts (const matrix box, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > shift_vec)
 Computes shift vectors. More...
void calc_box_center (int ecenter, const matrix box, rvec box_center)
 Calculates the center of the box. More...
void calc_triclinic_images (const matrix box, rvec img[])
 Calculates the NTRICIMG box images. More...
void calc_compact_unitcell_vertices (int ecenter, const matrix box, rvec vert[])
 Calculates the NCUCVERT vertices of a compact unitcell. More...
int * compact_unitcell_edges ()
 Compute unitcell edges. More...
template<bool haveBoxDeformation>
static void putAtomsInBoxTemplated (PbcType pbcType, const matrix box, const matrix boxDeformation, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > x, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > v)
void put_atoms_in_box (PbcType pbcType, const matrix box, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > x)
 Put atoms inside the simulations box. More...
void put_atoms_in_box_omp (PbcType pbcType, const matrix box, const bool haveBoxDeformation, const matrix boxDeformation, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > x, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > v, gmx_unused int nth)
 Parallellizes put_atoms_in_box() More...
void put_atoms_in_triclinic_unitcell (int ecenter, const matrix box, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > x)
 Put atoms inside triclinic box. More...
void put_atoms_in_compact_unitcell (PbcType pbcType, int ecenter, const matrix box, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > x)
 Put atoms inside the unitcell. More...
static void low_do_pbc_mtop (FILE *fplog, PbcType pbcType, const bool correctVelocitiesForBoxDeformation, const matrix boxDeformation, const matrix box, const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > x, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > v, gmx_bool bFirst)
 Make molecules whole by shifting positions. More...
void do_pbc_first_mtop (FILE *fplog, PbcType pbcType, const bool correctVelocitiesForBoxDeformation, const matrix boxDeformation, const matrix box, const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > x, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > v)
 Make all molecules whole by shifting positions. More...
void do_pbc_mtop (PbcType pbcType, const matrix box, const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, rvec x[])
 Make molecules consisting of multiple charge groups whole by shifting positions. More...
void setBoxDeformationRate (const matrix boxDeformation, const matrix box, matrix boxDeformationRate)
 Sets the box deformation rate. More...


const gmx::EnumerationArray
< PbcType, std::string > 
 Names for all values in PBC types enumeration. More...
static constexpr real sc_skewnessMargin = 1.001
 Margin for correction when the box is too skewed.
static constexpr real sc_boxSkewnessMarginForWarning = sc_skewnessMargin + 0.004
 Margin factor for warning/error message. More...
static gmx_bool bWarnedGuess = FALSE
 Set to true if warning has been printed.

Function Documentation

void calc_box_center ( int  ecenter,
const matrix  box,
rvec  box_center 

Calculates the center of the box.

See the description for the enum ecenter above.

[in]ecenterDescription of center type
[in]boxThe simulation box
[out]box_centerThe center of the box
void calc_compact_unitcell_vertices ( int  ecenter,
const matrix  box,
rvec  vert[] 

Calculates the NCUCVERT vertices of a compact unitcell.

[in]ecenterThe center type
[in]boxThe simulation box
[out]vertThe vertices
void calc_shifts ( const matrix  box,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec shift_vec 

Computes shift vectors.

This routine calculates ths shift vectors necessary to use the neighbor searching routine.

[in]boxThe simulation box
[out]shift_vecThe shifting vectors
void calc_triclinic_images ( const matrix  box,
rvec  img[] 

Calculates the NTRICIMG box images.

[in]boxThe simulation box
[out]imgThe triclinic box images
const char* check_box ( PbcType  pbcType,
const matrix  box 

Check the box for consistency.

When pbcType=PbcTypes::Unset, the type of pbc is guessed from the box matrix.

[in]pbcTypeThe pbc identifier
[in]boxThe box matrix
NULL if the box is supported by Gromacs. Otherwise returns a string with the problem.
int* compact_unitcell_edges ( )

Compute unitcell edges.

an array of unitcell edges of length NCUCEDGE*2, this is an index in vert[], which is calculated by calc_unitcell_vertices. The index consists of NCUCEDGE pairs of vertex indices. The index does not change, so it needs to be retrieved only once.
gmx_bool correct_box ( FILE *  fplog,
int64_t  step,
tensor  box 

Corrects the box if necessary.

Checks for un-allowed box angles and corrects the box.

[in]fplogFile for debug output
[in]stepThe MD step number
[in]boxThe simulation cell
TRUE when the box was corrected.
void do_pbc_first_mtop ( FILE *  fplog,
PbcType  pbcType,
bool  correctVelocitiesForBoxDeformation,
const matrix  boxDeformation,
const matrix  box,
const gmx_mtop_t *  mtop,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec x,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec v 

Make all molecules whole by shifting positions.

[in]fplogLog file
[in]pbcTypeThe PBC type
[in]correctVelocitiesForBoxDeformationWhether to correct the velocities for continous box deformation
[in]boxDeformationThe box deformation velocity
[in]boxThe simulation box
[in]mtopSystem topology definition
[in,out]xThe coordinates of the atoms
[in,out]vThe velocities of the atoms, needed with correctVelocitiesForBoxDeformation
void do_pbc_mtop ( PbcType  pbcType,
const matrix  box,
const gmx_mtop_t *  mtop,
rvec  x[] 

Make molecules consisting of multiple charge groups whole by shifting positions.

[in]pbcTypeThe PBC type
[in]boxThe simulation box
[in]mtopSystem topology definition
[in,out]xThe coordinates of the atoms
void dump_pbc ( FILE *  fp,
t_pbc pbc 

Dump the contents of the pbc structure to the file.

[in]fpThe file pointer to write to
[in]pbcThe periodic boundary condition information structure
PbcType guessPbcType ( const matrix  box)

Guess PBC type.

Guesses the type of periodic boundary conditions using the box

[in]boxThe box matrix
The pbc type identifier
static void low_do_pbc_mtop ( FILE *  fplog,
PbcType  pbcType,
const bool  correctVelocitiesForBoxDeformation,
const matrix  boxDeformation,
const matrix  box,
const gmx_mtop_t *  mtop,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec x,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec v,
gmx_bool  bFirst 

Make molecules whole by shifting positions.

[in]fplogLog file
[in]pbcTypeThe PBC type
[in]correctVelocitiesForBoxDeformationWhether to correct the velocities for continuous box deformation
[in]boxDeformationThe box deformation velocity
[in]boxThe simulation box
[in]mtopSystem topology definition
[in,out]xThe coordinates of the atoms
[in]vThe velocities of the atoms
[in]bFirstSpecifier for first-time PBC removal
void matrix_convert ( matrix  box,
const rvec  vec,
const rvec  angleInDegrees 

Creates box matrix from edge lengths and angles.

[in,out]boxThe box matrix
[in]vecThe edge lengths
[in]angleInDegreesThe angles
real max_cutoff2 ( PbcType  pbcType,
const matrix  box 

Compute the maximum cutoff for the box.

Returns the square of the maximum cut-off allowed for the box, taking into account that the grid neighborsearch code and pbc_dx only check combinations of single box-vector shifts.

[in]pbcTypeThe pbc identifier
[in]boxThe box matrix
the maximum cut-off.
int numPbcDimensions ( PbcType  pbcType)

Returns the number of dimensions that use pbc.

[in]pbcTypeThe periodic boundary condition type
the number of dimensions that use pbc, starting at X
void pbc_dx ( const t_pbc pbc,
const rvec  x1,
const rvec  x2,
rvec  dx 

Compute distance with PBC.

Calculate the correct distance vector from x2 to x1 and put it in dx. set_pbc must be called before ever calling this routine.

Note that for triclinic boxes that do not obey the GROMACS unit-cell restrictions, pbc_dx and pbc_dx_aiuc will not correct for PBC.

[in,out]pbcThe pbc information structure
[in]x1Coordinates for particle 1
[in]x2Coordinates for particle 2
[out]dxDistance vector
int pbc_dx_aiuc ( const t_pbc pbc,
const rvec  x1,
const rvec  x2,
rvec  dx 

Compute distance vector for simple PBC types.

Calculate the correct distance vector from x2 to x1 and put it in dx, This function can only be used when all atoms are in the rectangular or triclinic unit-cell. set_pbc_dd or set_pbc must be called before ever calling this routine.

[in,out]pbcThe pbc information structure
[in]x1Coordinates for particle 1
[in]x2Coordinates for particle 2
[out]dxDistance vector
the ishift required to shift x1 at closest distance to x2; i.e. if 0<=ishift<c_numShiftVectors then x1 - x2 + shift_vec[ishift] = dx (see calc_shifts below on how to obtain shift_vec)
void pbc_dx_d ( const t_pbc pbc,
const dvec  x1,
const dvec  x2,
dvec  dx 

Compute distance vector in double precision.

Compute distance with PBC.

void put_atoms_in_box ( PbcType  pbcType,
const matrix  box,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec x 

Put atoms inside the simulations box.

These routines puts ONE or ALL atoms in the box, not caring about charge groups! Also works for triclinic cells.

[in]pbcTypeThe pbc type
[in]boxThe simulation box
[in,out]xThe coordinates of the atoms
void put_atoms_in_box_omp ( PbcType  pbcType,
const matrix  box,
bool  haveBoxDeformation,
const matrix  boxDeformation,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec x,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec v,
gmx_unused int  nth 

Parallellizes put_atoms_in_box()

This wrapper function around put_atoms_in_box() with the ugly manual workload splitting is needed to avoid silently introducing multithreading in tools.

[in]pbcTypeThe pbc type
[in]boxThe simulation box
[in]haveBoxDeformationWhether the box is being continously deformed
[in]boxDeformationThe deformation speed of the box components in units of nm/ps
[in,out]xThe coordinates of the atoms
[in,out]vThe velocities of the atoms
[in]nthnumber of threads to be used in the given module
void put_atoms_in_compact_unitcell ( PbcType  pbcType,
int  ecenter,
const matrix  box,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec x 

Put atoms inside the unitcell.

This puts ALL atoms at the closest distance for the center of the box as calculated by calc_box_center. When pbcType=PbcType::Unset, the type of pbc is guessed from the box matrix.

[in]pbcTypeThe pbc type
[in]ecenterThe pbc center type
[in]boxThe simulation box
[in,out]xThe coordinates of the atoms
void put_atoms_in_triclinic_unitcell ( int  ecenter,
const matrix  box,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec x 

Put atoms inside triclinic box.

This puts ALL atoms in the triclinic unit cell, centered around the box center as calculated by calc_box_center.

[in]ecenterThe pbc center type
[in]boxThe simulation box
[in,out]xThe coordinates of the atoms
void set_pbc ( t_pbc pbc,
PbcType  pbcType,
const matrix  box 

Initiate the periodic boundary condition algorithms.

pbc_dx will not use pbc and return the normal difference vector when one or more of the diagonal elements of box are zero. When pbcType=PbcType::Unset, the type of pbc is guessed from the box matrix.

[in,out]pbcThe pbc information structure
[in]pbcTypeThe PBC identifier
[in]boxThe box tensor
t_pbc* set_pbc_dd ( t_pbc pbc,
PbcType  pbcType,
const ivec  domdecCells,
bool  bSingleDir,
const matrix  box 

Initiate the periodic boundary condition algorithms.

As set_pbc, but additionally sets that correct distances can be obtained using (combinations of) single box-vector shifts. Should be used with pbc_dx_aiuc. If domdecCells!=NULL pbc is not used for directions with dd->nc[i]==1 with bSingleDir==TRUE or with dd->nc[i]<=2 with bSingleDir==FALSE. Note that when no PBC is required only pbc->pbcType is set, the rest of the struct will be invalid.

[in,out]pbcThe pbc information structure
[in]pbcTypeThe PBC identifier
[in]domdecCells3D integer vector describing the number of DD cells or nullptr if not using DD.
[in]bSingleDirTRUE if DD communicates only in one direction along dimensions
[in]boxThe box tensor
the pbc structure when pbc operations are required, NULL otherwise.
void setBoxDeformationRate ( const matrix  boxDeformation,
const matrix  box,
matrix  boxDeformationRate 

Sets the box deformation rate.

[in]boxDeformationThe deformation speed of the box components in units of nm/ps
[in]boxThe box
[out]boxDeformationRateThe deformation rate of the box in units of 1/ps

Variable Documentation

const gmx::EnumerationArray<PbcType, std::string> c_pbcTypeNames
Initial value:
= {
{ "xyz", "no", "xy", "screw", "unset" }

Names for all values in PBC types enumeration.

constexpr real sc_boxSkewnessMarginForWarning = sc_skewnessMargin + 0.004

Margin factor for warning/error message.

The term 0.004 is just sufficient to not warn for a box that is deformed with a shear rate of 0.001 ps^-1 over a pairlist lifetime of 0.2 ps.

Note that there can be errors in periodic images for atom pairs close to half the box size. In nearly all cases the cut-off distance is more then 0.5% shorter than half the minimum periodic vector length, so there is no issue.