SYCL-specific routines for the GPU implementation of SETTLE constraints algorithm.
- Author
- Artem Zhmurov
template<bool updateVelocities, bool computeVirial> |
auto | gmx::settleKernel (sycl::handler &cgh, const int numSettles, const WaterMolecule *__restrict__ gm_settles, SettleParameters pars, const Float3 *__restrict__ gm_x, Float3 *__restrict__ gm_xp, float invdt, Float3 *__restrict__ gm_v, float *__restrict__ gm_virialScaled, PbcAiuc pbcAiuc) |
| Function returning the SETTLE kernel lambda.
template<bool updateVelocities, bool computeVirial, class... Args> |
static void | gmx::launchSettleKernel (const DeviceStream &deviceStream, int numSettles, Args &&...args) |
| SETTLE SYCL kernel launch code.
template<class... Args> |
static void | gmx::launchSettleKernel (bool updateVelocities, bool computeVirial, Args &&...args) |
| Select templated kernel and launch it.
void | gmx::launchSettleGpuKernel (int numSettles, const DeviceBuffer< WaterMolecule > &d_atomIds, const SettleParameters &settleParameters, const DeviceBuffer< Float3 > &d_x, DeviceBuffer< Float3 > d_xp, bool updateVelocities, DeviceBuffer< Float3 > d_v, real invdt, bool computeVirial, DeviceBuffer< float > d_virialScaled, const PbcAiuc &pbcAiuc, const DeviceStream &deviceStream) |
| Apply SETTLE. More...