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domdec Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for domdec:


directory  tests


file  atomdistribution.cpp
file  atomdistribution.h
file  box.cpp
file  box.h
file  builder.h
 This file declares a builder class for the manager of domain decomposition.
file  cellsizes.cpp
file  cellsizes.h
file  collect.cpp
file  collect.h
 Declares functions to collect state data to the main rank.
file  computemultibodycutoffs.cpp
file  computemultibodycutoffs.h
 This file declares the function for computing the required cutoff distance for inter-domain multi-body interactions, when those exist.
file  distribute.cpp
file  distribute.h
file  dlb.cpp
file  dlb.h
 This file declares functions to interact with the dynamic load balancing machinery.
file  dlbtiming.cpp
file  dlbtiming.h
 This file declares functions for timing the load imbalance due to domain decomposition.
file  domainpaircomm.cpp
file  domainpaircomm.h
file  domdec.cpp
file  domdec.h
 This file declares functions for mdrun to call to manage the details of its domain decomposition.
file  domdec_constraints.cpp
file  domdec_constraints.h
file  domdec_internal.h
file  domdec_network.cpp
file  domdec_network.h
 This file declares functions for (mostly) the domdec module to use MPI functionality.
file  domdec_setup.cpp
file  domdec_setup.h
file  domdec_specatomcomm.cpp
file  domdec_specatomcomm.h
file  domdec_struct.h
 Declares structures related to domain decomposition.
file  domdec_vsite.cpp
file  domdec_vsite.h
file  domdec_zones.cpp
 Implements the DomdecZones class.
file  domdec_zones.h
 Declares the DomdecZones class and helper structs.
file  dump.cpp
file  dump.h
file  ga2la.cpp
file  ga2la.h
 Defines structures and functions for mapping from global to local atom indices. The functions are performance critical and should be inlined.
file  gpuhaloexchange.h
 Declaration of GPU halo exchange.
file  gpuhaloexchange_impl.cpp
file  gpuhaloexchange_impl_gpu.cpp
file  gpuhaloexchange_impl_gpu.h
file  gpuhaloexchange_impl_gpu_sycl.cpp
file  haloexchange.cpp
file  haloexchange.h
 Declares the HaloExchange class for halo communication of coordinates and forces.
file  haloexchangesetup.cpp
file  hashedmap.h
 Defines structures and functions for mapping from keys to entries indices using a hash table. The functions are performance critical and should be inlined.
file  localatomset.cpp
file  localatomset.h
 Declares gmx::LocalAtomSet.
file  localatomsetdata.cpp
file  localatomsetdata.h
file  localatomsetmanager.cpp
file  localatomsetmanager.h
 Declares gmx::LocalAtomSetManager.
file  localtopology.cpp
file  localtopology.h
 This file makes declarations used for building the local topology.
file  localtopologychecker.cpp
file  localtopologychecker.h
 This file declares functionality for checking whether local topologies describe all bonded interactions.
file  mdsetup.cpp
file  mdsetup.h
 Contains functions relevant to simulation setup in MD drivers.
file  nsgrid.cpp
file  nsgrid.h
file  options.h
 This file declares command-line options for mdrun related to domain decomposition.
file  partition.cpp
file  partition.h
 This file declares functions for mdrun to call to make a new domain decomposition, and check it.
file  redistribute.cpp
file  redistribute.h
file  reversetopology.cpp
file  reversetopology.h
 This file makes declarations used for building the reverse topology.
file  utility.cpp
file  utility.h