api | |
legacy | |
include | |
gromacs | |
share | Directory that contains installed data files |
template | Template code for writing analysis programs |
template.cpp | Template code for writing analysis programs |
src | Main source code directory |
gromacs | Source code for building the libgromacs library |
analysisdata | Parallelizable Handling of Output Data (analysisdata) |
commandline | Command Line Program Management (commandline) |
cmdlinehelpwriter.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter |
cmdlineinit.h | Declares functions for initializing the GROMACS library for command line use |
cmdlinemodule.h | Declares gmx::ICommandLineModule and supporting classes |
cmdlineoptionsmodule.h | Declares gmx::ICommandLineOptionsModule and supporting routines |
cmdlineparser.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineParser |
cmdlineprogramcontext.h | Declares gmx::CommandLineProgramContext |
filenm.h | Declares t_filenm for old-style command-line parsing of file name options |
pargs.h | Declares t_pargs , parse_common_args() and related methods |
viewit.h | Provides function to open output files automatically (with some X11 programs) |
coordinateio | |
frameconverters | |
outputadapters | |
tests | |
coordinatefile.h | CoordinateFile takes care of opening files and writing output to them |
coordinatefileenums.h | Defines enum class defining the different requirements that outputadapters have for the output file type. OutputManager objects can only be built with OutputAdapters whose requirements can be implemented with the available input |
frameconverterenums.h | Defines enum class defining the guarantees provided by different frameconverters for the coordiante file manipulations done by them |
iframeconverter.h | Interface class for frame handling, provides handles for all calls |
ioutputadapter.h | Declares gmx::IOutputAdapter interface for modifying coordinate file structures before writing them to disk |
outputadaptercontainer.h | Declares gmx::OutputAdapterContainer, a storage object for multiple outputadapters derived from the IOutputadaper interface |
outputadapters.h | Public API convenience header for accessing outputadapters |
requirements.h | Storage object for requirements to build coordinate file writer |
domdec | |
localatomset.cpp | |
localatomset.h | |
localatomsetdata.cpp | |
localatomsetdata.h | |
energyanalysis | |
analysismodule.h | Public API convenience header for energy analysis framework |
fft | |
fft.h | Fast Fourier Transforms |
gmxpreprocess | |
hackblock.h | |
resall.h | |
gpu_utils | |
hostallocator.h | Declares gmx::HostAllocationPolicy, gmx::HostAllocator, gmx::HostVector and gmx::PaddedHostVector, which are used to make/be standard library containers that can allocate memory suitable for transfers. Currently the only supported transfers using pinned memory are to CUDA GPUs, but other possibilities exist in future |
sycl_kernel_utils.h | SYCL kernel helper functions |
math | |
include | |
mdlib | |
simulationsignal.h | This file declares functions for inter-rank signalling by mdrun |
mdrun | |
simulationinputhandle.h | Public interface for SimulationInput facilities |
mdtypes | |
state.h | This file contains the definition of the microstate of the simulated system |
nbnxm | |
benchmark | |
boundingboxes.h | |
options | Extensible Handling of Options (options) |
abstractsection.h | Declares base classes for declaring option sections |
isectionstorage.h | Declares gmx::IOptionSectionStorage |
optionsection.h | Declares gmx::OptionSection and gmx::OptionSectionInfo |
repeatingsection.h | Declares gmx::RepeatingOptionSection and related classes |
valuestore.h | Declares implementations for IOptionValueStore |
pbcutil | |
include | |
com.cpp | |
pbcenums.cpp | |
random | |
exponentialdistribution.h | The exponential distribution |
gammadistribution.h | The gamma distribution |
normaldistribution.h | The normal distribution |
seed.h | Random seed and domain utilities |
tabulatednormaldistribution.h | Tabulated normal distribution |
threefry.h | Implementation of the 2x64 ThreeFry random engine |
uniformintdistribution.h | The uniform integer distribution |
uniformrealdistribution.h | The uniform real distribution |
selection | Parsing and Evaluation of Analysis Selections (selection) |
trajectoryanalysis | Framework for Trajectory Analysis (trajectoryanalysis) |
utility | Low-Level Utilities (utility) |
include | |
errorcodes.h | Declares error codes and related functions for fatal error handling |
utility.h | Public API convenience header for low-level utilities |
programs | |
mdrun | |
nonbonded_bench.h | Declares the nonbonded benchmarking tool |
testutils | |
topologyhelpers.h |