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Low-Level Utilities (utility)
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Provides low-level utilities for error handling and other tasks.

This module provides various low-level utilities for tasks such as error handling and string formatting, as well as helper classes and common custom containers to simplify implementation of other code. Contents of the module are discussed in more details under the different headings below. Some of the code in installed headers in the module is intended for use directly from code outside the GROMACS library, but a significant portion is exposed only because other public headers depend on it.

Since this module implements error handling, it should be at the lowest level: it should not depend on other modules. Any functionality needed by the error handling code should also be kept in this module.

Error handling

Exception classes used in the library are declared in the exceptions.h header file. Most GROMACS-specific exceptions derive from gmx::GromacsException.

This header also declares a GMX_THROW macro that should be used for throwing exceptions. GMX_THROW_WITH_ERRNO is also provided for reporting syscall errors, but its use should be mostly limited to within the library. This header also declares helper functions printFatalErrorMessage(), formatExceptionMessageToString(), and formatExceptionMessageToFile() for creating standard error messages. processExceptionAtExit() provides clean-up code before exiting the program after an exception. To help in cases where bottom-up conversion to C++ is appropriate, macro GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR is also provided to catch all exceptions at C++ to C boundary.

Header file gmxassert.h is also provided for assertions. It declares macros GMX_ASSERT and GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT that should be used for assertions.

Implementation helpers

The header basedefinitions.h contains common definitions and macros used throughout GROMACS. It includes gmx_bool for C code, some macros for compiler-specific attributes, and GMX_UNUSED_VALUE and GMX_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE for handling warnings about unused values.


The header flags.h implements a gmx::FlagsTemplate template for better type safety when using bit flag fields.

Other functionality

The header init.h declares gmx::init() and gmx::finalize() for initializing and deinitializing the GROMACS library.

The header arrayref.h implements a gmx::ArrayRef class for exposing a C array or part of a std::vector (basically, any continuous stretch of memory) throuh a std::vector-like interface.

The header stringutil.h declares various string utility routines.

Teemu Murtola


class  gmx::DataFileOptions
 Search parameters for DataFileFinder. More...
struct  gmx::DataFileInfo
 Information about a data file found by DataFileFinder::enumerateFiles(). More...
class  gmx::DataFileFinder
 Searches data files from a set of paths. More...
class  gmx::FixedCapacityVector< typename, size_t >
 Vector that behaves likes std::vector but has fixed capacity. More...
class  gmx::ArrayRef< typename >
 STL-like interface to a C array of T (or part of a std container of T). More...
class  gmx::ExceptionInfo< Tag, T >
 Stores additional context information for exceptions. More...
class  gmx::ExceptionInitializer
 Provides information for Gromacs exception constructors. More...
class  gmx::GromacsException
 Base class for all exception objects in Gromacs. More...
class  gmx::FileIOError
 Exception class for file I/O errors. More...
class  gmx::UserInputError
 Exception class for user input errors. More...
class  gmx::InvalidInputError
 Exception class for situations where user input cannot be parsed/understood. More...
class  gmx::InconsistentInputError
 Exception class for situations where user input is inconsistent. More...
class  gmx::ToleranceError
 Exception class when a specified tolerance cannot be achieved. More...
class  gmx::SimulationInstabilityError
 Exception class for simulation instabilities. More...
class  gmx::InternalError
 Exception class for internal errors. More...
class  gmx::APIError
 Exception class for incorrect use of an API. More...
class  gmx::RangeError
 Exception class for out-of-range values or indices. More...
class  gmx::NotImplementedError
 Exception class for use of an unimplemented feature. More...
class  gmx::ParallelConsistencyError
 Exception class for use when ensuring that MPI ranks to throw in a coordinated fashion. More...
class  gmx::ModularSimulatorError
 Exception class for modular simulator. More...
class  gmx::FlagsTemplate< FlagType >
 Template class for typesafe handling of combination of flags. More...
struct  gmx::InstallationPrefixInfo
 Provides information about installation prefix (see IProgramContext::installationPrefix()). More...
class  gmx::IProgramContext
 Provides context information about the program that is calling the library. More...
class  gmx::StringFormatter
 Function object that wraps a call to formatString() that expects a single conversion argument, for use with algorithms. More...
class  gmx::IdentityFormatter
 Function object to implement the same interface as StringFormatter to use with strings that should not be formatted further. More...
class  gmx::EqualCaseInsensitive
 Function object for comparisons with equalCaseInsensitive. More...
class  gmx::TextLineWrapperSettings
 Stores settings for line wrapping. More...
class  gmx::TextLineWrapper
 Wraps lines to a predefined length. More...


#define GMX_LOG(logger)
 Helper to log information using gmx::MDLogger. More...
#define gmx_used_in_debug
 Attribute to explicitly indicate that a parameter or locally scoped variable is used just in debug mode.
#define GMX_UNUSED_VALUE(value)   (void)value
 Macro to explicitly ignore an unused value. More...
#define GMX_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE(call)   ::gmx::internal::ignoreValueHelper(call)
 Macro to explicitly ignore a return value of a call. More...
 Macro to declare a class non-copyable and non-assignable. More...
 Macro to declare a class non-copyable, non-movable, non-copy-assignable and non-move-assignable. More...
#define GMX_DISALLOW_ASSIGN(ClassName)   ClassName& operator=(const ClassName&) = delete
 Macro to declare a class non-assignable. More...
 Macro to declare default constructors. More...
#define GMX_CURRENT_FUNCTION   "(unknown)"
 Expands to a string that provides the name of the current function.
#define GMX_THROW(e)   throw(e) << gmx::ExceptionInfoLocation(gmx::ThrowLocation(GMX_CURRENT_FUNCTION, __FILE__, __LINE__))
 Macro for throwing an exception. More...
#define GMX_THROW_WITH_ERRNO(e, syscall, err)
 Macro for throwing an exception based on errno. More...
#define GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR   catch (const std::exception& ex) { ::gmx::processExceptionAsFatalError(ex); }
 Macro for catching exceptions at C++ -> C boundary. More...
#define GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(condition, msg)
 Macro for asserts that should also be present in the release version. More...
#define GMX_ASSERT(condition, msg)   GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(condition, msg)
 Macro for debug asserts. More...
#define gmx_format(archetype, string_index, first_to_check)
 GCC like function format attribute. More...
#define gmx_fmtstr
 MSVC like function format attribute. More...


typedef ExceptionInfo< struct
ExceptionInfoErrno_, int > 
 Stores errno value that triggered the exception.
typedef ExceptionInfo< struct
ExceptionInfoApiFunc_, const
char * > 
 Stores the function name that returned the errno in ExceptionInfoErrno.
typedef ExceptionInfo< struct
ThrowLocation > 
 Stores the location where the exception was thrown.


enum  gmx::ErrorCode {
  gmx::eeOK, gmx::eeOutOfMemory, gmx::eeFileNotFound, gmx::eeFileIO,
  gmx::eeInvalidInput, gmx::eeInconsistentInput, gmx::eeTolerance, gmx::eeInstability,
  gmx::eeNotImplemented, gmx::eeInvalidValue, gmx::eeInvalidCall, gmx::eeInternalError,
  gmx::eeAPIError, gmx::eeRange, gmx::eeParallelConsistency, gmx::eeModularSimulator,
 Possible error return codes from Gromacs functions. More...


const char * gmx::getErrorCodeString (int errorcode)
 Returns a short string description of an error code. More...
template<typename T , int N>
constexpr int asize (T(&)[N])
 Calculates the number of elements in a static array at compile time.
int gmx_omp_get_max_threads ()
 Returns an integer equal to or greater than the number of threads that would be available if a parallel region without num_threads were defined at that point in the code. More...
int gmx_omp_get_num_procs ()
 Returns the number of processors available when the function is called. More...
int gmx_omp_get_thread_num ()
 Returns the thread number of the thread executing within its thread team. More...
void gmx_omp_set_num_threads (int num_threads)
 Sets the number of threads in subsequent parallel regions, unless overridden by a num_threads clause. More...
bool gmx_omp_check_thread_affinity (char **message)
 Check for externally set thread affinity to avoid conflicts with GROMACS internal setting. More...
void gmx::init (int *argc, char ***argv)
 Initializes the GROMACS library. More...
void gmx::finalize ()
 Deinitializes the GROMACS library. More...
int gmx_gethostname (char *buf, size_t len)
 Gets the hostname as given by gethostname(), if available. More...
int gmx_getpid ()
 Returns the process ID of the current process. More...
int gmx_getuid ()
 Returns the current user ID, or -1 if not available. More...
int gmx_getusername (char *buf, size_t len)
 Gets the current user name, if available. More...
std::string gmx_ctime_r (const time_t *clock)
 Portable version of ctime_r. More...
std::string gmx_format_current_time ()
 Gets the current time as a string. More...
int gmx_set_nice (int level)
 Wrapper for nice(). More...
template<typename T >
void gmx::swap (ArrayRef< T > &a, ArrayRef< T > &b)
 Simple swap method for ArrayRef objects. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > gmx::copyOf (const ArrayRef< const T > &arrayRef)
 Return a vector that is a copy of an ArrayRef. More...
const char * gmx_version ()
 Version string, containing the version, date, and abbreviated hash. More...
const char * gmx_version_git_full_hash ()
 Full git hash of the latest commit. More...
const char * gmx_version_git_central_base_hash ()
 Full git hash of the latest commit in a central GROMACS repository. More...
void gmx_is_double_precision ()
 Defined if libgromacs has been compiled in double precision. More...
void gmx_is_single_precision ()
 Defined if libgromacs has been compiled in single/mixed precision. More...
template<class Exception , class Tag , class T >
< std::is_base_of
< GromacsException, Exception >
::value, Exception > 
gmx::operator<< (Exception ex, const ExceptionInfo< Tag, T > &item)
 Associates extra information with an exception. More...
void gmx::printFatalErrorMessage (FILE *fp, const std::exception &ex)
 Formats a standard fatal error message for reporting an exception. More...
std::string gmx::formatExceptionMessageToString (const std::exception &ex)
 Formats an error message for reporting an exception. More...
void gmx::formatExceptionMessageToFile (FILE *fp, const std::exception &ex)
 Formats an error message for reporting an exception. More...
void gmx::formatExceptionMessageToWriter (TextWriter *writer, const std::exception &ex)
 Formats an error message for reporting an exception. More...
int gmx::processExceptionAtExit (const std::exception &ex)
 Handles an exception that is causing the program to terminate. More...
void gmx::processExceptionAsFatalError (const std::exception &ex)
 Helper function for terminating the program on an exception. More...
const DataFileFinder & gmx::getLibraryFileFinder ()
 Gets a finder for locating data files from share/top/. More...
const IProgramContext & gmx::getProgramContext ()
 Returns the global IProgramContext instance. More...
void gmx::setProgramContext (const IProgramContext *context)
 Sets the global IProgramContext instance. More...
static bool gmx::isNullOrEmpty (const char *str)
 Tests whether a string is null or empty. More...
static bool gmx::startsWith (const std::string &str, const std::string &prefix)
 Tests whether a string starts with another string. More...
static bool gmx::startsWith (const char *str, const char *prefix)
 Tests whether a string starts with another string. More...
bool gmx::endsWith (const char *str, const char *suffix)
 Tests whether a string ends with another string. More...
static bool gmx::endsWith (const std::string &str, const char *suffix)
 Tests whether a string ends with another string. More...
static bool gmx::contains (const std::string &str, const char *substr)
 Tests whether a string contains another as a substring. More...
static bool gmx::contains (const std::string &str, const std::string &substr)
 Tests whether a string contains another as a substring. More...
std::size_t gmx::countWords (const char *s)
 Returns number of space-separated words in zero-terminated char ptr. More...
std::size_t gmx::countWords (const std::string &str)
 Returns the number of space-separated words in a string object. More...
static bool gmx::endsWith (const std::string &str, const std::string &suffix)
 Tests whether a string ends with another string. More...
std::string gmx::stripSuffixIfPresent (const std::string &str, const char *suffix)
 Removes a suffix from a string. More...
std::string gmx::stripString (const std::string &str)
 Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string. More...
std::string gmx::formatString (const char *fmt,...)
 Formats a string (snprintf() wrapper). More...
std::string gmx::formatStringV (const char *fmt, va_list ap)
 Formats a string (vsnprintf() wrapper). More...
template<typename InputIterator , typename FormatterType >
std::string gmx::formatAndJoin (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const char *separator, const FormatterType &formatter)
 Formats all the range as strings, and then joins them with a separator in between. More...
template<typename ContainerType , typename FormatterType >
std::string gmx::formatAndJoin (const ContainerType &container, const char *separator, const FormatterType &formatter)
 Formats all elements of the container as strings, and then joins them with a separator in between. More...
template<typename InputIterator >
std::string gmx::joinStrings (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, const char *separator)
 Joins strings from a range with a separator in between. More...
template<typename ContainerType >
std::string gmx::joinStrings (const ContainerType &container, const char *separator)
 Joins strings from a container with a separator in between. More...
template<size_t count>
std::string gmx::joinStrings (const char *const (&array)[count], const char *separator)
 Joins strings from an array with a separator in between. More...
std::vector< std::string > gmx::splitString (const std::string &str)
 Splits a string to whitespace separated tokens. More...
std::vector< std::string > gmx::splitDelimitedString (const std::string &str, char delim)
 Splits a string to tokens separated by a given delimiter. More...
std::vector< std::string > gmx::splitAndTrimDelimitedString (const std::string &str, char delim)
 Splits str to tokens separated by delimiter delim. Removes leading and trailing whitespace from those strings with std::isspace. More...
std::string gmx::replaceAll (const std::string &input, const char *from, const char *to)
 Replace all occurrences of a string with another string. More...
std::string gmx::replaceAll (const std::string &input, const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
 Replace all occurrences of a string with another string. More...
std::string gmx::replaceAllWords (const std::string &input, const char *from, const char *to)
 Replace whole words with others. More...
std::string gmx::replaceAllWords (const std::string &input, const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
 Replace whole words with others. More...
bool gmx::equalCaseInsensitive (const std::string &source, const std::string &target)
 Return whether two strings are equal, ignoring case. More...
bool gmx::equalIgnoreDash (const std::string &source, const std::string &target)
 Return whether too strings are case sensitive equal, ignoring dashes.
bool gmx::equalCaseInsensitive (const std::string &source, const std::string &target, size_t maxLengthOfComparison)
 Checks if at most maxLengthOfComparison characters of two strings match case insensitive. More...
std::string gmx::toUpperCase (const std::string &text)
 Makes the string uppercase. More...
std::string gmx::toLowerCase (const std::string &text)
 Makes the string lowercase. More...


directory utility
 Low-Level Utilities (utility)


file  errorcodes.h
 Declares error codes and related functions for fatal error handling.
file  alignedallocator.h
 Declares allocation policy classes and allocators that are used to make library containers compatible with alignment requirements of particular hardware, e.g. memory operations for SIMD or accelerators.
file  allocator.h
 Declares gmx::Allocator template whose allocation functionality is configured both by type of object allocated and a policy class that configures the necessary matching malloc and free operation.
file  arraysize.h
 Provides asize() function for calculating the static size of an array at compile time.
file  cstringutil.h
 Generic C string handling functions.
file  datafilefinder.h
 Declares gmx::DataFileFinder and related classes.
file  fatalerror.h
 Declares fatal error handling and debugging routines for C code.
file  fixedcapacityvector.h
 Declares gmx::FixedCapacityVector.
file  init.h
 Declares functions for initializing the GROMACS library.
file  stringtoenumvalueconverter.h
 Defines helper function object for class enumerations.
file  utility.h
 Public API convenience header for low-level utilities.
file  arrayref.h
 Declares gmx::ArrayRef.
file  basedefinitions.h
 Basic types and macros used throughout GROMACS.
file  baseversion.h
 Declares functions to get basic version information.
file  classhelpers.h
 Declares common utility classes and macros.
file  current_function.h
 Declares GMX_CURRENT_FUNCTION for getting the current function name.
file  enumerationhelpers.h
 Defines helper types for class enumerations.
file  exceptions.h
 Declares common exception classes and macros for fatal error handling.
file  fileptr.h
 Declares guard pointer for RAII-style handling of cstdio FILE pointers.
file  flags.h
 Declares gmx::FlagsTemplate.
file  futil.h
 Low-level wrappers for OS-specific file handling with some GROMACS customizations.
file  gmxassert.h
 Defines assert macros customized for Gromacs.
file  listoflists.h
 Declares gmx::ListOfLists.
file  programcontext.h
 Declares gmx::IProgramContext and related methods.
file  range.h
 Declares gmx::Range.
file  real.h
 Declares real and related constants.
file  smalloc.h
 C-style memory allocation routines for GROMACS.
file  stringutil.h
 Declares common string utility and formatting routines.
file  unique_cptr.h
 Declares gmx::unique_cptr and gmx::sfree_guard.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define GMX_ASSERT (   condition,
)    GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(condition, msg)

Macro for debug asserts.

If NDEBUG is defined, this macro expands to nothing. If it is not defined, it will work exactly like GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT.

See Also
#define GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR   catch (const std::exception& ex) { ::gmx::processExceptionAsFatalError(ex); }

Macro for catching exceptions at C++ -> C boundary.

This macro is intended for uniform handling of exceptions when C++ code is called from C code within Gromacs. Since most existing code is written using the assumption that fatal errors terminate the program, this macro implements this behavior for exceptions. It should only be used in cases where the error cannot be propagated upwards using return values or such.

Having this as a macro instead of having the same code in each place makes it easy to 1) find all such locations in the code, and 2) change the exact behavior if needed.



Macro to declare default constructors.

Intended for copyable interfaces or bases classes which require to create custom destructor (e.g. protected or virtual) but need the default constructors.

#define GMX_DISALLOW_ASSIGN (   ClassName)    ClassName& operator=(const ClassName&) = delete

Macro to declare a class non-assignable.

For consistency, should appear last in the class declaration.


Macro to declare a class non-copyable and non-assignable.

For consistency, should appear last in the class declaration.


Macro to declare a class non-copyable, non-movable, non-copy-assignable and non-move-assignable.

For consistency, should appear last in the class declaration.

#define gmx_fmtstr

MSVC like function format attribute.

Does type checking for printf like format strings in MSVC style. Attribute has to be placed before format string.

#define gmx_format (   archetype,

GCC like function format attribute.

The format attribute specifies that a function takes printf, scanf, ... style arguments that should be type-checked against a format string. The attribute has to be placed after the function. This attribute is only valid for function declarations and not function definitions (GCC limitation). For member functions the implicit this pointer is included in the argument count.

#define GMX_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE (   call)    ::gmx::internal::ignoreValueHelper(call)

Macro to explicitly ignore a return value of a call.

Mainly meant for ignoring values of functions declared with __attribute__((warn_unused_return)). Makes it easy to find those places if they need to be fixed, and document the intent in cases where the return value really can be ignored. It also makes it easy to adapt the approach so that they don't produce warnings. A cast to void doesn't remove the warning in gcc, while adding a dummy variable can cause warnings about an unused variable.

#define GMX_LOG (   logger)
if (::gmx::LogWriteHelper helper = ::gmx::LogWriteHelper(logger)) {} \
else \
helper = ::gmx::LogEntryWriter()

Helper to log information using gmx::MDLogger.

loggerLogLevelHelper instance to use for logging.

Used as


and ensures that the code to format the output is only executed when the output goes somewhere.

See LogEntryWriter for functions that can be used with the macro (such as the appendText() in the example).

#define GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT (   condition,
((void)((condition) ? (void)0 : [&]() { \
::gmx::internal::assertHandler(#condition, msg, GMX_CURRENT_FUNCTION, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
Expands to a string that provides the name of the current function.

Macro for asserts that should also be present in the release version.

Regardless of NDEBUG, this macro checks condition, and if it is not true, it calls the assert handler.

Although this macro currently calls abort() if the assertion fails, it should only be used in a context where it is safe to throw an exception to keep the option open.

#define GMX_THROW (   e)    throw(e) << gmx::ExceptionInfoLocation(gmx::ThrowLocation(GMX_CURRENT_FUNCTION, __FILE__, __LINE__))

Macro for throwing an exception.

[in]eException object to throw.

Using this macro instead of throw directly makes it possible to uniformly attach information into the exception objects. e should evaluate to an instance of an object derived from GromacsException.

Basic usage:

if (value < 0)
GMX_THROW(InconsistentUserInput("Negative values not allowed for value"));
#define GMX_THROW_WITH_ERRNO (   e,
do \
{ \
int stored_errno_ = (err); \
GMX_THROW((e) << gmx::ExceptionInfoErrno(stored_errno_) \
} while (0)
#define GMX_THROW(e)
Macro for throwing an exception.
Definition: exceptions.h:607
Stores additional context information for exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.h:120

Macro for throwing an exception based on errno.

[in]eException object to throw.
[in]syscallName of the syscall that returned the error.
[in]errerrno value returned by the syscall.

This macro provides a convenience interface for throwing an exception to report an error based on a errno value. In addition to adding the necessary information to the exception object, the macro also ensures that errno is evaluated before, e.g., the constructor of e may call other functions that could overwrite the errno value. e should evaluate to an instance of an object derived from GromacsException.

Typical usage (note that gmx::File wraps this particular case):

FILE *fp = fopen("filename.txt", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
GMX_THROW(FileIOError("Could not open file"), "fopen", errno);
#define GMX_UNUSED_VALUE (   value)    (void)value

Macro to explicitly ignore an unused value.

Deprecated - use gmx_unused

Enumeration Type Documentation

Possible error return codes from Gromacs functions.


Zero for successful return.


Not enough memory to complete operation.


Provided file could not be opened.


System I/O error.


Invalid user input (could not be understood).


Invalid user input (conflicting or unsupported settings).


Requested tolerance cannot be achieved.


Simulation instability detected.


Requested feature not yet implemented.


Input value violates API specification.


Invalid routine called or wrong calling sequence detected.


Internal consistency check failed.


API specification was violated.


Range consistency check failed.


Parallel consistency check failed.


Error specific for modular simulator.


Unknown error detected.

Function Documentation

static bool gmx::contains ( const std::string &  str,
const char *  substr 

Tests whether a string contains another as a substring.

[in]strString to process.
[in]substrSubstring to find.
true if str contains substr.

Does not throw.

static bool gmx::contains ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  substr 

Tests whether a string contains another as a substring.

[in]strString to process.
[in]substrSubstring to find.
true if str contains substr.

Does not throw.

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> gmx::copyOf ( const ArrayRef< const T > &  arrayRef)

Return a vector that is a copy of an ArrayRef.

This makes it convenient, clear, and performant (the compiler will either do RVO to elide the temporary, or invoke the move constructor taking the unnamed temporary) to write a declaration like

auto v = copyOf(arrayRef);

std::size_t gmx::countWords ( const char *  s)

Returns number of space-separated words in zero-terminated char ptr.

sCharacter pointer to zero-terminated, which will not be changed.
number of words in string.
This routine is mainly meant to support legacy code in GROMACS. For new source you should try hard to use C++ string objects instead.
std::size_t gmx::countWords ( const std::string &  str)

Returns the number of space-separated words in a string object.

strReference to string object, which will not be changed.
number of words in string.
bool gmx::endsWith ( const char *  str,
const char *  suffix 

Tests whether a string ends with another string.

[in]strString to process.
[in]suffixSuffix to find.
true if str ends with suffix.

Returns true if suffix is NULL or empty. Does not throw.

static bool gmx::endsWith ( const std::string &  str,
const char *  suffix 

Tests whether a string ends with another string.

[in]strString to process.
[in]suffixSuffix to find.
true if str ends with suffix.

Returns true if suffix is NULL or empty. Does not throw.

static bool gmx::endsWith ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  suffix 

Tests whether a string ends with another string.

[in]strString to process.
[in]suffixSuffix to find.
true if str ends with suffix.

Returns true if suffix is NULL or empty. Does not throw.

bool gmx::equalCaseInsensitive ( const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  target 

Return whether two strings are equal, ignoring case.

Checks if two strings have the same length and if all characters in them match when compared case insensitive. Characters are converted by using std::tolower.

[in]sourceSearch string to compare against target.
[in]targetString to be matched to source.
True if the strings match.
bool gmx::equalCaseInsensitive ( const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  target,
size_t  maxLengthOfComparison 

Checks if at most maxLengthOfComparison characters of two strings match case insensitive.

The function tests two strings source and target to see if at most maxLengthOfComparison characters match between the two. If fewer characters are present in source, only the maximum number of characters in source will be compared instead. In this case both source and target also need to have the same length, or the strings will compare as false, even if target matches source over the length of source.

If maxLengthOfComparison is 0, the function always returns true. Characters are converted by using std::tolower.

[in]sourceSearch string to compare against target.
[in]targetString to be matched to source.
[in]maxLengthOfComparisonThe maximum string length to compare.
True if the strings match.
void gmx::finalize ( )

Deinitializes the GROMACS library.

Decrements the initialization counter, and calls MPI_Finalize() if GROMACS is compiled with MPI support and the counter has reached zero. In that case, it is not possible to reinitialize GROMACS after calling this function. Instead, call gmx::init() at a higher level, and note that calls to init can be nested safely.

template<typename InputIterator , typename FormatterType >
std::string gmx::formatAndJoin ( InputIterator  begin,
InputIterator  end,
const char *  separator,
const FormatterType &  formatter 

Formats all the range as strings, and then joins them with a separator in between.

[in]beginIterator the beginning of the range to join.
[in]endIterator the end of the range to join.
[in]separatorString to put in between the joined strings.
[in]formatterFunction object to format the objects in container as strings
All objects in the range from begin to end formatted as strings and concatenated with separator between each pair.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
template<typename ContainerType , typename FormatterType >
std::string gmx::formatAndJoin ( const ContainerType &  container,
const char *  separator,
const FormatterType &  formatter 

Formats all elements of the container as strings, and then joins them with a separator in between.

[in]containerObjects to join.
[in]separatorString to put in between the joined strings.
[in]formatterFunction object to format the objects in container as strings
All objects from container formatted as strings and concatenated with separator between each pair.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
void gmx::formatExceptionMessageToFile ( FILE *  fp,
const std::exception &  ex 

Formats an error message for reporting an exception.

fpFile to write the message to.
[in]exException to format.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
std::string gmx::formatExceptionMessageToString ( const std::exception &  ex)

Formats an error message for reporting an exception.

[in]exException to format.
Formatted string containing details of ex.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
void gmx::formatExceptionMessageToWriter ( TextWriter *  writer,
const std::exception &  ex 

Formats an error message for reporting an exception.

writerWriter to use for writing the message.
[in]exException to format.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
std::string gmx::formatString ( const char *  fmt,

Formats a string (snprintf() wrapper).

std::bad_allocif out of memory.

This function works like sprintf(), except that it returns an std::string instead of requiring a preallocated buffer. Arbitrary length output is supported.

std::string gmx::formatStringV ( const char *  fmt,
va_list  ap 

Formats a string (vsnprintf() wrapper).

std::bad_allocif out of memory.

This function works like vsprintf(), except that it returns an std::string instead of requiring a preallocated buffer. Arbitrary length output is supported.

const char * gmx::getErrorCodeString ( int  errorcode)

Returns a short string description of an error code.

[in]errorcodeError code to retrieve the string for.
A constant string corresponding to errorcode.

If errorcode is not one of those defined for gmx::ErrorCode, the string corresponding to eeUnknownError is returned.

This function does not throw.

const DataFileFinder & gmx::getLibraryFileFinder ( )

Gets a finder for locating data files from share/top/.

Finder set with setLibraryFileFinder(), or a default finder.

If setLibraryFileFinder() has not been called (or a NULL finder has been set), a default finder is returned. The default finder searches data files from the directory identified by the global program context; it does not respect GMXLIB environment variable. Calling initForCommandLine() sets a finder that respects GMXLIB.

Does not throw.

See setLibraryFileFinder() for thread safety.

const IProgramContext & gmx::getProgramContext ( )

Returns the global IProgramContext instance.

The context set with setProgramContext().

If nothing has been set with setProgramContext(), returns a default implementation that returns "GROMACS" for the program and display names, and empty strings for other values. The default implementation never throws.

Does not throw.

See setProgramContext() for thread safety notes. You should not call this method in global deinitialization methods (e.g., destructors of global variables), since it is very difficult to clean up the state correctly in the presence of such calls. For example, initForCommandLine() assumes that such calls do not exist to be able to free the context before exiting.

See Also
std::string gmx_ctime_r ( const time_t *  clock)

Portable version of ctime_r.

std::bad_allocwhen out of memory.
std::string gmx_format_current_time ( )

Gets the current time as a string.

std::bad_allocwhen out of memory.
int gmx_gethostname ( char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Gets the hostname as given by gethostname(), if available.

[out]bufBuffer to receive the hostname.
[in]lenLength of buffer buf (must be >= 8).
0 on success, -1 on error.

If the value is not available, "unknown" is returned. name should have at least size len.

Does not throw.

int gmx_getpid ( )

Returns the process ID of the current process.

Does not throw.

int gmx_getuid ( )

Returns the current user ID, or -1 if not available.

Does not throw.

int gmx_getusername ( char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Gets the current user name, if available.

[out]bufBuffer to receive the username.
[in]lenLength of buffer buf (must be >= 8).
0 on success, -1 on error.

Does not throw.

void gmx_is_double_precision ( )

Defined if libgromacs has been compiled in double precision.

Allows detecting the compiled precision of the library through checking the presence of the symbol, e.g., from autoconf or other types of build systems.

void gmx_is_single_precision ( )

Defined if libgromacs has been compiled in single/mixed precision.

Allows detecting the compiled precision of the library through checking the presence of the symbol, e.g., from autoconf or other types of build systems.

bool gmx_omp_check_thread_affinity ( char **  message)

Check for externally set thread affinity to avoid conflicts with GROMACS internal setting.

[out]messageReceives the message to be shown to the user.
true if we can set thread affinity ourselves.

The KMP_AFFINITY environment variable is used by Intel, GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY by the GNU compilers (Intel also honors it well). If any of the variables is set, we should honor it and disable the internal pinning.

If this function returns false, the caller is responsible to disable the pinning, show the message from *message to the user, and free the memory allocated for *message. If the return value is true, *message is NULL.

int gmx_omp_get_max_threads ( )

Returns an integer equal to or greater than the number of threads that would be available if a parallel region without num_threads were defined at that point in the code.

Acts as a wrapper for omp_get_max_threads().

int gmx_omp_get_num_procs ( )

Returns the number of processors available when the function is called.

Acts as a wrapper around omp_get_num_procs().

int gmx_omp_get_thread_num ( )

Returns the thread number of the thread executing within its thread team.

Acts as a wrapper for omp_get_thread_num().

void gmx_omp_set_num_threads ( int  num_threads)

Sets the number of threads in subsequent parallel regions, unless overridden by a num_threads clause.

Acts as a wrapper for omp_set_num_threads().

int gmx_set_nice ( int  level)

Wrapper for nice().

Does not throw.

const char* gmx_version ( )

Version string, containing the version, date, and abbreviated hash.

This can be a plain version if git version info was disabled during the build. The returned string used to start with a literal word VERSION before GROMACS 2016, but no longer does.

const char* gmx_version_git_central_base_hash ( )

Full git hash of the latest commit in a central GROMACS repository.

If git version info was disabled during the build, returns an empty string. Also, if the latest commit was from a central repository, the return value is an empty string.

const char* gmx_version_git_full_hash ( )

Full git hash of the latest commit.

If git version info was disabled during the build, returns an empty string.

void gmx::init ( int *  argc,
char ***  argv 

Initializes the GROMACS library.

[in]argcargc value passed to main().
[in]argvargv array passed to main().

argc and argv are the command line arguments passed to main(). They are allowed to be NULL if GROMACS is not compiled with MPI, MPI_Init() has already been called, or if the MPI library GROMACS is compiled against allows it.

Does not throw.

static bool gmx::isNullOrEmpty ( const char *  str)

Tests whether a string is null or empty.

Does not throw.

template<typename InputIterator >
std::string gmx::joinStrings ( InputIterator  begin,
InputIterator  end,
const char *  separator 

Joins strings from a range with a separator in between.

[in]beginIterator the beginning of the range to join.
[in]endIterator the end of the range to join.
[in]separatorString to put in between the joined strings.
All strings from (begin, end) concatenated with separator between each pair.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
template<typename ContainerType >
std::string gmx::joinStrings ( const ContainerType &  container,
const char *  separator 

Joins strings from a container with a separator in between.

[in]containerStrings to join.
[in]separatorString to put in between the joined strings.
All strings from container concatenated with separator between each pair.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
template<size_t count>
std::string gmx::joinStrings ( const char *const (&)  array[count],
const char *  separator 

Joins strings from an array with a separator in between.

[in]arrayArray of strings to join.
[in]separatorString to put in between the joined strings.
Template Parameters
countDeduced number of elements in array.
All strings from aray concatenated with separator between each pair.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
template<class Exception , class Tag , class T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<GromacsException, Exception>::value, Exception> gmx::operator<< ( Exception  ex,
const ExceptionInfo< Tag, T > &  item 

Associates extra information with an exception.

Template Parameters
ExceptionException type (must be derived from GromacsException).
TagExceptionInfo tag.
TExceptionInfo value type.
[in,out]exException to associate the information to.
[in]itemInformation to associate.
void gmx::printFatalErrorMessage ( FILE *  fp,
const std::exception &  ex 

Formats a standard fatal error message for reporting an exception.

[in]fpFile to format the message to.
[in]exException to format.

Does not throw. If memory allocation fails or some other error occurs while formatting the error, tries to print a reasonable alternative message.

Normal usage in Gromacs command-line programs is like this:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
gmx::init(&argc, &argv);
// The actual code for the program
return 0;
catch (const std::exception &ex)
void gmx::processExceptionAsFatalError ( const std::exception &  ex)

Helper function for terminating the program on an exception.

[in]exException that is the cause for terminating the program.

Does not throw, and does not return.

int gmx::processExceptionAtExit ( const std::exception &  ex)

Handles an exception that is causing the program to terminate.

[in]exException that is the cause for terminating the program.
Return code to return from main().

This method should be called as the last thing before terminating the program because of an exception. It exists to terminate the program as gracefully as possible in the case of MPI processing (but the current implementation always calls MPI_Abort()).

See printFatalErrorMessage() for example usage.

Does not throw.

std::string gmx::replaceAll ( const std::string &  input,
const char *  from,
const char *  to 

Replace all occurrences of a string with another string.

[in]inputInput string.
[in]fromString to find.
[in]toString to use to replace from.
Copy of input with all occurrences of from replaced with to.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

The replacement is greedy and not recursive: starting from the beginning of input, each match of from is replaced with to, and the search for the next match begins after the end of the previous match.

Complexity is O(N), where N is length of output.

See Also
std::string gmx::replaceAll ( const std::string &  input,
const std::string &  from,
const std::string &  to 

Replace all occurrences of a string with another string.

[in]inputInput string.
[in]fromString to find.
[in]toString to use to replace from.
Copy of input with all occurrences of from replaced with to.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

The replacement is greedy and not recursive: starting from the beginning of input, each match of from is replaced with to, and the search for the next match begins after the end of the previous match.

Complexity is O(N), where N is length of output.

See Also
std::string gmx::replaceAllWords ( const std::string &  input,
const char *  from,
const char *  to 

Replace whole words with others.

[in]inputInput string.
[in]fromString to find.
[in]toString to use to replace from.
Copy of input with all from words replaced with to.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

Works as replaceAll(), but a match is only considered if it is delimited by non-alphanumeric characters.

See Also
std::string gmx::replaceAllWords ( const std::string &  input,
const std::string &  from,
const std::string &  to 

Replace whole words with others.

[in]inputInput string.
[in]fromString to find.
[in]toString to use to replace from.
Copy of input with all from words replaced with to.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

Works as replaceAll(), but a match is only considered if it is delimited by non-alphanumeric characters.

See Also
void gmx::setProgramContext ( const IProgramContext *  context)

Sets the global IProgramContext instance.

[in]contextProgram context to set (can be NULL to restore the default context).

The library does not take ownership of context. The provided object must remain valid until the global instance is changed by another call to setProgramContext().

This method is not thread-safe. It must be the first call to the library after gmx::init(), and multi-threaded access is only supported after the call completes. If GROMACS is getting called from multiple threads, or uses multiple threads simultaneously, changing the program context is not supported once it is set. If the context is cleared at the end of the program, the caller must ensure that all other threads have been terminated at this point. These constraints simplify the implementation significantly.

Does not throw.

See Also
std::vector< std::string > gmx::splitAndTrimDelimitedString ( const std::string &  str,
char  delim 

Splits str to tokens separated by delimiter delim. Removes leading and trailing whitespace from those strings with std::isspace.

[in]strString to process.
[in]delimDelimiter to use for splitting.
str split into tokens at delimiter, with whitespace stripped.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

Unlike splitString(), consecutive delimiters will generate empty tokens, as will leading or trailing delimiters. Empty input will return an empty vector. Input with only whitespace will return a vector of size 1, that contains an empty token.

std::vector< std::string > gmx::splitDelimitedString ( const std::string &  str,
char  delim 

Splits a string to tokens separated by a given delimiter.

[in]strString to process.
[in]delimDelimiter to use for splitting.
str split into tokens at delimiter.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

Unlike splitString(), consecutive delimiters will generate empty tokens, as will leading or trailing delimiters. Empty input will return an empty vector.

std::vector< std::string > gmx::splitString ( const std::string &  str)

Splits a string to whitespace separated tokens.

[in]strString to process.
str split into tokens at each whitespace sequence.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

This function works like split in Python, i.e., leading and trailing whitespace is ignored, and consecutive whitespaces are treated as a single separator.

static bool gmx::startsWith ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  prefix 

Tests whether a string starts with another string.

[in]strString to process.
[in]prefixPrefix to find.
true if str starts with prefix.

Returns true if prefix is empty. Does not throw.

static bool gmx::startsWith ( const char *  str,
const char *  prefix 

Tests whether a string starts with another string.

[in]strString to process.
[in]prefixPrefix to find.
true if str starts with prefix.

Returns true if prefix is empty. Does not throw.

std::string gmx::stripString ( const std::string &  str)

Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

[in]strString to process.
str with leading and trailing whitespaces removed.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
std::string gmx::stripSuffixIfPresent ( const std::string &  str,
const char *  suffix 

Removes a suffix from a string.

[in]strString to process.
[in]suffixSuffix to remove.
str with suffix removed, or str unmodified if it does not end with suffix.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.

Returns str if suffix is NULL or empty.

template<typename T >
void gmx::swap ( ArrayRef< T > &  a,
ArrayRef< T > &  b 

Simple swap method for ArrayRef objects.

See Also
std::string gmx::toLowerCase ( const std::string &  text)

Makes the string lowercase.

[in]textInput text.
text with all characters transformed to lowercase.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.
std::string gmx::toUpperCase ( const std::string &  text)

Makes the string uppercase.

[in]textInput text.
text with all characters transformed to uppercase.
std::bad_allocif out of memory.