releng Python API ================= Build script definition ----------------------- The build script is required to provide one function: .. py:function:: do_build(context) Called to run the actual build. The context parameter is an instance of BuildContext, and can be used to access the build environment and to interact with Jenkins. The function can signal fatal build errors by raising BuildError directly; typically, this is done by methods in BuildContext if they fail to execute the requested commands. When the function is called, the current working directory is set to the build directory (whether the build is in- or out-of-source). The build script can also set a few global variables to influence the behavior of the build: .. py:data:: build_options If this list value is set to a non-empty list, then these build options are used to initialize the build environment. Useful for non-matrix builds that want to, e.g., specify the compiler to use. .. py:data:: build_out_of_source If this boolean value is set to ``True``, the build will be executed out-of-source. By default, the build will be in-source. .. py:data:: extra_options If this dictionary is set, it declares additional build options that the script understands. This can be used to declare options that only influence the build script; releng declares only options that affect the build environment or the build host assignment. Syntax is as follows:: extra_options = { 'opt': Option.simple, 'opt-bool': Option.bool, 'opt-str': Option.string } The values of the build options can be read from ``context.opts`` in do_build(). See ``OptionTypes`` documentation for the available option types: in the build script, ``Option`` is bound to ``OptionTypes``. Technically, the value in the dictionary is a callable that gets called with the name of the option to create an internal handler class for processing the option. .. py:data:: extra_projects If this list value is set to a non-empty list, then these repositories are also checked out before executing the build. ``releng`` and ``gromacs`` repositories are always checked out. Currently, only ``Project.REGRESSIONTESTS`` makes sense to specify here. When the build script is loaded, various enums from the releng package are injected into the global scope to make them easy to access. API for build scripts --------------------- The build script gets input and perfoms most tasks by using data and methods in a BuildContext instance: .. py:currentmodule:: releng.context .. autoclass:: BuildContext :members: The build context contains attributes of the following classes to access additional information: .. py:currentmodule:: releng.environment .. autoclass:: BuildEnvironment :members: .. py:currentmodule:: releng.options .. autoclass:: BuildOptions .. py:currentmodule:: releng.integration .. autoclass:: BuildParameters .. py:currentmodule:: releng.workspace .. autoclass:: Workspace :members: API for Jenkins --------------- The following functions from the ``releng`` package are intended to be called from scripts in Jenkins build configuration or from workflow scripts (see :doc:`jenkins-config`). .. py:currentmodule:: releng .. autofunction:: run_build .. autofunction:: read_build_script_config .. autofunction:: prepare_multi_configuration_build .. autofunction:: get_actions_from_triggering_comment .. autofunction:: do_ondemand_post_build .. autofunction:: get_build_revisions