Tabulated interaction functions ------------------------------- .. _cubicspline: Cubic splines for potentials ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In some of the inner loops of |Gromacs|, look-up tables are used for computation of potential and forces. The tables are interpolated using a cubic spline algorithm. There are separate tables for electrostatic, dispersion, and repulsion interactions, but for the sake of caching performance these have been combined into a single array. The cubic spline interpolation for :math:`x_i \leq x < x_{i+1}` looks like this: .. math:: V_s(x) = A_0 + A_1 \,\epsilon + A_2 \,\epsilon^2 + A_3 \,\epsilon^3 :label: eqnspline where the table spacing :math:`h` and fraction :math:`\epsilon` are given by: .. math:: \begin{aligned} h &=& x_{i+1} - x_i \\ \epsilon&=& (x - x_i)/h\end{aligned} so that :math:`0 \le \epsilon < 1`. From this, we can calculate the derivative in order to determine the forces: .. math:: -V_s'(x) ~=~ -\frac{{\rm d}V_s(x)}{{\rm d}\epsilon}\frac{{\rm d}\epsilon}{{\rm d}x} ~=~ -(A_1 + 2 A_2 \,\epsilon + 3 A_3 \,\epsilon^2)/h The four coefficients are determined from the four conditions that :math:`V_s` and :math:`-V_s'` at both ends of each interval should match the exact potential :math:`V` and force :math:`-V'`. This results in the following errors for each interval: .. math:: \begin{aligned} | V_s - V | _{max} &=& V'''' \frac{h^4}{384} + O(h^5) \\ | V_s' - V' | _{max} &=& V'''' \frac{h^3}{72\sqrt{3}} + O(h^4) \\ | V_s''- V''| _{max} &=& V'''' \frac{h^2}{12} + O(h^3)\end{aligned} V and V’ are continuous, while V” is the first discontinuous derivative. The number of points per nanometer is 500 and 2000 for mixed- and double-precision versions of |Gromacs|, respectively. This means that the errors in the potential and force will usually be smaller than the mixed precision accuracy. |Gromacs| stores :math:`A_0`, :math:`A_1`, :math:`A_2` and :math:`A_3`. The force routines get a table with these four parameters and a scaling factor :math:`s` that is equal to the number of points per nm. (**Note** that :math:`h` is :math:`s^{-1}`). The algorithm goes a little something like this: #. Calculate distance vector (:math:`\mathbf{r}_{ij}`) and distance r\ :math:`_{ij}` #. Multiply r\ :math:`_{ij}` by :math:`s` and truncate to an integer value :math:`n_0` to get a table index #. Calculate fractional component (:math:`\epsilon` = :math:`s`\ r\ :math:`_{ij} - n_0`) and :math:`\epsilon^2` #. Do the interpolation to calculate the potential :math:`V` and the scalar force :math:`f` #. Calculate the vector force :math:`\mathbf{F}` by multiplying :math:`f` with :math:`\mathbf{r}_{ij}` **Note** that table look-up is significantly *slower* than computation of the most simple Lennard-Jones and Coulomb interaction. However, it is much faster than the shifted Coulomb function used in conjunction with the PPPM method. Finally, it is much easier to modify a table for the potential (and get a graphical representation of it) than to modify the inner loops of the MD program. User-specified potential functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also use your own potential functions without editing the |Gromacs| code. The potential function should be according to the following equation .. math:: V(r_{ij}) ~=~ \frac{q_i q_j}{4 \pi\epsilon_0} f(r_{ij}) + C_6 \,g(r_{ij}) + C_{12} \,h(r_{ij}) where :math:`f`, :math:`g`, and :math:`h` are user defined functions. **Note** that if :math:`g(r)` represents a normal dispersion interaction, :math:`g(r)` should be :math:`<` 0. C\ :math:`_6`, C\ :math:`_{12}` and the charges are read from the topology. Also note that combination rules are only supported for Lennard-Jones and Buckingham, and that your tables should match the parameters in the binary topology. When you add the following lines in your :ref:`mdp` file: :: rlist = 1.0 coulombtype = User rcoulomb = 1.0 vdwtype = User rvdw = 1.0 :ref:`mdrun ` will read a single non-bonded table file, or multiple when ``energygrp-table`` is set (see below). The name of the file(s) can be set with the :ref:`mdrun ` option ``-table``. The table file should contain seven columns of table look-up data in the order: :math:`x`, :math:`f(x)`, :math:`-f'(x)`, :math:`g(x)`, :math:`-g'(x)`, :math:`h(x)`, :math:`-h'(x)`. The :math:`x` should run from 0 to :math:`r_c+1` (the value of ``table_extension`` can be changed in the :ref:`mdp` file). You can choose the spacing you like; for the standard tables |Gromacs| uses a spacing of 0.002 and 0.0005 nm when you run in mixed and double precision, respectively. In this context, :math:`r_c` denotes the maximum of the two cut-offs ``rvdw`` and ``rcoulomb`` (see above). These variables need not be the same (and need not be 1.0 either). Some functions used for potentials contain a singularity at :math:`x = 0`, but since atoms are normally not closer to each other than 0.1 nm, the function value at :math:`x = 0` is not important. Finally, it is also possible to combine a standard Coulomb with a modified LJ potential (or vice versa). One then specifies *e.g.* ``coulombtype = Cut-off`` or ``coulombtype = PME``, combined with ``vdwtype = User``. The table file must always contain the 7 columns however, and meaningful data (i.e. not zeroes) must be entered in all columns. A number of pre-built table files can be found in the ``GMXLIB`` directory for 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11, and 6-12 Lennard-Jones potentials combined with a normal Coulomb. If you want to have different functional forms between different groups of atoms, this can be set through energy groups. Different tables can be used for non-bonded interactions between different energy groups pairs through the :ref:`mdp` option ``energygrp-table`` (see details in the User Guide). Atoms that should interact with a different potential should be put into different energy groups. Between group pairs which are not listed in ``energygrp-table``, the normal user tables will be used. This makes it easy to use a different functional form between a few types of atoms.