gmx tune_pme¶
gmx tune_pme [-s [<.tpr>]] [-cpi [<.cpt>]] [-table [<.xvg>]] [-tablep [<.xvg>]] [-tableb [<.xvg>]] [-rerun [<.xtc/.trr/...>]] [-ei [<.edi>]] [-p [<.out>]] [-err [<.log>]] [-so [<.tpr>]] [-o [<.trr/.cpt/...>]] [-x [<.xtc/.tng>]] [-cpo [<.cpt>]] [-c [<.gro/.g96/...>]] [-e [<.edr>]] [-g [<.log>]] [-dhdl [<.xvg>]] [-field [<.xvg>]] [-tpi [<.xvg>]] [-tpid [<.xvg>]] [-eo [<.xvg>]] [-px [<.xvg>]] [-pf [<.xvg>]] [-ro [<.xvg>]] [-ra [<.log>]] [-rs [<.log>]] [-rt [<.log>]] [-mtx [<.mtx>]] [-swap [<.xvg>]] [-bo [<.trr/.cpt/...>]] [-bx [<.xtc>]] [-bcpo [<.cpt>]] [-bc [<.gro/.g96/...>]] [-be [<.edr>]] [-bg [<.log>]] [-beo [<.xvg>]] [-bdhdl [<.xvg>]] [-bfield [<.xvg>]] [-btpi [<.xvg>]] [-btpid [<.xvg>]] [-bdevout [<.xvg>]] [-brunav [<.xvg>]] [-bpx [<.xvg>]] [-bpf [<.xvg>]] [-bro [<.xvg>]] [-bra [<.log>]] [-brs [<.log>]] [-brt [<.log>]] [-bmtx [<.mtx>]] [-bdn [<.ndx>]] [-bswap [<.xvg>]] [-xvg <enum>] [-mdrun <string>] [-np <int>] [-npstring <enum>] [-ntmpi <int>] [-r <int>] [-max <real>] [-min <real>] [-npme <enum>] [-fix <int>] [-rmax <real>] [-rmin <real>] [-[no]scalevdw] [-ntpr <int>] [-steps <int>] [-resetstep <int>] [-nsteps <int>] [-[no]launch] [-[no]bench] [-[no]check] [-gpu_id <string>] [-[no]append] [-[no]cpnum] [-deffnm <string>]
For a given number -np
or -ntmpi
of ranks, gmx tune_pme
times gmx mdrun with various numbers of PME-only ranks and determines
which setting is fastest. It will also test whether performance can
be enhanced by shifting load from the reciprocal to the real space
part of the Ewald sum.
Simply pass your .tpr file to gmx tune_pme
together with other options
for gmx mdrun as needed.
gmx tune_pme
needs to call gmx mdrun and so requires that you
specify how to call mdrun with the argument to the -mdrun
parameter. Depending how you have built GROMACS, values such as
‘gmx mdrun’, ‘gmx_d mdrun’, or ‘mdrun_mpi’ might be needed.
The program that runs MPI programs can be set in the environment variable MPIRUN (defaults to ‘mpirun’). Note that for certain MPI frameworks, you need to provide a machine- or hostfile. This can also be passed via the MPIRUN variable, e.g.
export MPIRUN="/usr/local/mpirun -machinefile hosts"
Note that in such cases it is normally necessary to compile
and/or run gmx tune_pme
without MPI support, so that it can call
the MPIRUN program.
Before doing the actual benchmark runs, gmx tune_pme
will do a quick
check whether gmx mdrun works as expected with the provided parallel settings
if the -check
option is activated (the default).
Please call gmx tune_pme
with the normal options you would pass to
gmx mdrun and add -np
for the number of ranks to perform the
tests on, or -ntmpi
for the number of threads. You can also add -r
to repeat each test several times to get better statistics.
gmx tune_pme
can test various real space / reciprocal space workloads
for you. With -ntpr
you control how many extra .tpr files will be
written with enlarged cutoffs and smaller Fourier grids respectively.
Typically, the first test (number 0) will be with the settings from the input
.tpr file; the last test (number ntpr
) will have the Coulomb cutoff
specified by -rmax
with a somewhat smaller PME grid at the same time.
In this last test, the Fourier spacing is multiplied with rmax
The remaining .tpr files will have equally-spaced Coulomb radii (and Fourier
spacings) between these extremes. Note that you can set -ntpr
to 1
if you just seek the optimal number of PME-only ranks; in that case
your input .tpr file will remain unchanged.
For the benchmark runs, the default of 1000 time steps should suffice for most
MD systems. The dynamic load balancing needs about 100 time steps
to adapt to local load imbalances, therefore the time step counters
are by default reset after 100 steps. For large systems (>1M atoms), as well as
for a higher accuracy of the measurements, you should set -resetstep
to a higher value.
From the ‘DD’ load imbalance entries in the md.log output file you
can tell after how many steps the load is sufficiently balanced. Example call:
gmx tune_pme -np 64 -s protein.tpr -launch
After calling gmx mdrun several times, detailed performance information
is available in the output file perf.out
Note that during the benchmarks, a couple of temporary files are written
(options -b*
), these will be automatically deleted after each test.
If you want the simulation to be started automatically with the
optimized parameters, use the command line option -launch
Basic support for GPU-enabled mdrun
exists. Give a string containing the IDs
of the GPUs that you wish to use in the optimization in the -gpu_id
command-line argument. This works exactly like mdrun -gpu_id
, does not imply a mapping,
and merely declares the eligible set of GPU devices. gmx-tune_pme
will construct calls to
mdrun that use this set appropriately. gmx-tune_pme
does not support
Options to specify input files:
[<.tpr>] (topol.tpr)- Portable xdr run input file
[<.cpt>] (state.cpt) (Optional)- Checkpoint file
[<.xvg>] (table.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (tablep.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (table.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xtc/.trr/…>] (rerun.xtc) (Optional)- Trajectory: xtc trr cpt gro g96 pdb tng
[<.edi>] (sam.edi) (Optional)- ED sampling input
Options to specify output files:
[<.out>] (perf.out)- Generic output file
[<.log>] (bencherr.log)- Log file
[<.tpr>] (tuned.tpr)- Portable xdr run input file
[<.trr/.cpt/…>] (traj.trr)- Full precision trajectory: trr cpt tng
[<.xtc/.tng>] (traj_comp.xtc) (Optional)- Compressed trajectory (tng format or portable xdr format)
[<.cpt>] (state.cpt) (Optional)- Checkpoint file
[<.gro/.g96/…>] (confout.gro)- Structure file: gro g96 pdb brk ent esp
[<.edr>] (ener.edr)- Energy file
[<.log>] (md.log)- Log file
[<.xvg>] (dhdl.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (field.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (tpi.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (tpidist.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (edsam.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (pullx.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (pullf.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (rotation.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.log>] (rotangles.log) (Optional)- Log file
[<.log>] (rotslabs.log) (Optional)- Log file
[<.log>] (rottorque.log) (Optional)- Log file
[<.mtx>] (nm.mtx) (Optional)- Hessian matrix
[<.xvg>] (swapions.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.trr/.cpt/…>] (bench.trr)- Full precision trajectory: trr cpt tng
[<.xtc>] (bench.xtc)- Compressed trajectory (portable xdr format): xtc
[<.cpt>] (bench.cpt)- Checkpoint file
[<.gro/.g96/…>] (bench.gro)- Structure file: gro g96 pdb brk ent esp
[<.edr>] (bench.edr)- Energy file
[<.log>] (bench.log)- Log file
[<.xvg>] (benchedo.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchdhdl.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchfld.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchtpi.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchtpid.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchdev.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchrnav.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchpx.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchpf.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.xvg>] (benchrot.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
[<.log>] (benchrota.log) (Optional)- Log file
[<.log>] (benchrots.log) (Optional)- Log file
[<.log>] (benchrott.log) (Optional)- Log file
[<.mtx>] (benchn.mtx) (Optional)- Hessian matrix
[<.ndx>] (bench.ndx) (Optional)- Index file
[<.xvg>] (benchswp.xvg) (Optional)- xvgr/xmgr file
Other options:
<enum> (xmgrace)- xvg plot formatting: xmgrace, xmgr, none
<string>- Command line to run a simulation, e.g. ‘gmx mdrun’ or ‘mdrun_mpi’
<int> (1)- Number of ranks to run the tests on (must be > 2 for separate PME ranks)
<enum> (np)- Name of the
option that specifies the number of ranks to use (‘np’, or ‘n’; use ‘none’ if there is no such option): np, n, none -ntmpi
<int> (1)- Number of MPI-threads to run the tests on (turns MPI & mpirun off)
<int> (2)- Repeat each test this often
<real> (0.5)- Max fraction of PME ranks to test with
<real> (0.25)- Min fraction of PME ranks to test with
<enum> (auto)- Within -min and -max, benchmark all possible values for
, or just a reasonable subset. Auto neglects -min and -max and chooses reasonable values around a guess for npme derived from the .tpr: auto, all, subset -fix
<int> (-2)- If >= -1, do not vary the number of PME-only ranks, instead use this fixed value and only vary rcoulomb and the PME grid spacing.
<real> (0)- If >0, maximal rcoulomb for -ntpr>1 (rcoulomb upscaling results in fourier grid downscaling)
<real> (0)- If >0, minimal rcoulomb for -ntpr>1
(yes)- Scale rvdw along with rcoulomb
<int> (0)- Number of .tpr files to benchmark. Create this many files with different rcoulomb scaling factors depending on -rmin and -rmax. If < 1, automatically choose the number of .tpr files to test
<int> (1000)- Take timings for this many steps in the benchmark runs
<int> (1500)- Let dlb equilibrate this many steps before timings are taken (reset cycle counters after this many steps)
<int> (-1)- If non-negative, perform this many steps in the real run (overwrites nsteps from .tpr, add .cpt steps)
(no)- Launch the real simulation after optimization
(yes)- Run the benchmarks or just create the input .tpr files?
(yes)- Before the benchmark runs, check whether mdrun works in parallel
<string>- List of unique GPU device IDs that are eligible for use
(yes)- Append to previous output files when continuing from checkpoint instead of adding the simulation part number to all file names (for launch only)
(no)- Keep and number checkpoint files (launch only)
<string>- Set the default filenames (launch only)