.. _gmx dipoles:

gmx dipoles


.. parsed-literal::

    gmx dipoles [:strong:`-en` :emphasis:`[<.edr>]`] [:strong:`-f` :emphasis:`[<.xtc/.trr/...>]`] [:strong:`-s` :emphasis:`[<.tpr>]`]
                [:strong:`-n` :emphasis:`[<.ndx>]`] [:strong:`-o` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-eps` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-a` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`]
                [:strong:`-d` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-c` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-g` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`]
                [:strong:`-adip` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-dip3d` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-cos` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`]
                [:strong:`-cmap` :emphasis:`[<.xpm>]`] [:strong:`-slab` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-b` :emphasis:`<time>`] [:strong:`-e` :emphasis:`<time>`]
                [:strong:`-dt` :emphasis:`<time>`] [:strong:`-[no]w`] [:strong:`-xvg` :emphasis:`<enum>`] [:strong:`-mu` :emphasis:`<real>`]
                [:strong:`-mumax` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-epsilonRF` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-skip` :emphasis:`<int>`]
                [:strong:`-temp` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-corr` :emphasis:`<enum>`] [:strong:`-[no]pairs`] [:strong:`-[no]quad`]
                [:strong:`-ncos` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-axis` :emphasis:`<string>`] [:strong:`-sl` :emphasis:`<int>`]
                [:strong:`-gkratom` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-gkratom2` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-rcmax` :emphasis:`<real>`]
                [:strong:`-[no]phi`] [:strong:`-nlevels` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-ndegrees` :emphasis:`<int>`]
                [:strong:`-acflen` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-[no]normalize`] [:strong:`-P` :emphasis:`<enum>`]
                [:strong:`-fitfn` :emphasis:`<enum>`] [:strong:`-beginfit` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-endfit` :emphasis:`<real>`]


``gmx dipoles`` computes the total dipole plus fluctuations of a simulation
system. From this you can compute e.g. the dielectric constant for
low-dielectric media.
For molecules with a net charge, the net charge is subtracted at
center of mass of the molecule.

The file ``Mtot.xvg`` contains the total dipole moment of a frame, the
components as well as the norm of the vector.
The file ``aver.xvg`` contains <\|mu\|^2> and
\|<mu>\|^2 during the
The file ``dipdist.xvg`` contains the distribution of dipole moments during
the simulation
The value of ``-mumax`` is used as the highest value in the distribution graph.

Furthermore, the dipole autocorrelation function will be computed when
option ``-corr`` is used. The output file name is given with the ``-c``
The correlation functions can be averaged over all molecules
(``mol``), plotted per molecule separately (``molsep``)
or it can be computed over the total dipole moment of the simulation box

Option ``-g`` produces a plot of the distance dependent Kirkwood
G-factor, as well as the average cosine of the angle between the dipoles
as a function of the distance. The plot also includes gOO and hOO
according to Nymand & Linse, J. Chem. Phys. 112 (2000) pp 6386-6395. In the same plot,
we also include the energy per scale computed by taking the inner product of
the dipoles divided by the distance to the third power.


``gmx dipoles -corr mol -P 1 -o dip_sqr -mu 2.273 -mumax 5.0``

This will calculate the autocorrelation function of the molecular
dipoles using a first order Legendre polynomial of the angle of the
dipole vector and itself a time t later. For this calculation 1001
frames will be used. Further, the dielectric constant will be calculated
using an ``-epsilonRF`` of infinity (default), temperature of 300 K (default) and
an average dipole moment of the molecule of 2.273 (SPC). For the
distribution function a maximum of 5.0 will be used.


Options to specify input files:

``-en`` [<.edr>] (ener.edr) (Optional)
    Energy file
``-f`` [<.xtc/.trr/...>] (traj.xtc)
    Trajectory: :ref:`xtc` :ref:`trr` :ref:`cpt` :ref:`gro` :ref:`g96` :ref:`pdb` :ref:`tng`
``-s`` [<.tpr>] (topol.tpr)
    Portable xdr run input file
``-n`` [<.ndx>] (index.ndx) (Optional)
    Index file

Options to specify output files:

``-o`` [<.xvg>] (Mtot.xvg)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-eps`` [<.xvg>] (epsilon.xvg)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-a`` [<.xvg>] (aver.xvg)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-d`` [<.xvg>] (dipdist.xvg)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-c`` [<.xvg>] (dipcorr.xvg) (Optional)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-g`` [<.xvg>] (gkr.xvg) (Optional)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-adip`` [<.xvg>] (adip.xvg) (Optional)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-dip3d`` [<.xvg>] (dip3d.xvg) (Optional)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-cos`` [<.xvg>] (cosaver.xvg) (Optional)
    xvgr/xmgr file
``-cmap`` [<.xpm>] (cmap.xpm) (Optional)
    X PixMap compatible matrix file
``-slab`` [<.xvg>] (slab.xvg) (Optional)
    xvgr/xmgr file

Other options:

``-b`` <time> (0)
    Time of first frame to read from trajectory (default unit ps)
``-e`` <time> (0)
    Time of last frame to read from trajectory (default unit ps)
``-dt`` <time> (0)
    Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (default unit ps)
``-[no]w``  (no)
    View output :ref:`.xvg <xvg>`, :ref:`.xpm <xpm>`, :ref:`.eps <eps>` and :ref:`.pdb <pdb>` files
``-xvg`` <enum> (xmgrace)
    xvg plot formatting: xmgrace, xmgr, none
``-mu`` <real> (-1)
    dipole of a single molecule (in Debye)
``-mumax`` <real> (5)
    max dipole in Debye (for histogram)
``-epsilonRF`` <real> (0)
    epsilon of the reaction field used during the simulation, needed for dielectric constant calculation. WARNING: 0.0 means infinity (default)
``-skip`` <int> (0)
    Skip steps in the output (but not in the computations)
``-temp`` <real> (300)
    Average temperature of the simulation (needed for dielectric constant calculation)
``-corr`` <enum> (none)
    Correlation function to calculate: none, mol, molsep, total
``-[no]pairs``  (yes)
    Calculate \|cos(theta)\| between all pairs of molecules. May be slow
``-[no]quad``  (no)
    Take quadrupole into account
``-ncos`` <int> (1)
    Must be 1 or 2. Determines whether the <cos(theta)> is computed between all molecules in one group, or between molecules in two different groups. This turns on the ``-g`` flag.
``-axis`` <string> (Z)
    Take the normal on the computational box in direction X, Y or Z.
``-sl`` <int> (10)
    Divide the box into this number of slices.
``-gkratom`` <int> (0)
    Use the n-th atom of a molecule (starting from 1) to calculate the distance between molecules rather than the center of charge (when 0) in the calculation of distance dependent Kirkwood factors
``-gkratom2`` <int> (0)
    Same as previous option in case ncos = 2, i.e. dipole interaction between two groups of molecules
``-rcmax`` <real> (0)
    Maximum distance to use in the dipole orientation distribution (with ncos == 2). If zero, a criterion based on the box length will be used.
``-[no]phi``  (no)
    Plot the 'torsion angle' defined as the rotation of the two dipole vectors around the distance vector between the two molecules in the :ref:`.xpm <xpm>` file from the ``-cmap`` option. By default the cosine of the angle between the dipoles is plotted.
``-nlevels`` <int> (20)
    Number of colors in the cmap output
``-ndegrees`` <int> (90)
    Number of divisions on the *y*-axis in the cmap output (for 180 degrees)
``-acflen`` <int> (-1)
    Length of the ACF, default is half the number of frames
``-[no]normalize``  (yes)
    Normalize ACF
``-P`` <enum> (0)
    Order of Legendre polynomial for ACF (0 indicates none): 0, 1, 2, 3
``-fitfn`` <enum> (none)
    Fit function: none, exp, aexp, exp_exp, exp5, exp7, exp9
``-beginfit`` <real> (0)
    Time where to begin the exponential fit of the correlation function
``-endfit`` <real> (-1)
    Time where to end the exponential fit of the correlation function, -1 is until the end

.. only:: man

   See also


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