.. _gmx rms: gmx rms ======= Synopsis -------- .. parsed-literal:: gmx rms [:strong:`-s` :emphasis:`[<.tpr/.gro/...>]`] [:strong:`-f` :emphasis:`[<.xtc/.trr/...>]`] [:strong:`-f2` :emphasis:`[<.xtc/.trr/...>]`] [:strong:`-n` :emphasis:`[<.ndx>]`] [:strong:`-o` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-mir` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-a` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-dist` :emphasis:`[<.xvg>]`] [:strong:`-m` :emphasis:`[<.xpm>]`] [:strong:`-bin` :emphasis:`[<.dat>]`] [:strong:`-bm` :emphasis:`[<.xpm>]`] [:strong:`-b` :emphasis:`<time>`] [:strong:`-e` :emphasis:`<time>`] [:strong:`-dt` :emphasis:`<time>`] [:strong:`-tu` :emphasis:`<enum>`] [:strong:`-[no]w`] [:strong:`-xvg` :emphasis:`<enum>`] [:strong:`-what` :emphasis:`<enum>`] [:strong:`-[no]pbc`] [:strong:`-fit` :emphasis:`<enum>`] [:strong:`-prev` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-[no]split`] [:strong:`-skip` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-skip2` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-max` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-min` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-bmax` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-bmin` :emphasis:`<real>`] [:strong:`-[no]mw`] [:strong:`-nlevels` :emphasis:`<int>`] [:strong:`-ng` :emphasis:`<int>`] Description ----------- ``gmx rms`` compares two structures by computing the root mean square deviation (RMSD), the size-independent rho similarity parameter (``rho``) or the scaled rho (``rhosc``), see Maiorov & Crippen, Proteins **22**, 273 (1995). This is selected by ``-what``. Each structure from a trajectory (``-f``) is compared to a reference structure. The reference structure is taken from the structure file (``-s``). With option ``-mir`` also a comparison with the mirror image of the reference structure is calculated. This is useful as a reference for 'significant' values, see Maiorov & Crippen, Proteins **22**, 273 (1995). Option ``-prev`` produces the comparison with a previous frame the specified number of frames ago. Option ``-m`` produces a matrix in :ref:`.xpm <xpm>` format of comparison values of each structure in the trajectory with respect to each other structure. This file can be visualized with for instance ``xv`` and can be converted to postscript with :doc:`gmx xpm2ps <gmx-xpm2ps>`. Option ``-fit`` controls the least-squares fitting of the structures on top of each other: complete fit (rotation and translation), translation only, or no fitting at all. Option ``-mw`` controls whether mass weighting is done or not. If you select the option (default) and supply a valid :ref:`.tpr <tpr>` file masses will be taken from there, otherwise the masses will be deduced from the ``atommass.dat`` file in ``GMXLIB``. This is fine for proteins, but not necessarily for other molecules. A default mass of 12.011 amu (carbon) is assigned to unknown atoms. You can check whether this happened by turning on the ``-debug`` flag and inspecting the log file. With ``-f2``, the 'other structures' are taken from a second trajectory, this generates a comparison matrix of one trajectory versus the other. Option ``-bin`` does a binary dump of the comparison matrix. Option ``-bm`` produces a matrix of average bond angle deviations analogously to the ``-m`` option. Only bonds between atoms in the comparison group are considered. Options ------- Options to specify input files: ``-s`` [<.tpr/.gro/...>] (topol.tpr) Structure+mass(db): :ref:`tpr` :ref:`gro` :ref:`g96` :ref:`pdb` brk ent ``-f`` [<.xtc/.trr/...>] (traj.xtc) Trajectory: :ref:`xtc` :ref:`trr` :ref:`cpt` :ref:`gro` :ref:`g96` :ref:`pdb` :ref:`tng` ``-f2`` [<.xtc/.trr/...>] (traj.xtc) (Optional) Trajectory: :ref:`xtc` :ref:`trr` :ref:`cpt` :ref:`gro` :ref:`g96` :ref:`pdb` :ref:`tng` ``-n`` [<.ndx>] (index.ndx) (Optional) Index file Options to specify output files: ``-o`` [<.xvg>] (rmsd.xvg) xvgr/xmgr file ``-mir`` [<.xvg>] (rmsdmir.xvg) (Optional) xvgr/xmgr file ``-a`` [<.xvg>] (avgrp.xvg) (Optional) xvgr/xmgr file ``-dist`` [<.xvg>] (rmsd-dist.xvg) (Optional) xvgr/xmgr file ``-m`` [<.xpm>] (rmsd.xpm) (Optional) X PixMap compatible matrix file ``-bin`` [<.dat>] (rmsd.dat) (Optional) Generic data file ``-bm`` [<.xpm>] (bond.xpm) (Optional) X PixMap compatible matrix file Other options: ``-b`` <time> (0) Time of first frame to read from trajectory (default unit ps) ``-e`` <time> (0) Time of last frame to read from trajectory (default unit ps) ``-dt`` <time> (0) Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (default unit ps) ``-tu`` <enum> (ps) Unit for time values: fs, ps, ns, us, ms, s ``-[no]w`` (no) View output :ref:`.xvg <xvg>`, :ref:`.xpm <xpm>`, :ref:`.eps <eps>` and :ref:`.pdb <pdb>` files ``-xvg`` <enum> (xmgrace) xvg plot formatting: xmgrace, xmgr, none ``-what`` <enum> (rmsd) Structural difference measure: rmsd, rho, rhosc ``-[no]pbc`` (yes) PBC check ``-fit`` <enum> (rot+trans) Fit to reference structure: rot+trans, translation, none ``-prev`` <int> (0) Compare with previous frame ``-[no]split`` (no) Split graph where time is zero ``-skip`` <int> (1) Only write every nr-th frame to matrix ``-skip2`` <int> (1) Only write every nr-th frame to matrix ``-max`` <real> (-1) Maximum level in comparison matrix ``-min`` <real> (-1) Minimum level in comparison matrix ``-bmax`` <real> (-1) Maximum level in bond angle matrix ``-bmin`` <real> (-1) Minimum level in bond angle matrix ``-[no]mw`` (yes) Use mass weighting for superposition ``-nlevels`` <int> (80) Number of levels in the matrices ``-ng`` <int> (1) Number of groups to compute RMS between .. only:: man See also -------- :manpage:`gmx(1)` More information about |Gromacs| is available at <http://www.gromacs.org/>.