.. _user guide: ********** User guide ********** .. highlight:: bash This guide provides * material introducing |Gromacs| * practical advice for making effective use of |Gromacs|. For getting, building and installing |Gromacs|, see the :doc:`/install-guide/index`. For background on algorithms and implementations, see the :ref:`reference manual part ` of the documentation. If you have questions not answered by these resources, please visit the `GROMACS users forum `_ and search for a potential answer or ask a question from the community. |GMX_MANUAL_DOI_STRING| |GMX_SOURCE_DOI_STRING| .. todo:: This is going to require more organization now that we are getting more content available. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 known-issues getting-started system-preparation managing-simulations faq force-fields mdp-options mdrun-features mdrun-performance run-time-errors cmdline terminology environment-variables floating-point security deprecation-policy