Hydrogen bonds -------------- | :ref:`gmx hbond ` | The program :ref:`gmx hbond ` analyzes the *hydrogen bonds* (H-bonds) between all possible donors D and acceptors A. To determine if an H-bond exists, a geometrical criterion is used, see also :numref:`Fig. %s `: .. math:: \begin{array}{rclcl} r & \leq & r_{HB} & = & 0.35~\mbox{nm} \\ \alpha & \leq & \alpha_{HB} & = & 30^o \\ \end{array} :label: eqnhbondgeomtric .. _fig-hbond: .. figure:: plots/hbond.* :width: 7.50000cm Geometrical Hydrogen bond criterion. The value of :math:`r_{HB} = 0.35 \mathrm{nm}` corresponds to the first minimum of the RDF of SPC water (see also :numref:`Fig. %s `). The program :ref:`gmx hbond ` analyzes all hydrogen bonds existing between two groups of atoms (which must be either identical or non-overlapping) or in specified donor-hydrogen-acceptor triplets, in the following ways: .. _fig-hbondinsert: .. figure:: plots/hbond-insert.* :width: 7.50000cm Insertion of water into an H-bond. (1) Normal H-bond between two residues. (2) H-bonding bridge via a water molecule. - Donor-Acceptor distance (:math:`r`) distribution of all H-bonds - Hydrogen-Donor-Acceptor angle (:math:`\alpha`) distribution of all H-bonds - The total number of H-bonds in each time frame - The number of H-bonds in time between residues, divided into groups :math:`n`-:math:`n`\ +\ :math:`i` where :math:`n` and :math:`n`\ +\ :math:`i` stand for residue numbers and :math:`i` goes from 0 to 6. The group for :math:`i=6` also includes all H-bonds for :math:`i>6`. These groups include the :math:`n`-:math:`n`\ +\ :math:`3`, :math:`n`-:math:`n`\ +\ :math:`4` and :math:`n`-:math:`n`\ +\ :math:`5` H-bonds, which provide a measure for the formation of :math:`\alpha`-helices or :math:`\beta`-turns or strands. - The lifetime of the H-bonds is calculated from the average over all autocorrelation functions of the existence functions (either 0 or 1) of all H-bonds: .. math:: C(\tau) ~=~ \langle s_i(t)~s_i (t + \tau) \rangle :label: eqnhbcorr - with :math:`s_i(t) = \{0,1\}` for H-bond :math:`i` at time :math:`t`. The integral of :math:`C(\tau)` gives a rough estimate of the average H-bond lifetime :math:`\tau_{HB}`: .. math:: \tau_{HB} ~=~ \int_{0}^{\infty} C(\tau) d\tau :label: eqnhblife - Both the integral and the complete autocorrelation function :math:`C(\tau)` will be output, so that more sophisticated analysis (*e.g.* using multi-exponential fits) can be used to get better estimates for :math:`\tau_{HB}`. A more complete analysis is given in ref. \ :ref:`173 `; one of the more fancy option is the Luzar and Chandler analysis of hydrogen bond kinetics \ :ref:`174 `, :ref:`175 `. - An H-bond existence map can be generated of dimensions *# H-bonds*\ :math:`\times`\ *# frames*. The ordering is identical to the index file (see below), but reversed, meaning that the last triplet in the index file corresponds to the first row of the existence map. - Index groups are output containing the analyzed groups, all donor-hydrogen atom pairs and acceptor atoms in these groups, donor-hydrogen-acceptor triplets involved in hydrogen bonds between the analyzed groups and all solvent atoms involved in insertion.