gmx trajectory#
gmx trajectory [-f [<.xtc/.trr/...>]] [-s [<.tpr/.gro/...>]] [-n [<.ndx>]] [-ox [<.xvg>]] [-ov [<.xvg>]] [-of [<.xvg>]] [-b <time>] [-e <time>] [-dt <time>] [-tu <enum>] [-fgroup <selection>] [-xvg <enum>] [-[no]rmpbc] [-[no]pbc] [-sf <file>] [-selrpos <enum>] [-seltype <enum>] [-select <selection>] [-[no]x] [-[no]y] [-[no]z] [-[no]len]
gmx trajectory
plots coordinates, velocities, and/or forces for
provided selections. By default, the X, Y, and Z components for
the requested vectors are plotted, but specifying one or more of
, -x
, -y
, and -z
overrides this.
For dynamic selections, currently the values are written out for all positions that the selection could select.
Options to specify input files:
[<.xtc/.trr/…>] (traj.xtc) (Optional)Input trajectory or single configuration: xtc trr cpt gro g96 pdb tng
[<.tpr/.gro/…>] (topol.tpr) (Optional)-n
[<.ndx>] (index.ndx) (Optional)Extra index groups
Options to specify output files:
[<.xvg>] (coord.xvg) (Optional)Coordinates for each position as a function of time
[<.xvg>] (veloc.xvg) (Optional)Velocities for each position as a function of time
[<.xvg>] (force.xvg) (Optional)Forces for each position as a function of time
Other options:
<time> (0)First frame (ps) to read from trajectory
<time> (0)Last frame (ps) to read from trajectory
<time> (0)Only use frame if t MOD dt == first time (ps)
<enum> (ps)Unit for time values: fs, ps, ns, us, ms, s
<selection>Atoms stored in the trajectory file (if not set, assume first N atoms)
<enum> (xmgrace)Plot formatting: xmgrace, xmgr, none
(yes)Make molecules whole for each frame
(yes)Use periodic boundary conditions for distance calculation
<file>Provide selections from files
<enum> (atom)Selection reference positions: atom, res_com, res_cog, mol_com, mol_cog, whole_res_com, whole_res_cog, whole_mol_com, whole_mol_cog, part_res_com, part_res_cog, part_mol_com, part_mol_cog, dyn_res_com, dyn_res_cog, dyn_mol_com, dyn_mol_cog
<enum> (atom)Default selection output positions: atom, res_com, res_cog, mol_com, mol_cog, whole_res_com, whole_res_cog, whole_mol_com, whole_mol_cog, part_res_com, part_res_cog, part_mol_com, part_mol_cog, dyn_res_com, dyn_res_cog, dyn_mol_com, dyn_mol_cog
<selection>Selections to analyze
(yes)Plot X component
(yes)Plot Y component
(yes)Plot Z component
(no)Plot vector length