GROMACS 5.1.2 Release Notes¶
These release notes document the changes that have taken place in GROMACS since version 5.1.1 to fix known issues.
- Fixes where mdrun could return incorrect results
- Fixed LINCS triangle constraint thread issue
- Corrected LINCS dHdl contribution
- Fixed SETTLE error handling
- Fixed exact continuation from non-energy steps
- Fixed energy file continuation with md-vv
- Fixed energy average with continuation
- Backported some md-vv fixes
- Required Nose-Hoover with MTTK
- Fixed Trotter integration
- Stopped global communication depending on integrator
- Fixed dEkin/dl handling with multiple ranks
- Fixed TPI ignoring PME mesh contributions.
- Fixed an error in multi-sim communication
- Fixed a bug with pull group weights
- Removed mdrun fatal_error with P3M-AD
- Fix mdrun removing Verlet buffer with EM
- Fixes for mdrun performance issues
- Fixes for gmx tools
- New consistency checks
- Build system enhancements
- Improved documentation
- Updated pair-list buffer description in reference manual
- Rotated Figure 8.2 in manual
- Added suggestions to install guide and cmake for updating binutils
- Fixed a duplicate LaTeX equation label in the reference manual
- Documented how potential-switch works
- Updated references to HTML and online documentation
- Documented limitations on 32-bit Linux
- Improved documentation on OpenCL issue with NVIDIA
- House-keeping that reduces users’problems