Files | |
file | andersentemperaturecoupling.cpp |
Defines Andersen temperature coupling for the modular simulator. | |
file | andersentemperaturecoupling.h |
Declares Andersen temperature coupling for the modular simulator. | |
file | checkpointhelper.cpp |
Defines the checkpoint helper for the modular simulator. | |
file | checkpointhelper.h |
Declares the checkpoint helper for the modular simulator. | |
file | compositesimulatorelement.cpp |
Defines the composite element for the modular simulator. | |
file | compositesimulatorelement.h |
Declares the composite element for the modular simulator. | |
file | computeglobalselement.cpp |
Defines the global reduction element for the modular simulator. | |
file | computeglobalselement.h |
Declares the global reduction element for the modular simulator. | |
file | constraintelement.cpp |
Defines the constraint element for the modular simulator. | |
file | constraintelement.h |
Declares the constraint element for the modular simulator. | |
file | domdechelper.cpp |
Defines the domain decomposition helper for the modular simulator. | |
file | domdechelper.h |
Declares the domain decomposition helper for the modular simulator. | |
file | energydata.cpp |
Defines the microstate for the modular simulator. | |
file | energydata.h |
Declares the energy element for the modular simulator. | |
file | expandedensembleelement.cpp |
Defines the expanded ensemble element for the modular simulator. | |
file | expandedensembleelement.h |
Declares the expanded ensemble element for the modular simulator. | |
file | firstorderpressurecoupling.cpp |
Defines the element performing first-order pressure coupling for the modular simulator. | |
file | firstorderpressurecoupling.h |
Declares the element performing first-order pressure coupling for the modular simulator. | |
file | forceelement.cpp |
Defines the force element for the modular simulator. | |
file | forceelement.h |
Declares the force element for the modular simulator. | |
file | freeenergyperturbationdata.cpp |
Defines the free energy perturbation element for the modular simulator. | |
file | freeenergyperturbationdata.h |
Declares the free energy perturbation element for the modular simulator. | |
file | modularsimulator.cpp |
Defines the modular simulator. | |
file | modularsimulator.h |
Provides the modular simulator. | |
file | modularsimulatorinterfaces.h |
Declares the main interfaces used by the modular simulator. | |
file | mttk.cpp |
Defines classes related to MTTK pressure coupling. | |
file | mttk.h |
Declares classes related to MTTK pressure coupling. | |
file | nosehooverchains.cpp |
Defines classes related to Nose-Hoover chains for the modular simulator. | |
file | nosehooverchains.h |
Declares classes related to Nose-Hoover chains for the modular simulator. | |
file | parrinellorahmanbarostat.cpp |
Defines the Parrinello-Rahman barostat for the modular simulator. | |
file | parrinellorahmanbarostat.h |
Declares the Parrinello-Rahman barostat for the modular simulator. | |
file | pmeloadbalancehelper.cpp |
Declares the PME load balancing helper for the modular simulator. | |
file | pmeloadbalancehelper.h |
Declares the PME load balancing helper for the modular simulator. | |
file | propagator.cpp |
Defines the propagator element for the modular simulator. | |
file | propagator.h |
Declares the propagator element for the modular simulator. | |
file | pullelement.cpp |
Defines the pull element for the modular simulator. | |
file | pullelement.h |
Declares the pull element for the modular simulator. | |
file | referencetemperaturemanager.cpp |
Defines the a helper struct managing reference temperature changes. | |
file | referencetemperaturemanager.h |
Declares the a helper struct managing reference temperature changes. | |
file | signallers.cpp |
Defines the signallers for the modular simulator. | |
file | signallers.h |
Declares the signallers for the modular simulator. | |
file | simulatoralgorithm.cpp |
Defines the modular simulator algorithm. | |
file | simulatoralgorithm.h |
Provides the modular simulator algorithm. | |
file | statepropagatordata.cpp |
Defines the state for the modular simulator. | |
file | statepropagatordata.h |
Declares the state for the modular simulator. | |
file | topologyholder.cpp |
Defines the topology class for the modular simulator. | |
file | topologyholder.h |
Declares the topology class for the modular simulator. | |
file | trajectoryelement.cpp |
Defines the trajectory element for the modular simulator. | |
file | trajectoryelement.h |
Declares the trajectory element for the modular simulator. | |
file | trotterhelperfunctions.h |
Defines helper functions used by the Trotter decomposition algorithms (Nose-Hoover chains, MTTK) | |
file | velocityscalingtemperaturecoupling.cpp |
Defines a velocity-scaling temperature coupling element for the modular simulator. | |
file | velocityscalingtemperaturecoupling.h |
Declares a velocity-scaling temperature coupling element for the modular simulator. | |