#include "gmxpre.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include "gromacs/commandline/pargs.h"
#include "gromacs/fileio/tpxio.h"
#include "gromacs/fileio/xvgr.h"
#include "gromacs/gmxana/gmx_ana.h"
#include "gromacs/math/functions.h"
#include "gromacs/math/units.h"
#include "gromacs/math/vec.h"
#include "gromacs/mdtypes/inputrec.h"
#include "gromacs/mdtypes/md_enums.h"
#include "gromacs/mdtypes/state.h"
#include "gromacs/pulling/pull.h"
#include "gromacs/random/tabulatednormaldistribution.h"
#include "gromacs/random/threefry.h"
#include "gromacs/random/uniformintdistribution.h"
#include "gromacs/random/uniformrealdistribution.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/arraysize.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/cstringutil.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/exceptions.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/fatalerror.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/futil.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/gmxomp.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/path.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/pleasecite.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/smalloc.h"
Implementation of the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (WHAM)
Classes | |
struct | t_pullcoord |
Parameters of one pull coordinate. More... | |
struct | t_UmbrellaHeader |
Parameters of the umbrella potentials. More... | |
struct | t_UmbrellaWindow |
Data in the umbrella histograms. More... | |
struct | t_coordselection |
Selection of pull coordinates to be used in WHAM (one structure for each tpr file) More... | |
struct | UmbrellaOptions |
Parameters of WHAM. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | WHAM_MAXFILELEN 2048 |
longest file names allowed in input files | |
#define | int2YN(a) (((a) == 0) ? ("N") : ("Y")) |
translate 0/1 to N/Y to write pull dimensions | |
#define | WHAM_AC_ZERO_LIMIT 0.05 |
Stop integrating autoccorelation function when ACF drops under this value. | |
#define | WHAMBOOLXOR(a, b) (((!(a)) && (b)) || ((a) && (!(b)))) |
Boolean XOR. | |
#define | NFILE asize(fnm) |
Number of elements in fnm (used for command line parsing) | |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct UmbrellaOptions | t_UmbrellaOptions |
Parameters of WHAM. | |
Enumerations | |
enum | { enSel, en_kJ, en_kCal, en_kT, enNr } |
enum for energy units | |
enum | { whamin_unknown, whamin_tpr, whamin_pullxf } |
enum for type of input files (tpr or pullx/pullf) | |
enum | { bsMethod_unknown, bsMethod_BayesianHist, bsMethod_hist, bsMethod_traj, bsMethod_trajGauss } |
enum for bootstrapping method More... | |
Functions | |
static t_UmbrellaWindow * | initUmbrellaWindows (int nwin) |
Make an umbrella window (may contain several histograms) | |
static void | freeUmbrellaWindows (t_UmbrellaWindow *win, int nwin) |
Delete an umbrella window (may contain several histograms) | |
static void | setup_tab (const char *fn, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Read and setup tabulated umbrella potential. | |
static char * | fgets3 (FILE *fp, char ptr[], int *len) |
smarter fgets | |
static void | enforceEqualWeights (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows) |
Set identical weights for all histograms. More... | |
static double | tabulated_pot (double dist, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Simple linear interpolation between two given tabulated points. | |
static void | setup_acc_wham (const double *profile, t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Check which bins substiantially contribute (accelerates WHAM) More... | |
static void | calc_profile (double *profile, t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, gmx_bool bExact) |
Compute the PMF (one of the two main WHAM routines) | |
static double | calc_z (const double *profile, t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, gmx_bool bExact) |
Compute the free energy offsets z (one of the two main WHAM routines) | |
static void | symmetrizeProfile (double *profile, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Make PMF symmetric around 0 (useful e.g. for membranes) | |
static void | prof_normalization_and_unit (double *profile, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Set energy unit (kJ/mol,kT,kCal/mol) and set it to zero at opt->zProf0. | |
static void | getRandomIntArray (int nPull, int blockLength, int *randomArray, gmx::DefaultRandomEngine *rng) |
Make an array of random integers (used for bootstrapping) | |
static void | copy_pullgrp_to_synthwindow (t_UmbrellaWindow *synthWindow, t_UmbrellaWindow *thisWindow, int pullid) |
Set pull group information of a synthetic histogram. More... | |
static void | calc_cumulatives (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, const char *fnhist, const char *xlabel) |
Calculate cumulative distribution function of of all histograms. More... | |
static void | searchCumulative (const double xx[], int n, double x, int *j) |
Return j such that xx[j] <= x < xx[j+1]. More... | |
static void | create_synthetic_histo (t_UmbrellaWindow *synthWindow, t_UmbrellaWindow *thisWindow, int pullid, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Bootstrap new trajectories and thereby generate new (bootstrapped) histograms. | |
static void | print_histograms (const char *fnhist, t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, int bs_index, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, const char *xlabel) |
Write all histograms to a file. More... | |
static void | setRandomBsWeights (t_UmbrellaWindow *synthwin, int nAllPull, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Make random weights for histograms for the Bayesian bootstrap of complete histograms) | |
static void | do_bootstrapping (const char *fnres, const char *fnprof, const char *fnhist, const char *xlabel, char *ylabel, double *profile, t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
The main bootstrapping routine. | |
static int | whaminFileType (char *fn) |
Return type of input file based on file extension (xvg or tpr) | |
static void | read_wham_in (const char *fn, char ***filenamesRet, int *nfilesRet, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Read the files names in pullf/pullx-files.dat, tpr-files.dat. | |
static void | read_tpr_header (const char *fn, t_UmbrellaHeader *header, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, t_coordselection *coordsel) |
Read pull groups from a tpr file (including position, force const, geometry, number of groups) | |
static void | read_pull_xf (const char *fn, t_UmbrellaHeader *header, t_UmbrellaWindow *window, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, gmx_bool bGetMinMax, real *mintmp, real *maxtmp, t_coordselection *coordsel) |
Read pullx.xvg or pullf.xvg. | |
static void | read_tpr_pullxf_files (char **fnTprs, char **fnPull, int nfiles, t_UmbrellaHeader *header, t_UmbrellaWindow *window, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
read pullf-files.dat or pullx-files.dat and tpr-files.dat | |
static void | readIntegratedAutocorrelationTimes (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nwins, const char *fn) |
Read integrated autocorrelation times from input file (option -iiact) More... | |
static void | smoothIact (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nwins, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Smooth autocorreltion times along the reaction coordinate. More... | |
static void | calcIntegratedAutocorrelationTimes (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nwins, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, const char *fn, const char *xlabel) |
Try to compute the autocorrelation time for each umbrealla window. | |
static void | averageSigma (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nwins) |
compute average and sigma of each umbrella histogram | |
static void | computeAverageForce (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Use histograms to compute average force on pull group. | |
static void | checkReactionCoordinateCovered (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nwins, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt) |
Check if the complete reaction coordinate is covered by the histograms. | |
static void | guessPotByIntegration (t_UmbrellaWindow *window, int nWindows, t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, const char *xlabel) |
Compute initial potential by integrating the average force. More... | |
static int | wordcount (char *ptr) |
Count number of words in an line. | |
static void | readPullCoordSelection (t_UmbrellaOptions *opt, char **fnTpr, int nTpr) |
Read input file for pull group selection (option -is) More... | |
int | gmx_wham (int argc, char *argv[]) |
The main gmx wham routine. | |
anonymous enum |
enum for bootstrapping method
These bootstrap methods are supported:
FOR MORE DETAILS ON THE BOOTSTRAP METHODS (INCLUDING EXAMPLES), SEE JS Hub, BL de Groot, D van der Spoel g_wham - A free weighted histogram analysis implementation including robust error and autocorrelation estimates, J Chem Theory Comput, 6(12), 3713-3720 (2010)
static |
Calculate cumulative distribution function of of all histograms.
This allow to create random number sequences which are distributed according to the histograms. Required to generate the "synthetic" histograms for the Bootstrap method
static |
Set pull group information of a synthetic histogram.
This is used when bootstapping new trajectories and thereby create new histogtrams, but it is not required if we bootstrap complete histograms.
static |
Set identical weights for all histograms.
Normally, the weight is given by the number data points in each histogram, together with the autocorrelation time. This can be overwritten by this routine (not recommended). Since we now support autocorrelations, it is better to set an appropriate autocorrelation times instead of using this function.
static |
Compute initial potential by integrating the average force.
This speeds up the convergence by roughly a factor of 2
static |
Write all histograms to a file.
If bs_index>=0, a number is added to the output file name to allow the ouput of all sets of bootstrapped histograms.
static |
Read integrated autocorrelation times from input file (option -iiact)
Note: Here we consider tau[int] := int_0^inf ACF(t) as the integrated autocorrelation times. The factor g := 1 + 2*tau[int]
subsequently enters the uncertainty.
static |
Read input file for pull group selection (option -is)
TO DO: ptr=fgets(...) is never freed (small memory leak)
static |
Return j such that xx[j] <= x < xx[j+1].
This is used to generate a random sequence distributed according to a histogram
static |
Check which bins substiantially contribute (accelerates WHAM)
Don't worry, that routine does not mean we compute the PMF in limited precision. After rapid convergence (using only substiantal contributions), we always switch to full precision.
static |
Smooth autocorreltion times along the reaction coordinate.
This is useful if the ACT is subject to high uncertainty in case if limited sampling. Note that -in case of limited sampling- the ACT may be severely underestimated. Note: the g=1+2tau are overwritten. If opt->bAllowReduceIact==FALSE, the ACTs are never reduced, only increased by the smoothing