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#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gromacs/gpu_utils/devicebuffer_datatype.h"
#include "gromacs/gpu_utils/gpu_macros.h"
#include "gromacs/math/vectypes.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/basedefinitions.h"
#include "gromacs/utility/real.h"
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This file contains function declarations necessary for computing energies and forces for the PME long-ranged part (Coulomb and LJ).

Berk Hess


class  gmx::ArrayRef< typename >
 STL-like interface to a C array of T (or part of a std container of T). More...
class  gmx::SeparatePmeRanksPermitted
 Class for managing usage of separate PME-only ranks. More...


enum  PmeRunMode { PmeRunMode::None, PmeRunMode::CPU, PmeRunMode::GPU, PmeRunMode::Mixed }
 Possible PME codepaths on a rank. More...


int minimalPmeGridSize (int pmeOrder)
 Return the smallest allowed PME grid size for pmeOrder.
int numGridLinesForExtendedHaloRegion (int pmeOrder, real haloExtentForAtomDisplacement, real gridSpacing)
 Calculates the number of grid lines used as halo region for PME decomposition. More...
real getGridSpacingFromBox (const matrix box, const ivec gridDim)
 Gets grid spacing from simulation box and grid dimension. More...
bool gmx_pme_grid_matches (const gmx_pme_t &pme, const ivec grid_size)
 Return whether the grid of pme is identical to grid_size.
bool gmx_pme_check_restrictions (int pme_order, int nkx, int nky, int nkz, int numPmeDomainsAlongX, int numPmeDomainsAlongY, int extendedHaloRegion, bool useGpuPme, bool useThreads, bool errorsAreFatal)
 Check restrictions on pme_order and the PME grid nkx,nky,nkz. More...
gmx_pme_t * gmx_pme_init (const t_commrec *cr, const NumPmeDomains &numPmeDomains, const t_inputrec *ir, const matrix box, real haloExtentForAtomDisplacement, gmx_bool bFreeEnergy_q, gmx_bool bFreeEnergy_lj, gmx_bool bReproducible, real ewaldcoeff_q, real ewaldcoeff_lj, int nthread, PmeRunMode runMode, PmeGpu *pmeGpu, const DeviceContext *deviceContext, const DeviceStream *deviceStream, const PmeGpuProgram *pmeGpuProgram, const gmx::MDLogger &mdlog, std::shared_ptr< PmeGridsStorage > pmeGridsStoragePtr)
 Construct PME data. More...
void gmx_pme_reinit (gmx_pme_t **pmedata, const t_commrec *cr, gmx_pme_t *pme_src, const t_inputrec *ir, const ivec grid_size, real ewaldcoeff_q, real ewaldcoeff_lj)
 As gmx_pme_init, but takes most settings, except the grid/Ewald coefficients, and the shared grid storage from pme_src.
void gmx_pme_destroy (gmx_pme_t *pme)
 Destroys the PME data structure (including GPU data).
void gmx_pme_destroy (gmx_pme_t *pme, bool destroyGpuData)
 Destroys the PME data structure. More...
int gmx_pme_do (struct gmx_pme_t *pme, gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec > coordinates, gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec > forces, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > chargeA, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > chargeB, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > c6A, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > c6B, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > sigmaA, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > sigmaB, const matrix box, const t_commrec *cr, int maxshift_x, int maxshift_y, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle, matrix vir_q, matrix vir_lj, real *energy_q, real *energy_lj, real lambda_q, real lambda_lj, real *dvdlambda_q, real *dvdlambda_lj, const gmx::StepWorkload &stepWork)
 Do a PME calculation on a CPU for the long range electrostatics and/or LJ. More...
real gmx_pme_calc_energy (gmx_pme_t *pme, gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec > x, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > q)
 Calculate the PME grid energy V for n charges. More...
void gmx_pme_reinit_atoms (gmx_pme_t *pme, int numAtoms, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > chargesA, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > chargesB)
 This function updates the local atom data on GPU after DD (charges, coordinates, etc.). TODO: it should update the PME CPU atom data as well. (currently PME CPU call gmx_pme_do() gets passed the input pointers for each computation). More...
bool pme_gpu_supports_build (std::string *error)
 Checks whether the GROMACS build allows to run PME on GPU. TODO: this partly duplicates an internal PME assert function pme_gpu_check_restrictions(), except that works with a formed gmx_pme_t structure. Should that one go away/work with inputrec? More...
bool pme_gpu_supports_input (const t_inputrec &ir, std::string *error)
 Checks whether the input system allows to run PME on GPU. TODO: this partly duplicates an internal PME assert function pme_gpu_check_restrictions(), except that works with a formed gmx_pme_t structure. Should that one go away/work with inputrec? More...
bool pme_gpu_mixed_mode_supports_input (const t_inputrec &ir, std::string *error)
 Checks whether the input system allows to run PME on GPU in Mixed mode. Assumes that the input system is compatible with GPU PME otherwise, that is, before calling this function one should check that pme_gpu_supports_input returns true. More...
PmeRunMode pme_run_mode (const gmx_pme_t *pme)
 Returns the active PME codepath (CPU, GPU, mixed). More...
gmx::PinningPolicy pme_get_pinning_policy ()
 Return the pinning policy appropriate for this build configuration for relevant buffers used for PME task on this rank (e.g. running on a GPU).
bool pme_gpu_task_enabled (const gmx_pme_t *pme)
 Tells if PME is enabled to run on GPU (not necessarily active at the moment). More...
void pme_gpu_use_nvshmem (PmeGpu *pmeGpu, bool useNvshmem)
 Sets the nvshmem usage status, and allocates required structs if NVSHMEM should be used. More...
int pme_gpu_get_block_size (const gmx_pme_t *pme)
 Returns the block size requirement. More...
void pme_gpu_reset_timings (const gmx_pme_t *pme)
 Resets the PME GPU timings. To be called at the reset step. More...
void pme_gpu_get_timings (const gmx_pme_t *pme, gmx_wallclock_gpu_pme_t *timings)
 Copies the PME GPU timings to the gmx_wallclock_gpu_pme_t structure (for log output). To be called at the run end. More...
void pme_gpu_prepare_computation (gmx_pme_t *pme, const matrix box, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle, const gmx::StepWorkload &stepWork)
 Prepares PME on GPU computation (updating the box if needed) More...
void pme_gpu_launch_spread (gmx_pme_t *pme, GpuEventSynchronizer *xReadyOnDevice, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle, real lambdaQ, bool useGpuDirectComm, gmx::PmeCoordinateReceiverGpu *pmeCoordinateReceiverGpu, bool useMdGpuGraph)
 Launches first stage of PME on GPU - spreading kernel. More...
void pme_gpu_launch_complex_transforms (gmx_pme_t *pme, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle, const gmx::StepWorkload &stepWork)
 Launches middle stages of PME (FFT R2C, solving, FFT C2R) either on GPU or on CPU, depending on the run mode. More...
void pme_gpu_launch_gather (gmx_pme_t *pme, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle, real lambdaQ, bool computeVirial)
 Launches last stage of PME on GPU - force gathering and D2H force transfer. More...
bool pme_gpu_try_finish_task (gmx_pme_t *pme, const gmx::StepWorkload &stepWork, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle, gmx::ForceWithVirial *forceWithVirial, gmx_enerdata_t *enerd, real lambdaQ, GpuTaskCompletion completionKind)
 Attempts to complete PME GPU tasks. More...
void pme_gpu_wait_and_reduce (gmx_pme_t *pme, const gmx::StepWorkload &stepWork, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle, gmx::ForceWithVirial *forceWithVirial, gmx_enerdata_t *enerd, real lambdaQ)
 Blocks until PME GPU tasks are completed, and gets the output forces and virial/energy (if they were to be computed). More...
void pme_gpu_reinit_computation (const gmx_pme_t *pme, bool gpuGraphWithSeparatePmeRank, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle)
 The PME GPU reinitialization function that is called both at the end of any PME computation and on any load balancing. More...
void pme_gpu_set_device_x (const gmx_pme_t *pme, DeviceBuffer< gmx::RVec > d_x)
 Set pointer to device copy of coordinate data. More...
DeviceBuffer< gmx::RVecpme_gpu_get_device_f (const gmx_pme_t *pme)
 Get pointer to device copy of force data. More...
GpuEventSynchronizer * pme_gpu_get_f_ready_synchronizer (const gmx_pme_t *pme)
 Get pointer to the device synchronizer object that allows syncing on PME force calculation completion. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum PmeRunMode

Possible PME codepaths on a rank.

: make this enum class with gmx_pme_t C++ refactoring

No PME task is done.


Whole PME computation is done on CPU.


Whole PME computation is done on GPU.


Mixed mode: only spread and gather run on GPU; FFT and solving are done on CPU.

Function Documentation

real getGridSpacingFromBox ( const matrix  box,
const ivec  gridDim 

Gets grid spacing from simulation box and grid dimension.

[in]boxSimulation box
[in]gridDimFourier grid dimension
Grid spacing value
real gmx_pme_calc_energy ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec x,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real q 

Calculate the PME grid energy V for n charges.

The potential (found in pme) must have been found already with a call to gmx_pme_do(). Note that the charges are not spread on the grid in the pme struct. Currently does not work in parallel or with free energy.

bool gmx_pme_check_restrictions ( int  pme_order,
int  nkx,
int  nky,
int  nkz,
int  numPmeDomainsAlongX,
int  numPmeDomainsAlongY,
int  extendedHaloRegion,
bool  useGpuPme,
bool  useThreads,
bool  errorsAreFatal 

Check restrictions on pme_order and the PME grid nkx,nky,nkz.

With errorsAreFatal=true, an exception or fatal error is generated on violation of restrictions. With errorsAreFatal=false, false is returned on violation of restrictions. When all restrictions are obeyed, true is returned. Argument useThreads tells if any MPI rank doing PME uses more than 1 threads. If at calling useThreads is unknown, pass true for conservative checking.

The PME GPU restrictions are checked separately during pme_gpu_init().

void gmx_pme_destroy ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
bool  destroyGpuData 

Destroys the PME data structure.

pmeThe data structure to destroy.
destroyGpuDataSet to false if pme is a copy created by gmx_pme_reinit, and only it should be destroyed, while shared GPU data should be preserved. If true, the shared data will be destroyed, like in gmx_pme_destroy(gmx_pme_t* pme).
int gmx_pme_do ( struct gmx_pme_t *  pme,
gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec coordinates,
gmx::ArrayRef< gmx::RVec forces,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real chargeA,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real chargeB,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real c6A,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real c6B,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real sigmaA,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real sigmaB,
const matrix  box,
const t_commrec *  cr,
int  maxshift_x,
int  maxshift_y,
t_nrnb *  nrnb,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle,
matrix  vir_q,
matrix  vir_lj,
real energy_q,
real energy_lj,
real  lambda_q,
real  lambda_lj,
real dvdlambda_q,
real dvdlambda_lj,
const gmx::StepWorkload stepWork 

Do a PME calculation on a CPU for the long range electrostatics and/or LJ.

Computes the PME forces and the energy and viral, when requested, for all atoms in coordinates. Forces, when requested, are added to the buffer forces, which is allowed to contain more elements than the number of elements in coordinates. The meaning of flags is defined above, and determines which parts of the calculation are performed.

0 indicates all well, non zero is an error code.
gmx_pme_t* gmx_pme_init ( const t_commrec *  cr,
const NumPmeDomains numPmeDomains,
const t_inputrec *  ir,
const matrix  box,
real  haloExtentForAtomDisplacement,
gmx_bool  bFreeEnergy_q,
gmx_bool  bFreeEnergy_lj,
gmx_bool  bReproducible,
real  ewaldcoeff_q,
real  ewaldcoeff_lj,
int  nthread,
PmeRunMode  runMode,
PmeGpu *  pmeGpu,
const DeviceContext *  deviceContext,
const DeviceStream deviceStream,
const PmeGpuProgram pmeGpuProgram,
const gmx::MDLogger mdlog,
std::shared_ptr< PmeGridsStorage >  pmeGridsStoragePtr 

Construct PME data.

gmx::InconsistentInputErrorif input grid sizes/PME order are inconsistent.
Pointer to newly allocated and initialized PME data.

pmeGridsStorage can be nullptr, in which case new PmeGridsStorage is allocated. When pmeGridsStorage is not a nullptr, grid storage is taken from there.

We should evolve something like a GpuManager that holds DeviceInformation* and PmeGpuProgram* and perhaps other related things whose lifetime can/should exceed that of a task (or perhaps task manager). See Issue #2522.
void gmx_pme_reinit_atoms ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
int  numAtoms,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real chargesA,
gmx::ArrayRef< const real chargesB 

This function updates the local atom data on GPU after DD (charges, coordinates, etc.). TODO: it should update the PME CPU atom data as well. (currently PME CPU call gmx_pme_do() gets passed the input pointers for each computation).

[in,out]pmeThe PME structure.
[in]numAtomsThe number of particles.
[in]chargesAThe pointer to the array of particle charges in the normal state or FEP state A. Can be nullptr if PME is not performed on the GPU.
[in]chargesBThe pointer to the array of particle charges in state B. Only used if charges are perturbed and can otherwise be nullptr.
int numGridLinesForExtendedHaloRegion ( int  pmeOrder,
real  haloExtentForAtomDisplacement,
real  gridSpacing 

Calculates the number of grid lines used as halo region for PME decomposition.

This function is only used for PME GPU decomposition case

[in]pmeOrderPME interpolation order
[in]haloExtentForAtomDisplacementextent of halo region in nm to account for atom displacement
[in]gridSpacingspacing between grid lines
extended halo region used in GPU PME decomposition
int pme_gpu_get_block_size ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme)

Returns the block size requirement.

The GPU version of PME requires that the coordinates array have a size divisible by the returned number.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
DeviceBuffer<gmx::RVec> pme_gpu_get_device_f ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme)

Get pointer to device copy of force data.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
Pointer to force data
GpuEventSynchronizer* pme_gpu_get_f_ready_synchronizer ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme)

Get pointer to the device synchronizer object that allows syncing on PME force calculation completion.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
Pointer to synchronizer
void pme_gpu_get_timings ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme,
gmx_wallclock_gpu_pme_t *  timings 

Copies the PME GPU timings to the gmx_wallclock_gpu_pme_t structure (for log output). To be called at the run end.

[in]pmeThe PME structure.
[in]timingsThe gmx_wallclock_gpu_pme_t structure.
void pme_gpu_launch_complex_transforms ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle,
const gmx::StepWorkload stepWork 

Launches middle stages of PME (FFT R2C, solving, FFT C2R) either on GPU or on CPU, depending on the run mode.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]wcycleThe wallclock counter.
[in]stepWorkThe required work for this simulation step
void pme_gpu_launch_gather ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle,
real  lambdaQ,
bool  computeVirial 

Launches last stage of PME on GPU - force gathering and D2H force transfer.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]wcycleThe wallclock counter.
[in]lambdaQThe Coulomb lambda to use when calculating the results.
[in]computeVirialWhether this is a virial step.
void pme_gpu_launch_spread ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
GpuEventSynchronizer *  xReadyOnDevice,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle,
real  lambdaQ,
bool  useGpuDirectComm,
gmx::PmeCoordinateReceiverGpu *  pmeCoordinateReceiverGpu,
bool  useMdGpuGraph 

Launches first stage of PME on GPU - spreading kernel.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]xReadyOnDeviceEvent synchronizer indicating that the coordinates are ready in the device memory; nullptr allowed only on separate PME ranks.
[in]wcycleThe wallclock counter.
[in]lambdaQThe Coulomb lambda of the current state of the system. Only used if FEP of Coulomb is active.
[in]useGpuDirectCommWhether direct GPU PME-PP communication is active
[in]pmeCoordinateReceiverGpuCoordinate receiver object, which must be valid when direct GPU PME-PP communication is active
[in]useMdGpuGraphWhether MD GPU Graph is in use.
bool pme_gpu_mixed_mode_supports_input ( const t_inputrec &  ir,
std::string *  error 

Checks whether the input system allows to run PME on GPU in Mixed mode. Assumes that the input system is compatible with GPU PME otherwise, that is, before calling this function one should check that pme_gpu_supports_input returns true.

[in]irInput system.
[out]errorIf non-null, the error message if the input is not supported.
true if PME can run on GPU in Mixed mode with this input, false otherwise.
void pme_gpu_prepare_computation ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
const matrix  box,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle,
const gmx::StepWorkload stepWork 

Prepares PME on GPU computation (updating the box if needed)

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]boxThe unit cell box.
[in]wcycleThe wallclock counter.
[in]stepWorkThe required work for this simulation step
void pme_gpu_reinit_computation ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme,
bool  gpuGraphWithSeparatePmeRank,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle 

The PME GPU reinitialization function that is called both at the end of any PME computation and on any load balancing.

Clears the internal grid and energy/virial buffers; it is not safe to start the PME computation without calling this. Note that unlike in the nbnxn module, the force buffer does not need clearing.

Rename this function to clear – it clearly only does output resetting and we should be clear about what the function does..
[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]gpuGraphWithSeparatePmeRankWhether MD GPU Graph with separate PME rank is in use.
[in]wcycleThe wallclock counter.
void pme_gpu_reset_timings ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme)

Resets the PME GPU timings. To be called at the reset step.

[in]pmeThe PME structure.
void pme_gpu_set_device_x ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme,
DeviceBuffer< gmx::RVec d_x 

Set pointer to device copy of coordinate data.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]d_xThe pointer to the positions buffer to be set
bool pme_gpu_supports_build ( std::string *  error)

Checks whether the GROMACS build allows to run PME on GPU. TODO: this partly duplicates an internal PME assert function pme_gpu_check_restrictions(), except that works with a formed gmx_pme_t structure. Should that one go away/work with inputrec?

[out]errorIf non-null, the error message when PME is not supported on GPU.
true if PME can run on GPU on this build, false otherwise.
bool pme_gpu_supports_input ( const t_inputrec &  ir,
std::string *  error 

Checks whether the input system allows to run PME on GPU. TODO: this partly duplicates an internal PME assert function pme_gpu_check_restrictions(), except that works with a formed gmx_pme_t structure. Should that one go away/work with inputrec?

[in]irInput system.
[out]errorIf non-null, the error message if the input is not supported on GPU.
true if PME can run on GPU with this input, false otherwise.
bool pme_gpu_task_enabled ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme)

Tells if PME is enabled to run on GPU (not necessarily active at the moment).

This is a rather static data that should be managed by the hardware assignment manager. For now, it is synonymous with the active PME codepath (in the absence of dynamic switching).
[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
true if PME can run on GPU, false otherwise.
bool pme_gpu_try_finish_task ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
const gmx::StepWorkload stepWork,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle,
gmx::ForceWithVirial forceWithVirial,
gmx_enerdata_t enerd,
real  lambdaQ,
GpuTaskCompletion  completionKind 

Attempts to complete PME GPU tasks.

The completionKind argument controls whether the function blocks until all PME GPU tasks enqueued completed (as pme_gpu_wait_finish_task() does) or only checks and returns immediately if they did not. When blocking or the tasks have completed it also gets the output forces by assigning the ArrayRef to the forces pointer passed in. Virial/energy are also outputs if they were to be computed.

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]stepWorkThe required work for this simulation step
[in]wcycleThe wallclock counter.
[out]forceWithVirialThe output force and virial
[out]enerdThe output energies
[in]lambdaQThe Coulomb lambda to use when calculating the results.
[in]completionKindIndicates whether PME task completion should only be checked rather than waited for
True if the PME GPU tasks have completed
void pme_gpu_use_nvshmem ( PmeGpu *  pmeGpu,
bool  useNvshmem 

Sets the nvshmem usage status, and allocates required structs if NVSHMEM should be used.

[in]pmeGpuThe PME GPU structure.
[in]useNvshmemshould use NVSHMEM.
void pme_gpu_wait_and_reduce ( gmx_pme_t *  pme,
const gmx::StepWorkload stepWork,
gmx_wallcycle *  wcycle,
gmx::ForceWithVirial forceWithVirial,
gmx_enerdata_t enerd,
real  lambdaQ 

Blocks until PME GPU tasks are completed, and gets the output forces and virial/energy (if they were to be computed).

[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
[in]stepWorkThe required work for this simulation step
[in]wcycleThe wallclock counter.
[out]forceWithVirialThe output force and virial
[out]enerdThe output energies
[in]lambdaQThe Coulomb lambda to use when calculating the results.
PmeRunMode pme_run_mode ( const gmx_pme_t *  pme)

Returns the active PME codepath (CPU, GPU, mixed).

This is a rather static data that should be managed by the higher level task scheduler.
[in]pmeThe PME data structure.
active PME codepath.