Here is a list of all documented namespace members with links to the namespaces they belong to:
- r -
- R2F_D()
: Nbnxm
- R2F_U()
: Nbnxm
- RandomDevice
: gmx
- RandomDomain
: gmx
- readAtomicStructureFactors()
: gmx
- ReadCheckpointData
: gmx
- readKvtCheckpointValue()
: gmx
- readUserPmfAndTargetDistribution()
: gmx
- ReadyToReduce
: gmx
- RealOption
: gmx
- RealOptionInfo
: gmx
- reasonStrings
: gmx
- Recorded
: gmx
- Recording
: gmx
- reduce()
: gmx
- reduceForceIAndFShift()
: Nbnxm
- reduceForceIAndFShiftGeneric()
: Nbnxm
- reduceForceIAndFShiftShuffles()
: Nbnxm
- reduceForceJ()
: Nbnxm
- reduceForceJGeneric()
: Nbnxm
- reduceForceJShuffle()
: Nbnxm
- reduceIncr4ReturnSum()
: gmx
- reduceKernel()
: gmx
- ReductionRequirement
: gmx
- ReferenceTemperatureCallback
: gmx
- RegisterRunFunction
: gmx
- relativeEntropy
: gmx
- repartitionAtomMasses()
: gmx
- replaceAll()
: gmx
- replaceAllWords()
: gmx
- ReplicaExchange
: gmx
- reportGpuUsage()
: gmx
- ReportPreviousStepConservedEnergy
: gmx
- RequireAtomConnections
: gmx
- RequireAtomInformation
: gmx
- RequireChangedOutputPrecision
: gmx
- RequireCoordinateSelection
: gmx
- RequireForceOutput
: gmx
- RequireNewBox
: gmx
- RequireNewFrameStartTime
: gmx
- RequireNewFrameTimeStep
: gmx
- RequireVelocityOutput
: gmx
- ResetSignal
: gmx
- ResidueCOMInBox
: gmx
- resizeForNumberOfCells()
: Nbnxm
- resizeLagrangianData()
: gmx
- RestartWithAppending
: gmx
- RestartWithoutAppending
: gmx
- restoreCorrelationGridStateFromHistory()
: gmx
- RF
: Nbnxm
, gmx
- rInvSixAndRInvTwelve()
: gmx
- RiscV32
: gmx
- RiscV64
: gmx
- round()
: gmx
- roundToInt()
: gmx
- roundToInt64()
: gmx
- roundUpToFactor()
: gmx
- runAllCallbacks()
: gmx
- runCommandLineModule()
: gmx
- runningOnCompatibleHWForAmd()
: gmx
- runningOnCompatibleHWForNvidia()
: gmx
- runningOnCompatibleOSForAmd()
: gmx
- RVec
: gmx
- rvecs_differ()
: gmx