Class that read a colvars configuration file during pre-processing and retrieve the colvars atoms coordinates to be stored in tpr KVT.
| ColvarsPreProcessor (const std::string &colvarsConfigString, t_atoms atoms, PbcType pbcType, const MDLogger *logger, real ensembleTemperature, int seed, const matrix box, ArrayRef< const RVec > x) |
| Construct ColvarsPreProcessor from its parameters. More...
std::vector< RVec > | getColvarsCoords () |
| Return a vector of the colvars atoms coordinates.
bool | inputStreamsToKVT (KeyValueTreeObjectBuilder treeBuilder, const std::string &tag) |
| Save all input files of colvars (outside the config file) in the tpr file through the key-value-tree.
| ColvarProxyGromacs (const std::string &colvarsConfigString, t_atoms atoms, PbcType pbcType, const MDLogger *logger, bool doParsing, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &inputStrings, real ensembleTemperature, int seed) |
| Construct ColvarProxyGromacs from its parameters. More...
void | updateAtomProperties (int index) |
| Update colvars topology of one atom mass and charge from the GROMACS topology.
cvm::real | rand_gaussian () override |
| From colvarproxy. More...
void | log (std::string const &message) override |
| Print a message to the main log.
void | error (std::string const &message) override |
| Print a message to the main log and let GROMACS handle the error.
int | backup_file (char const *filename) override |
| Rename the given file, before overwriting it.
int | set_unit_system (std::string const &unitsIn, bool colvarsDefined) override |
| Request to set the units used internally by Colvars.
int | init_atom (int atomNumber) override |
| Initialize colvars atom from GROMACS topology.
int | check_atom_id (int atomNumber) override |
| Check if atom belongs to the global index of atoms. More...
cvm::rvector | position_distance (cvm::atom_pos const &pos1, cvm::atom_pos const &pos2) const override |
| Compute the minimum distance with respect to the PBC between 2 atoms.