This is the complete list of members for gmx::Gpu3dFft::ImplOclVkfft, including all inherited members.
allocateComplexGrid(const ivec complexGridSizePadded, DeviceBuffer< float > *realGrid, DeviceBuffer< float > *complexGrid, const DeviceContext &context) | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | protected |
complexGrid_ | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | protected |
deallocateComplexGrid() | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | protected |
Impl() | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | |
Impl(bool performOutOfPlaceFFT) | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | |
Impl(bool allocateRealGrid, MPI_Comm comm, ArrayRef< const int > gridSizesInXForEachRank, ArrayRef< const int > gridSizesInYForEachRank, int nz, bool performOutOfPlaceFFT, const DeviceContext &context, const DeviceStream &pmeStream, ivec realGridSize, ivec realGridSizePadded, ivec complexGridSizePadded, DeviceBuffer< float > *realGrid, DeviceBuffer< float > *complexGrid) | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | |
ImplOclVkfft(bool allocateGrids, MPI_Comm comm, ArrayRef< const int > gridSizesInXForEachRank, ArrayRef< const int > gridSizesInYForEachRank, int nz, bool performOutOfPlaceFFT, const DeviceContext &context, const DeviceStream &pmeStream, ivec realGridSize, ivec realGridSizePadded, ivec complexGridSizePadded, DeviceBuffer< float > *realGrid, DeviceBuffer< float > *complexGrid) | gmx::Gpu3dFft::ImplOclVkfft | |
perform3dFft(gmx_fft_direction dir, CommandEvent *timingEvent) override | gmx::Gpu3dFft::ImplOclVkfft | virtual |
performOutOfPlaceFFT_ | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | protected |
~Impl() | gmx::Gpu3dFft::Impl | virtual |
~ImplOclVkfft() override | gmx::Gpu3dFft::ImplOclVkfft |