template<class ElementType, class Extents, class LayoutPolicy = layout_right, class AccessorPolicy = accessor_basic<ElementType>>
class gmx::basic_mdspan< ElementType, Extents, LayoutPolicy, AccessorPolicy >
Multidimensional array indexing and memory access with flexible mapping and access model.
- Template Parameters
ElementType | Type of element to be viewed |
Extents | The dimensions of the multidimensional array to view. |
LayoutPolicy | Describes is the memory layout of the multidimensional array; right by default. |
AccessorPolicy | Describes memory access model. |
using | extents_type = Extents |
| Expose type used to define the extents of the data.
using | layout_type = LayoutPolicy |
| Expose type used to define the layout of the data.
using | accessor_type = AccessorPolicy |
| Expose type used to define the memory access model of the data.
using | mapping_type = typename layout_type::template mapping< extents_type > |
| Expose type used to map multidimensional indices to one-dimensional indices.
using | element_type = typename accessor_type::element_type |
| Exposes the type of stored element.
using | value_type = std::remove_cv_t< element_type > |
| Expose the underlying type of the stored elements.
using | index_type = ptrdiff_t |
| Expose the type used for indexing.
using | difference_type = ptrdiff_t |
| Expose type for index differences.
using | pointer = typename accessor_type::pointer |
| Expose underlying pointer to data type.
using | reference = typename accessor_type::reference |
| Expose reference to data type.
constexpr | basic_mdspan () noexcept |
| Trivial constructor.
constexpr | basic_mdspan (basic_mdspan &&other) noexcept=default |
| Move constructor.
constexpr | basic_mdspan (const basic_mdspan &other) noexcept=default |
| copy constructor
basic_mdspan & | operator= (const basic_mdspan &other) noexcept=default |
| Copy assignment.
basic_mdspan & | operator= (basic_mdspan &&other) noexcept=default |
| Move assignment.
template<class OtherElementType , class OtherExtents , class OtherLayoutPolicy , class OtherAccessor > |
constexpr | basic_mdspan (const basic_mdspan< OtherElementType, OtherExtents, OtherLayoutPolicy, OtherAccessor > &rhs) noexcept |
| Copy constructor.
template<class OtherElementType , class OtherExtents , class OtherLayoutPolicy , class OtherAccessor > |
basic_mdspan & | operator= (const basic_mdspan< OtherElementType, OtherExtents, OtherLayoutPolicy, OtherAccessor > &rhs) noexcept |
| Copy assignment constructor.
template<class... IndexType> |
constexpr | basic_mdspan (pointer ptr, IndexType...DynamicExtents) noexcept |
| Construct mdspan by setting the dynamic extents and pointer to data. More...
constexpr | basic_mdspan (pointer ptr, const std::array< ptrdiff_t, extents_type::rank_dynamic()> &dynamic_extents) |
| Construct from array describing dynamic extents. More...
constexpr | basic_mdspan (pointer ptr, const mapping_type &m) noexcept |
| Construct from pointer and mapping. More...
constexpr | basic_mdspan (pointer ptr, const mapping_type &m, const accessor_type &a) noexcept |
| Construct with pointer, mapping and accessor. More...
template<typename U , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<typename std::remove_reference_t<U>::view_type::element_type, ElementType>>> |
constexpr | basic_mdspan (U &&other) |
| Construct mdspan from multidimensional arrays implemented with mdspan. More...
template<typename U , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<typename std::remove_reference_t<U>::const_view_type::element_type, ElementType>>> |
constexpr | basic_mdspan (const U &other) |
| Construct mdspan of const Elements from multidimensional arrays implemented with mdspan. More...
template<class... IndexType> |
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< sizeof...(IndexType)==extents_type::rank(),
reference > | operator() (IndexType...indices) const noexcept |
| Brace operator to access multidimensional array element. More...
template<class IndexType > |
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< std::is_integral_v
< IndexType >
reference > | operator[] (const IndexType &i) const noexcept |
| Canonical bracket operator for one-dimensional arrays. Allows mdspan to act like array in one-dimension. Enabled only when rank==1. More...
template<class IndexType , typename sliced_mdspan_type = basic_mdspan<element_type, decltype(extents_type().sliced_extents()), LayoutPolicy, AccessorPolicy>> |
constexpr std::enable_if_t
< std::is_integral_v
< IndexType >
&&(extents_type::rank() >
< LayoutPolicy, layout_right >
, sliced_mdspan_type > | operator[] (const IndexType index) const noexcept |
| Bracket operator for multi-dimensional arrays. More...
constexpr index_type | static_extent (size_t k) const noexcept |
| Return the static extent. More...
constexpr index_type | extent (int k) const noexcept |
| Return the extent. More...
constexpr const extents_type & | extents () const noexcept |
| Return all extents.
constexpr bool | is_unique () const noexcept |
| Report if the currently applied map is unique.
constexpr bool | is_strided () const noexcept |
| Report if the currently applied map is strided.
constexpr bool | is_contiguous () const noexcept |
| Report if the currently applied map is contiguous.
constexpr index_type | stride (size_t r) const noexcept |
| Report stride along a specific rank.
constexpr mapping_type | mapping () const noexcept |
| Return the currently applied mapping.
constexpr accessor_type | accessor () const noexcept |
| Return the memory access model.
constexpr pointer | data () const noexcept |
| Return pointer to underlying data.
template<class ElementType, class Extents, class LayoutPolicy = layout_right, class AccessorPolicy = accessor_basic<ElementType>>
template<typename U , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<typename std::remove_reference_t<U>::view_type::element_type, ElementType>>>
Construct mdspan from multidimensional arrays implemented with mdspan.
Requires the container to have a view_type describing the mdspan, which is accessible through an asView() call
This allows functions to declare mdspans as arguments, but take e.g. multidimensional arrays implicitly during the function call
- Template Parameters
- Parameters
[in] | other | mdspan-implementing container |
template<class ElementType, class Extents, class LayoutPolicy = layout_right, class AccessorPolicy = accessor_basic<ElementType>>
template<typename U , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<typename std::remove_reference_t<U>::const_view_type::element_type, ElementType>>>
Construct mdspan of const Elements from multidimensional arrays implemented with mdspan.
Requires the container to have a const_view_type describing the mdspan, which is accessible through an asConstView() call
This allows functions to declare mdspans as arguments, but take e.g. multidimensional arrays implicitly during the function call
- Template Parameters
- Parameters
[in] | other | mdspan-implementing container |