Gromacs  2026.0-dev-20250215-e896270
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#include <string>
#include <vector>
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Declares functionality for deciding whether tasks will run on GPUs.

Mark Abraham


struct  gmx::DevelopmentFeatureFlags
 Structure that holds boolean flags corresponding to the development features present enabled through environment variables. More...


enum  gmx::TaskTarget : int { Auto, Cpu, Gpu }
 Record where a compute task is targetted.
enum  gmx::EmulateGpuNonbonded : bool { gmx::EmulateGpuNonbonded::No, gmx::EmulateGpuNonbonded::Yes }
 Help pass GPU-emulation parameters with type safety. More...


bool gmx::canUseGpusForNonbonded (const t_inputrec &ir, const bool doRerun, std::string *error)
bool gmx::decideWhetherToUseGpusForNonbondedWithThreadMpi (TaskTarget nonbondedTarget, bool haveAvailableDevices, const std::vector< int > &userGpuTaskAssignment, EmulateGpuNonbonded emulateGpuNonbonded, bool canUseNonbondedOnGpu, bool binaryReproducibilityRequested, int numRanksPerSimulation)
 Decide whether this thread-MPI simulation will run nonbonded tasks on GPUs. More...
bool gmx::decideWhetherToUseGpusForPmeWithThreadMpi (bool useGpuForNonbonded, TaskTarget pmeTarget, TaskTarget pmeFftTarget, int numDevicesToUse, const std::vector< int > &userGpuTaskAssignment, const t_inputrec &inputrec, int numRanksPerSimulation, int numPmeRanksPerSimulation)
 Decide whether this thread-MPI simulation will run PME tasks on GPUs. More...
bool gmx::decideWhetherToUseGpusForNonbonded (TaskTarget nonbondedTarget, const std::vector< int > &userGpuTaskAssignment, EmulateGpuNonbonded emulateGpuNonbonded, bool canUseNonbondedOnGpu, bool binaryReproducibilityRequested, bool gpusWereDetected)
 Decide whether the simulation will try to run nonbonded tasks on GPUs. More...
bool gmx::decideWhetherToUseGpusForPme (bool useGpuForNonbonded, TaskTarget pmeTarget, TaskTarget pmeFftTarget, const std::vector< int > &userGpuTaskAssignment, const t_inputrec &inputrec, int numRanksPerSimulation, int numPmeRanksPerSimulation, bool gpusWereDetected)
 Decide whether the simulation will try to run tasks of different types on GPUs. More...
PmeRunMode gmx::determinePmeRunMode (bool useGpuForPme, const TaskTarget &pmeFftTarget, const t_inputrec &inputrec)
 Determine PME run mode. More...
bool gmx::decideWhetherToUseGpusForBonded (bool useGpuForNonbonded, bool useGpuForPme, TaskTarget bondedTarget, const t_inputrec &inputrec, const gmx_mtop_t &mtop, int numPmeRanksPerSimulation, bool gpusWereDetected)
 Decide whether the simulation will try to run bonded tasks on GPUs. More...
bool gmx::decideWhetherToUseGpuForUpdate (bool isDomainDecomposition, bool useUpdateGroups, PmeRunMode pmeRunMode, bool havePmeOnlyRank, bool useGpuForNonbonded, TaskTarget updateTarget, bool gpusWereDetected, const t_inputrec &inputrec, const gmx_mtop_t &mtop, bool useEssentialDynamics, bool doOrientationRestraints, bool haveFrozenAtoms, bool useModularSimulator, bool doRerun, const gmx::MDLogger &mdlog)
 Decide whether to use GPU for update. More...
bool gmx::decideWhetherDirectGpuCommunicationCanBeUsed (gmx::GpuAwareMpiStatus mpiStatus, bool haveMts, bool useReplicaExchange, bool haveSwapCoords, const gmx::MDLogger &mdlog)
 Decide whether direct GPU communication can be used. More...
bool gmx::decideWhetherToUseGpuForHalo (bool havePPDomainDecomposition, bool useGpuForNonbonded, bool canUseDirectGpuComm, bool useModularSimulator, bool doRerun, bool haveEnergyMinimization, const gmx::MDLogger &mdlog)
 Decide whether to use GPU for halo exchange. More...