Directories | |
directory | tests |
Files | |
file | clfftinitializer.cpp |
Implements ClfftInitializer class. | |
file | clfftinitializer.h |
Declares ClfftInitializer class, which initializes and tears down the clFFT library resources in OpenCL builds, and does nothing in other builds, and a factory function for it. | |
file | device_context.cpp |
Implements the DeviceContext for CPU build. | |
file | device_context.h |
Declarations for DeviceContext class. | |
file | device_context_ocl.cpp |
Implements the DeviceContext for OpenCL. | |
file | device_context_sycl.cpp |
Implements the DeviceContext for SYCL builds. | |
file | device_event.h |
Declares DeviceEvent for all build configuraitons. | |
file | device_event_hip.h |
Implements a DeviceEvent class for HIP. | |
file | device_event_ocl.h |
Implements a DeviceEvent class for OpenCL. | |
file | device_event_sycl.h |
Implements a GpuEventSynchronizer class for SYCL. | |
file | device_stream.cpp |
Implements the DeviceStream for CPU builds. | |
file | device_stream.h |
Declarations for DeviceStream class. | |
file | device_stream_hip.cpp |
Implements the DeviceStream for HIP. | |
file | device_stream_manager.cpp |
Implements GPU stream manager. | |
file | device_stream_manager.h |
This file declares a manager of GPU context and streams needed for running workloads on GPUs. | |
file | device_stream_ocl.cpp |
Implements the DeviceStream for OpenCL. | |
file | device_stream_sycl.cpp |
Implements the DeviceStream for SYCL builds. | |
file | devicebuffer.h |
Implements the logic for handling of DeviceBuffer types in OpenCL, CUDA and SYCL. | |
file | devicebuffer_datatype.h |
Declares the DeviceBuffer data type. | |
file | devicebuffer_hip.h |
Implements the DeviceBuffer type and routines for HIP. Should only be included directly by the main DeviceBuffer file devicebuffer.h. TODO: the intent is for DeviceBuffer to become a class. | |
file | devicebuffer_ocl.h |
Implements the DeviceBuffer type and routines for OpenCL. Should only be included directly by the main DeviceBuffer file devicebuffer.h. TODO: the intent is for DeviceBuffer to become a class. | |
file | devicebuffer_sycl.cpp |
Implements the DeviceBuffer type and routines for SYCL. | |
file | devicebuffer_sycl.h |
Implements the DeviceBuffer type and routines for SYCL. Should only be included directly by the main DeviceBuffer file devicebuffer.h. TODO: the intent is for DeviceBuffer to become a class. | |
file | gmxopencl.h |
Wraps the complexity of including OpenCL in Gromacs. | |
file | gmxsycl.h |
Wraps the complexity of including SYCL in GROMACS. | |
file | gpu_kernel_utils.h |
NBNXM GPU kernel utility methods. | |
file | gpu_macros.h |
file | gpu_utils.cpp |
Function definitions for non-GPU builds. | |
file | gpu_utils.h |
Declare functions for detection and initialization for GPU devices. | |
file | gpu_utils_hip.cpp |
Define functions for detection and initialization for HIP devices. | |
file | gpu_utils_impl.cpp |
Function stubs for build types that don't implement methods. | |
file | gpueventsynchronizer.h |
Implements a GpuEventSynchronizer class. | |
file | gpueventsynchronizer_helpers.cpp |
Helper functions for a GpuEventSynchronizer class. | |
file | gpueventsynchronizer_helpers.h |
Helper functions for a GpuEventSynchronizer class. | |
file | gpuregiontimer.h |
Defines the GPU region timer implementation/wrapper classes. The implementations live in gpuregiontimer.cuh for CUDA and gpuregiontimer_ocl.h for OpenCL. | |
file | gpuregiontimer_hip.h |
Implements the GPU region timer for HIP. | |
file | gpuregiontimer_ocl.h |
Implements the GPU region timer for OpenCL. | |
file | gpuregiontimer_sycl.h |
Implements the GPU region timer for SYCL. | |
file | gputraits.h |
Declares the GPU type traits for non-GPU builds. | |
file | gputraits_hip.h |
Declares the HIP type traits. | |
file | gputraits_ocl.h |
Declares the OpenCL type traits. | |
file | gputraits_sycl.h |
Declares the SYCL type traits. | |
file | hip_kernel_utils.h |
HIP device util functions (callable from GPU kernels). | |
file | hip_sycl_kernel_utils.h |
Shared device methods for SYCL and HIP targets. | |
file | hiputils.h |
file | hostallocator.cpp |
Implements gmx::HostAllocationPolicy for allocating memory suitable for e.g. GPU transfers on CUDA. | |
file | hostallocator.h |
Declares gmx::HostAllocationPolicy, gmx::HostAllocator, gmx::HostVector and gmx::PaddedHostVector, which are used to make/be standard library containers that can allocate memory suitable for transfers. Currently the only supported transfers using pinned memory are to CUDA GPUs, but other possibilities exist in future. | |
file | nvshmem_utils.cpp |
Definitions for NVSHMEM initialization/finalize class. gmxNvshmemHandle takes the MPI communicator and initializes the NVSHMEM over all the ranks involved in the given MPI communicator. This is a collective call for all the ranks in the given MPI comm. After NVSHMEM initialization all NVSHMEM APIs can be safely used. | |
file | nvshmem_utils.h |
Declarations for NVSHMEM initialization/finalize class. gmxNvshmemHandle takes the MPI communicator and initializes the NVSHMEM over all the ranks involved in the given MPI communicator. This is a collective call for all the ranks in the given MPI comm. After NVSHMEM initialization all NVSHMEM APIs can be safely used. | |
file | ocl_caching.cpp |
Define infrastructure for OpenCL JIT compilation for Gromacs. | |
file | ocl_caching.h |
Declare infrastructure for managing caching of OpenCL JIT-ted binaries. | |
file | ocl_compiler.cpp |
Define infrastructure for OpenCL JIT compilation for Gromacs. | |
file | ocl_compiler.h |
Declare infrastructure for OpenCL JIT compilation. | |
file | oclraii.h |
Declare RAII helpers for OpenCL types, along with supporting type traits. | |
file | oclutils.cpp |
Define utility routines for OpenCL. | |
file | oclutils.h |
Declare utility routines for OpenCL. | |
file | pmalloc.cpp |
Define functions for host-side memory handling when using OpenCL devices or no GPU device. | |
file | pmalloc.h |
Declare functions for host-side memory handling. | |
file | pmalloc_hip.cpp |
Define functions for host-side memory handling when using AMD with HIP devices. | |
file | pmalloc_sycl.cpp |
Pinned memory allocation routines for SYCL. | |
file | sycl_kernel_utils.h |
SYCL kernel helper functions. | |
file | syclutils.h |
Declare utility routines for SYCL. | |
file | typecasts_cuda_hip.h |
Declare functions to be used to cast CPU types to compatible GPU types. | |
file | vectype_ops_cuda.h |
file | vectype_ops_cuda_base_math.h |
file | vectype_ops_cuda_hip_shared_declarations.h |
file | vectype_ops_cuda_hip_shared_trig_math.h |
file | vectype_ops_hip.h |
file | vectype_ops_hip_base_math.h |