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testutils Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for testutils:


file  cmdlinetest.h
 Declares utilities testing command-line programs.
file  conftest.h
 Declares function to add the content of a conf file to a checker.
file  filematchers.h
 Declares utility classes for testing file contents.
file  interactivetest.h
 Provides helper classes for testing interactive prompts.
file  loggertest.h
 Declares gmx::test::LoggerTestHelper.
file  mpitest.h
 Helper functions for MPI tests to make thread-MPI look like real MPI.
file  naming.h
 Functionality for customizing names of tests and the files containing their reference data in a declarative way.
file  refdata.h
 Functionality for writing tests that can produce their own reference data.
file  setenv.h
 Helper functions to have identical behavior of setenv and unsetenv on Unix and Windows systems.
file  simulationdatabase.h
 Functionality for testing whether calls to mdrun produce the same energy and force quantities when they should do so.
file  stdiohelper.h
 Declares gmx::test::StdioTestHelper.
file  stringtest.h
 Declares gmx::test::StringTestBase.
file  test_device.h
 Describes test environment class which performs GPU device enumeration for unit tests.
file  test_hardware_environment.h
 Describes test environment class which performs hardware enumeration for unit tests.
file  testasserts.h
 Extra assertions for unit tests.
file  testexceptions.h
 Exception classes for errors in tests.
file  testfilemanager.h
 Declares gmx::test::TestFileManager.
file  testfileredirector.h
 Declares generic mock implementations for interfaces in fileredirector.h.
file  testinit.h
 Functions for initialing GROMACS unit test executables.
file  testmatchers.h
 Extra GoogleMock matchers for unit tests.
file  testoptions.h
 Functions for accessing test command-line options.
file  textblockmatchers.h
 Declares utility classes for testing multi-line strings against reference data.
file  tprfilegenerator.h
 Helper for generating reusuable TPR files for tests within the same test binary.
file  trajectoryreader.h
 Declares interface of a class for tests that want to inspect trajectories produced by mdrun.
file  xvgtest.h
 Declares function to add the content of an xvg file to a checker.