Declares functions for handling distance restraints.
void | init_disres (FILE *fplog, const gmx_mtop_t &mtop, t_inputrec *ir, DisResRunMode disResRunMode, DDRole ddRole, NumRanks numRanks, MPI_Comm communicator, const gmx_multisim_t *ms, t_disresdata *disresdata, t_state *state, gmx_bool bIsREMD) |
| Initiates *disresdata. More...
void | calc_disres_R_6 (const t_commrec *cr, const gmx_multisim_t *ms, int nfa, const t_iatom *fa, const rvec *x, const t_pbc *pbc, t_disresdata *disresdata, const history_t *hist) |
| Calculates r and r^-3 (inst. and time averaged) for all pairs and the ensemble averaged r^-6 (inst. and time averaged) for all restraints.
real | ta_disres (int nfa, const t_iatom *forceatoms, const t_iparams *ip, const rvec *x, rvec4 *f, rvec *fshift, const t_pbc *pbc, real lambda, real *dvdlambda, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > charge, t_fcdata gmx_unused *fcd, t_disresdata *disresdata, t_oriresdata gmx_unused *oriresdata, int *global_atom_index) |
| Calculates the distance restraint forces, return the potential.
void | update_disres_history (const t_disresdata &disresdata, history_t *hist) |
| Copies the new time averages that have been calculated in calc_disres_R_6.