Here is a list of all documented file members with links to the documentation:
- c -
- c_binarySupportsGpus
: device_information.h
- c_bondedKernelFlavorStrings
: bonded.cpp
, bonded.h
- c_canEmbedBuffers
: gputraits_hip.h
, gputraits_ocl.h
, gputraits_sycl.h
- c_canSerializeDeviceInformation
: device_information.h
- c_checkTurnDlbOffInterval
: dlb.h
- c_checkTurnDlbOnInterval
: dlb.h
- c_comBufferStride
: pull_internal.h
- c_cudaFullWarpMask
: sycl_kernel_utils.h
- c_cylinderBufferStride
: pull_internal.h
- c_debugTimerState
: gpuregiontimer.h
- c_deviceStateString
: device_information.h
- c_gatherMaxWarpsPerBlock
: pme_gpu_constants.h
- c_maxBufSize
: symtab.cpp
- c_maxSpacingScaling
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- c_numFirstTuningIntervalSkip
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- c_numFirstTuningIntervalSkipWithSepPme
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- c_numPostSwitchTuningIntervalSkip
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- c_pbcTypeNames
: pbc.cpp
- c_pmeAtomDataBlockSize
: pme_gpu_internal.cpp
- c_pmeGpuOrder
: pme_gpu_constants.h
- c_probabilityCutoff
: replicaexchange.cpp
- c_pullGroupPbcMargin
: pull.h
- c_pullGroupSmallGroupThreshold
: pull.h
- c_pullMaxNumLocalAtomsSingleThreaded
: pull_internal.h
- c_skipNeutralAtoms
: pme_gpu_constants.h
- c_solveMaxWarpsPerBlock
: pme_gpu_constants.h
- c_spreadMaxWarpsPerBlock
: pme_gpu_constants.h
- c_startupTimeDelay
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- c_trimSize
: symtab.cpp
- c_useDelayedWait
: pme_pp.cpp
- c_virialAndEnergyCount
: pme_gpu_constants.h
- calc_bonded_reduction_mask()
: manage_threading.cpp
- calc_box_center()
: pbc.cpp
- calc_compact_unitcell_vertices()
: pbc.cpp
- calc_cumulatives()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- calc_disres_R_6()
: disre.h
- calc_ewaldcoeff_lj()
: ewald_utils.h
- calc_ewaldcoeff_q()
: ewald_utils.h
- calc_initial_lb_coeffs()
: pme.cpp
- calc_lll()
: ewald.cpp
- calc_next_lb_coeffs()
: pme.cpp
- calc_orires_dev()
: orires.h
- calc_pos_av_stddev()
: box.cpp
- calc_profile()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- calc_shifts()
: pbc.cpp
- calc_triclinic_images()
: pbc.cpp
- calc_z()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- calcBondedForces()
: listed_forces.cpp
- calcIntegratedAutocorrelationTimes()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- calcPositionRestraintForces()
: listed_forces.cpp
- calcQuasiHarmonicEntropy()
: thermochemistry.h
- calcRotationalEntropy()
: thermochemistry.h
- calcSchlitterEntropy()
: thermochemistry.h
- calcTranslationalEntropy()
: thermochemistry.h
- calculateAndStoreGridForces()
: pme_gather_sycl.cpp
- calculateSimpleBond()
: bonded.cpp
, bonded.h
- calculateSplines()
: pme_gpu_calculate_splines_sycl.h
- calcVibrationalHeatCapacity()
: thermochemistry.h
- calcVibrationalInternalEnergy()
: thermochemistry.h
- calcZeroPointEnergy()
: thermochemistry.h
- can_use_base()
: poscalc.cpp
- canPerformDeviceDetection()
: device_management.h
, device_management_common.cpp
: device_management_sycl_intel_device_ids.cpp
: selectionenums.h
: selectionenums.h
- change_dd_cutoff()
: domdec.h
- Channel
: md_enums.h
- ChannelHistory
: swapcoords.cpp
- ChannelString
: swapcoords.cpp
- check_atomtype()
: sm_simple.cpp
- check_box()
: pbc.cpp
- check_callbacks()
: selmethod.cpp
- check_charge()
: sm_simple.cpp
- check_index_consistency()
: partition.cpp
- check_link()
: makebondedlinks.cpp
- check_method()
: selmethod.cpp
- check_modifier()
: selmethod.cpp
- check_molecules()
: sm_simple.cpp
- check_multi_int()
: multisim.cpp
, multisim.h
- check_multi_int64()
: multisim.cpp
, multisim.h
- check_params()
: selmethod.cpp
- check_pdbinfo()
: sm_simple.cpp
- check_resource_division_efficiency()
: resourcedivision.h
, resourcedivision.cpp
- check_screw_box()
: utility.cpp
, utility.h
: parser_internal.h
- check_swap_groups()
: swapcoords.cpp
- checkAndUpdateHardwareOptions()
: resourcedivision.h
, resourcedivision.cpp
- checkAndUpdateRequestedNumOpenmpThreads()
: resourcedivision.h
, resourcedivision.cpp
- checkDevice()
: device_management_sycl.cpp
- checkDeviceBuffer()
: devicebuffer_hip.h
, devicebuffer_ocl.h
, devicebuffer_sycl.h
- checkDevicePairlistCompatible()
: device_management_hip.cpp
- checkDeviceStatus()
: device_management_hip.cpp
- checkForSeparatePmeRanks()
: domdec_setup.cpp
, domdec_setup.h
- checkForValidRankCountRequests()
: domdec_setup.cpp
, domdec_setup.h
- checkPendingDeviceErrorBetweenSteps()
: gpu_utils.h
, gpu_utils_hip.cpp
, gpu_utils_impl.cpp
- checkReactionCoordinateCovered()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- checkRequiredWarpSize()
: pme_gpu_program_impl_ocl.cpp
: gmxopencl.h
: basedefinitions.h
: basedefinitions.h
- clear_dd_cycle_counts()
: dlbtiming.h
- clear_pull_forces()
: pull.h
- clear_surface_points()
: sm_insolidangle.cpp
- clearCommSetupData()
: partition.cpp
- clearDDStateIndices()
: partition.cpp
- clearDeviceBufferAsync()
: devicebuffer_hip.h
, devicebuffer_ocl.h
, devicebuffer_sycl.h
- clearModificationBlock()
: hackblock.h
- close_symtab()
: symtab.h
- cmap_dihs()
: bonded.cpp
, bonded.h
: sm_compare.cpp
: sm_compare.cpp
- cmp_bool()
: compare.h
- cmp_double()
: compare.h
: sm_compare.cpp
: sm_compare.cpp
- cmp_float()
: compare.h
: sm_compare.cpp
: sm_compare.cpp
- cmp_int()
: compare.h
, sm_same.cpp
- cmp_int64()
: compare.h
: sm_compare.cpp
: sm_compare.cpp
: sm_compare.cpp
: sm_compare.cpp
- cmp_range()
: params.cpp
- cmp_real()
: compare.h
: sm_compare.cpp
: sm_compare.cpp
- cmp_str()
: sm_same.cpp
, compare.h
- cmp_uc()
: compare.h
- cmp_us()
: compare.h
- cmpEnum()
: compare.h
- CombinationRule
: md_enums.h
- combine_idef()
: localtopology.cpp
- comm_box_frac()
: domdec_setup.cpp
, domdec_setup.h
- comm_cost_est()
: domdec_setup.cpp
- comm_dd_ns_cell_sizes()
: partition.cpp
- comm_pme_cost_vol()
: domdec_setup.cpp
- CommandEvent
: gputraits_sycl.h
, gputraits_hip.h
, gputraits.h
, gputraits_ocl.h
- communicate_group_positions()
: groupcoord.h
- communicateGpuHaloCoordinates()
: domdec.h
- communicateGpuHaloForces()
: domdec.h
- comp_state()
: state.h
- compact_unitcell_edges()
: pbc.cpp
- comparison_type()
: sm_compare.cpp
- comparison_type_str()
: sm_compare.cpp
- Compartment
: md_enums.h
- compartment_contains_atom()
: swapcoords.cpp
- Compatible
: device_information.h
- complexConjugatMult()
: crosscorr.cpp
- CompStr
: swapcoords.cpp
- compute_factors_cbtdihs()
: restcbt.h
, restcbt.cpp
- compute_factors_restangles()
: restcbt.cpp
, restcbt.h
- compute_factors_restrdihs()
: restcbt.cpp
, restcbt.h
- computeAverageForce()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- computeEnergy()
: bonded.h
- computeEnergyOrVirial()
: bonded.h
- computeNumGlobalPerturbedExclusions()
: exclusionchecker.cpp
- computeVirial()
: bonded.h
- ComRemovalAlgorithm
: md_enums.h
- conrmsd_nm
: energyoutput.cpp
- Constant
: md_enums.h
- ConstraintAlgorithm
: md_enums.h
- constructGpuHaloExchange()
: domdec.h
: cstringutil.h
- continue_pme_loadbal()
: pme_load_balancing.cpp
- continuing()
: cstringutil.h
- convert_const_values()
: params.cpp
- convert_int_real()
: sm_compare.cpp
- convert_real_int()
: sm_compare.cpp
- convert_value()
: params.cpp
- convert_values()
: params.cpp
- convertOldToNewGroupFormat()
: swapcoords.cpp
- convertPmeGridToFftGrid()
: pme_gpu_grid_sycl.cpp
, pme_gpu_grid.h
, pme_gpu_ocl_stubs.cpp
, pme_gpu_grid.h
, pme_gpu_ocl_stubs.cpp
, pme_gpu_grid_sycl.cpp
- coordinates1000
: bench_coords.h
- copy_pullgrp_to_synthwindow()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- copyBetweenDeviceBuffers()
: devicebuffer_hip.h
, devicebuffer_ocl.h
, devicebuffer_sycl.h
- copyFromDeviceBuffer()
: devicebuffer_sycl.h
, devicebuffer_ocl.h
, devicebuffer_hip.h
- copyIndicesToGroup()
: swapcoords.cpp
- copyModificationBlocks()
: hackblock.h
- copyPreprocessResidues()
: hackblock.h
- copyToDeviceBuffer()
: devicebuffer_hip.h
, devicebuffer_sycl.h
, devicebuffer_ocl.h
- correct_box()
: pbc.cpp
- correct_box_elem()
: pbc.cpp
- cos_angle()
: listed_forces_gpu_internal_sycl.cpp
- CoulombInteractionType
: md_enums.h
- Count
: pme_gpu_constants.h
, md_enums.h
, bonded.h
, gpu_utils.h
, device_information.h
, device_stream.h
, device_information.h
: pme.h
- create_simple_base()
: poscalc.cpp
- create_subexpression_name()
: compiler.cpp
- create_synthetic_histo()
: gmx_wham.cpp
- cross_corr()
: crosscorr.h
, crosscorr.cpp
- cross_corr_low()
: crosscorr.cpp
- CutoffScheme
: md_enums.h