real | gmx::lincs_rmsd (const Lincs *lincsd) |
| Return the RMSD of the constraint.
static void | gmx::lincs_matrix_expand (const Lincs &lincsd, const Task &li_task, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > blcc, gmx::ArrayRef< real > rhs1, gmx::ArrayRef< real > rhs2, gmx::ArrayRef< real > sol) |
| Do a set of nrec LINCS matrix multiplications. More...
static void | gmx::lincs_update_atoms_noind (int ncons, gmx::ArrayRef< const AtomPair > atoms, real preFactor, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > fac, gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec > r, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > invmass, rvec *x) |
| Update atomic coordinates when an index is not required.
static void | gmx::lincs_update_atoms_ind (gmx::ArrayRef< const int > ind, gmx::ArrayRef< const AtomPair > atoms, real preFactor, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > fac, gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec > r, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > invmass, rvec *x) |
| Update atomic coordinates when an index is required.
static void | gmx::lincs_update_atoms (Lincs *li, int th, real preFactor, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > fac, gmx::ArrayRef< const gmx::RVec > r, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > invmass, rvec *x) |
| Update coordinates for atoms.
static void | gmx::do_lincsp (ArrayRefWithPadding< const RVec > xPadded, ArrayRefWithPadding< RVec > fPadded, ArrayRef< RVec > fp, t_pbc *pbc, Lincs *lincsd, int th, ArrayRef< const real > invmass, ConstraintVariable econq, bool bCalcDHDL, bool bCalcVir, tensor rmdf) |
| LINCS projection, works on derivatives of the coordinates.
static gmx_unused void | gmx::calc_dist_iter (int b0, int b1, gmx::ArrayRef< const AtomPair > atoms, const rvec *gmx_restrict xp, const real *gmx_restrict bllen, const real *gmx_restrict blc, const t_pbc *pbc, real wfac, real *gmx_restrict rhs, real *gmx_restrict sol, bool *bWarn) |
| Determine the distances and right-hand side for the next iteration.
static void | gmx::do_lincs (ArrayRefWithPadding< const RVec > xPadded, ArrayRefWithPadding< RVec > xpPadded, const matrix box, t_pbc *pbc, Lincs *lincsd, int th, ArrayRef< const real > invmass, const t_commrec *cr, bool bCalcDHDL, real wangle, bool *bWarn, real invdt, ArrayRef< RVec > vRef, bool bCalcVir, tensor vir_r_m_dr, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle) |
| Implements LINCS constraining.
static void | gmx::set_lincs_matrix_task (Lincs *li, Task *li_task, ArrayRef< const real > invmass, int *ncc_triangle, int *nCrossTaskTriangles) |
| Sets the elements in the LINCS matrix for task task.
static void | gmx::set_lincs_matrix (Lincs *li, ArrayRef< const real > invmass, real lambda) |
| Sets the elements in the LINCS matrix.
int | gmx::count_triangle_constraints (const InteractionLists &ilist, const ListOfLists< int > &at2con) |
| Counts the number of constraint triangles, i.e. triplets of atoms connected by three constraints. More...
static bool | gmx::more_than_two_sequential_constraints (const InteractionLists &ilist, const ListOfLists< int > &at2con) |
| Finds sequences of sequential constraints.
Lincs * | gmx::init_lincs (FILE *fplog, const gmx_mtop_t &mtop, int nflexcon_global, ArrayRef< const ListOfLists< int >> atomsToConstraintsPerMolType, bool bPLINCS, int nIter, int nProjOrder, ObservablesReducerBuilder *observablesReducerBuilder) |
| Initializes and returns the lincs data struct.
void | gmx::done_lincs (Lincs *li) |
| Destructs the lincs object when it is not nullptr.
static void | gmx::lincs_thread_setup (Lincs *li, int natoms) |
| Sets up the work division over the threads.
static void | gmx::assign_constraint (Lincs *li, int constraint_index, int a1, int a2, real lenA, real lenB, const ListOfLists< int > &at2con) |
| Assign a constraint.
static void | gmx::check_assign_connected (Lincs *li, gmx::ArrayRef< const int > iatom, const InteractionDefinitions &idef, bool bDynamics, int a1, int a2, const ListOfLists< int > &at2con) |
| Check if constraint with topology index constraint_index is connected to other constraints, and if so add those connected constraints to our task.
static void | gmx::check_assign_triangle (Lincs *li, gmx::ArrayRef< const int > iatom, const InteractionDefinitions &idef, bool bDynamics, int constraint_index, int a1, int a2, const ListOfLists< int > &at2con) |
| Check if constraint with topology index constraint_index is involved in a constraint triangle, and if so add the other two constraints in the triangle to our task.
static void | gmx::set_matrix_indices (Lincs *li, const Task &li_task, const ListOfLists< int > &at2con, bool bSortMatrix) |
| Sets matrix indices.
void | gmx::set_lincs (const InteractionDefinitions &idef, int numAtoms, ArrayRef< const real > invmass, real lambda, bool bDynamics, const t_commrec *cr, Lincs *li) |
| Initialize lincs stuff.
static void | gmx::lincs_warning (gmx_domdec_t *dd, ArrayRef< const RVec > x, ArrayRef< const RVec > xprime, t_pbc *pbc, int ncons, gmx::ArrayRef< const AtomPair > atoms, gmx::ArrayRef< const real > bllen, real wangle, int maxwarn, int *warncount) |
| Issues a warning when LINCS constraints cannot be satisfied.
static LincsDeviations | gmx::makeLincsDeviations (const Lincs &lincsd, ArrayRef< const RVec > x, const t_pbc *pbc) |
| Determine how well the constraints have been satisfied.
bool | gmx::constrain_lincs (bool computeRmsd, const t_inputrec &ir, int64_t step, Lincs *lincsd, ArrayRef< const real > invmass, const t_commrec *cr, const gmx_multisim_t *ms, ArrayRefWithPadding< const RVec > x, ArrayRefWithPadding< RVec > xprime, ArrayRef< RVec > min_proj, const matrix box, t_pbc *pbc, bool hasMassPerturbed, real lambda, real *dvdlambda, real invdt, ArrayRef< RVec > v, bool bCalcVir, tensor vir_r_m_dr, ConstraintVariable econq, t_nrnb *nrnb, int maxwarn, int *warncount, gmx_wallcycle *wcycle) |
| Applies LINCS constraints. More...