This file defines functions used by the domdec module while building topologies local to a domain.
- Author
- Berk Hess
static AtomInMolblock | atomInMolblockFromGlobalAtomnr (ArrayRef< const MolblockIndices > molblockIndices, const int globalAtomIndex) |
| Return global topology molecule information for global atom index i_gl .
static ArrayRef< const int > | add_ifunc_for_vsites (const gmx_ga2la_t &ga2la, const int nral, const bool isLocalVsite, const AtomIndexSet &atomIndexSet, ArrayRef< const int > iatoms, InteractionList *il) |
| Store a vsite at the end of il , returns an array with parameter and atom indices. More...
static void | add_posres (int mol, int a_mol, int numAtomsInMolecule, const gmx_molblock_t &molb, gmx::ArrayRef< int > iatoms, const t_iparams *ip_in, InteractionDefinitions *idef) |
| Store a position restraint in idef and iatoms, complex because the parameters are different for each entry.
static void | add_fbposres (int mol, int a_mol, int numAtomsInMolecule, const gmx_molblock_t &molb, gmx::ArrayRef< int > iatoms, const t_iparams *ip_in, InteractionDefinitions *idef) |
| Store a flat-bottomed position restraint in idef and iatoms, complex because the parameters are different for each entry.
static void | add_vsite (const gmx_ga2la_t &ga2la, const reverse_ilist_t &reverseIlist, const int ftype, const int nral, const bool isLocalVsite, const AtomIndexSet &atomIndexSet, ArrayRef< const int > iatoms, InteractionDefinitions *idef) |
| Store a virtual site interaction, complex because of PBC and recursion.
static real | dd_dist2 (const t_pbc *pbc_null, ArrayRef< const RVec > coordinates, const int i, const int j) |
| Returns the squared distance between atoms i and j .
static void | combine_idef (InteractionDefinitions *dest, gmx::ArrayRef< const thread_work_t > src) |
| Append t_idef structures 1 to nsrc in src to *dest.
template<bool haveSingleDomain> |
static int | assignInteractionsForAtom (const AtomIndexSet &atomIndexSet, const reverse_ilist_t &reverseIlist, const gmx_ga2la_t &ga2la, const gmx::DomdecZones &zones, const bool gmx_unused checkDistanceMultiBody, const ivec gmx_unused rcheck, const bool gmx_unused checkDistanceTwoBody, const real gmx_unused cutoffSquared, const t_pbc gmx_unused *pbc_null, ArrayRef< const RVec > gmx_unused coordinates, InteractionDefinitions *idef, const int iz, const DDBondedChecking ddBondedChecking) |
| Determine whether the local domain has responsibility for any of the bonded interactions for local atom atomIndex and assign those to the local domain. More...
static int | assignPositionRestraintsForAtom (const AtomIndexSet &atomIndexSet, const int moleculeIndex, const int numAtomsInMolecule, const reverse_ilist_t &reverseIlist, const gmx_molblock_t &molb, const t_iparams *ip_in, InteractionDefinitions *idef) |
| Determine whether the local domain has responsibility for any of the position restraints for local atom atomIndex and assign those to the local domain. More...
template<bool haveSingleDomain> |
static int | make_bondeds_zone (const gmx_reverse_top_t &rt, ArrayRef< const int > globalAtomIndices, const gmx_ga2la_t &ga2la, const gmx::DomdecZones &zones, const std::vector< gmx_molblock_t > &molb, const bool checkDistanceMultiBody, const ivec rcheck, const bool checkDistanceTwoBody, const real cutoffSquared, const t_pbc *pbc_null, ArrayRef< const RVec > coordinates, const t_iparams *ip_in, InteractionDefinitions *idef, int izone, const gmx::Range< int > &atomRange) |
| This function looks up and assigns bonded interactions for zone iz. More...
template<bool haveSingleDomain> |
static void | make_exclusions_zone (ArrayRef< const int > globalAtomIndices, const gmx_ga2la_t &ga2la, const gmx::DomdecZones &zones, ArrayRef< const MolblockIndices > molblockIndices, const std::vector< gmx_moltype_t > &moltype, gmx::ArrayRef< const int32_t > atomInfo, ListOfLists< int > *lexcls, int iz, int at_start, int at_end, const gmx::ArrayRef< const int > intermolecularExclusionGroup) |
| Set the exclusion data for i-zone iz .
static int | make_local_bondeds_excls (const gmx_domdec_t &dd, const gmx::DomdecZones &zones, const gmx_mtop_t &mtop, ArrayRef< const int32_t > atomInfo, const bool checkDistanceMultiBody, const ivec rcheck, const gmx_bool checkDistanceTwoBody, const real cutoff, const t_pbc *pbc_null, ArrayRef< const RVec > coordinates, InteractionDefinitions *idef, ListOfLists< int > *lexcls) |
| Generate and store all required local bonded interactions in idef and local exclusions in lexcls . More...
int | dd_make_local_top (const gmx_domdec_t &dd, const gmx::DomdecZones &zones, int npbcdim, matrix box, rvec cellsize_min, const ivec npulse, t_forcerec *fr, ArrayRef< const RVec > coordinates, const gmx_mtop_t &mtop, gmx::ArrayRef< const int32_t > atomInfo, gmx_localtop_t *ltop) |