= {
{ AwhOutputEntryType::MetaData, Normalization::None },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::CoordValue, Normalization::Coordinate },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::Pmf, Normalization::FreeEnergy },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::Bias, Normalization::FreeEnergy },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::Visits, Normalization::Distribution },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::Weights, Normalization::Distribution },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::Target, Normalization::Distribution },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::SharedForceCorrelationVolume, Normalization::Distribution },
{ AwhOutputEntryType::SharedFrictionTensor, Normalization::None }
Map the output entry type to a normalization type.
The data is written to energy file blocks in the order given by the iterator of this map, which is based on the enum value (and matches the order of the lines below).