constexpr int | numAtomsInMolecule = 3 |
| The number of atoms in a molecule.
constexpr int | typeO = 0 |
| The atom type of the oxygen atom.
constexpr int | typeHWithLJ = 1 |
| The atom type of a hydrogen atom with LJ.
constexpr int | typeHWithoutLJ = 2 |
| The atom type of a hydrogen atom without LJ.
constexpr real | chargeO = -0.8476 |
| The charge of the oxygen atom.
constexpr real | chargeH = 0.4238 |
| The charge of the hydrogen atom.
constexpr real | sigmaO = 0.316557 |
| The LJ sigma parameter of the Oxygen atom.
constexpr real | epsilonO = 0.650194 |
| The LJ epsilon parameter of the Oxygen atom.
constexpr real | sigmaH = 0.04 |
| The LJ sigma parameter of Hydrogen atoms with LJ.
constexpr real | epsilonH = 0.192464 |
| The LJ epsilon parameter Hydrogen atoms with LJ.