static void | gmx::init_ewald_coulomb_force_table (const EwaldCorrectionTables &tables, NBParamGpu *nbp, const DeviceContext &deviceContext, const DeviceStream &deviceStream) |
static bool | gmx::useTabulatedEwaldByDefault (const DeviceInformation &deviceInfo) |
static ElecType | gmx::nbnxn_gpu_pick_ewald_kernel_type (const interaction_const_t &ic, const DeviceInformation &deviceInfo) |
static void | gmx::set_cutoff_parameters (NBParamGpu *nbp, const interaction_const_t &ic, const PairlistParams &listParams) |
static void | gmx::init_timings (gmx_wallclock_gpu_nbnxn_t *t) |
static void | gmx::initAtomdataFirst (NBAtomDataGpu *atomdata, int numTypes, const DeviceContext &deviceContext, const DeviceStream &localStream) |
| Initialize atomdata first time; it only gets filled at pair-search.
static VdwType | gmx::nbnxmGpuPickVdwKernelType (const interaction_const_t &ic, LJCombinationRule ljCombinationRule) |
static ElecType | gmx::nbnxmGpuPickElectrostaticsKernelType (const interaction_const_t &ic, const DeviceInformation &deviceInfo) |
static void | gmx::initNbparam (NBParamGpu *nbp, const interaction_const_t &ic, const PairlistParams &listParams, const nbnxn_atomdata_t::Params &nbatParams, const DeviceContext &deviceContext, const DeviceStream &localStream) |
| Initialize the nonbonded parameter data structure.
static GpuPairlistByLocality | gmx::initializeGpuLists (bool localAndNonLocal) |
NbnxmGpu * | gmx::gpu_init (const DeviceStreamManager &deviceStreamManager, const interaction_const_t *ic, const PairlistParams &listParams, const nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbat, const bool bLocalAndNonlocal) |
void | gmx::gpu_pme_loadbal_update_param (nonbonded_verlet_t *nbv, const interaction_const_t &ic) |
void | gmx::gpu_upload_shiftvec (NbnxmGpu *nb, const nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbatom) |
void | gmx::gpu_init_pairlist (NbnxmGpu *nb, const NbnxnPairlistGpu *h_plist, const InteractionLocality iloc) |
| This function is documented in the header file.
void | gmx::gpu_init_atomdata (NbnxmGpu *nb, const nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbat) |
void | gmx::gpu_clear_outputs (NbnxmGpu *nb, bool computeVirial) |
gmx_wallclock_gpu_nbnxn_t * | gmx::gpu_get_timings (NbnxmGpu *nb) |
| This function is documented in the header file.
void | gmx::gpu_reset_timings (nonbonded_verlet_t *nbv) |
| This function is documented in the header file.
bool | gmx::gpu_is_kernel_ewald_analytical (const NbnxmGpu *nb) |
void | gmx::setupGpuShortRangeWorkLow (NbnxmGpu *nb, const ListedForcesGpu *listedForcesGpu, const InteractionLocality iLocality) |
bool | gmx::haveGpuShortRangeWork (const NbnxmGpu *nb, const InteractionLocality interactionLocality) |
void | gmx::gpu_launch_cpyback (NbnxmGpu *nb, struct nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbatom, const StepWorkload &stepWork, const AtomLocality atomLocality) |
| Launch asynchronously the download of nonbonded forces from the GPU (and energies/shift forces if required).
void | gmx::nbnxnInsertNonlocalGpuDependency (NbnxmGpu *nb, const InteractionLocality interactionLocality) |
void | gmx::gpu_copy_xq_to_gpu (NbnxmGpu *nb, const nbnxn_atomdata_t *nbatom, const AtomLocality atomLocality) |
| Launch asynchronously the xq buffer host to device copy.
void | gmx::nbnxn_gpu_init_x_to_nbat_x (const GridSet &gridSet, NbnxmGpu *gpu_nbv) |
void | gmx::gpu_free (NbnxmGpu *nb) |
| This function is documented in the header file.
NBAtomDataGpu * | gmx::gpuGetNBAtomData (NbnxmGpu *nb) |
DeviceBuffer< RVec > | gmx::gpu_get_f (NbnxmGpu *nb) |