Data management and kernel launch functions for nbnxm sycl.
static void | gmx::launchSciSortOnGpu (GpuPairlist *plist, const int maxWorkGroupSize, const DeviceStream &deviceStream) |
void | gmx::gpu_launch_kernel_pruneonly (NbnxmGpu *nb, const InteractionLocality iloc, const int numParts) |
| Launch the pairlist prune only kernel for the given locality. numParts tells in how many parts, i.e. calls the list will be pruned.
void | gmx::gpu_launch_kernel (NbnxmGpu *nb, const gmx::StepWorkload &stepWork, const InteractionLocality iloc) |
| Launch GPU kernel. More...
template<int workGroupSize, int nElements> |
static auto | gmx::nbnxnKernelExclusivePrefixSum (const int *__restrict__ gm_input, int *__restrict__ gm_output) |
| SYCL exclusive prefix sum kernel for list sorting. More...
static auto | gmx::nbnxnKernelBucketSciSort (const nbnxn_sci_t *__restrict__ gm_sci, const int *__restrict__ gm_sciCount, int *__restrict__ gm_sciOffset, nbnxn_sci_t *__restrict__ gm_sciSorted) |
| SYCL bucket sci sort kernel. More...
template<int workGroupSize> |
static void | gmx::launchPrefixSumKernel (sycl::queue &q, GpuPairlistSorting *sorting) |
static void | gmx::launchBucketSortKernel (sycl::queue &q, GpuPairlist *plist) |