void | gmx::make_shake_sblock_serial (shakedata *shaked, InteractionDefinitions *idef, int numAtoms) |
| Make SHAKE blocks when not using DD.
void | gmx::make_shake_sblock_dd (shakedata *shaked, const InteractionList &ilcon) |
| Make SHAKE blocks when using DD.
bool | gmx::constrain_shake (FILE *log,shakedata *shaked,gmx::ArrayRef< const real > invmass,const InteractionDefinitions &idef,const t_inputrec &ir,ArrayRef< const RVec > x_s,ArrayRef< RVec > xprime,ArrayRef< RVec > vprime,const t_pbc *pbc,t_nrnb *nrnb,real lambda,real *dvdlambda,real invdt,ArrayRef< RVec > v,bool bCalcVir,tensor vir_r_m_dr,bool bDumpOnError,ConstraintVariable econq) |
| Shake all the atoms blockwise. It is assumed that all the constraints in the idef->shakes field are sorted, to ascending block nr. The sblock array points into the idef->shakes.iatoms field, with block 0 starting at sblock[0] and running to ( < ) sblock[1], block n running from sblock[n] to sblock[n+1]. Array sblock should be large enough. Return TRUE when OK, FALSE when shake-error.
void | gmx::cshake (const int iatom[], int ncon, int *nnit, int maxnit, ArrayRef< const real > constraint_distance_squared, ArrayRef< RVec > positions, const t_pbc *pbc, ArrayRef< const RVec > initial_displacements, ArrayRef< const real > half_of_reduced_mass, real omega, ArrayRef< const real > invmass, ArrayRef< const real > distance_squared_tolerance, ArrayRef< real > scaled_lagrange_multiplier, int *nerror) |
| Inner kernel for SHAKE constraints. More...