Implements test of bonded force routines.
- Todo:
- We should re-work this. For example, a harmonic bond has so few computations that force components should be accurate to a small and computed relative error.
- Author
- David van der Spoel
constexpr int | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_numAtoms = 4 |
| Number of atoms used in these tests.
std::vector< iListInput > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_InputBonds |
| Function types for testing bonds. Add new terms at the end. More...
const real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::cQuarticAngles [5] = { 1.1, 2.3, 4.6, 7.8, 9.2 } |
| Constants for Quartic Angles.
std::vector< iListInput > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_InputAngles |
| Function types for testing angles. Add new terms at the end. More...
const real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::rbcA [NR_RBDIHS] = { -5.35, 13.6, 8.4, -16.7, 0.3, 12.4 } |
| Constants for Ryckaert-Bellemans A.
const real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::rbcB [NR_RBDIHS] = { -6.35, 12.6, 8.1, -10.7, 0.9, 15.4 } |
| Constants for Ryckaert-Bellemans B.
const real | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::rbc [NR_RBDIHS] = { -7.35, 13.6, 8.4, -16.7, 1.3, 12.4 } |
| Constants for Ryckaert-Bellemans without FEP.
std::vector< iListInput > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_InputDihs |
| Function types for testing dihedrals. Add new terms at the end. More...
std::vector< iListInput > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_InputPols |
| Function types for testing polarization. Add new terms at the end. More...
std::vector< iListInput > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_InputRestraints |
| Function types for testing polarization. Add new terms at the end. More...
std::vector< iListInput > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_InputBondsZeroLength |
| Function types for testing bond with zero length, has zero reference length to make physical sense. More...
std::vector< iListInput > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_InputAnglesZeroAngle |
| Function types for testing angles with zero angle, has zero reference angle to make physical sense. More...
std::vector< PaddedVector< RVec > > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_coordinatesForTests |
| Coordinates for testing. More...
std::vector< PaddedVector< RVec > > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_coordinatesForTestsZeroBondLength |
| Coordinates for testing bonds with zero length. More...
std::vector< PaddedVector< RVec > > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_coordinatesForTestsZeroAngle |
| Coordinates for testing bonds with zero length. More...
std::vector< PbcType > | gmx::test::anonymous_namespace{bonded.cpp}::c_pbcForTests = { PbcType::No, PbcType::XY, PbcType::Xyz } |
| PBC values for testing.